USDA History Collection
Series I, subseries 2. Documentary Files, 1907-1982 (bulk 1939-1949)
CONTAINER LIST | Scope and Content Note || Collection Map
- Section I: Interwar Agricultural Distress
- Section II: The U.S. at War
- Section III: Policies to Achieve Production
- Section IV: Integration of Production and Price Policies
- Section V: Special Commodities Problems
- Section VI: Distribution of Products
- Section VII: Fostering Western Hemispheric Integration
- Section VIII: Farm and Rural Community Life
- Section IX: USDA Administration
- Section X: Special War Services of USDA
- Section XI: Technological Invention and Acceleration
- Section XII: Postwar Adjustments
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Outline: "The War and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, August 1939-1949."
Review of Food Administration in World War II and Related Material; Chapters I-XII. 1950.
Review of Food Administration in World War II and Related Material; Chapters XIII-XVIII. 1950.
I. Background of Conditions in Agriculture prior to World War I. 1939-1947
I A. Inter-war agricultural distress [in Europe and the United States]. 1940-1943
I A1. The American agricultural situation in its world setting, pre-WWII. 1939-1945
I A1a. Agricultural self-sufficiency in Europe, pre-WWII. 1942-1944
I A1b. Effects of European self-sufficiency on American agriculture, pre-WWII. 1939-1940, 1946
I A2. Efforts at adjustment, pre-WWII. 1939-1946
I A2a. Production and markets, pre-WWII. 1940, 1946
I A2a(1) The McNary-Haugen bills. 1939-1948
I A2a(2) The Farm Board. 1939-1948
I A2a(3) The early Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA). 1933-1946
I A2a(3) The early Agricultural Adjustment Administration. 1939-1948
I A2a(3)(a) Agricultural Adjustment Administration. 1933-1935, 1942
I A2a(4) Soil conservation and ever-normal granary objectives, pre-WWII. 1939-1948, 1976
I A2a(5) Consumer and nutrition objectives. 1939-March 1942
I A2a(5) Consumer and nutrition objectives. April 1942-1946
I A2a(5)(a) Consumers' Counsel of Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA). 1939-May 1941
I A2a(5)(a) Consumers' Counsel of Agricultural Adjustment Administration. June 1941-1947
I A2a(5)(b) Food stamp program. 1940-September 1942
I A2a(5)(b) Food stamp program. October 1942-1943
I A2a(6) New industrial uses of farm and forest products. 1942
I A2a(7) Domestic allotment. December 1944-1947
I A2a(7) Domestic allotment. 1946-1947
I A2a(8) Export debenture, pre-WWII. 1936
I A2a(9) Other relief proposals, pre-WWII. 1939-1940
I A2b. Credit facilities. 1941-1946
I A2b(1) Credit facilities, Farm Credit Administration (FCA). 1939-1948
I A2b(2) Credit facilities, Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC). 1942-1946
I A2b(3) Credit facilities, Farm Security Administration (FSA). 1936-1946
I A2b(4) Credit facilities, Rural Electrification Administration (REA). 1939-1946
I A2c. Rural social adjustment. 1942-1943
I A2c(1) Rural social adjustment, Farm Security Administration (FSA). 1939-1946
I A2c(2) Rural social adjustment, Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC). 1943-1946
I A2c(3) Rural social adjustment, Rural Electrification Administration (REA). 1940-1948
I A2d. Anticipation of changed world setting. 1942
I A2d(2) Neutrality Acts of 1935-1939. 1939-1941
I A2d(3) International commodity agreements. 1939-1947
I A2d(4) Wallace, Henry A., and hemispheric policy. 1939-1947
I A3. Conservation of natural resources. 1940-1947
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I A3a. Soil conservation, Great plains. 1939-1944
I A3a. Soil conservation, Great plains. 1940-1950
I A3a. Soil conservation, Great plains, Conversion of plains. 1940-1945
I A3a. Soil conservation, Great plains, "Report of Subcommittee of Northern and Southern ...." 1944
I A3a. Soil conservation, Great plains, "Restoration Land Phase ...." 1938, 1956
I A3b. Conservation, Forests. 1939-1948
I A3c. Conservation, Water. 1939-November 1940
I A3c. Conservation, Water. December 1940-1946
I B. World War II and USDA response/adjustments. 1938-October 1939
I B. World War II and USDA response/adjustments. November 1939-1944
I B1. Accentuation of existing problems. 1939-February 1940
I B1. Accentuation of existing problems. March 1940-1941
I B1a. Curtailment of markets: blockade, embargo, neutrality laws. 1939-April 1940
I B1a. Curtailment of markets: blockade, embargo, neutrality laws. May 1940-1943
I B1b. Foreign demands. 1917, 1934-April 1940
I B1b. Foreign demands. May 1940-1943
I B1c. Price fluctuations. 1939-1941
I B1d. Department response. 1939-1941
I B1d(1) Secretary's Advisory Council. 1939-1944
I B1d(2) Outlook analyses. 1931-1945
I B1d(2) Outlook analyses. 1935-1938
I B1d(3) Export subsidies. 1935-1946
I B1d(4) Rising interest in hemispheric policy. 1940-1943
I B1d(4)(a) Latin American Relations Committee. 1940-1941
I B1d(5) Plans for government organization and programs. 1937-September 1938
I B1d(5) Plans for government organization and programs. October 1938-1941
I B1d(5) Plans for government organization and programs, Memorandum to the President. 1938
I B2. The Defense Program. 1940
I B2. The Defense Program. 1941-1943
I B2a. Spread of the war. 1940-1944
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I B2b. Aid to the victims of aggressors. 1939-1941
I B2b. Aid to the victims of aggressors. 1941-1946
I B2c. New problems of American agriculture, "Food for Freedom." 1940-January 1941
I B2c. New problems of American agriculture, "Food for Freedom." February-April 1941
I B2c. New problems of American agriculture, "Food for Freedom." May-July 1941
I B2c. New problems of American agriculture, "Food for Freedom." August-November 1941
I B2c. New problems of American agriculture, "Food for Freedom." December 1941-1946
I B2c. New problems of American agriculture, "Food for Freedom," Survey of food needs. 1941
I B2c. New problems of American agriculture, "Food for Freedom," New Provisions. 1941
I B2c(1) Supplies to other countries and U.S. territories. 1940-March 1941
I B2c(1) Supplies to other countries and U.S. territories. April 1941-1944
I B2c(1) Supplies to other countries and U.S. territories, clippings. 1939-1943
I B2c(2) Replacement of materials (research on domestic development and stockpiles). 1935-1945
I B2c(3) Shifts in production. 1939-1944
I B2c(4) Price support. 1940-1944
I B2d. New organizations. 1941
I B2d(1) National Defense Advisory Commission. 1939-October 1940
I B2d(1) National Defense Advisory Commission. November-December 1940
I B2d(1) National Defense Advisory Commission. 1941-1945
I B2d(1) National Defense Advisory Commission, Consumer credit. 1941
I B2d(1) National Defense Advisory Commission, Livingston Committee on food. 1940-1941
I B2d(2) Selective Service. 1941-1948
I B2d(3) Lend-lease. 1940-February 1941
I B2d(3) Lend-lease. March-July 1941
I B2d(3) Lend-lease. August 1941-1947
I B2d(3) Lend-lease, excerpts from Secretary's reports. 1941-1945
I B2d(4) Office of Agricultural Defense Relations (OADR). 1941-1944
I B2d(5) Agricultural Defense Boards. 1940-1944
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II. The United States at war. 1941-1946
II A. The United States at war, The scope of the problem. 1941-1944
II A2. Limitations on shipping. 1942-1943
II A3. Reduction or loss of foreign supplies. 1941-1943
II A4. War industrial demands on manpower supplies. 1941-1943
II A5. Redefinition of agricultural objectives and programs. 1940-1944
II A5a. Emphasis on small farm production. 1940-1948
II B The organization of USDA. 1940-1948
II B1. December 1941 reorganization. 1941-1945
II B2. Bureau of Agricultural Economics (BAE). 1939-1945
II B3. Office for Agricultural War Relations. 1941-1946
II B4. The Agricultural Marketing Administration (AMA) and lend-lease. 1942-April 1943
II B4. The Agricultural Marketing Administration and lend-lease. May 1943-1947, 1955
II B5. The Forest Service. 1942-1948
II B6. The Secretary's Office, the Advisory Council, and the War Board. 1941-1942
II B7. The evolution of the production goals program. 1940-September 1941
II B7. The evolution of the production goals program. October 1941-July 1942
II B7. The evolution of the production goals program. August 1942-1948
II B7. The evolution of the production goals program, "Historical Backgrounds of the Production Goals." 1944
II B7a. 1942 production goals. 1941-1942
II B7a. 1942 production goals. 1940-July 1941
II B7a. 1942 production goals. August 1941-September 1941
II B7a. 1942 production goals. October 1941-December 1941
II B7a. 1942 production goals. January 1942
II B7a. 1942 production goals. February 1942-December 1942
II B7a. 1942 production goals. 1943-1944
II B7a. 1942 production goals. 1945
II B7a(1) Original 1942 production goals. 1941-1943
II B7a(1) Original 1942 production goals, State breakdown. 1941
II B7a(2) Revised 1942 production goals. 1941-1945
II B7a(2) Revised 1942 production goals, Comparison of goals and intention to plant. 1942
II B7a(3) Success in meeting 1942 production goals. 1941-1943
II B7b. 1943 production goals. 1941-October 1942
II B7b. 1943 production goals. November 1942-1943
II B7b. 1943 production goals. 1942-1943
II B7b(1) Preparation of 1943 production goals. 1941-1944
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II B7b(2) 1943 "goals" vs. "expected" production controversy. 1941-1943
II B7b(3) Success in meeting 1943 production goals. 1942-1944
II B7c. 1944 production goals. 1942-1943
II B7c. 1944 production goals. 1943-1945
II B7c(1) Preparation of 1944 production goals. 1943-1944
II B7c(1) Preparation of 1944 production goals, "Saving Labor by Conversion ...." 1943
II B7d. 1945 production goals. 1944-1946
II B7d(1) Preparation of 1945 production goals. 1943-1947
II B7e. 1945-1946 production goals. 1943-1947
II B7f. 1946-1947 production goals. 1945-1947
II B7g. 1947-1948 production goals. 1947-1948
II B7h. 1948-1949 production goals. 1945-1949
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III. Policies to achieve production. 1940-1945
III A. Land use. 1940-1943
III A1. Land use policies. 1931, 1939-1948
III A1a. State and county breakdown of production goals, War boards. 1941-1946
III A1b. Adjustment of Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) programs to shift production. 1939-October 1942
