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Series I, ss 4, Container list, USDA History Collection

USDA History Collection

Series I, subseries 4. Documentary Files, 1957-1977 (bulk 1957-1977)


CONTAINER LIST | Scope and Content Note   ||   Collection Map

Box 1.4/1

Outline: "The United States Department of Agriculture, 1957-1977."


I. Economic Conditions

I A. Production changes and trends

I B. Changes in price levels and trends (free market)

I B1. Inflation

I B1a. Commodities

I B1b. Land

I B2. Depressions and recessions

I C. Demand and price forecasts (Proxmire and Ellender Reports)

Box 1.4/2

I C. Demand and price forecasts (Proxmire and Ellender Reports)

I C1. Agriculture Outlook Conference

Box 1.4/3

I C1. Agriculture Outlook Conference

I D. Changes in farm income

Box 1.4/4

I D. Changes in farm income

I D1. Savings

I D2. Debt reduction

I E. Changes in farm size and population

I E1. Part-time farming

Top of Page


II. Purchase for domestic use

II A. Purchases for domestic use

Box 1.4/5

II A. Purchases for domestic use

II A1. Price support and surplus removal

II A2. School lunch and school milk program

Box 1.4/6

II A2. School lunch and school milk program

II A3. Donations to low-income groups, food stamp program to 1961, (including bids to process)

Box 1.4/7

II A3. Donations to low-income groups, food stamp program to 1961, (including bids to process)

II A4. Diversion

II A5. Food stamp program

Box 1.4/8

II A5. Food stamp program

Box 1.4/9

II A5. Food stamp program

Box 1.4/10

II A5. Food stamp program

II B. Purchases for foreign shipment

II B1. Programs under P.L. 480 and Mutual Security Program

Box 1.4/11

II B1. Programs under P.L. 480 and Mutual Security Program

II B2. Special disaster relief for foreign countries (white fleet)

II C. War on Poverty

Box 1.4/12

II C. War on Poverty

Box 1.4/13

II C. War on Poverty

Box 1.4/14

II C. War on Poverty

Top of Page


III. Production

III A. Production guides and goals

III B. Acreage and marketing controls

III B1. Acreage allotments

III B2. Marketing quotas

Box 1.4/15

III B2. Marketing quotas

III C. Agricultural labor

III C1. Policies

Box 1.4/16

III C1a. Wages

III C1b. Migrant workers (including housing)

III C1c. Draft policy

III C1d. Foreign labor

III C1d(1) Mexican

III C1e. Movement of migrant laborers

III C1f. Mobilization of local labor

III C1g. Labor utilization

III C2. Labor agencies

III C2a. Labor agencies within USDA

III C2b. Labor agencies outside USDA

III D. Farm equipment and machinery

Box 1.4/17

III D. Farm equipment and machinery

III E. Materials for farm production

III E1. Fertilizers

III E2. Insecticides and other chemicals

Box 1.4/18

III E3. Bagging materials

III E4. Feed

III E5. Seed

III E6. Weed control

III E7. Fuel and energy

III F. Encouraging home production and preservation of foods including home gardens

III G. Eradication and control of plant and animal diseases and pests

Box 1.4/19

III G. Eradication and control of plant and animal diseases and pests

III H. Contract farming, vertical integration, agri-business

Top of Page


IV. Price programs

IV A. Price programs of USDA

IV A1. Price-support programs carried out by USDA

Box 1.4/20

IV A1. Price-support programs carried out by USDA

IV A1a. Loans, including Commodity Credit Corporation purchase agreements, "reseal" programs, and loan extension

Box 1.4/21

IV A1a. Loans, including Commodity Credit Corporation purchase agreements, "reseal" programs, and loan extension

IV A1b. Incentive payments and indirect subsidies

IV A1b(1) Wheat and cotton certificate programs

Box 1.4/22

IV A1c. Purchases for price support

IV A1c(1) Section 32 purchases

IV A1c(2) School lunch

IV A1c(3) Programs under P.L. 480

IV A1c(4) Donations for foreign relief

IV A1c(5) Diversion

IV A1d. Feed grain programs

IV A2. Costs of price support and related USDA programs

IV B. Proposals for and recommendations regarding price support programs

Box 1.4/23

IV B. Proposals for and recommendations regarding price support programs

IV B1. Congressional reactions and recommendations

IV B2. Types of programs recommended

IV B2a. Two-price

IV B2b. Income payments including the Brannan plan

IV B2c. National Agriculture Relations Act (farmer bargaining)

Box 1.4/24

IV B3. Revisions in parity formula

IV B4. Reactions and recommendations (farmers, farm organizations, economists, and others)

Box 1.4/25

IV B4. Reactions and recommendations (farmers, farm organizations, economists, and others)

IV C. Price support legislation

IV D. Price control proposals and programs

Top of Page


V. Land use and resource conservation

Box 1.4/26

V A. Need for and status of conservation

V A1. Forest

V A2. Land

V A3. Water

V B. Changes in land use, including disposition of government land

V B1. Land for recreation

V C. Government programs

Box 1.4/27

V C. Government programs

V C1. Land

V C1a. Agricultural conservation programs

V C1b. Soil Bank

V C1b(1) Acreage reserve

V C1b(2) Conservation reserve

V C1c. Soil Conservation Service program of technical assistance

Box 1.4/28

V C1d. Great Plains programs

V C1e. Wind erosion programs

V C1f. Acreage diversion and cropland retirement programs

V C2. Water and watershed

V C2a. Reclamation and irrigation

V C2b. River valley programs and proposals (includes Tennessee Valley Authority)

V C2c. Flood prevention and control

V C3. Products

V C4. Environmental protection programs and proposals

Box 1.4/29

V C5. Job corps

Top of Page


VI. Surpluses and surplus management

VI A. Existences of surpluses

VI B. Causes of surpluses

VI C. Effects of surpluses

VI C1. Effects on price

VI C2. Effects on consumption

VI C3. Effects on farm management and farmers plans

VI D. Proposals and plans for surplus disposal

VI E. Management of surpluses

VI E1. Donations to low-income groups

VI E2. Donations to school lunch

VI E3. Diversion

VI E4. Disposition abroad

VI E4a. Sales under P.L. 480

Box 1.4/30

VI E4b. Other sales (including Commodity Credit Corporation sales lists)

VI E4c. Donations for foreign relief

VI E4d. Barter

VI E5. Domestic sales

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VII. Emergency relief and disaster

VII A. Designation of disaster areas (including drought disaster areas)

Box 1.4/31

VII A. Designation of disaster areas (including drought disaster areas)

VII B. Emergency loans including economic emergency loans

VII B1. Special emergency loans

VII B1a. Special livestock loans

VII B1b. Production emergency loans

VII C. Hay and feed programs

VII C1. Hay

VII C2. Feed

VII D. Freight rates, changes

VII E. Disaster insurance

VII F. Wind erosion

VII G. Costs of disaster programs

VII H. Soil Bank

VII I. Great Plains

VII J. Programs to aid flood victims

VII K. Programs to aid hurricane victims

VII L. Purchases and purchase orders

VII M. Special drought programs

Top of Page


VIII. Marketing and Distribution

VIII A. Marketing

Box 1.4/32

VIII A. Marketing

VIII A1. Marketing agreements and orders

VIII A2. Changes and marketing techniques including trading stamps

VIII A3. Government service and regulatory programs for industry (including transfer of livestock)

