This is a collection of publications, covering the years, 1899-1979 relating to poultry - filed by specific categories of poultry husbandry, and contains bulletins, circulars, pamphlets or booklets published by the USDA, State Experiment Stations, Extension Service, trade magazines, commercial companies and foreign universities or governments.
This material is arranged by various segments of the poultry industry, including diseases (bacteria, virus, parasites, etc.), nutrition (cereal grains, forage crops, protein, vitamins, by-products, etc.), management, economics and merchandising. Application of genetics for egg and meat-type chickens and turkeys is also covered.
The sanitation of hatchery buildings and incubators, as well as total housing equipment used in poultry production is part of the collection.
Numerous publications on backyard poultry flocks should prove helpful for the small exhibition and backyard poultry growers.