III A1b. Adjustment of Agricultural Adjustment Administration programs to shift production. November 1942-1946
III A1c. Use of credit to shift production. 1940-1948
III A1d. Education and propaganda programs. 1941-1944
III A1e. Price support programs. 1940-April 1943
III A1e. Price support programs. June 1943-1945
III A1f. Increasing production of small farms. 1940-1941
III A1f. Increasing production of small farms. 1942-1948
III A2. Production agencies. 1941-1943
III A2a. Food Production Administration (FPA). 1940-1943
III A2a(1) Agricultural Conservation and Adjustment Administration (ACAA) and War Boards. 1942-1946
III A2a(2) Food Production Administration, Farm Security Administration (FSA). 1940-1942
III A2a(2) Food Production Administration, Farm Security Administration. 1942-1947
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III A2a(3) Food Production Administration, Farm Credit Administration. 1940-1948
III A2a(4) Food Production Administration, Farm Management Division of Bureau of Agricultural Economics (BAE). 1940-1943
III A2b. Miscellaneous agencies. 1942-1949
III A2b(1) Forest Service. 1941-1948
III A2b(2) Extension Service. 1940-1943
III A2b(3) Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC). 1939-1947
III A2b(3) Commodity Credit Corporation, wheat price-support loan operations. 1938-1948
III B. Agricultural labor. 1935-1941
III B. Agricultural labor. 1942-1946
III B1. Labor policies. 1937-1948
III B1. Labor policies. 1943-1944
III B1. Labor policies. 1945-1947
III B1a Early WWII labor policies. 1937-August 1941
III B1a Early WWII labor policies. September 1941-December 1941
III B1a Early WWII labor policies. 1942-1947
III B1a(1) Securing adequate wages. 1934-1948
III B1a(1)(a) Minimum wage boards. 1942-1944
III B1a(2) Securing improved housing for migrant workers. 1938-1947
III B1b WWII labor policies during shortage. 1939-August 1942
III B1b WWII labor policies during shortage. September-November 1942
III B1b WWII labor policies during shortage. December 1942-July 1943
III B1b WWII labor policies during shortage. August 1943-1947
III B1b(1) Draft policy for labor. 1941-1942
III B1b(1) Draft policy for labor. 1943-1948
III B1b(1) Draft policy for labor, Selective Service releases on agriculture. 1941
III B1b(1)(a) Draft deferment for labor. 1941-1943
III B1b(1)(a) Draft deferment for labor. 1944-1946
III B1b(1)(b) Furlough of agricultural labor from Army. 1942-1944
III B1b(2) Foreign labor. 1942-1948
III B1b(2)(a) Mexican labor. 1924, 1941-1950
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III B1b(2)(a) Mexican labor. 1943-1944
III B1b(2)(a) Mexican labor. 1945-1949
III B1b(2)(a) Mexican labor, "Consolidated Progress Report ...." 1942
III B1b(2)(b) Japanese labor. 1942-1945
III B1b(2)(c) West India labor. 1942-1943
III B1b(2)(c) West India labor. 1944-1947
III B1b(2)(d) Canada and Newfoundland labor. 1941-1944
III B1b(2)(d) Canada and Newfoundland labor. 1945
III B1b(2)(d) Canada and Newfoundland labor. 1946-1947
III B1b(3) Planned movement and housing of migrant laborers. 1940-1942
III B1b(3) Planned movement and housing of migrant laborers. 1943-1944
III B1b(3) Planned movement and housing of migrant laborers. 1945-1948
III B1b(3)(a) Wage standards for domestic and foreign labor. 1942-1947
III B1b(3)(b) Housing for labor. 1942-1948
III B1b(4) Planned removal of labor from submarginal areas. 1941-1943
III B1b(4)(a) Training of labor. 1940-1948
III B1b(5) Mobilization of local labor. 1941-1943
III B1b(5) Mobilization of local labor. 1943-1948
III B1b(5)(a) Women's Land Army. 1941-1945
III B1b(5)(b) Victory Farm Volunteers. 1943-1947
III B1b(5)(b) Victory Farm Volunteers, "Evaluation Studies." 1943
III B1b(5)(b) Victory Farm Volunteers, "Handbook of Materials," Chapters 1-31. 1943
III B1b(5)(b) Victory Farm Volunteers, "Handbook of Materials," Chapter 1-Names and Addresses. 1943
III B1b(5)(b) Victory Farm Volunteers, "Handbook of Materials," Evaluation Study Forms-Report ... on Insurance. 1943
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III B1b(6) War Prisoners. 1943-1946
III B1c. Stabilization of agricultural wages. 1939-1943
III B1c. Stabilization of agricultural wages. 1944-1945
III B1c. Stabilization of agricultural wages. 1945-1948
III B2. Labor agencies. 1942-1945
III B2a. Labor agencies within USDA. 1941-1946
III B2a(1) Food Production Administration and Labor Assistant to the Secretary. 1941-1943
III B2a(1) Food Production Administration and Labor Assistant to the Secretary, clippings. 1943
III B2a(2) Farm Security Administration (FSA) and labor. 1940-1942
III B2a(2) Farm Security Administration and labor. 1943-1945
III B2a(3) Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), War Boards and labor. 1940-1945
III B2a(4) Office of Agricultural Defense Relations / Office for Agricultural War Relations and labor. 1941-1943
III B2a(6) Extension Service and labor. 1942-1943
III B2a(6) Extension Service and labor. 1943-1945
III B2a(6) Extension Service and labor. 1946-1948
III B2a(7) Bureau of Agricultural Economics (BAE) Subcommittee on Farm Labor. 1941-1943
III B2a(8) Agricultural Labor Administration. 1943, 1978
III B2a(9) Labor agencies--Office of Labor, Labor Branch, etc. 1941-1943
III B2a(9) Labor agencies--Office of Labor, Labor Branch, etc. 1943-1944
III B2a(9) Labor agencies--Office of Labor, Labor Branch, etc. 1945-1947
III B2a(9) Labor agencies--Office of Labor, Labor Branch, etc., memoranda. 1943-1944
III B2a(10) Food Distribution Administration. 1943
III B2b. Labor services outside USDA. 1941-1948
III B2b(1) War Manpower Commission. 1942-1946
III B2b(1) War Manpower Commission, Secretary's materials. 1942
III B2b(1)(a) War Labor Board. 1942-1945
III B2b(1)(b) Selective Service. 1941-1948
III B2b(1)(c) U.S. employment. 1941-1948
III B2b(2) State Department and labor. 1942-1947
III C. Farm equipment and machinery. 1941-1942
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III C. Farm equipment and machinery. 1943-1948
III C1. Equipment policy. 1940-1951
III C1a. Securing adequate equipment. February-September 1941
III C1a. Securing adequate equipment. October-December 1941
III C1a. Securing adequate equipment. January-May 1942
III C1a. Securing adequate equipment. June-September 1942
III C1a. Securing adequate equipment. October 1942-1946
III C1a(1) Relations with War Production Board. 1941-1946
III C1a(1) Relations with War Production Board, clippings. 1941-1945
III C1b. Securing equitable distribution of equipment. 1940-1946
III C1b(1) Securing equitable distribution of equipment, War Boards. 1942-1943
III C1b(2) Securing equitable distribution of equipment, Rationing. 1941-August 1942
III C1b(2) Securing equitable distribution of equipment, Rationing. September-December 1942
III C1b(2) Securing equitable distribution of equipment, Rationing. 1943-1946
III C1c. Developing new devices. 1941-1945
III C1d. Trucks. 1941-1945
III C2a. Agencies and equipment within USDA. 1943
III C2a(1) Farm Machinery Committee. 1945
III C2a(2) Office for Agricultural War Relations (OAWR) and equipment. 1941-1942
III C2a(3) War Boards and equipment. 1941-1943
III C2a(5) Bureau of Agricultural Economics (BAE) and equipment. 1941
III C2a(6) Office of Materials and Facilities. 1943-1945
III C2b. Agencies and equipment outside USDA. 1942-1943
III C2b(1) War Production Board (WPB) and equipment. 1942-1945
III C2b(1)(a) Priorities allocations for machinery, fencing, etc. 1941-1945
III C2b(2) Food Requirements Committee (FRC) and equipment. 1941-1945
III D. Critical and scarce materials for farm population. 1941-1946
III D1. Fertilizers. 1932, 1940-1943
III D1. Fertilizers. 1944-1948
III D1. Fertilizers, "The Fertilizer Program of the Department of Agriculture ... 1950-1952."
III D2. Insecticides. 1941-1949
III D3. Bagging materials. 1941-1943
III D4. Feed. 1941-1943
III D4. Feed. 1943
III D4. Feed. 1944-1949
III D5. Seed. 1942-1948
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III D6. Small hand tools. 1945
III E. Food Production Administration. 1941-1942
III E1. Food Production Administration organization. 1943
III E2. Food Production Administration procedure. 1943
III F. Encouraging home production goals and preservation of foods. 1940-1946
III F1. Victory gardens. 1918-1972.
III F2. Food preservation. 1940-1948
Top of Page
IV. Integration of Production and Price Policies. 1938-1946
IV A. Price programs of the USDA. 1940-1949
IV A1 Price-support programs. 1939-1943
IV A1 Price-support programs. 1944
IV A1 Price-support programs. 1945-1946
IV A1 Price-support programs. 1947-1949
IV A1 Price-support programs, clippings. 1942-1947
IV A1a. Legislative background of support programs, clippings. 1943
IV A1b. Methods of price support, clippings. 1942-1946
IV A1b(1) Commodity loans. 1934-1948
IV A1b(1)(a) Stocks used as a price-control lever. 1941-1945
IV A1b(2) Marketing agreements and orders, clippings. 1943-1945, 1956
IV A1b(3) USDA buying and selling programs, clippings. 1942-1947
IV A1b(4) General announcements on price support, clippings. 1942
IV A2. Changes in USDA programs to conform with price controls, clippings. 1943-1945
IV B. Basic price control legislation and Executive Orders. 1938-1951
IV B1. Emergency Price Control Act of 1/30/42 (President's seven-point program). 1939-1941
IV B1. Emergency Price Control Act of 1/30/42 (President's seven-point program). 1942
IV B1. Emergency Price Control Act of 1/30/42 (President's seven-point program). 1943-1946
IV B2. President's message of 9/7/42, and 10/2/42 "Stabilization Act." 1941-1942
IV B2. President's message of 9/7/42, and 10/2/42 "Stabilization Act." 1942-1946
IV B3. President's "Hold-the-Line Order" of 4/8/43, and Office of Price Administration's "Roll Back." 1941-1947
IV B4. 1944 Stabilization Extension Act. 1941-1947
IV B5. 1946 Extension of Price Control Act. 1942-June 1946
IV B5. 1946 Extension of Price Control Act. July 1946
IV B5. 1946 Extension of Price Control Act. August 1946-1947
IV B5a. Price decontrol board. 1941-1947
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IV B5a. Price decontrol board, "In the Matter of Livestock and Food or Feed Products ...." 1946
IV B6. 1947 Price control. 1947
IV C. Parity in relation to price control. 1939-1940
IV C. Parity in relation to price control. 1941
IV C. Parity in relation to price control. 1942-1946
IV C. Parity in relation to price control. 1942-1948