Box 1.4/33

VIII A3a. Grades and standards

VIII A3b. Inspection and labeling

VIII A3c. Chemicals and other food preservatives

VIII A4. Food promotion campaigns

VIII A4a. Government

VIII A4a(1) Information and promotion (Presidential "E" awards)

Box 1.4/34

VIII A4a(1) Information and promotion (Presidential "E" awards)

VIII A4a(2) Cooperation and self-help promotion programs, including wool and dairy

VIII A4b. Non-government, includes food trade and farm organization

VIII A4c. Fairs and exhibits

VIII B. Distribution

VIII B1. Stocks and stockpiling

VIII B2. Storage

VIII B3. Transportation

VIII B4. Government distribution programs

VIII B4a. School lunch

VIII B4b. Donations to low-income groups

VIII B4c. Sales by government agencies

VIII B4d. Diversion

VIII B4e. Export control

VIII B4f. Purchase and procurement

VIII B5. Special consumer programs and proposals

Box 1.4/35

VIII B5. Special consumer programs and proposals

VIII B6. Conservation and rationing proposals and controls

VIII B5a. Conservation

VIII B5b. Rationing

Top of Page


IX. International aspects of food and agriculture

IX A. International trade in agricultural commodities

Box 1.4/36

IX A. International trade in agricultural commodities

IX A1. Foreign demand

IX A2. Commodity agreements (international)

IX A2a. Wheat agreement

IX A2b. Sugar agreement

IX A2c. Coffee agreement

IX A2d. Cocoa agreement

IX A2e. Rubber agreement

IX A3. Export programs and controls

Box 1.4/37

IX A3. Export programs and controls

IX A3a. Export payments

IX A4. Import programs and controls

Box 1.4/38

IX A4. Import programs and controls

IX A5. Tariff policies

IX A5a. Trade agreements

IX A5b. Common market, September 1962

Box 1.4/39

IX A5b. Common market, September 1962

IX A5c. European Free Trade Area

IX A5d. Central and Caribbean American Common Markets

IX A5e. Latin American Free Trade

IX A5f. East and Central African Common Market

IX A5g. Yaounde Convention

IX A6. International Trade Conferences and agreements

IX A6a. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

IX A6a(1) Kennedy Round

IX A6a(2) 1974 Round

IX A6b. U.N. Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

IX B. International organizations

IX B1. U.N. other than Food & Agriculture Organization

IX B1a. U.N. Development Programme

IX B1b. World Health Organization


IX B1d. United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

IX B2. Food and Agriculture Organization

Box 1.4/40

IX B2. Food and Agriculture Organization

IX B2a. World Food Program

IX B2b. Freedom From Hunger Campaign

IX B2b(1) Fertilizer

IX B2c. Indicative World Plan

IX B3. U.S. non-governmental technical assistance programs

IX B3a. Universities

IX B3b. Voluntary groups (formerly Peace Corps)

IX B3b(1) Peace Corps

IX B3b(2) International Voluntary Service

IX B3b(3) Volunteers for International Technical Assistance (VITA)

IX B3b(4) Religious groups

IX B3b(5) CARE

IX B3b(6) Society for International Development

IX B3c. Foundations

IX B3d. Private industry

Box 1.4/41

IX B3d. Private industry

IX B4. U.S. Government foreign aid

IX B4a. Proposals and recommendations

IX B4a(1) Incentive price policies

IX B4a(2) Material for production, fertilizer, insecticides, seeds, tools

IX B4a(3) Marketing

IX B4a(4) Research

IX B4b. Food for Peace / Food for Freedom (speeches and articles)

Box 1.4/42

IX B4b. Food for Peace / Food for Freedom (speeches and articles)

IX B4b(1) Self-help programs using P.L. 480 funds

IX B4b(2) Research programs using P.L. 480 funds

IX B4c. Reactions to aid programs

IX B4c(1) Congressional

IX B4c(2) Public

IX B4d. Export-Import Bank

IX B5. USDA programs of technical assistance

IX B5a. Foreign training

Box 1.4/43

IX B5a. Foreign training

Box 1.4/44

IX B5a. Foreign training

IX B5b. Experts and consulting missions (see also individual countries)

IX B5c. Operating missions (see also individual countries)

IX B5d. Economic research

IX B5e. Scientific research

IX B5e(1) Plants and plant disease

IX B5e(2) Animal nutrition and disease

IX B5e(3) Nutrition

IX B5e(4) Farm practices

IX B5e(5) Food technology

IX B5e(6) Marketing

IX B5e(7) Foreign research supervised by USDA

IX B6. International congresses on development subjects

IX B6a. Food for Peace

IX B6a(1) Wheat Utilization Commission

IX B6a(1)(a) Far East Commission

IX B6b. World Food Congress

Box 1.4/45

IX B6b. World Food Congress

IX B6c. Land reform

IX B6d. Conservation

IX B6e. Water

IX B6f. Environment (Stockholm)

IX B7. International advisory commissions and boards

IX B8. Multilateral other than the U.N.

IX B8a. World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)

IX B8b. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

IX B8b(1) Development assistance committee

IX B8c. Regional organization

IX B8c(1) Organization of American States (OAS) and Alliance for Progress (formerly Pan-American Union)

IX B8c(1)(a) Inter-American Development Bank


IX B8c(2) Africa

IX B8c(2)(a) African Development Bank

IX B8c(3) Asia

IX B8c(3)(a) Asian Development Bank

Box 1.4/46

IX C. Agriculture programs by country

IX C1 Africa

IX C1a. North Africa

IX C1a(1) Algeria

IX C1a(2) U.A.R. - Egypt

IX C1a(3) Ethiopia

IX C1a(4) Libya

IX C1a(5) Morocco

IX C1a(6) Sudan

IX C1a(7) Tunisia

IX C1b. West Africa

IX C1b(1) Cameroon

IX C1b(2) Central African Republic

IX C1b(3) Chad

IX C1b(4) Congo (Brazzaville)

IX C1b(5) Zaire (Kinshasa) formerly Congo (Leopoldville)

IX C1b(6) Dahomey

IX C1b(7) Gabon

IX C1b(8) Ghana

IX C1b(9) Guinea

IX C1b(10) Ivory Coast

Box 1.4/47

IX C1b(11) Liberia

IX C1b(12) Mali

IX C1b(13) Mauritania

IX C1b(14) Niger

IX C1b(15) Nigeria

IX C1b(16) Senegal

IX C1b(17) Sierra Leone

IX C1b(18) Togo

IX C1b(19) Upper Volta

IX C1c. East Africa

IX C1c(1) Burundi

IX C1c(2) Kenya

IX C1c(3) Malawi

IX C1c(4) Rwanda

IX C1c(5) Somali Republic

IX C1c(6) Tanzania

IX C1c(7) Uganda

IX C1c(8) Zambia

IX C1d. Southern Africa

IX C1d(1) Angola

IX C1d(2) Botswana

IX C1d(3) Lesotho

IX C1d(4) Malagasy Republic

IX C1d(5) Mozambique

IX C1d(6) Republic of South Africa

IX C1d(7) Rhodesia

IX C1d(8) South West Africa

IX C1d(9) Swaziland

IX C2. Asia (including Middle East)

