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7th Annual 3Rs Symposium: Practical Solutions and Success Stories

The following videos are selected presentations focusing on practical solutions and success stories using 3Rs (replacement, reduction, and refinement of animal use) methods and technologies. Topics include minibrain organoids, grimace scales, PRIMatE data exchange, using pets in research, rodent and pig handling, and PREPARE guidelines among other topics. The 2020 Symposium on Practical Solutions and Success Stories playlist can be viewed on YouTube(link is external) or as individual videos below.

The 2020 Symposium was held virtually and co-hosted by:

  • USDA, NAL, Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC)
  • NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW)
  • Johns Hopkins Department of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology
  • Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT)

Organizer’s Welcome

Speakers: Kristina Adams, USDA, AWIC; Patricia Brown, NIH, OLAW; Kathrin Herrmann, Johns Hopkins CAAT; and Eric Hutchinson, Johns Hopkins Department of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology

Beyond Zoonoses: The Crucial Connection Between Humans, Animal And Non-Communicable Diseases 

Speaker: Barbara Natterson-Horowitz, University of California, Los Angeles

Minibrain Organoids

Speaker: Helena Hogberg, Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing

Grimace Scale Panel

Speakers:  Anne Burrows, Duquesne University and Dale Langford, University of Washington

Grimace Scale Panel - Part 2

Speakers: Anne Burrows, Duquesne University and Dale Langford, University of Washington

The Center for Open Science: Openness, Integrity, and Reproducibility of Research 

Speaker: Cynthia (Cyndy) Parr, USDA National Agricultural Library

The PRIMatE Data Exchange: An Open Science Resource for Non-human Primate Imaging 

Speaker: Michael Milham, Child Mind Institute

Innovative Models in Biomedical Research: A Literature Review

Speaker: Laura Gribaldo, European Commission's Joint Research Center

How Dogs are Helping Us Understand Cancer

Speaker: Amy LeBlanc, NIH, National Cancer Institute

Image Guided Animal Therapy

Speaker: Dara Kraitchman, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Practical Solutions: Panel Q&A

Speakers: Amy LeBlanc, NIH, National Cancer Institute and Dara Kraitchman, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine 

State of the Art Rodent Handling: Can a Little Time Go a Long Way for Welfare? 

Speaker: Brianna N. Gaskill, Purdue University

Mouse Handling Limits the Impact of Stress on Metabolic Endpoints

Speaker: Parinaz Mahbod, University of Cincinnati

Panel Q&A -- Rodent Handling

Speakers: Parinaz Mahbod, University of Cincinnati and Brianna N. Gaskill, Purdue University

Behavioral Training as Part of the Health Care Program

Speaker: Steven Schapiro, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Pig Handling

Speaker: Derek Brocksmith, Sinclair Bio Resources

Hydrophobic Sand as an Alternative to Metabolic Cages

Speaker: Jessica Hoffman, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute

Panel Q & A - Day 2 Schapiro, Brocksmith, Hoffman

Speakers: Steven Schapiro, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center; Derek Brocksmith, Sinclair Bio Resources; and Jessica Hoffman, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute

Refinement WIKI and International Culture of Care Network

Speaker: Adrian Smith, Norecopa

PREPARE Guidelines

Speaker: Adrian Smith, Norecopa

Improving Design and Reporting Animal Experiments: Experimental Design Assistant/ARRIVE Guidelines 

Speaker: Nathalie Percie du Sert, National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research

NINDS/NIH Approach to Rigor and Transparency

Speaker: Shai Silberberg, NIH, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Q&A Hot Topics: Best Data from Design to Publish

Speakers: Adrian Smith, Norecopa; Nathalie Percie du Sert, National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research; and Shai Silberberg, NIH, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

These presentations are being hosted by the Animal Welfare Information Center, a service of The National Agricultural Library. Staff did not edit or otherwise modify the original materials. The views expressed in the presentations do not necessarily reflect the policies of the National Agricultural Library or the United States Department of Agriculture.

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