IV C. Parity in relation to price control, Interbureau Coordinating Committee on Parity. 1941
IV C1. Attempted revisions of parity. 1938-1948
IV C1. Attempted revisions of parity. 1942-1943
IV C1. Attempted revisions of parity, "Docket on Comparable Price Hearing." 1942
IV C1. Attempted revisions of parity, Grapes and citrus fruits. 1942
IV C1. Attempted revisions of parity, Almonds and florida citrus. 1942
IV C1. Attempted revisions of parity, Peanuts, walnuts, and dates. 1942
IV C1. Attempted revisions of parity, Grapes. 1942
IV C1. Attempted revisions of parity, Filberts, walnuts, almonds, citrus, and avocadoes. 1942
IV C1. Attempted revisions of parity, "Hearing Relative to ... Prices of Certain ... Commodities," pages 1-282. 1942
IV C1. Attempted revisions of parity, "Hearing Relative to ... Prices of Certain ... Commodities," pages 283-463. 1942
IV C1. Attempted revisions of parity, "Hearing Relative to ... Prices of Certain ... Commodities," pages 464-638. 1942
IV C1. Attempted revisions of parity, "Income Parity for Agriculture, Part II, Expenses of Agricultural Production." 1939-1941
IV C1a. Pace Bill (to include farm-labor costs in parity). 1941-1946
IV C1a. Pace Bill, "Parity Prices: What They Are and How They Are Calculated." 1942
IV C1a. Pace Bill, "Data on 10% Retail Sales Tax Turned Over to Dr. White by Glenn L. Johnson." 1942-1943
IV C1a. Pace Bill, "Parity Prices, the Parity Index, and Some Probable Effects of the Pace Bill." 1943
IV C1b. Other parity revisions. 1942-1946
IV C2. Parity and conservation payments as part of prices received. 1942-1946
IV C2a. Bankhead Bill of 1943 and payments to farmers. 1943-1945
IV C2b. Bankhead Bill of 1944 and payments to farmers. 1944
IV C3. USDA position on ceiling limits in price control legislation. 1941-1947
IV C3a. Secretary's position on 110 percent of parity. 1941-1947
IV C4. Position of other government agencies on payments to farmers. 1943
IV C4a. Budget Bureau on payments to farmers. 1942
IV D. Special commodity problems in price controls. 1938-1943
IV D. Special commodity problems in price controls. 1944-1946
IV D1. Meat and fish price control. 1940-1942
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IV D1. Meat and fish price control. 1943
IV D1. Meat and fish price control. 1944-March 1945
IV D1. Meat and fish price control. April 1945-June 1946
IV D1. Meat and fish price control. July-August 1946
IV D1. Meat and fish price control. September 1946-1949
IV D1. Meat and fish price control, "Regulation No. 3, Subsidy Payments for Slaughter." 1943-1946
IV D2. Dairy products price control. 1933, 1939-1943
IV D2. Dairy products price control. 1943
IV D2. Dairy products price control. 1944
IV D2. Dairy products price control. December 1944
IV D2. Dairy products price control. 1945
IV D2. Dairy products price control. 1946-1948
IV D3. Programs to maintain a favorable feed ratio. 1941-1947
IV D3a. Government-owned wheat and feed. 1942-1944
IV D3b. Price policies for feed grains, etc. 1940-1947
IV D3b(1) Corn price policies. 1939-1946
IV D3b(2) Protein price policies, meals. 1942-1946
IV D3b(3) Hay and forage price policies. 1943-1945
IV D4. Cotton price policies. 1939-1944
IV D4. Cotton price policies. 1945-1948
IV D5. Wheat and flour price policies. 1941-1948
IV D6. Fats and oils price policies. 1941-1948
IV D7. Grain price policies. 1943-1946
IV D8. Fruits and vegetable price policies. 1941-1942
IV D8. Fruits and vegetable price policies. 1943
IV D8. Fruits and vegetable price policies. February-May 1944
IV D8. Fruits and vegetable price policies. June-August 1944
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IV D8. Fruits and vegetable price policies. September-December 1944
IV D8. Fruits and vegetable price policies. January-March 1945
IV D8. Fruits and vegetable price policies. April-May 1945
IV D8. Fruits and vegetable price policies. June-December 1945
IV D8. Fruits and vegetable price policies. 1946-1948
IV D9. Poultry and eggs price policies. 1940-1948
IV D10. Miscellaneous price policies. 1939-1943
IV D10. Miscellaneous price policies. 1944-1948
IV D11. Soybean price policies. 1942-1947
IV E. Non-USDA agencies and price control policies. 1941-1946
IV E1. Division of authority between Office of Price Administration and USDA. 1941-1946
IV E1. Division of authority between Office of Price Administration and USDA, "Retail Meat Prices and Supplies in a Free Market." 1946
IV E1a. Attempts to transfer price control of agricultural commodities to USDA. 1942-1947
IV E2. Administrative relations between USDA and Office of Price Administration. 1941-1942
IV E2. Administrative relations between USDA and Office of Price Administration. 1943-1946
IV F. Pressures to increase prices of agricultural products. 1942-1946
IV F1. Types of pressures to increase prices. 1942-1947
IV F1a. Organizations and price increases. 1942-1946
IV F1a(1) Farm groups and prices. 1939-1947
IV F1a(2) Food trade groups and prices. 1943-1946
IV F1b. Prominent individuals and farm prices. 1942-1946
IV F1c. Congressional attacks on price control. 1941-1947
IV F1d. Political comments on price control. 1942-1946
IV F1e. Press comments on price control. 1945-1946
IV G. Types of price regulations. 1941-1946
IV G1. Dollars and cents ceilings (community-wide). 1940-1946
IV G2. Price freezes. 1942-1946
IV G2a. General maximum price regulation (Taft-Wherry Amendment). 1942-1946
IV G3. Margins and price regulations. 1942-1946
IV H. Enforcement of price control. 1942-1945
IV H1. Black markets. 1943-1944
IV H1. Black markets. 1945-1947
IV I. Price control related to wage control. 1941-1947
IV I 1. Pressure of organized labor to roll prices back. 1943-1946
IV I2. Pressure to control wages as part of price control. 1941-1946
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IV J. Subsidies. 1940-1942
IV J. Subsidies. January-June 1943
IV J. Subsidies. July-December 1943
IV J. Subsidies, clippings. July-December 1943
IV J. Subsidies. 1944
IV J. Subsidies. 1945
IV J. Subsidies. 1946-1947
IV J1. Types of subsidies. 1942-1946
IV J1a. Incentive payment to farmers. 1942-1947
IV J1b. Government buying and reselling at a loss. 1941-1947
IV J1c. Distributors and retailers subsidies. 1942-1946
IV J2. Opposition to subsidies. 1942-1946
IV J3. Positions of USDA on subsidies. 1942-1946
IV K. Administration of price control. 1941-1946
IV K1. Changes in price control personnel. 1943-1945
IV K1a. Changes in price control personnel, Leon Henderson. 1941-1943
IV K1b. Changes in price control personnel, Prentiss M. Brown. 1942-1943
IV K1c. Changes in price control personnel, Chester Bowles. 1943-1947
IV K2. Reorganization in price control administration. 1944-1945
IV K3. Administrative machinery for price control. 1943-1946
IV K3a. Extension of price control authority to field offices. 1943
IV K3b. Price control for territorial possessions. 1942
IV L. Land inflation. 1939-1948
IV M. Price control evaluation. 1941
IV M. Price control evaluation. 1942-1943
IV M. Price control evaluation. 1943-1947
Box 1.2/15
IV M1. Measures accompanying price control. 1939-1948
IV M1a. Taxes. 1940-1943
IV M1a(1) Sales tax. 1944
IV M1b. Control of profits. 1943-1946
IV M1c. War bond campaigns. 1943-1944
IV M1d. Standardization and grade labeling. 1942-1947
IV M2. Alternatives to price control. 1941-1946
IV M2a. Rationing. 1942-1944
IV M2a. Rationing. 1945-1948
IV M3. Charges that price ceilings led to shortages. 1943-1946
IV M3a. General charges on price ceilings and shortages. 1943, 1945
IV M3b. Local charges on price ceilings and shortages. 1942, 1946
IV M4. Charges that price ceilings caused maladjustments. 1942-1946
IV M4a. Price ceilings and changed food habits. 1943
IV M5. Comparison of WWII price control to WWI. 1917, 1939-1946
IV M6. Contributions of rising farm prices to living costs. 1940-1941
IV M6. Contributions of rising farm prices to living costs. 1942
IV M6. Contributions of rising farm prices to living costs. 1943-1949
IV M7. Farmers' attitude and public response to price control. 1941-1946
IV N. Price control systems in other countries. 1942-1946
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V. Special Commodity Problems. 1941-1947, n.d.
V A. The replacement of imported commodities. 1939-1943
V A1. Fiber shortages. 1938-1948
V A1a. Commodity shortages. 1941-1947
V A1a(1) Cotton shortages. 1939-1940
V A1a(1) Cotton shortages. 1941-1942
V A1a(1) Cotton shortages. 1943-November 1944
V A1a(1) Cotton shortages. December 1944
V A1a(1) Cotton shortages. January-June 1945
V A1a(1) Cotton shortages. July-December 1945
V A1a(1) Cotton shortages. 1946
V A1a(1) Cotton shortages. 1947-1948
V A1a(2) Flax shortages. 1934-1938
V A1a(3) Hemp shortages. 1939-1948
V A1b. Policies to implement production of scarce fibers. 1942-1943
V A1b(1) Education on production of fibers. 1942-1947, n.d.
V A1c. Long staple cotton. 1942-1947
V A2. Rubber. 1942-1948
V A2. Rubber (clippings). 1941-1948
V A3. Industrial alcohol from grain. 1938-1945
V B. Major commodity problems. 1941-1946
V B1. Meats and hides. 1940-1941.
V B1. Meats and hides. January-April 1942
Box 1.2/16
V B1. Meats and hides. May-December 1942
V B1. Meats and hides. January-May 1943
V B1. Meats and hides. June-July 1943
V B1. Meats and hides. August-November 1943
V B1. Meats and hides. January-July 1944
V B1. Meats and hides. August-December 1944
V B1. Meats and hides. January-February 1945
V B1. Meats and hides. March-April 1945
V B1. Meats and hides. May 1945
V B1. Meats and hides. June-July 1945
V B1. Meats and hides. August-December 1945
V B1. Meats and hides. January-June 1946
V B1. Meats and hides. July-December 1946
V B1. Meats and hides. 1947-1949
V B1a. War Meat Board. 1942-1948
V B1b. Hogs. 1940-1942
V B1b. Hogs. 1943-1944
V B1b. Hogs. 1945-1946
V B1c. Beef. 1941-1943
V B1c. Beef. 1944-1948
V B1d. Fish. 1943-1948
Box 1.2/17
V B2. Dairy and poultry products. 1939-1946
V B2a. Dairy. 1933-1941, n.d.
V B2a. Dairy. January-September 1942
V B2a. Dairy. October-December 1942
V B2a. Dairy. January-April 1943
V B2a. Dairy. May-June 1943
V B2a. Dairy. July-December 1943
V B2a. Dairy. 1944
V B2a. Dairy. 1945
V B2a. Dairy. January-April 1946
V B2a. Dairy. May 1946-December 1949
V B2b. Poultry. 1941-1949
V B2b(1) Chicken. 1942-1947
V B2b(2) Eggs. 1941-1948
V B3. Fats and Oils. 1939-1940
V B3. Fats and Oils. 1941.