IX C2a. Burma

IX C2b. China (Mainland)

IX C2c. India

Box 1.4/48

IX C2c. India

Box 1.4/49

IX C2c. India

Box 1.4/50

IX C2c. India

Box 1.4/51

IX C2c. India

IX C2d. Iraq

IX C2e. Iran

IX C2f. Israel

IX C2g. Japan

IX C2h. Korea

IX C2i. Pakistan

Box 1.4/52

IX C2i. Pakistan

IX C2j. Syria

IX C2k. Thailand

IX C2l. Turkey

IX C2m. Viet Nam

Box 1.4/53

IX C2m. Viet Nam

IX C2n. Taiwan

IX C2o. Ceylon

IX C2p. Jordan

IX C2q. Afghanistan

IX C2r. Bangladesh

IX C3. Pacific

IX C3a. Australia

IX C3b. Indonesia

IX C3c. Malaysia and Singapore

IX C3d. New Zealand

IX C3e. Philippine Islands

IX C4. Europe

IX C4a. Austria

IX C4b. Finland

IX C4c. France

IX C4d. Germany

IX C4e. Great Britain

Box 1.4/54

IX C4e. Great Britain

IX C4f. Greece

IX C4g. Italy

IX C4h. Portugal

IX C4i. Spain

IX C4j. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

IX C4k. Yugoslavia

Box 1.4/55

IX C4l. Poland

IX C4m. Czechoslovakia

IX C5. North America

IX C5a. Canada

IX C5b. Mexico

IX C6. South America

IX C6a. Brazil

IX C6b. Chile

IX C6c. Colombia

IX C6d. Ecuador

IX C6e. Paraguay

Box 1.4/56

IX C6f. Peru

IX C6g. Argentina

IX C6h. Bolivia

IX C6i. Guyana

IX C6j. Uruguay

IX C6k. Venezuela

IX C6l. South American dependencies

IX C7. Caribbean (formerly territories and independent islands)

IX C7a. Barbados

IX C7b. Cuba

IX C7c. Dominican Republic

IX C7d. Haiti

IX C7e. Jamaica

IX C7f. Puerto Rico

IX C7g. Trinidad and Tobago

IX C7h. Caribbean dependencies

IX C8. Central America

IX C8a. Costa Rica

IX C8b. El Salvador

IX C8c. Guatemala

IX C8d. Honduras

IX C8e. Nicaragua

IX C8f. Panama

IX C8g. British Honduras

IX D. Effect of world food and population problems on American agriculture

Box 1.4/57

IX D. Effect of world food and population problems on American agriculture

IX D1. Population

Box 1.4/58

IX D1. Population

IX D2. Food supply including quantity needs and quality needs

IX D2a. Protein sources other than animal

IX D2b. Special processing including bulgur, ghee, C.S.M.

Top of Page


X. Changes in Farm Life (Rural Life)

Box 1.4/59

X. Changes in Farm Life (Rural Life)

X A. Standards of living and welfare programs

X A1. Social security

X A2. Taxation

X A3. Housing

X A3a. Repairs to buildings and machinery

X A3b. Housing construction

X A3c. Loans

X A4. Rural health

Box 1.4/60

X B. Education

X C. Minority farm groups

Box 1.4/60a

X C. Minority farm groups

X D. Farmer attitudes and opinions

X E. Farm press

X F. Proposed country life commission

X G. Agricultural Hall of Fame

X H. USDA land grant college centennial

Box 1.4/61

X H. USDA land grant college centennial

X I. Rural-urban balance

Top of Page


Box 1.4/62

XI. Administration of USDA

XI A. Legislation, presidential executive orders and departmental delegations and orders

XI A1. Legislation

XI A1a. Bills introduced and/or proposed legislation

Box 1.4/63

XI A1a. Bills introduced and/or proposed legislation

Box 1.4/64

XI A1a(1) Food stamp and surplus distribution

XI A1a(2) Family farm

XI A1a(3) School lunch

XI A1a(4) Low-cost milk (including school milk program)

XI A1a(5) Social Security

XI A1a(6) Marketing agreements

XI A1a(7) Foreign sales and relief and Food For Peace (P.L. 480)

XI A1a(8) Two-Price Plans, wheat, cotton

XI A1a(9) Stockpiling and storage

XI A1a(10) Revisions of parity formula

XI A1a(11) Disaster (including drought)

Box 1.4/65

XI A1a(12) Acreage allotments, marketing quotas, and carryover

XI A1a(13) Farm programs

XI A1a(14) Foreign and [aid?] other than P.L. 480

Box 1.4/66

XI A1b. Agricultural Act of 1956

XI A1b(1) Reactions to the acts

XI A1b(2) Proposed amendments (see also IXA1a)

Box 1.4/67

XI A1c. Price and income support legislation applying to specific commodities (includes Agriculture Act of 1961 and 1962; wheat and cotton)

XI A1c(1) Feed grains

XI A1c(2) Dairy

Box 1.4/68

XI A2. Executive orders and proclamations

XI A3. Departmental delegations and directives

XI A4. Departmental orders

XI B. Organizations within USDA

XI B1. Reorganizations

XI B1a. Orders

XI B1b. Suggestions and recommendations

XI B1b(1) Hoover Commission

XI B1b(2) Kestenbaum Commission on inter-governmental relations (federal-state "action group")

XI B2. Changes in the secretary's office and general staff of USDA

XI B2a. Staff offices and auxiliary services

XI B2a(1) Solicitor (general counsel)

XI B2a(2) Finance and budget

XI B2a(3) Office of Communication (formerly Information)

XI B2a(4) Office of Personnel

Box 1.4/69

XI B2a(4) Office of Personnel

Box 1.4/70

XI B2a(4) Office of Personnel

Box 1.4/71

XI B2a(4) Office of Personnel

XI B2a(4)(a) Estes, Billie Sol

XI B2a(5) Plant and Operations

XI B2a(6) Office of Hearing Examiners

XI B2a(7) Office of Administrative Management

XI B2a(8) Office of Management Appraisal and Systems Development

XI B2a(9) Office of Internal Audit and Inspection

XI B2a(10) Graduate School

XI B2a(11) Office of Marketing Services

Box 1.4/72

XI B2a(11) Office of Marketing Services

XI B2a(12) International Agricultural Development Service

XI B2a(13) Foreign Economic Development Service

XI B2a(14) Office of Intergovernmental Affairs

XI B2a(15) Office of Information Systems

XI B2a(16) [Add as needed]

XI B2b. Relations between USDA agencies

XI B2b(1) Inter-agency committees (formerly Interbureau committees)

XI B2b(1)(a) USDA Drought Committee

XI B2b(1)(b) USDA National Defense Board

XI B2b(1)(c) Rural Development Board

XI B2b(1)(d) Young Executives Committee

Box 1.4/73

XI B2c. The Secretary

XI B2c(1) Secretary Benson, Ezra Taft

Box 1.4/74

XI B2c(1)(a) Under and Assistant Secretaries under Benson

XI B2c(2) Secretary Freeman, Orville L.

