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9th Annual 3Rs Symposium: Collaboration to Improve Animal Welfare and Rigorous Results

The following videos are selected presentations focusing on 3Rs (replacement, reduction, and refinement of animal use) methods to improve laboratory animal welfare while maintaining or improving scientific results. Topics include mixed strain housing, best animal models for disease research, adoption programs, and collaborating to solve animal welfare issues among other topics. The 2022 Symposium playlist on Collaboration to Improve Animal Welfare and Rigorous Results can be viewed on YouTube(link is external) or as individual videos below.

The 2022 Symposium was held virtually and co-hosted by:

  • USDANAL, Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC)
  • NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW)
  • Johns Hopkins Department of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology
  • Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT)

The Role of the 3Rs and the 3Vs in the Ethical Evaluation of Animal Research

Speaker: Hanno Würbel, University of Bern

How Wild Mice Make Better Models for Immune System Research

Full Presentation Title: How Wild Mouse Gut Microbiota Promote Host Fitness & Makes a Better Model for Immune System Research

Speaker: Stephan Rosshart, University Medical Center Freiburg

Refining and Reducing Animal Use through Mixed-Strain Housing of Laboratory Mice

Full Presentation Title: Refining Animal Husbandry and Reducing Animal Numbers through Mixed-Strain Housing of Laboratory Mice

Speaker: Mike Walker, Canadian Council on Animal Care

Mouse Models for Infectious Disease Studies: The Collaborative Cross Project and Outbred Strains

Speaker: Mark Heise, University of North Carolina

FDA & Research Animal Adoption

Speaker: Robert Gump, United States Food & Drug Administration

What Happens After Research? Discussion of Adoption Programs at the VA.

Speaker: Alice Huang, Department of Veterans Affairs

Adopting Research Animals from a Large Academic Institution

Speaker: Jess Izzi, Johns Hopkins University A Decade of 3Rs Reorientation in Developing Countries

Speaker: Francis Fakoya, founder of ACURET and member of ICLAS Africa Regional Committee

Animal Welfare and the 3 R’s in Latin America

Speaker: Ekaterina Rivera, vice president of FESSACAL and secretary-general of ICLAS America Regional Committee

International Collaborations to Solve Local Animal Welfare Issues

Speaker: Ouajdi Souilem, Tunisian national member of ICLAS, chair of ICLAS Africa Regional Committee, and president of Ethical Committee on Animal Experimentation

International Collaborations to Improve Animal Welfare and Scientific Rigor in Asia

Full Presentation Title: Success Stories – AAALAC International: International Collaborations to Improve Animal Welfare and Scientific Rigor in Asia

Speaker: Montip Gettayacamin, senior director for Southeast Asia AAALAC International

3Rs Self-Assessment Tools for Research Groups and Institutions

Speaker: Jessica Eddy, National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research

ICCVAM Interagency Initiatives on Consideration and Validation of Alternative Methods

Speaker: Nicole Kleinstreuer, NIH National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Refined Handling for Mice

Speaker: Donna L. Goldsteen, National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research

These presentations are being hosted by the Animal Welfare Information Center, a service of The National Agricultural Library. Staff did not edit or otherwise modify the original materials. The views expressed in the presentations do not necessarily reflect the policies of the National Agricultural Library or the United States Department of Agriculture.

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