V B3. Fats and Oils. January-April 1942
V B3. Fats and Oils. May-December 1942
V B3. Fats and Oils. January-June 1943
V B3. Fats and Oils. July-December 1943
Box 1.2/18
V B3. Fats and Oils. 1944
V B3. Fats and Oils. 1945
V B3. Fats and Oils. 1946-1947
V B3. Fats and Oils. 1948-1949
V B3a. Soybeans. 1942-1948
V B3b. Peanuts. 1937-1948
V B3c. Flaxseed. 1941-1948
V B3d. Cottonseed. 1941-1948
V B3e. Castor. 1941-1943
V B4. Fruits and vegetables. 1935-1942
V B4. Fruits and vegetables. January-July 14, 1943
V B4. Fruits and vegetables. July 15-December, 1943
V B4. Fruits and vegetables. 1944
V B4. Fruits and vegetables. 1945-1946
V B4. Fruits and vegetables. 1947-1949
V B5. Wool. 1940-1942
V B5. Wool. 1943-1949
V B6. Sugar. 1936-1944
V B6. Sugar. 1945-1946
V B6. Sugar. 1947-1948
V B7. Grain. 1941-1949
Box 1.2/19
V B7a. Wheat. 1939-April 1946
V B7a. Wheat. May 1946-1948
V B7b. Corn. 1939-1948
V B8. Miscellaneous food products. 1939-1943
V B8. Miscellaneous food products. 1944-1949
V B8a. General agricultural products. 1944-1947
V B8a(1) Tobacco. 1933-1955
V B8a(2) Chicory and coffee. 1941-1947
V B8a(3) Rice, hops, malted grains, malt syrups.1939-1948
V B8a(4) Cocoa beans. 1943-1948
V B8a(5) Honey and molasses. 1942-1948
V B8a(6) Nuts. 1943-1948
V B8b. Imported products. 1946
V B8b(1) Tea. 1943-1948
V B8b(2) Spices. 1943-1946
Top of Page
VI. Distribution of Products. 1940-1941
VI. Distribution of Products. 1942-1948
VI A. Distribution policies. 1941-1944
VI A1. Calculating requirements for allocation of food supplies. 1939-1942
VI A1. Calculating requirements for allocation of food supplies. January-March 1943
VI A1. Calculating requirements for allocation of food supplies. April-June 1943
VI A1. Calculating requirements for allocation of food supplies. July-December 1943
VI A1. Calculating requirements for allocation of food supplies. January 1944-August 1945
VI A1. Calculating requirements for allocation of food supplies. November 1945-April 1947
VI A2. Nutritional standards and civilian supply. 1939-1940
VI A2. Nutritional standards and civilian supply. 1940-1941
VI A2. Nutritional standards and civilian supply. May-December 1941
VI A2. Nutritional standards and civilian supply. 1941-1947
VI A2. Nutritional standards and civilian supply. 1942-1943
VI A2. Nutritional standards and civilian supply. 1943-1946
VI A2a. Nutrition research. 1942-1943
VI A2a. Nutrition research. 1944-1946
Box 1.2/20
VI A2a(1) Factors in nutrition. 1940-1943
VI A2a(1)(b) Low-cost nutrition. 1938-1945
VI A2a(1)(c) Bed-rock nutrition. 1939
VI A2a(2) Types of diets. 1942-1946
VI A2b. Civilian nutritional supply. 1942-1945
VI A2b(1) Estimates of civilian nutritional supply requirements. 1942-1947
VI A2b(1)(a) Civilian nutritional supply as a residue. 1942-1945
VI A2b(1)(b) Statistical computation of civilian nutritional requirements. 1942-1944
VI A2b(2) Civilian supply, Supplies available and shortages. 1940-1943
VI A2b(2) Civilian supply, Supplies available and shortages. 1943-February 1944
VI A2b(2) Civilian supply, Supplies available and shortages. March-December 1944
VI A2b(2) Civilian supply, Supplies available and shortages. January-March 1945
VI A2b(2) Civilian supply, Supplies available and shortages. April-June 1945
VI A2b(2) Civilian supply, Supplies available and shortages. July 1945-1948
VI A2b(3) Civilian supply, Free distribution to low-income groups. 1938-1940
VI A2b(3) Civilian supply, Free distribution to low-income groups. 1941-September 1944
VI A2b(3) Civilian supply, Free distribution to low-income groups. October 1944-1949
VI A2b(3) Civilian supply, Free distribution to low-income groups (school lunch programs). 1941-1949
VI A2c. Consumer education. 1940-1943
VI A2c. Consumer education. 1943
VI A2c. Consumer education. January 1944
VI A2c. Consumer education. February 1944
VI A2c. Consumer education. March-April 1944
VI A2c. Consumer education. May-June 1944
VI A2c. Consumer education. July 1944-1945
VI A2d. Industrial feeding. 1943-1944
Box 1.2/21
VI A2d. Industrial feeding. 1943-1950
VI A2d. Industrial feeding. 1944-1950
VI A2d. Industrial feeding, Distribution facilities (kitchens and cafeterias). 1944-1947
VI A2d. Industrial feeding, Food consumption studies. 1945-1954
VI A2d. Industrial feeding, Food distribution material. 1943-1954
VI A2d. Industrial feeding, Industrial feeding program. 1944
VI A2d. Industrial feeding, "Making the Most of Meats in Industrial Feeds." 1945
VI A2d. Industrial feeding, Program Administration Manual. 1943-1944
VI A2d. Industrial feeding, Program Administration Manual. 1944
VI A2d. Industrial feeding, Specialists Manual. 1945
VI A3. Feeding our Allies. 1941
VI A3. Feeding our Allies. 1941-1942
VI A3. Feeding our Allies. 1942
VI A3. Feeding our Allies. 1942-1943
VI A3. Feeding our Allies. 1943-1944
VI A3. Feeding our Allies. 1944-1945
VI A3. Feeding our Allies. 1945-1949
VI B1. Purchase and procurement. 1941-1942
VI B1. Purchase and procurement. January-February 1943
VI B1. Purchase and procurement. March-July 1943
VI B1. Purchase and procurement. August 1943-1944
VI B1. Purchase and procurement. 1943-1946
VI B1. Purchase and procurement. 1945-1949
VI B1a. Inspection. 1939-1949
VI B1b. Foreign food procurement. 1940-1949
Box 1.2/22
VI B2. Storage (includes stocks and stockpiling). 1939-1944
VI B2. Storage (includes stocks and stockpiling). 1944-1948
VI B3. Processing and packing. 1941-1945
VI B3. Processing and packing. 1945-1947
VI B3a. Packaging. 1942-1943
VI B3a(1) Packaging, Tin supplies. 1941-1943
VI B3a(1) Packaging, Tin supplies. 1943-1947
VI B3a(2) Packaging, Wood and wood-pulp products. 1942-1949
VI B3b. Processing. 1940-1945
VI B3b(1) Processing, Plant facilities. 1942-1944
VI B3b(1)(a) Processing, Construction of new plants. 1941-1945
VI B3b(2) Processing, Labor for processing plants. 1943-1944
VI B4. Marketing and transportation. 1939-1943
VI B4. Marketing and transportation. 1943
VI B4. Marketing and transportation. 1943-1950
VI B5. Allocation and diversion of food products. 1939-March 1943
VI B5. Allocation and diversion of food products. March-September 1943
VI B5. Allocation and diversion of food products. October-December 1943
VI B5. Allocation and diversion of food products. 1944-1945
VI B5. Allocation and diversion of food products. May-December 1945
VI B5. Allocation and diversion of food products. 1946-1947
Box 1.2/23
VI B5a. Reservation of food supplies for war requirements. 1941-1943
VI B5a. Reservation of food supplies for war requirements. 1943-1944
VI B5a. Reservation of food supplies for war requirements. 1944-1945
VI B5a. Reservation of food supplies for war requirements. 1945-1947
VI B5b. Allocation of civilian supplies by regions and time periods. 1943
VI B5c. Allocation of supplies among processors. 1942-1947
VI B5c(1) Supply allocation for full utilization of facilities. 1943
VI B5c(2) Supply allocation for specialized finished products. 1941-1942
VI B6. Conservation and rationing of food. 1942-1943
VI B6. Conservation and rationing of food. 1943
VI B6. Conservation and rationing of food. 1943-1946
VI B6. Conservation and rationing of food. 1946-1951
VI B6a. Food conservation programs of Agricultural Marketing Administration. 1943-1947
VI B6b. Food rationing. 1941-February 1943
VI B6b. Food rationing. 1943-1944
VI B6b. Food rationing. January-June 1944
VI B6b. Food rationing. July 1944-1945
VI B6b. Food rationing. 1944-1945
VI B6b. Food rationing. 1945-1948
VI B6b. Food rationing. 1945-1946
VI B6b. Food rationing. 1946-1947
VI B6b. Food rationing. 1947
Box 1.2/24
VI B6b. Food rationing, Press releases. 1942-1945
VI B6b. Food rationing, Rationing analysis, part 1. 1950
VI B6b. Food rationing, Rationing analysis, part 2. 1950
VI B6b(1) Agricultural Marketing Administration, rationing policy forming. 1943
VI B6b(2) Office of Price Administration, rationing. 1940-1943
VI B6b(2) Office of Price Administration, rationing. April-September 1943
VI B6b(2) Office of Price Administration, rationing. October 1943-1944
VI B6b(2) Office of Price Administration, rationing. 1944-1947
VI B6b(2) Office of Price Administration, rationing, Study of OPA. 1946
VI B6c. Rationing agencies, "Chronology of USDA Food Policies and Related Programs, 1947-1952." 1952
VI B7. Industry regulations. 1940-1944
VI B7. Industry regulations. 1945-1948
VI B7a. Industry regulations, Commodity Credit Corporation contracts. 1942-1947
VI B8. Disposal of surpluses. 1939-1947
VI B9. Food promotion campaigns. 1943-1946
VI C. Distribution agencies. 1941-1943
VI C1. Food Distribution Administration. 1942-February 1943
VI C1. Food Distribution Administration. March-September 1943
VI C1. Food Distribution Administration. 1943-1947
VI C1a. Agricultural Marketing Administration (AMA). 1939-1947
VI C1a. Agricultural Marketing Administration, Food Purchase Study Data, part 1. 1940-1942
VI C1a. Agricultural Marketing Administration, Food Purchase Study Data, part 2. 1940-1942
VI C1a(1) Consumers' Counsel Division. 1933-1947
VI C1b. Sugar Agency. 1943
VI C1c. Regulatory functions of Bureau of Animal Industry. 1943-1949
VI C2. Distribution agencies, miscellaneous. 1943-1947
VI C2a. Distribution agencies, Commodity Credit Corporation. 1940-1946
VI C2b. Distribution agencies, Agriculture Research Administration. 1942-1947
VI D. Administration of food distribution (Food Distribution Administration, War Food Administration). 1942-1947
VI D1. Food distribution regulations and procedure. 1942-1949
VI D2. Food distribution organization. 1939-1947
VI D3. Food distribution personnel. 1942-1944
Box 1.2/25
VI E. Burk, Marguerite C. "Food Consumption during World War II," part 1. 1948
VI E. Burk, Marguerite C. "Food Consumption during World War II," part 2. 1948
VI E. Burk, Marguerite C. "Food Consumption during World War II," part 3. 1948
Top of Page
VII. Fostering Western Hemispheric Integration. 1938-1940
VII. Fostering Western Hemispheric Integration. 1941-1942
VII. Fostering Western Hemispheric Integration. 1943
VII. Fostering Western Hemispheric Integration. 1944
VII. Fostering Western Hemispheric Integration. 1945-1947
VII. Fostering Western Hemispheric Integration. 1947
VII. Fostering Western Hemispheric Integration. 1948-1963
VII A. The "good neighbor" policy and USDA. 1933-1934
VII A. The "good neighbor" policy and USDA. 1935-1939
VII A1. Secretary Wallace and "good neighbor" policies. 1940-1982
VII B3a. Inter-hemisphere cartel idea. 1939-1944.