Box 1.4/75

XI B2c(2) Secretary Freeman, Orville L.

Box 1.4/76

XI B2c(2) Secretary Freeman, Orville L.

Box 1.4/77

XI B2c(2) Secretary Freeman, Orville L.

XI B2c(2)(a) Under and Assistant Secretaries under Freeman

Box 1.4/77a

XI B2c(2) Secretary Freeman, Orville L., Personal files. 1963-1968

Box 1.4/77b

XI B2c(2) Secretary Freeman, Orville L., Official Secretary's files. 1964-1966

XI B2c(2) Secretary Freeman, Orville L., Weekly Activity Reports. 1965-1968

XI B2c(2) Secretary Freeman, Orville L., Legislative history. 1961-1968

Box 1.4/78

XI B2c(2)(a) Under and Assistant Secretaries under Freeman

XI B2c(2)(a) Robertson, Joseph, files

Box 1.4/78a

XI B2c(2)(a) Abel, Martin, Subject files in alphabetical order: Appropriations, Budgets, Committees, Cooperation.

Box 1.4/78b

XI B2c(2)(a) Abel, Martin, Subject files: Domestic, EEC, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Information (Speeches, Articles, Publications), Management ("Organization" and Procedures), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Personnel, Trade.

Box 1.4/78c

XI B2c(2)(a) Abel, Martin, Subject files: Travel, UN Conference on Trade and Development, Miscellaneous (usually on import/export subjects and agricultural output).

Box 1.4/78d

XI B2c(2)(a) Baker, John A., Chronological files; Subject files on Research and Education, Rural Electrification Administration (REA), Baker speeches.

Box 1.4/78e

XI B2c(2)(a) Baker, John A., Speeches; Trade.

Box 1.4/78f

XI B2c(2)(a) Leonard, Rod, Chronological correspondence file; Memoranda to Secretary Freeman.

Box 1.4/78g

XI B2c(2)(a) Leonard, Rod, Other correspondence (with John Schnittker and George Mehren, among others); Subject files in alphabetical order, A - Consumer services.

Box 1.4/78h

XI B2c(2)(a) Leonard, Rod, Subject files: Co-operative Payments - Food assistance program.

Box 1.4/78i

XI B2c(2)(a) Leonard, Rod, Subject files.: Food for Freedom Act - Oranges.

Box 1.4/78j

XI B2c(2)(a) Leonard, Rod, Subject files: Poultry Inspection - Task Forces; Travel file, each file documenting a specific trip.

Box 1.4/78k

XI B2c(2)(a) Leonard, Rod, Travel file; Testimony file; Speeches file; Meetings file.

Box 1.4/78l

XI B2c(2)(a) Leonard, Rod, Meetings file; Political file.

XI B2c(2)(a) Mehren, George, chronological files, correspondence, memoranda, speeches, and reports, 1963-1968.

Box 1.4/78m

XI B2c(2)(a) Robertson, Joseph, Committees and advisory committees.

Box 1.4/78n

XI B2c(2)(a) Robertson, Joseph, Committees and advisory committees; Congressional reports; Cost reduction.

Box 1.4/78o

XI B2c(2)(a) Robertson, Joseph, Henderson Committee reports.

Box 1.4/78p

XI B2c(2)(a) Robertson, Joseph, Office of Administrative Management, OAM 8, Training in Administrative Management.

XI B2c(2)(a) Robertson, Joseph, Office of Administrative Management, OAM 11, USDA Directory of Organizations and Field Activities.

XI B2c(2)(a) Robertson, Joseph, Office of Administrative Management, OAM 16, Organization Analysis Charts.

Box 1.4/78q

XI B2c(2)(a) Robertson, Joseph, Office of Administrative Management, OAM 16, Organization Analysis Charts.

Box 1.4/78r

XI B2c(2)(a) Robertson, Joseph, Office of Administrative Management, OAM 16, Organization Analysis Charts.

XI B2c(2)(a) Robertson, Joseph, Office of Administrative Management, OAM 25, Manpower Utilization.

XI B2c(2)(a) Robertson, Joseph, Office of Administrative Management, OAM 27, Congressional Report on USDA Organization.

Box 1.4/78s

XI B2c(2)(a) Robertson, Joseph, Office of Administrative Management, OAM 30, Organizational History of USDA and its Agencies.

XI B2c(2)(a) Robertson, Joseph, Office of Administrative Management, OAM 62, Reorganization, Agricultural Economics.

XI B2c(2)(a) Robertson, Joseph, Miscellaneous.

Box 1.4/78t

XI B2c(2)(a) Robertson, Joseph, Reports, Studies and Surveys, Travel.

Box 1.4/78u

XI B2c(2)(a) Robertson, Joseph, Travel.

Box 1.4/78v

XI B2c(2)(a) Robertson, Joseph, USDA Organization.

Box 1.4/78w

XI B2c(2)(a) Robertson, Joseph, USDA Organization.

Box 1.4/78x

XI B2c(2)(a) Schnittker, John, Chronological files. 1962-May 1964

Box 1.4/78y

XI B2c(2)(a) Schnittker, John, Chronological files. June 1964-January 1965

Box 1.4/78z

XI B2c(2)(a) Schnittker, John, Chronological files. January-July 1965

Box 1.4/78aa

XI B2c(2)(a) Schnittker, John, Chronological files. August 1965-April 1967

Box 1.4/78bb

XI B2c(2)(a) Schnittker, John, Chronological files, August 1967-1968; Departmental History, outline-chapter IV.

Box 1.4/78cc

XI B2c(2)(a) Schnittker, John, Departmental History, chapter V-X; Speech file.

Box 1.4/78dd

XI B2c(2)(a) Schnittker, John, Subject files: Administration, Civil Rights, Commodities/Price Support.

Box 1.4/78ee

XI B2c(2)(a) Schnittker, John, Subject files: Commodities/Price Support.

Box 1.4/78ff

XI B2c(2)(a) Schnittker, John, Subject files: Commodities/Price Support, Food for Peace Technical Assistance.

Box 1.4/78gg

XI B2c(2)(a) Schnittker, John, Subject files: Food for Peace Technical Assistance, General.

Box 1.4/78hh

XI B2c(2)(a) Schnittker, John, Subject files: General.

Box 1.4/78ii

XI B2c(2)(a) Schnittker, John, Subject files: General, Marketing, Natural Resources.

Box 1.4/78jj

XI B2c(2)(a) Schnittker, John, Subject files: Natural Resources, New Town Task Force, Poverty.

Box 1.4/78kk

XI B2c(2)(a) Schnittker, John, Subject files: Poverty.

Box 1.4/7ll

XI B2c(2)(a) Schnittker, John, Subject files: Poverty.

Box 1.4/78mm

XI B2c(2)(a) Schnittker, John, Subject files: Poverty, Poverty and Rural Development.

Box 1.4/78nn

XI B2c(2)(a) Schnittker, John, Subject files: Poverty and Rural Development, "The President and the Department: an Overview."

Box 1.4/78oo

XI B2c(2)(a) Schnittker, John, Subject files: Rural Development, Rural Electrification Administration (REA), Farm Ownership Information, 1967

Box 1.4/79

XI B2c(2)(a) Robertson, Joseph, files

XI B2c(3) Secretary Hardin, Clifford M.

Box 1.4/80

XI B2c(3)(a) Under and Assistant Secretaries under Hardin

XI B2c(4) Secretary Butz, Earl L.

Box 1.4/81

XI B2c(4) Secretary Butz, Earl L.

XI B2c(4)(a) Under and Assistant Secretaries under Butz

Box 1.4/82

XI B2c(4)(a) Under and Assistant Secretaries under Butz

XI B2c(5) Secretary Knebel, John A.

XI B3. Federal-State relations -- agencies of USDA

XI B3a. Agricultural Conservation Programs Service

XI B3b. Agricultural Research Service

Box 1.4/83

XI B3b. Agricultural Research Service

XI B3c. Farmer Cooperative Service

XI B3d. Federal Extension Service

XI B3e. Forest Service

XI B3f. Soil Conservation Service

Box 1.4/84

XI B3f. Soil Conservation Service

XI B3g. Cooperative State Experiment Station Service


XI B4. Marketing and foreign agriculture agencies of the department

XI B4a. Agricultural Marketing Service

XI B4a(1) Office of the Administrator

XI B4a(2) Commodity Divisions (Marketing Services Divisions)

XI B4a(3) Marketing Research and Statistics Divisions

XI B4b. Commodity Exchange Authority

Box 1.4/85

XI B4c. Foreign Agricultural Service

XI B4d. Consumer and Marketing Service

XI B4e. Packers and Stockyards Administration

XI B4f. Export Marketing Service

XI B4g. Food and Nutrition Service

XI B5. Agricultural stabilization agencies of USDA

XI B5a. Commodity Credit Corporation

Box 1.4/86

XI B5a. Commodity Credit Corporation

XI B5b. Commodity Stabilization Service, Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service

XI B5c. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation

XI B6. Agriculture credit agencies of USDA

XI B6a. Farm Credit Administration (independent agency since 1953)

Box 1.4/87

XI B6a. Farm Credit Administration (independent agency since 1953)

XI B6b. Farmers Home Administration

XI B6c. Rural Electrification Administration

XI B6d. Rural Area Development, Public Works Acceleration Program

Box 1.4/88

XI B6e. Rural Community Development Service / Rural Development Service

XI B7. Agricultural economic research agencies of USDA

XI B7a. Statistical Reporting Service

Box 1.4/89

XI B7b. Economic Research Service

Box 1.4/90

XI B7b. Economic Research Service

Box 1.4/91

XI B7b. Economic Research Service

XI C. Relations with states and counties (cities)

Box 1.4/92

XI C1. Experiment Stations

XI C2. Extension Service and state colleges of agriculture (including 4-H)

XI C3. Forest Service

Box 1.4/93

XI C3. Forest Service

XI C4. Soil Conservation Service

XI C5. Farmers Home Administration

XI C6. Agricultural Marketing Service, and Consumer and Marketing Service

XI C7. U.S. territorial possessions

XI C8. State commissioners and departments of agriculture, and governors

XI C9. State legislatures

XI C10. Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committees

XI C11. USDA clubs

XI C12. USDA State and County Defense Boards

Box 1.4/94

XI C13. Rural Development Security St. Off.

XI D. USDA as a part of the national executive

XI D1. Relations with line departments and defense agencies

XI D1a. Commerce Department

XI D1b. Health, Education and Welfare Department

XI D1c. Interior Department

XI D1d. Labor Department

XI D1e. National Defense

XI D1e(1) Office of Civil Defense

XI D1f. Office of Defense Mobilization, Office of Defense and Civilian Mobilization, Office of Emergency Planning

XI D1g. Federal Civilian Defense

XI D1h. State Department

XI D1h(1). Agency for International Development

Box 1.4/95

XI D1h(2) Office of Food for Peace

XI D1i. Office of Economic Opportunity

XI D1j. Housing and Urban Development Department

XI D1k. Transportation Department

XI D1l. Rural Affairs Commission

XI D1m. White House Office of Food and Nutrition

XI D1n. Environmental Protection Agency

XI D1o. General Accounting Office

XI D2. Relations to the President

Box 1.4/96

XI D2. Relations to the President

Box 1.4/97

XI D2. Relations to the President

XI D2a. Executive Office

XI D2a(1) Budget Bureau, Office of Management and the Budget (OMB)

XI D2a(2) Assistants to Presidents

XI D2a(3) Council of Economic Advisors

XI D2a(4) Food for Peace Director

XI D2a(5) Consumer Council

XI D3. Relations to Congress

Box 1.4/98

XI D3. Relations to Congress

XI D3a. Agricultural Committees

XI D3b. Appropriation Committees

Box 1.4/99

XI D3b. Appropriation Committees

XI D3c. Special Investigating Committees

XI D4. Relations to political parties

XI D5. Interdepartmental committees and boards

XI D5a. Advisory Committee on Grain Sanitation

XI D5b. Water Resources Council

Box 1.4/100

XI E. Relations to organized groups

XI E1. Farm groups

XI E1a. American Farm Bureau Federation

Box 1.4/101

XI E1a. American Farm Bureau Federation

XI E1b. Farmers Union and Grain Terminal Association

XI E1c. National Grange

XI E1d. Cooperative organizations

Box 1.4/102

XI E1d. Cooperative organizations

XI E1d(1) National Council of Farmer Cooperatives

XI E1d(2) National Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation

XI E1d(3) National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

XI E1e. National Association of Soil Conservation Districts

XI E1f. National Cotton Council

XI E1g. National Conference of Commodity Organization

XI E1h. National Farmers Organization (NFO)

Box 1.4/103

XI E1h. National Farmers Organization (NFO)

XI E2. Trade groups (business, labor, including Committee for Economic Development

XI E2a. Inter-Industry Farm Utilization Council

XI E3. Labor groups

XI E4. Civic groups

XI E4a. Religious groups

XI E4b. Consumer groups (Farm-City Week)

XI E4c. National Planning Association

XI E4d. National Farm Institute

XI E5. Advisory committees and task forces

XI E5a. National Agricultural Advisory Commission

Box 1.4/104

XI E5b. Research and Marketing Advisory Committees

XI E5b(1) Agricultural Research Policy Committee

XI E5c. Industry Advisory Committees

XI E5c(1) Commodity Committees

XI E5c(2) Cold Storage

XI E5c(3) Export

XI E5d. Advisory committees to agencies

XI E5d(1) Rural Electrification Administration

XI E5d(1)(a) Administrators Policy

XI E5d(1)(b) Telephone

XI E5d(2) Commodity Credit Corporation Advisory Board

XI E5d(3) Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Advisory Committee

XI E5d(4) Foreign Agricultural Service

XI E5d(4)(a) Foreign Agricultural Trade

XI E5d(5) Soil Conservation Service

XI E5d(5)(a) Soil and Water Conservation

XI E5d(6) Agricultural Marketing Service and Consumer and Marketing Service

XI E5d(6)(a) School lunch advisors to the secretary

XI E5e. President's bipartisan commission on industrial use of agricultural products