Top of Page
VIII. Farm and Rural Community Life. 1940-1948
VIII A. Farmers during WWII. 1940-1978
VIII A1. Income change by types of farming regions. 1939-1942
VIII A1. Income change by types of farming regions. 1943-1949
VIII A2. Effects of WWII on farmer income. 1939-1948
VIII A2a. Repairs to buildings and machinery. 1942-1947
VIII A2b. Standard of living. 1944-1948
VIII A2b(1) Unavailability of durable goods. 1942-1943
VIII A2c. War bonds and savings. 1942-1945
VIII A2d. Farm debt reduction. 1940-1947
VIII A2e. Expansion of plant and land holdings. 1943-1947
VIII A2f. Taxation. 1940-1947
VIII A3. The effect of WWII on labor. 1940-1945
Box 1.2/26
VIII A3a. Hired labor. 1942-1944
VIII A3b. Industrial employment opportunities and farmers. 1939-1946
VIII A3c. Increased hours and field work for women. 1941-1944
VIII A3d. Tendencies toward mechanization. 1943-1948
VIII A3e. Mechanization and farm size and organization. 1941-1948
VIII A3f. Black, Mexican and migratory workers. 1927-1940
VIII A3f. Black, Mexican and migratory workers. 1941-1948
VIII A4. Tire and gasoline rationing and rural social life. 1942-1944
VIII A4a. Rationing and social organization. 1945
VIII A4b. Rationing and farm organization. 1943
VIII A5. Farmer attitudes and opinions during WWII. 1940-1942
VIII A5. Farmer attitudes and opinions during WWII. 1943
VIII A5. Farmer attitudes and opinions during WWII. 1944
VIII A5. Farmer attitudes and opinions during WWII. 1945-1948
VIII A5a. How are farmers reached by education and propaganda. 1941-1948
VIII A5b. Responses to changes in farm opinion. 1942-1946
VIII A6. Equitability of rationing for farm and non-farm groups. 1942-1944
VIII B. Farm organizations. 1942-1947
VIII B1. Who belonged to farm organizations. 1942-1948
VIII B1a. Farm organization membership. 1942
VIII B2. Farm organization policies. 1939-1943
VIII B2b. Shifts in farm group policies. 1943
VIII C. Rural community. 1940-1946
Top of Page
IX. USDA Administration. 1940-1946
IX. USDA Administration. 1947-1950
IX A. Administration, Statutory basis and executive orders. 1943
IX A. Administration, Statutory basis and executive orders. 1944-1945
IX A. Administration, Statutory basis and executive orders. 1946
IX A. Administration, Statutory basis and executive orders. 1947-1948, 1978
IX B. Organization within USDA. 1940-1944
IX B. Organization within USDA. 1945-1946
IX B1. Reorganization. 1939-1945
IX B1a. 1938-1940 Reorganization. 1940-1943
IX B1b. 1941 Reorganization. 1942
Box 1.2/27
IX B1c. 1942 Reorganization. January-November 1942
IX B1c. 1942 Reorganization. December 1942-1946
IX B1d. 1943 Reorganization. 1943-1944
IX B1d(1) Suggestions for 1943 reorganizations. 1942-1946
IX B1e. 1944 Reorganization. 1943-1947
IX B1e(1) Suggestions for 1944 reorganizations. 1943-1946
IX B1f. 1945 Reorganization. 1944-1946
IX B1f(1) Suggestions for 1945 reorganizations. 1945-1946
IX B1g. 1946 Reorganization. 1946
IX B1g(1) Suggestions for 1946 reorganizations. 1946
IX B1h. 1947 Reorganization. 1947
IX B1h(1) Suggestions for 1947 reorganizations. 1946-1947
IX B1i. 1948 Reorganization. 1948
IX B1i(1) Suggestions for 1948 reorganizations. 1948
IX B1i(2) 1948 Hoover Commission. 1941-1949
IX B2. Changes in the Secretary's office and general staff. 1939-1943
IX B2. Changes in the Secretary's office and general staff. 1944-1945
IX B2. Changes in the Secretary's office and general staff. 1946-1948, 1982
IX B2a(1) Secretary's office, Auxiliary Services, Solicitor. 1939-1946
IX B2a(2) Secretary's office, Auxiliary Services, Finance and Budget. 1939-1948
IX B2a(2) Secretary's office, Auxiliary Services, Finance and Budget, Historical Materials, 1 of 4. 1907-1942
IX B2a(2) Secretary's office, Auxiliary Services, Finance and Budget, Historical Materials, 2 of 4. 1912-1942
IX B2a(2) Secretary's office, Auxiliary Services, Finance and Budget, Historical Materials, 3 of 4. 1912-1942
IX B2a(2) Secretary's office, Auxiliary Services, Finance and Budget, Historical Materials, 4 of 4. 1941-1942
IX B2a(3) Secretary's office, Auxiliary Services, Information. 1937-1943
IX B2a(3) Secretary's office, Auxiliary Services, Information. 1944-1949
IX B2a(4) Secretary's office, Auxiliary Services, Personnel. 1939-1941
IX B2a(4) Secretary's office, Auxiliary Services, Personnel. 1942-1943
IX B2a(4) Secretary's office, Auxiliary Services, Personnel. 1944-1946
Box 1.2/28
IX B2a(4) Secretary's office, Auxiliary Services, Personnel. 1947
IX B2a(4) Secretary's office, Auxiliary Services, Personnel. 1948
IX B2a(5) Secretary's office, Auxiliary Services, Plant and Operations. 1943-1946
IX B2b. Relations between USDA agencies. 1934-1941
IX B2b. Relations between USDA agencies. 1942-1946
IX B2b(1) Interbureau committees. 1938-June 1941
IX B2b(1) Interbureau committees. July 1941-1943
IX B2b(1) Interbureau committees. 1944-1946
IX B2b(1) Interbureau committees, reports, 1 of 4. 1941-1942
IX B2b(1) Interbureau committees, reports, 2 of 4. 1941-1942
IX B2b(1) Interbureau committees, reports, 3 of 4. 1941-1942
IX B2b(1) Interbureau committees, reports, 4 of 4. 1941-1942
IX B2b(1) Interbureau committees, Coordinating Committee Reports. 1939
IX B2b(1) Interbureau committees, Coordinating Committee Reports (1). 1940
IX B2b(1) Interbureau committees, Coordinating Committee Reports (2). 1940
IX B2b(2) Agricultural Program Board. 1940
IX B2b(2) Agricultural Program Board, reports, 1 of 3. 1940
IX B2b(2) Agricultural Program Board, reports, 2 of 3. 1940
IX B2b(2) Agricultural Program Board, reports, 3 of 3. 1940
IX B2b(2) Agricultural Program Board, minutes. 1941
IX B2b(2) Agricultural Program Board. 1941-1946
IX B2b(3) USDA Defense and War Board. 1941-1946
IX B2b(4) Administrative Council. 1941-1946
IX B2b(5) Policy and Program Committee. 1945-1948
IX B2c. Staff Agencies. 1940-1947
Box 1.2/29
IX B2c(1) Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations (OFAR). 1919, 1930-1938
IX B2c(1) Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations. 1942-1948
IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics (BAE). 1920-May 1940
IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics. July-November 1940
IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics, State Legislation for Better Land Use, ch. 1-4. December 1940
IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics, State Legislation for Better Land Use, ch. 5-9. December 1940
IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics. January-April 1941
IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics. May-June 1941
IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics. July-December 1941
IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics. January-February 1942
IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics. March-December 1942
IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 1943-March 1944
IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics. April 1944-July 1945
IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics. August-December 1945
IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics. January-March 1946
IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics. April-August 1946
IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics. September 1946-September 1947
IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics. November 1947-December 1948
IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Annual Reports, Division of Farm Management & Costs. 1940-1949
IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Bureau-wide projects. 1943-1944
IX B2c(3) Extension Service. 1940-1948
IX B2c(3) Extension Service, clippings. 1941-1943
Box 1.2/30
IX B2c(4) Office of Land Use Coordination. 1937-1950, 1961
IX B2c(5) Office of Emergency Food Program. 1946
IX B2c(6) Office for Food and Feed Conservation. 1947-1948
IX B2c(7) Office of Hearing Examiners. 1948
IX B2d. The Secretary. 1941-1943
IX B2d(1) Secretary Wallace, Henry A. 1939-April 1940
IX B2d(1) Secretary Wallace, Henry A. May 1940-1942
IX B2d(2) Secretary Wickard, Claude R. September-December 1940
IX B2d(2) Secretary Wickard, Claude R. January-April 1941
IX B2d(2) Secretary Wickard, Claude R. May-June 1941
IX B2d(2) Secretary Wickard, Claude R. July-September 1941
IX B2d(2) Secretary Wickard, Claude R. October 1941-1945, 1962
IX B2d(3) Secretary Anderson, Clinton P. 1945-May 1946
IX B2d(3) Secretary Anderson, Clinton P. June 1946-October 1947
IX B2d(3) Secretary Anderson, Clinton P. November 1947-1950, 1963
IX B2d(4) Secretary Brannan, Charles F. 1941-August 1948
IX B2d(4) Secretary Brannan, Charles F. September 1948-1950
IX B3. Action agencies with special war functions. 1940-1947
IX B3a. Food Production Administration / Office of Production, War Food Administration (WFA) 1940-1947
IX B3b. Food Distribution Administration / Office of Distribution, War Food Administration. January-March 1943
IX B3b. Food Distribution Administration / Office of Distribution, War Food Administration. April-July 1943
IX B3b. Food Distribution Administration / Office of Distribution, War Food Administration. August-November 1943
IX B3b. Food Distribution Administration / Office of Distribution, War Food Administration. December 1943
IX B3b. Food Distribution Administration / Office of Distribution, War Food Administration. 1944
Box 1.2/31
IX B3b. Food Distribution Administration / Office of Distribution, War Food Administration (WFA). 1945-1947
IX B3b(1) Food Requirements and Allocations Committee, War Food Administration. 1943-1946
IX B3c. Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) 1939-June 1943
IX B3c. Commodity Credit Corporation. July 1943-1944
IX B3c. Commodity Credit Corporation. 1945-1948
IX B3c(1) Commodity Credit Corporation, Office of Supply. 1944-1945
IX B3c(2) Commodity Credit Corporation, Office of Basic Commodities. 1945
IX B3d. Rural Electrification Administration. 1939-June 1944
IX B3d. Rural Electrification Administration. July 1944-1948
IX B3e. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation. 1938-1948
IX B3f. Forest Service. 1940-1947
IX B3g. Office of Materials and Facilities. 1942-1945
IX B3h. Office of Price, War Food Administration. 1939-1945
IX B3i. Office of Transportation. 1940-1945
IX B3j. Office of Surplus Property and Reconversion. 1944-1945
IX B3k. Office of Marketing Services. 1944-1946
IX B3l. Office of Investigatory Services. 1945-1946
IX B3m. Office of Home Food Supply. 1945
IX B3n. Office of Requirements and Allocations. 1943-1945
IX B3o. Commodity Exchange Administration. 1942-1947
IX B4. Agricultural Research Administration. 1940-1943
IX B4. Agricultural Research Administration. 1944
IX B4. Agricultural Research Administration. 1945-1947
IX B4. Agricultural Research Administration. 1948-1949
IX B4. Agricultural Research Administration, Research Achievement Sheets. 1944-1948
IX B4. Agricultural Research Administration, E. C. Auchter, part 1 of 2. 1939-1944
IX B4. Agricultural Research Administration, E. C. Auchter, part 2 of 2. 1939-1944
IX B5. Consolidation of War Food Administration with the Office of the Secretary. 1942-1943
IX B5. Consolidation of War Food Administration with the Office of the Secretary. 1944-1947
IX B6. Production and Marketing Administration (PMA) 1944-1948
Box 1.2/32
IX B6a. Production and Marketing Administration (PMA), Livestock Branch. 1945-1948
IX B6b. Production and Marketing Administration, Dairy Branch. 1944-1948
IX B6c. Production and Marketing Administration, Poultry Branch. 1945-1946
IX B6d. Production and Marketing Administration, Fats and Oils Branch. 1947-1948
IX B6e. Production and Marketing Administration, Fruits and Vegetable Branch. 1941-1948
IX B6f. Production and Marketing Administration, Sugar Branch. 1942-1948
IX B6g. Production and Marketing Administration, Cotton Branch. 1944
IX B6h. Production and Marketing Administration, Grain Branch. 1946-1948
IX B6i. Production and Marketing Administration, Tobacco Branch. 1942-1945
IX B6j. Production and Marketing Administration, Special Commodities Branch. 1945-1947
IX B6k. Production and Marketing Administration, Field Service Branch. 1945-1948
IX B6l. Production and Marketing Administration, Food Distribution Programs Branch. 1945-1948
IX B6m. Production and Marketing Administration, Materials and Equipment Branch. 1946
IX B6n. Production and Marketing Administration, Shipping and Storage Branch. 1945-1946
IX B6o. Production and Marketing Administration, Marketing and Facilities Branch. 1946-1949