XI E5e(1) Task groups

XI E5f. Rural Areas Development Advisory Committee

XI E6. International boards and committees: filed IX B7

XI E7. National Commission on Food Marketing

XI E8. National Advisory Commission on Food and Fiber

XI E9. National Advisory Commission on Rural Poverty

XI E10. Presidential Science Advisory Commission

XI E11. Presidential Farm Policy and Rural Life Commission

Top of Page


Box 1.4/105

XII. Research

XII A. Economic research

XII A1. Production research

XII A1a. Production costs research

XII A1b. Pasture and ranch research

XII A2. Marketing research

Box 1.4/106

XII A2. Marketing research

XII A2a. Research and Marketing Administration projects

XII A2b. Consumption research

XII A2b(1) Household economics research

XII A2b(2) Consumer preferences research

XII A2c. Marketing margins and spreads

XII A2c(1) Marketing costs

XII A2d. Transportation

Box 1.4/107

XII A2e. Containers and packages

XII A2f. Retail and wholesale services

XII A2g. Cooperatives

XII B. Scientific

XII B1. Commodity

XII B1a. Plant

XII B1b. Animal

Box 1.4/108

XII B2. Diet and food

XII B3. Smoking and tobacco research

XII C. Conservation

XII D. Utilization and diversion (industrial uses)

XII E. Research management

XII E1. Contract

XII F. Technological advances -- including forestry

Box 1.4/109

XII F. Technological advances -- including forestry

XII G. Effect of radiation on crops, soil and food

XII H. Environmental protection programs

Top of Page


XIII. Credit and crop insurance

XIII A. Farm credit situation

XIII B. Agricultural credit programs

XIII B1. Loans under Farm Credit Program

XIII B1a. Farm mortgage loans

XIII B1b. Land Bank loans

XIII B1c. Protection credit loans

XIII B1d. Loans to cooperatives

XIII B2. Loans under Farmers Home Administration Program

XIII B2a. Veterans loans

XIII B2b. Tenant purchase loans (farm ownership)

XIII B2c. Rural Development Program loans (including low income and family farms)

Box 1.4/110

XIII B2c. Rural Development Program loans (including low income and family farms)

XIII B2d. Water Facilities Program loans and watershed loans

XIII B2e. Housing loans

XIII B2f. Soil and water conservation loans

XIII B2g. Emergency and disaster loans

XIII B2h. Special livestock loans

XIII B2i. Operating loans

XIII B2j. Cooperative loans

XIII B3. Loans under Rural Electrification program

XIII B3a. Electrification

XIII B3b. Telephone

XIII B4. Price Support and Commodity Credit loans

XIII B5. Storage facility loans

XIII B5a. Loans for dryers

XIII C. Federal Crop Insurance Program

Top of Page


XIV. Commodities

Box 1.4/111

XIV A. Food commodities

XIV A1. Livestock and meat

Box 1.4/112

XIV A1. Livestock and meat

XIV A1a. Hogs

XIV A1b. Beef

XIV A1c. Fish

XIV A1d. Lamb and mutton

XIV A2. Dairy

Box 1.4/113

XIV A2. Dairy

XIV A2a. Milk

Box 1.4/114

XIV A2a. Milk

XIV A2b. Butter

XIV A2c. Cheese

XIV A3. Fats and oils and oilseeds

XIV A3a. Soybeans

XIV A3b. Peanuts

Box 1.4/115

XIV A3b. Peanuts

XIV A3c. Flaxseed

XIV A3d. Cottonseed

XIV A3e. Castor

XIV A3f. Lard

XIV A3g. Tallow

XIV A3h. Tung nuts

XIV A4. Fruits and vegetables

Box 1.4/116

XIV A4. Fruits and vegetables

XIV A4a. Potatoes

XIV A5. Poultry products

XIV A5a. Chickens

Box 1.4/117

XIV A5a(1) Slaughtering

XIV A5a(2) Inspection

XIV A5b. Eggs

XIV A5c. Turkeys

XIV A6. Sugar

Box 1.4/118

XIV A6. Sugar

XIV A7. Grain and feed grains

Box 1.4/119

XIV A7. Grain and feed grains

XIV A7a. Wheat

Box 1.4/120

XIV A7a. Wheat

Box 1.4/121

XIV A7a. Wheat

XIV A7a(1) Flour

XIV A7b. Corn

Box 1.4/122

XIV A7b. Corn

XIV A7c. Rice

XIV A7d. Grain sorghum

XIV A7e. Barley

XIV A7f. Oats

XIV A8. Miscellaneous food products

XIV A8a. General

XIV A8a(1) Chicory and coffee

XIV A8a(2) Hops, malted grains, malt syrups

XIV A8a(3) Cocoa beans

Box 1.4/123

XIV A8a(4) Honey and molasses

XIV A8a(5) Nuts

XIV A8b. Imported

XIV A8b(1) Tea

XIV A8b(2) Spices

XIV A9. Food for industrial use

XIV B. Non-food commodities

XIV B1. Fibers (hemp, flax)

XIV B1a. Commodities

XIV B1a(1) Cotton

Box 1.4/124

XIV B1a(1) Cotton

XIV B1a(1)(a) Upland

XIV B1a(1)(a) American-Egyptian, long-staple

XIV B1a(2) Flax

XIV B1a(3) Hemp

XIV B1a(4) Wool

XIV B1a(5) Mohair

XIV B1a(6) Kenaf

XIV B1a(7) Sanseviera

XIV B2. Rubber and cinchona

XIV B3. Industrial alcohol

XIV B4. Tobacco

Box 1.4/125

XIV B4. Tobacco

XIV B5. Rosin and resin (naval stores)

XIV B6. Canaigre

Box 1.4/126

XIV B7. Lumber and other forest products

XIV B8. Grass and hay

XIV B9. Flowers

Top of Page


XV. Rural Areas Development

Box 1.4/127

XV. Rural Areas Development

Box 1.4/128

XV. Rural Areas Development

Top of Page


XVI. Defense

Box 1.4/128a

XVI. Defense Activity Reports. 1957-1972

Top of Page


John A. Baker files

Box 1.4/A-1

Outline: "Classification for Files of Assistant Secretary Baker"

I (Baker Outline)

I. Natural Resources

I A. Need for and status of natural resource programs

I A1. Forest

I A2. Land

I A3. Water

I A4. Planning

I B. Government Programs

I B1. Land

I B1a. Agriculture Conservation Programs

I B1a(1) Great Plains

I B1a(2) Brush Eradication, Llano, Texas

I B1b. Diversion

I B1b(1) Cropland Adjustment

I B1c. Agriculture Production Capacity

I B1d. Soil Conservation Service Program of Technical Assistance

I B1e. Green Span

I B1f. Policies on public lands

I B1f(1) Black Hills Study

I B1f(2) Removal of summer homes from Forest Service lands

I B1f(3) Grazing on public lands

I B1g. Price Support and Adjustment Programs

Box 1.4/A-2

I B2. Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention

I B2a. Reclamation and irrigation

I B2a(1) Strip-mine Reclamation Project

I B2b. Pollution

I B2b(1) Abatement of Pollution in Nations Rivers and Streams

I B3. Forests

I B3a. Timber

I B3a(1) Resolve different in procedures used to appraise timber for sale

I B3a(2) Log exports

I B3b. National Forests multiple uses and sustained yield

I B3b(1) Research

I B3b(2) Roads

I B3b(3) Recreation

Box 1.4/A-3

I B3b(3)(a) Private development

I B3b(4) Wilderness and Primitive Areas

I B3b(5) Firefighting

I B3b(6) Exchange of Forest Service Lands

I B3c. Forestry on private lands

I B3d. Urban Forestry Programs

I B4. Credit


II (Baker Outline)