IX B6p. Production and Marketing Administration, Labor Branch. 1945-1947
IX B6q. Production and Marketing Administration, Fiscal Branch. 1946-1947
IX B6r. Production and Marketing Administration, Budget and Management Branch. 1946-1949
IX B6s. Production and Marketing Administration, Compliance and Investigation Branch. 1945-1948
IX B6t. Production and Marketing Administration, Requirements and Allocation Branch. 1945-1947
IX B6u. Production and Marketing Administration, Office of Program Price Coordination. 1945
IX B6v. Production and Marketing Administration, Foreign Food Program. 1945-1947
IX B6w. Production and Marketing Administration, Marketing Research Branch. 1947-1948
IX B6x. Production and Marketing Administration, Conservation Programs Branch. 1947-1948
IX B6y. Production and Marketing Administration, Price Support and Foreign Supply Branch. 1946-1947
IX C. Relations with states, counties, and cities. 1933-1940
IX C. Relations with states, counties, and cities. 1941-1942
IX C. Relations with states, counties, and cities. 1943
IX C. Relations with states, counties, and cities. February 1944
IX C. Relations with states, counties, and cities. March 1944-1948
IX C1. Office of Experiment Stations. 1940-1948
IX C2. Extension Service and state colleges of agriculture. 1936-1941
IX C2. Extension Service and state colleges of agriculture. 1942
IX C2. Extension Service and state colleges of agriculture. 1943
IX C2. Extension Service and state colleges of agriculture. 1944
IX C2. Extension Service and state colleges of agriculture. 1945-1947
IX C2. Extension Service and state colleges of agriculture, T. M. Campbell, "The School Comes to the Farmer." 1947
IX C2. Extension Service and state colleges of agriculture. 1948
IX C2. Extension Service and state colleges of agriculture, Research Studies in Extension Teaching, Fred Frutchey et al. 1939-1942
IX C2. Extension Service and state colleges of agriculture, 4-H Extension Studies, Progress Report. 1939-1940
IX C2. Extension Service and state colleges of agriculture, "Historical Outline of the Legal Authority under which the Extension Service of the USDA Operates." 1941
IX C3. Forest Service. 1938-1948
IX C4. Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA). 1936-1940
Box 1.2/33
IX C4. Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA). 1941
IX C4. Agricultural Adjustment Administration. 1942
IX C4. Agricultural Adjustment Administration. 1943
IX C4. Agricultural Adjustment Administration. 1944
IX C4. Agricultural Adjustment Administration. 1945-1947
IX C5. Soil Conservation Service. 1937-1948
IX C6. Farm Security Administration (FSA), Farmers Home Administration (FHA). 1939-May 1941
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Farmers Home Administration. June-December 1941
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Farmers Home Administration. 1942
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Farmers Home Administration. January-May 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Farmers Home Administration. June 1943-November 1944
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Farmers Home Administration. 1945-1948
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Farmers Home Administration. 1949, n.d.
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Farmers Home Administration, FSA Planning and Policy Conference. 1946
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Hearings, Vol. 1. 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Hearings, Vol. 2. 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Hearings, Vol. 3. 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Hearings, Vol. 4. 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Hearings, Vol. 5-7. 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Hearings, Vol. 8-9. 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Hearings, Vol. 10. 1943
Box 1.2/34
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Hearings, Vol. 11. 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Hearings, Vol. 12-13. 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Hearings, Vol. 14-16. 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Hearings, Vol. 17-18. 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Hearings, Vol. 19. 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Hearings, Vol. 22. 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Subsistence Homestead Report. Part 1, 1940
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Subsistence Homestead Report. Part 2, 1940
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Index (Vol. I). 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Report 1 (Vol. I). 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Reports 2-6, Projects: Alabama-Arkansas (Vol. I). 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Reports 2-6, Projects: California-Kentucky (Vol. I). 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Reports 2-6, Projects: Louisiana-Montana (Vol. I). 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Reports 2-6, Projects: Nebraska-Oregon (Vol. I). 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Reports 2-6, Projects: Pennsylvania-Wisconsin (Vol. I). 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Report 7 (Vol. I). 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Index (Vol. II) 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Reports 8-15 (Vol. II). 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Reports A-E (Vol. II). 1943
IX C6. Farm Security Administration, Reports F-N (Vol. II). 1943
IX C7. Bureau of Agricultural Economics (BAE). 1937-August 1939
IX C7. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. September-October 1939
IX C7. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. November 1939-1940
IX C7. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 1941
IX C7. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 1942
IX C7. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 1943
IX C7. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 1944
IX C7. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 1945-1948, 1973
IX C7. Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Wenatchee Valley Project. 1940
IX C8. Local Defense Boards, War Boards. 1941
IX C8. Local Defense Boards, War Boards. January-February 1942
IX C8. Local Defense Boards, War Boards. March-April 1942
Box 1.2/35
IX C8. Local Defense Boards, War Boards. May 1942-May 1943
IX C8. Local Defense Boards, War Boards. June 1943-1946
IX C8. Local Defense Boards, War Boards, Tom Linder. 1941-1943
IX C8. Local Defense Boards, War Boards, War Boards Minutes. 1941-1942
IX C9 State Commissioners and Departments of Agriculture, and Governors. 1941-1947
IX C10. State legislatures. 1943
IX C11 USDA Councils. 1940-1943
IX C12. Barriers to trade (Waugh file). 1938-April 1939
IX C12. Barriers to trade (Waugh file). May-December 1939
IX C12. Barriers to trade (Waugh file). 1940-1941
IX C12. Barriers to trade (Waugh file). 1942
IX D. USDA as part of National Executive. 1939-1945
IX D1. Relations with line departments and special war agencies. 1934-1941
IX D1. Relations with line departments and special war agencies. 1942
IX D1. Relations with line departments and special war agencies. 1943
IX D1. Relations with line departments and special war agencies. 1944-1948
IX D1a. National Defense Advisory Commission (NDAC). 1940
IX D1a. National Defense Advisory Commission. 1941-1947
IX D1b. War Manpower Commission (WMC). 1942-1946, n.d.
IX D1c. Office of Production Management and Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply. 1941-1946
IX D1d. War Production Board (WPB). 1941-1942
IX D1d. War Production Board. 1943-1947
IX D1d. War Production Board, "Priorities." May-July 1942
IX D1d. War Production Board, "Priorities." August-September 1942
IX D1d. War Production Board, "Priorities." October-November 1942
IX D1d. War Production Board, "Priorities." February-July 1943
Box 1.2/36
IX D1e. Combined Food Board and American Canadian Committee. 1941-1942, n.d.
IX D1e. Combined Food Board and American Canadian Committee. 1943
IX D1e. Combined Food Board and American Canadian Committee. 1944-1945
IX D1e. Combined Food Board and American Canadian Committee. 1946-1956
IX D1f. Office of Economic Stabilization (Davis). 1942-1943, n.d.
IX D1f. Office of Economic Stabilization (Davis). January-June 1944
IX D1f. Office of Economic Stabilization (Davis). July-December 1944
IX D1f. Office of Economic Stabilization (Davis). January-June 1945
IX D1f. Office of Economic Stabilization (Davis). July 1945-1947
IX D1g. Food Requirements Committee. 1942-1946
IX D1g. Food Requirements Committee, minutes. June-September 1942
IX D1h. Office of Defense Transportation, War Production Board. 1942-1949
IX D1i. Office of Price Administration. 1941-June 1942
IX D1i. Office of Price Administration (OPA). July-December 1942
IX D1i. Office of Price Administration. January-February 1943
IX D1i. Office of Price Administration. March-December 1943
IX D1i. Office of Price Administration. January-June 1944
IX D1i. Office of Price Administration. July-December 1944
IX D1i. Office of Price Administration. January-April 1945
IX D1i. Office of Price Administration. May-June 1945
IX D1i. Office of Price Administration. July-December 1945
Box 1.2/37
IX D1i. Office of Price Administration. January-June 1946
IX D1i. Office of Price Administration. July 1946-1947
IX D1j. War Labor Board. 1943-1945, n.d.
IX D1k. Federal Economic Administration. 1942-1947
IX D1l. United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. 1943
IX D1l. United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. 1944-1945
IX D1l. United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. 1946-1947
IX D1l. United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, Monthly Review. 1945-1946
IX D1l. United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, Weekly Bulletin. 1946
IX D1m. Food Requirements and Allocations Committee, War Food Administration. 1942-1947
IX D1n. Office of Lend-Lease Administration. 1939-1943, n.d.
IX D1n. Office of Lend-Lease Administration. 1944
IX D1n. Office of Lend-Lease Administration. 1945-1946
IX D1o. Office of War Information. 1943-1945
IX D1p. Office of Temporary Controls. 1946-1947
IX D1q. Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations. 1943
IX D2. The War Food Administration. 1939-1941
IX D2. The War Food Administration. 1942
IX D2. The War Food Administration. 1943
IX D2. The War Food Administration. 1944
IX D2. The War Food Administration. 1945-1950
Box 1.2/38
IX D2a. Food Advisory Committee. 1941-June 1943, n.d.
IX D2a. Food Advisory Committee. July 1943-1947
IX D2b. Food Advisory Committee, Claude R. Wickard. 1941-1946
IX D2c. Food Advisory Committee, Chester Davis. March 1943
IX D2c. Food Advisory Committee, Chester Davis. April 1943
IX D2c. Food Advisory Committee, Chester Davis. May 1943
IX D2c. Food Advisory Committee, Chester Davis. May 1943
IX D2c. Food Advisory Committee, Chester Davis. June 1943-May 1946
IX D2c. Food Advisory Committee, Chester Davis. 1967
IX D2d. Food Advisory Committee, Marvin Jones. June-August 1943
IX D2d. Food Advisory Committee, Marvin Jones. September-December 1943
IX D2d. Food Advisory Committee, Marvin Jones. January-April 1944
IX D2d. Food Advisory Committee, Marvin Jones. May-December 1944
IX D2d. Food Advisory Committee, Marvin Jones. 1945-1976
IX D3. USDA relations to the President. 1938-1942
IX D3. USDA relations to the President. 1943
IX D3. USDA relations to the President. 1944-1945
IX D3. USDA relations to the President. 1946
IX D3. USDA relations to the President. 1947-1948
IX D3a. USDA relations to Executive Offices. 1935-1947
IX D3a(1) Executive Budget Bureau. 1940-June 1943
IX D3a(1) Executive Budget Bureau. July 1943-1944
Box 1.2/39
IX D3a(2) Office of War Mobilization. 1942-1947, 1979
IX D3a(3) Assistants to the President. 1941-1945
IX D3a(4) Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion. 1943-1947
IX D3a(4)(a) Surplus Property Board. 1944-1945
IX D3a(4)(b) Crowley Committee. 1944-1947
IX D3a(5) Surplus Property Administration (Symington). 1946
IX D3a(6) National Security Resources Board. 1947-1949
IX D3a(7) Council of Economic Advisors. 1948
IX D3b. Vice President Wallace, Henry A. 1940-1945
IX D4. USDA relations to Congress. 1933-1941, n.d.