II. Rural-Urban Balance

II A. Origin of concept

II B. Rural Renaissance and Rural Renewal

II C. Development of concept

II C1. Cabinet Level Committee

II C2. Rural-Urban Balance Symposium 12/10-12/67

II D. Problems of acceptance and implementation

II E. Communities of Tomorrow, Task Force and Policy Statements

Box 1.4/A-4

II F. Industrial Development of Rural Areas


III (Baker Outline)

III. Family Farm Programs

III A. Stabilizing farm income

III A1. Concept of farm bargaining power

III B. Farmers Home Administration (FHA) loan programs

III B1. With Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO)

III B2. Operating

III B3. Ownership

III B4. Emergency and Disaster Loans

III B5. Loans for Special Commodities

III C. Disaster relief


IV (Baker Outline)

IV. Rural Development Programs

IV A. Housing

IV A1. Housing and urban development

IV A2. Rural housing

IV A2a. Farmers Home Administration loan programs

IV A2b. Housing Research

IV A2c. Self-Help Housing

IV B. Recreation

IV B1. Recreation loans

IV B1a. Farmers Home Administration Recreation Loans

IV C. Community Development

IV C1. Town and country

IV C2. Water and sewer programs

IV C2a. Sewer

IV C2a(1) Farmers Home Administration loans

IV C2b. Water

IV C2b(1) Effluent fees for water pollution

IV C3. Community Development in Special Areas

IV C3a. Georgia

IV C3b. Mississippi

IV C3c. California

IV C3d. North Carolina

IV C3e. Mid-Hudson area

IV C4. Rural District Planning

Box 1.4/A-5

IV C4. Rural District Planning, National Advisory Committee on Rural Area Development

IV C5. Beautification

IV D. Rural Areas Development

Box 1.4/A-6

IV D. Rural Areas Development

IV D1. Rural Areas Development Program

IV D1a. Rural Areas Development Newsletters

IV D1b. Ten-year plan

IV D1c. History of Area Redevelopment

IV D1d. Appraisals of Rural Areas Development

IV D1d(1) Secretary's Tours

IV D2. Technical Action Panels

IV D2a. Facility

IV D2b. Appraisals of Technical Action Panels

IV D3. Rural Electrification and Telephone Programs

IV D3a. East River Power Cooperative

Box 1.4/A-7

IV D3b. Rural Electrification Administration Loans

IV D3b(1) Electrification Loans

IV D3b(1) Electrification Loans, 1964

IV D3b(1) Electrification Loans, 1965

IV D3b(1) Electrification Loans, 1966

IV D3b(1) Electrification Loans, 1967

IV D3b(2) G[eneration] &Trans[mission] Loans

IV D4. Rural Fire Protection

IV D5. Rural Labor

Box 1.4/A-8

IV E. Cooperatives

IV E1. Organizing Co-ops

IV E2. Loans to Co-ops

IV E3. Taxes

IV F. Rural mobility

IV G. Research

IV H. Education


V (Baker Outline)

V. Anti-Poverty Programs

V A. Congressional attack on Poverty Programs

V B. Research

V B1. Secretary's Rural Poverty Tour

V C. Job Corps Activities and Summer Camps for Disadvantaged Youth

V C1. Weekly Reports

V C2. Mobile Structures

V D. Adjustment of programs in response to pressures

V E. Health

V E1. Environmental Health and Related Problems

V G. Outreach

V G1. Farmers Home Administration

Box 1.4/A-9

V G2. Rural Community Development Service

V G3. Technical Action Panels

V H. Poverty Programs in Special Areas

V H1. Mississippi


Top of Page

VI (Baker Outline)

VI. Department as Part of the National Government

VI A. Legislation and Executive Orders

VI A1. Legislation

VI A1a. Proposed Legislation

VI A1a(1) National Service Corps

VI A1a(2) Small Reclamation Projects Act

VI A1a(3) Watershed Projects

VI A1a(4) Sawtooth National Forest

VI A1a(5) Redwood Park Bill

Box 1.4/A-10

VI A1a(6) Rural Electrification Administration Supplemental Financing

VI A1a(7) Land Use Planning and Development Act

VI A1a(8) Bargaining Bill 1967

VI A1a(9) Taos Indian Bill

VI A1a(10) Community Development District Bill

Box 1.4/A-11

VI A1a(11) Rural Electrification Administration Bank Proposal

VI A1a(12) Strip Mining Bill

VI A1a(13) Legislation Needed to Abate Pollution

VI A1b. Legislation Enacted

VI A1b(1) Agriculture Fair Practices Act 1967 (S. 109)

VI A1b(2) San Rafael Wilderness Act 1968

VI A1b(3) Electric Power Reliability Act of 1967

VI A1b(4) Consolidated Farmers Home Legislation

VI A1b(5) Agricultural Act of 1961

VI A1b(6) Food and Agriculture Act 1962

Box 1.4/A-12

VI A1b(7) Housing and Urban Development Act 1965

Box 1.4/A-13

VI A1b(8) Human Resources Development Act 1964

VI A1b(9) Economic Opportunity Act of 1964

VI A1b(9)(a) Proposed Draft

VI A1b(9)(b) Revised Draft

VI A1b(9)(c) Background Material

VI A1b(10) Appropriation Act of 1964

VI A1b(11) Participation Sales Act of 1966

VI A1b(12) Disaster Relief Act of 1965

VI A1b(13) Federal Aid Highway Act of 1968

VI A2a. Proposed Executive Orders

VI A2b. Executive Orders

VI A2b(2) Establishing President's Committee on Rural Poverty and National Advisory Commission of Rural Poverty

VI A3. Departmental Delegations, Directives, and Memoranda

VI A3a. Secretary

VI A3b. Under Secretary

VI A4. Speeches

VI A4. Speeches, 1961

VI A4. Speeches, 1962

VI A4. Speeches, 1963

Box 1.4/A-14

VI A4. Speeches, 1964

VI A4. Speeches, 1965

VI A4. Speeches, 1966

VI A4. Speeches, 1967

VI A4a. Assistant Secretary for Rural Development and Conservation

VI B. Organization within the Department

VI B1a. Proposed changes in name and functions of the Department

VI B1a(1) Department of Natural Resources

VI B1b(1) Memorandum of understanding between Forest Service, Agricultural Research Service, and Soil Conservation Service on River Basin Planning for Potomac

VI B1e. Personnel

VI B1f. Budget


Box 1.4/A-15

VI B2. Rural Development and Conservation Agencies

VI B2a. Forest Service

VI B2a(1) Forest Service Legislative Programs

VI B2a(2) Board of Forest Appeals

VI B2a(3) Bi-weekly Reports

VI B2b. Farmers Home Administration and Farm Security Administration

VI B2b(2) Farm Security

VI B2b(3) Farmers Home

VI B2b(3)(a) Knox-Lincoln Development Complex

VI B2b(3)(b) Budget and Funds

VI B2b(3)(c) Location of State and County Offices

VI B2b(3)(d) Bi-weekly Reports

VI B2b(3)(e) State Directors

VI B2c. Farmers Cooperative Service

VI B2c(1) Miscellaneous correspondence

Box 1.4/A-16

VI B3c(2) Bi-weekly Reports

VI B2d. Rural Electrification Administration

VI B2d(1) Financing Study Report, July 1965

VI B2d(2)(a) Southern California Edison Company

VI B2d(3) Miscellaneous Correspondence

VI B2d(4) Secretary's Memoranda on Rural Electrification Administration

VI B2d(5) Bi-weekly Reports

VI B2e. Rural Community Development Service

VI B2e. Rural Community Development Service, Poverty and Rural Development

VI B2e. Rural Community Development Service, "Towards a World without Hunger"

VI B2e(1) Rural Areas Development Reporting System

Box 1.4/A-17

VI B2e(2) Reorganization

VI B2e(3) Bi-weekly Reports

VI B2e(4) State Directors

VI B2f. Soil Conservation Service

VI B2f(1) Miscellaneous correspondence

VI B2f(2) Bi-weekly Reports

VI B3b. Task Forces and Boards

VI B3b(1) Communities for Tomorrow

VI B3b(2) Rural Areas Development Board

VI B3b(3) Small Farms and Farmers

VI B3b(4) Resources in Action

VI B3b(5) Ag/2000 Task Force

VI B3b(6) Program Review Board

VI B3b(8) Task Force on Administration of Rural Renewal Demonstration Programs

VI B3b(10) Task Force on Quality of the Environment

Box 1.4/A-19

VI B3b(11) Task Force on Migratory and Other Farm Workers

VI B3b(12) Task Force on Electric Power

VI B3c. States, Counties, and Cities

VI B3c(1) College and Experiment Stations

VI B3d. Nutrition Programs

VI B3e. Relations with the Federal Extension Service

VI B4. Relations with other Departments and Agencies

VI B4a. Interior

VI B4a(1) Minnkota Loan Application for Federal Power System

VI B4a(2) Power Right of Ways

VI B4a(3) Resources and Recreation

VI B4a(4) Boundary Waters Canoe Area

VI B4a(5) Kennecott Copper Corporation, Glacier Park Wilderness

VI B4a(5)(a) North Cascades Study

VI B4a(6) Land Exchange

VI B4a(7) National Parks

Box 1.4/A-20

VI B4b. Office of Economic Opportunity

VI B4b(1) USDA-Office of Economic Opportunity Letter of Understanding, February 1967

VI B4b(2) Farmers Home Administration Participation in Office of Economic Opportunity

VI B4c. Department of Housing and Urban Development

VI B4c(1) Cooperation on District Planning

VI B4d. Department of Transportation

VI B4e. Labor Department

VI B4f. Department of Commerce

VI B4f(1) Economic Development Administration

VI B4f(2) Memorandum of Agreement US Department of Commerce-USDA

VI B4f(5) AREA Redevelopment Administration

VI B4g(1) Interstate Commerce Commission vs. Northwest Agriculture Coop.

VI B4g(2) Colorado-UTE Electrical Association (not a public utility)

VI B9a(3) Cooperative

VI B9a(3)(a) Cooperative Taxation

VI B9a(3)(b) Cooperative motor-truck exemptions in Interstate Commerce

VI B9a(4) National Grange

VI B9b. Civic Organizations

VI B9b(1) Town and Country Alliance

VI B9c. Poverty Organizations

Box 1.4/A-21

VI B9c(1) Poor People's Campaign

VI B9f. Professional Organizations

VI B9g. Industry and Labor Organizations

VI B9g(1) Timber

VI B9h. Advisory Committees and Task Forces

VI B9h(1) Task Force on Rural Health Pilot Projects

VI B9h(4) Task Force on Outreach

VI B9h(5) Agriculture and Rural Life Task Force

VI B9h(7) Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

VI B9h(8) Northern Great Lakes Resources Development Committee

VI B9i. Presidential Commissions

VI B9i(1) Commission on Rural Poverty

Box 1.4/A-22

VI B9i(2) President's Committee on Rural Poverty and a National Advisory Commission on Rural Poverty

VI B9j. National conferences

VI B9j(1) Land and People's Conference

VI B9j(3) National Rural Electric Cooperative Association


VII (Baker Outline)

VII. International Relations

VII A1. Water for Peace


VIII (Baker Outline)

VIII. Civil Rights

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Temporary addenda boxes

Materials to be inserted at designated places in other boxes when full processing of the subseries begins.

[ 1.4/Addenda 1 ]

XI B3. Federal State relations (state agricultural reports) [insert in box 1.4/82]

XI B4d. Consumer & Marketing Service [insert in box 1.4/85]

XI B6b. Farmers Home Administration, TAP manual [insert in box 1.4/87]

XI E5. Advisory Committees [insert in box 1.4/103]

XI E5a. National Agricultural Advisory Committee (NAAC) [insert in box 1.4/103]

[ 1.4/Addenda 2 ]

XI D. USDA as part of national executive, Committee on Program Review and Evaluation, (Trelogan Committee). [insert in box 1.4/94]

XI E5g. Task force on low-income farms (2 ff.) [insert in box 1.4/104]

XI E9. National Advisory Committee on Rural Poverty (2 ff.) [insert in box 1.4/104]

[ 1.4/Addenda 3 ]

II A5. Food Stamp program, publicity scrapbooks [4 binders] [insert in box 1.4/10]

XIV A7a Wheat program [1 binder] [insert in box 1.4/121]

[ 1.4/Addenda 4]

XI E1a. Farm Bureau [insert in box 1.4/101]

[ 1.4/Addenda 5 ]

XI E5f. Rural area development advisory committee [insert in box 1.4/104]

[ 1.4/Addenda 6 ]

IX B2a. UN Food Bank, World Food Program [insert in box 1.4/40]

IX C2i. Pakistan Milk Survey Program [insert in box 1.4/52]

XI B2c(3) Secretary Hardin, Clifford M., Listening Conference . . . (4 ff.)

XI B2c(3) Secretary Hardin, Clifford M., policy notes. 1971 (1 f.) [insert all Hardin material in box 1.4/80]

XI D5c. Interagency Committee on Agricultural Surplus Disposal (Francis Committee) (3 ff.) [insert in box 1.4/99]

[ 1.4/Addenda 7 and Addenda 8 ]

XI B5b. Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, Wheat and Feed programs [insert in box 1.4/86]

[ 1.4/Addenda 9 and Addenda 10 ]

XI B5b1. Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, Emergency Preparedness Division. [insert in box 1.4/86]

[ 1.4/Addenda 11 ]

IX E. Trade and Development papers. [insert in box 1.4/58]

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