IX D4. USDA relations to Congress. 1942
IX D4. USDA relations to Congress. 1943
IX D4. USDA relations to Congress. 1944
IX D4. USDA relations to Congress. 1945-1946
IX D4. USDA relations to Congress. 1947-1949
IX D4a. USDA relations to Congress, Proposed legislation. 1934-1948
IX D4b. Advice given Congressmen by USDA. 1943-1945
IX D4c. USDA relations to Congress, Pressure groups. 1942-1947
IX D4c(1) Congressional pressure on USDA. 1940-1947
IX D4c(2) USDA pressure on Congress. 1943-1947
IX D4d. USDA relations to Congress, Appropriation Committee and Congressional actions. 1940-1942
IX D4d. USDA relations to Congress, Appropriation Committee and Congressional actions. 1943-1944
IX D4d. USDA relations to Congress, Appropriation Committee and Congressional actions. 1945
IX D4d. USDA relations to Congress, Appropriation Committee and Congressional actions. 1946-1948
IX D5. USDA relations to political parties. 1936-1942, n.d.
IX D5. USDA relations to political parties. 1943-1945
Box 1.2/40
IX D5. USDA relations to political parties. 1946-1947
IX D5. USDA relations to political parties. 1948
IX D5a. Congress and USDA personnel policies. 1943-1948
IX E. USDA relations to interest groups. 1932-1943
IX E. USDA relations to interest groups. 1944 and n.d.
IX E. USDA relations to interest groups. 1945
IX E. USDA relations to interest groups. 1946-1949
IX E1. Farm groups. 1936-1942, n.d.
IX E1. Farm groups. 1943-1945
IX E1. Farm groups. 1946-1948, 1968
IX E1a. American Farm Bureau Federation. 1936-1940
IX E1a. American Farm Bureau Federation. 1941-1942
IX E1a. American Farm Bureau Federation. January-June 1943
IX E1a. American Farm Bureau Federation. July-December 1943
IX E1a. American Farm Bureau Federation. 1944-1945
IX E1a. American Farm Bureau Federation. 1946-1947
IX E1a. American Farm Bureau Federation. 1948, n.d.
IX E1b. Farmers Union. 1940-1942
IX E1b. Farmers Union. 1943-1944
IX E1b. Farmers Union. 1945-1948
IX E1c. National Grange. 1936-June 1943, n.d.
IX E1c. National Grange. July-December 1943
IX E1c. National Grange. 1944-1948
Box 1.2/41
IX E1d. National Council of Farmer Cooperatives. 1941-1943, n.d.
IX E1d. National Council of Farmer Cooperatives. 1944-1948
IX E1e. National Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation. 1941-1946
IX E1f. Southern Tenant Farmers Union. 1939-1943
IX E2. Trade groups. 1934-1942, n.d.
IX E2. Trade groups. 1943
IX E2. Trade groups. 1944
IX E2. Trade groups. January-June 1945
IX E2. Trade groups. July 1945-June 1946
IX E2. Trade groups. July-December 1946
IX E2. Trade groups. 1947-1948, 1981
IX E2a. War Advertising Council. January-September 1943, n.d.
IX E2a. War Advertising Council. October-December 1943
IX E2a. War Advertising Council. 1944-1945
IX E3. Labor groups. 1937-1945, n.d.
IX E3. Labor groups. 1946-1948
IX E4. Consumer groups (includes Food for Freedom). 1941-1947
IX E5. Agricultural Mobilization Committee. 1942-1945
IX E6. Emergency Committee for Food Production. 1943
IX F. Allied government organizations in the U.S. 1942-1945
IX F1. British Food Commission. 1939-May 1941, n.d.
IX F1. British Food Commission. June-December 1941
IX F1. British Food Commission. 1942-1943
Box 1.2/42
IX F1. British Food Commission. 1944-1948
IX F2. Canadian food and agricultural organizations. 1940-1948
IX F2. Canadian food and agricultural organizations, Wartime Boards & Commissions, part 1 of 2. 1939-1945
IX F2. Canadian food and agricultural organizations, Wartime Boards & Commissions, part 2 of 2. 1939-1945
IX F3. Russian Food Mission and Soviet Protocol Commission. 1942-1943
Top of Page
X. Special War Services of USDA. 1940-1943
X A. Farm Security Administration (FSA), Defense housing. 1940-1945
X B. War Relocation Authority. 1942-1945
X C. Forest Service, Special war services. 1940-1945
X D. Defense plant location and acquisition of land. 1941-1944
X D1. War defense plant sites. 1941
X D2. Relocation of displaced families. 1941-1945
X D3. Transfer of land for military purposes. 1942
X E. War information. 1943-1944, n.d.
X E1. Program surveys. 1942-1943, n.d.
X E1. Program surveys. 1944
X E1. Program surveys. 1945-1946
X E1. Program surveys. 1947-1948
X E2. Office of Information. 1942-1943
X E2a. Food for Freedom campaign. 1943
X F. Bureau of Economic Warfare and the State Department. 1942-1946
X F1. Export and import control. 1935-1948, n.d.
X G. Office of Civilian Defense, relations to Extension Service and War Boards. 1941-1943, n.d.
X H. Rural Electrification Administration (REA), Special war services. 1942-1945
X I. Scientific research. 1941-1947
X J. Department encouragement of special war drives (non-food). 1942-1945
X K. Protecting against sabotage. 1940-1943
X L. Relations with other governments on special war problems. 1943-1945, n.d.
Top of Page
XI. Technological invention and acceleration. 1942-1948
XI A. Production technology. 1940-1948
XI B. Processing technology. 1941-1947
Top of Page
XII. Postwar Adjustments. 1941-1946, n.d.
XII. Postwar Adjustments, Strategic and Critical Materials Stockpiling Act. 1946-1948
XII A. International trade in handling surplus problems. 1932-June 1942
XII A. International trade in handling surplus problems. July 1942-1944
XII A. International trade in handling surplus problems. January-May 1945
XII A. International trade in handling surplus problems. June 1945-1948
XII A1. Commodity agreements, postwar. 1934-May 1945
XII A1. Commodity agreements, postwar. June 1945-1948
Box 1.2/43
XII B. International cooperation and rehabilitation of war zones. 1942-June 1943
XII B. International cooperation and rehabilitation of war zones. July 1943-1944
XII B. International cooperation and rehabilitation of war zones. 1945
XII B. International cooperation and rehabilitation of war zones. January-March 1946
XII B. International cooperation and rehabilitation of war zones. April-December 1946
XII B. International cooperation and rehabilitation of war zones. 1947-1948
XII B1. Emergency Famine Committee. 1943-April 1946, n.d.
XII B1. Emergency Famine Committee. May 1946-1948
XII B1. Emergency Famine Committee, Information. 1944-September 1946
XII B1. Emergency Famine Committee, Information. October 1946-1947
Box 1.2/44
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council (IEFC). 1946-1949, n.d.
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council (IEFC), clippings. 1946-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Preliminary Meetings (June 20-25, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, 1st Meeting (June 20-21, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, 2nd Meeting (Oct 14, 1946). 1946-1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Report to 2nd Council Meeting (Oct 14, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, 3rd Meeting (January 30, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, 4th Meeting (May 26, 1947), part 1 of 2. 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, 4th Meeting (May 26, 1947), part 2 of 2. 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, FAO Conference records for use at 5th Meeting. 1945, 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, 5th Meeting (October 27, 1947), part 1 of 2. 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, 5th Meeting (October 27, 1947), part 2 of 2. 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, 5th Meeting, First Session (October 27, 1947), Verbatim. 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, 5th Meeting, Second Session (November 11, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 1st Meeting (January 23, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 2nd Meeting (January 30, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 3rd Meeting (February 13, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 4th Meeting (February 18, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 5th Meeting (March 9, 1948). 1948
Box 1.2/45
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 6th Meeting (March 17, 1948), part 1 of 2. 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 6th Meeting (March 17, 1948), part 2 of 2. 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 7th Meeting (March 24, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Special Meeting (March 29, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 8th Meeting (April 9, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 9th Meeting (May 14, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 10th Meeting (May 21, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 11th Meeting (June 18, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 12th Meeting (June 25, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 13th Meeting (July 2, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 14th Meeting (July 16, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 15th Meeting (July 23, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 16th Meeting (August 20, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 17th Meeting (August 27, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 18th Meeting (September 24, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 19th Meeting (October 8, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 20th Meeting (October 27, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 21st Meeting (November 3, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 22nd Meeting (December 9, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 23rd Meeting (December 16, 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 1st Meeting (January 14, 1949). 1949
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 2nd Meeting (February 10, 1949). 1949
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 3rd Meeting (February 25, 1949). 1949
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 4th Meeting (April 19, 1949). 1949
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 5th Meeting (June 8, 1949). 1949
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 6th Meeting (June 16, 1949). 1949
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, 7th Meeting (June 16, 1949). 1949
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 1st Meeting (June 21, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 2nd Meeting (June 25, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, Special Meeting (July 1, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 3rd Meeting (July 10, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 4th Meeting (July 15, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 5th Meeting (July 16, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, Standing Committee, 1st Meeting (July 18, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 6th Meeting (July 26, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 7th Meeting (August 2, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 8th Meeting (August 16, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 9th Meeting (August 23, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 10th Meeting (September 27, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 11th Meeting (October 2, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 12th Meeting (October 23, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 13th Meeting (November 1, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 14th Meeting (November 4, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 15th Meeting (November 21, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 16th Meeting (December 13, 1946). 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 1st Meeting (January 3, 1947). 1946-1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 2nd Meeting (January 10, 1947). 1946-1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 3rd Meeting (January 17, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 4th Meeting (February 14, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 5th Meeting (February 21, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 6th Meeting (March 7, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 7th Meeting (March 21, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 8th Meeting (March 24, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 9th Meeting (April 10, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 10th Meeting (May 16, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 11th Meeting (June 13, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 12th Meeting (June 27, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 13th Meeting (July 1, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 14th Meeting (August 1, 1947). 1947
Box 1.2/46
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 15th Meeting (August 20, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 16th Meeting. (September 3, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 17th Meeting. (October 3, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 18th Meeting. (October 10, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 19th Meeting (October 17, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 20th Meeting (November 21, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 21st Meeting (December 12, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, 22nd Meeting (December 31, 1947). 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, memoranda. 1946-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, minutes (final). 1946-1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Central Committee, Reports to the Council. 1946-1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Correspondence on transfer of IEFC to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). 1947-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Committee for Integration of IEFC and FAO. 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Organization and Committees. 1946-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, press releases. 1946-March 1947, n.d.
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, press releases. April 1947-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, procedures. 1946-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, roster. 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, roster. 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, roster. 1949
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Secretary-General, memoranda. 1946-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Report of the Secretary-General to the 3rd Meeting of the Council. 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Report of the Secretary-General to the 4th Meeting of the Council. 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Council, Report of the Secretary-General to the 5th Meeting of the Council. 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Special Policy Committee. 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Trade Agreement Policy. 1946
Box 1.2/47
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, FAO Geneva Conference. 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Report for the Council of FAO at Its Second Session (March 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Report for the Council of FAO at Its Fourth Session (October 1948). 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, FAO/IEFC Conference Reports. 1946-1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, United States Government Reports. 1945-1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, United States Government Reports. 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, miscellaneous. 1946 and n.d.
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Reserved Commodity List. 1946-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees and Membership. 1946-1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Instructions to Commodity Committees. 1946-1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Argols and Tartaric Acid. 1946 and n.d.
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Argols and Tartaric Acid Committee. 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Beans and Peas. 1946-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Beans and Peas Committee. 1946-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Cereals. 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Cereals. January-May 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Cereals. June-December 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Cereals. January-March 1948 and n.d.
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Cereals. April-December 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Cereals Committee. 1946-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Executive Committee on Cereals. 1947-1948, n.d.
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Cocoa and Spices. 1946-1948, n.d.
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Cocoa and Spices Committee. 1946-1949
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Dairy Products. 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Dairy Products Committee. 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Fats, Oils, and Feeds. 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Fats, Oils, and Feeds. January-August 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Fats, Oils, and Feeds. September 1947-1948
Box 1.2/48
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Fats, Oils, and Feeds Committee. 1946 and n.d.
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Fats, Oils, and Feeds Committee. 1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Fats, Oils, and Feeds Committee. 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Fats, Oils, and Feeds Committee. 1949
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Feeds. 1947-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Feeds Committee. 1947-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Fertilizers. 1946-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Fertilizers Committee. 1946-1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Fertilizers Committee. 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Fertilizers Committee. 1949
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Fishery Products. 1946-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Fishery Products Committee. 1946-1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Fruits and Vegetables. 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Fruits and Vegetables Committee. 1946-1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Grain Export Quotas, Shipments. 1946-1948, n.d.
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Meat and Meat Products. 1946-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Meat and Meat Products Committee. 1946-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Rice. 1946-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Rice Committee. 1946-1947, n.d.
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Rice Committee. January-June 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Rice Committee. July-December 1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Rice Committee. January-May 1949
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Rice Committee. June-December 1949
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Rice Subcommittee at Singapore. 1946-1947
Box 1.2/49
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Seeds. 1946-1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Seeds Committee. 1946-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Sugar. 1946-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Sugar Committee. 1946-1948
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Tea. 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Tea Committee. 1946-1947
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Vitamins Committee. 1946
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Commodity Committees, Exhibits, War-time Price Control. 1938
XII B2. International Emergency Food Committee, Combined Working Party on European Food Supplies, Reports. 1944-1945
XII B3. International rehabilitation, 1947-1948 plans and proposals. 1945-October 1947
XII B3. International rehabilitation, 1947-1948 plans and proposals. November-December 1947
XII B3. International rehabilitation, 1947-1948 plans and proposals. 1948
XII B3. International rehabilitation, 1947-1948 plans and proposals, "The Agricultural Situation." 1946-1947
XII B3a. President's Cabinet Committee. 1946-1948
XII B3b. Committee on Relief for Europe (W. Averell Harriman). 1947
XII B3c. Citizens Food Committee (Charles Luckman). 1947-1948
XII B4. Economic Cooperation Administration. 1947-1948
XII B4a. Food conservation programs. 1948
XII B5. Committee on Refugee Problems. 1938-1939
XII B5. Committee on Refugee Problems. 1940-1942
XII C. Proposals for economic reconstruction. 1940-1947
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. 1940
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. 1941
Box 1.2/50
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. January-May 1942
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. June-December 1942
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. January-June 1943
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. July 1943
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. July 26-31, 1943
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. August-September 1943
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. October 1943
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. November 1943
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. December 1943
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. January 1944
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. February-July 1944
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. August 1944
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. August-September 1944
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. October 1944
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. November 1944
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. December 1944
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. January-May 1945
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. June-August 1945
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. September-December 1945
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. 1946
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. January-September 1947
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. October-November 1947
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture. 1948
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture, "Agriculture When the War Ends." 1943
Box 1.2/51
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture, Bureau of Public Works Estimates. 1943
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture, "Impact of the War on the Financial Structure of Agriculture." 1957
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture, Interbureau Coordinating Committee. 1941-1943
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture, Long Range Agricultural Programs. 1946-1947
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture, Manual and Procedures. [1941-1942?]
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture, Postwar Conference. 1944
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture, "Post-war Letter." 1944-1946
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture, Postwar memoranda, miscellaneous. 1944-1945
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture, Reconversion. 1944
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture, "... Long-Range Outlook for Agriculture (1st Working Draft)." 1947
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture, "... Long-Range Outlook for Agriculture (2nd Working Draft)." 1948
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture, State Reports on Area Programs. 1942-1944
XII D. Postwar planning for American agriculture, State Reports on Area Programs. 1944
XII D1. Agricultural aid to WWII veterans. 1943-1948
XII D2. Postwar planning on size and type of farms. 1941-1948
XII D2. Postwar planning on size and type of farms, Buffalo Rapids Project No. 1, Montana. 1941
XII D2. Postwar planning on size and type of farms, Buffalo Rapids Project No. 2, Montana. 1944
XII D2. Postwar planning on size and type of farms, Buford-Trenton Project, North Dakota. 1944
XII D2. Postwar planning on size and type of farms, Preliminary Proposal for Eden Valley Project, Wyoming. 1940
XII D2. Postwar planning on size and type of farms, Preliminary Proposal for Mancos Project, Colorado. n.d.
XII D2. Postwar planning on size and type of farms, Rapid Valley Project, South Dakota. 1944
XII D2. Postwar planning on size and type of farms, Saco Divide Project, Montana. 1944
XII D3. Agricultural labor, postwar. 1945-1948
XII D3. Agricultural labor, postwar, "Economic Justification ... Mirage Flats Project, Nebraska." 1944
XII D4. Crop insurance, postwar. 1946-1947
XII D5. Agricultural research (Research and Marketing Act). 1943-1946
XII D5. Agricultural research (Research and Marketing Act). 1947
XII D5. Agricultural research (Research and Marketing Act). 1948-1949
XII D6. Controls, postwar. 1941-1948
XII D6a. Acreage controls, postwar. 1946-1948
XII D6b. Marketing controls, postwar. 1946-1948
XII D7. Rural housing, postwar. 1944-1948
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and its predecessors. 1941-1943
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors. 1942-1944
Box 1.2/52
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors. 1943-1944
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors. 1945-1946
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors. 1945-1948
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors. 1947
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors. 1947-1949
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors. 1956, 1971
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors, clippings. 1943-1944
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors, clippings. 1945-1948
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors, FAO Bulletin. 1945-1949
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors, "First report ...." 1947
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors, publications. 1945-1946
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors, publications. 1947
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors, publications. 1948
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors, publications. 1949
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors, publications. 1949-1950
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors, "Questions Relating to the Establishment of the Permanent ...." n.d.
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors, research materials on Paul Appleby. 1942-1945
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors, research material on FAO. 1941-1945
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors, United Nations Conference on Food and Agriculture, reports (1). 1943
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization and its predecessors, United Nations Conference on Food and Agriculture, reports (2). 1943
Box 1.2/53
XII E1. Related food conferences, postwar. 1923, 1943-1948
XII E2. World Food Board. 1946-1947
XII E3. World Food Council. 1947-1948
XII F. Disposal of surplus war property. 1943-1948
XII F1. Surplus machinery disposal. 1942-1948
XII F2. Surplus land disposal. 1944-1946
XII F3. Surplus food disposal. 1943-1948
XII F4. Agencies for disposal of surpluses. 1945-1947
XII F4a. Office of Surplus Property (USDA). 1944-1945
XII G. Price policies for agricultural products. 1941-1945
XII G. Price policies for agricultural products. 1946-1948
XII G1. Price support, postwar. 1943-May 1947
XII G1. Price support, postwar. June 1947-July 1948
XII G1. Price support, postwar. August-December 1948
XII G2. Subsidies, postwar. 1944-1948
XII G3. Price control, postwar. 1943-1946
XII G3. Price control, postwar. 1947-1948
XII G4. Parity, postwar. 1943-1948
XII G5. Inflation, postwar. 1946-1948
XII H. Postwar lend-lease proposals. 1945
XII I. Nutrition as a goal for USDA programs. 1939-1948
XII J. Conservation of natural resources. 1942-1948
XII J1. Soil conservation. 1943-1948
XII J2. Forest conservation. 1944-1948
XII J3. Water conservation. 1945-1948
XII K. Postwar foreign demands. 1943-1946
XII K. Postwar foreign demands. 1947-1949
XII L. Rural health. 1945-1948
XII M. Allocation programs. 1942-1948
XII M1. Rationing programs. 1947-1948
Box OS 1.2/1
III C. Farm Equipment and Machinery, 1941
IV E1. Division of Authority
IV K. Price Control Administration, 1942-1943
IX B1a. Secretary,Wallace, Henry A., publications, 1939
IX B2a(2). Secretary's Office, Auxiliary Services, Finance & Budget, 1942
IX B3b. Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation, D.C. school lunch chart, n.d.
Box OS 1.2/2
II B7b(2). "Goals" vs. "Expected" Production Controversy for 1943
III B1. Labor Policies, 1946
III B1b. WWII Labor Policies During Shortages, 1943
V A1a(1)-VB3
V A1a(1). Cotton shortages, 1944
V B1. Meats and hides, 1941
V B2a. Dairy, 1943-1944
V B3. Fats and Oils, 1939-1940, 1942, 1944
VII. Fostering Western Hemispheric Integration, 1944
IX. USDA Administration, 1940
IX. USDA Administration, 1950
IX B2a(2). Secretary's Office, Auxiliary Services, Finance & Budget, Historical Materials, (Development and Organization), 1941
IX B2d(1). Secretary Wallace, Henry A., 1940-1942
IX C8. Local Defense Boards/War Boards, 1942
IX D1. Relations with line departments and special war agencies, 1943
IX D1k. Foreign Economic Administration, 1945
IX D3a(6). National Security Resources Board, 1948
IX D5. USDA Relations to political parties, 1941
IX E. USDA Relations to interest groups, n.d.
IX E1. Farm groups, 1946
IX E1a. American Farm Bureau Federation, 1941
IX E1b. Farmers Union, 1944
IX E2. Trade groups, 1945
IX E3. Labor groups, 1943
IX F2. Canadian Food and Agricultural Organization-Wartime Boards and Commissions, 1940
IX D3. USDA Relations to the President, 1941-1948
XII B1. Emergency Famine Committee, n.d.
XII B2. IEFC--Geneva Conference--FAO, 1947
XII J1. Soil, 1948
Box OS 1.2/3
III B2a(10) Food Distribution Administration, 1943
V A1a(1). Cotton shortages, 1943-1944
V B3. Fats and oils, 1947
VI A2. Nutritional Standards and Civilian Food Supply, 1941
VI A2c. Consumer Education, 1943
VII A. The "good neighbor" policy and USDA (1933-1939), 1935
IX B3b. Food Distribution Administration/Office of Distribution, WFA, 1939-1943
IX B3b. Food Distribution Administration/Office of Distribution, WFA, 1944
IX B3n. Office of Requirements and Allocations 1943-1945
IX D1k. Federal Emergency Administration, Combined Working Party Reports, 1944
IX E1b. Farmers Union, 1943-1948
IX E1c. National Grange, 1942-1943
IX E3. Labor groups, 1943
IX F1. British Food Commission, 1942
X F1. Export and import control, 1942 and n.d.
X L. Relations with other governments on special war problems, 1943-1945
XII E. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Its Predecessors, 1942-1948
Folder 1
IX C7. BAE, 1942-1943
X E2a. Food for Freedom campaign, 1943
Folder 2
XII B1. Emergency Famine Committee, 1946
XII D. Postwar Planning for American Agriculture Reconversion, 1944