USDA History Collection
Series II. Class File, 1761-1995 (bulk ca. 1900-1994)
CONTAINER LIST | Scope and Content Note || Collection Map
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Oversize Box OS 2/1 | Oversize Box OS 2/2 | Mapcase Folder 2 | Mapcase Folder 3 | Mapcase Folder 4 |
BOX 2/1
"Glossary of Subjects Used in the Class File." 1988
Abbett, Carol H., "History of the USDA." 1942
Abbott, Martin, "Free Land, Free Labor..." (blacks in agriculture). 1956
Abernethy, Thomas Perkins, "...Account of Bacon's Rebellion" (agrarian protest). 1943
Abramowitz, Jack, "The Negro in the Agrarian Revolt." 1950
Accidents. 1965
Accokeek Foundation, bulletins and annual report. 1966-1969
Account books, The Use of a Diary for Farm Accounts. 1932
Accounts. 1844-1932
Acerbo, Giacomo, article (Roman agriculture). 1938
Ackerman, Joseph, "Adjustments in Southern Agriculture..." (cotton). 1946
Adair, Douglass, "The New Thomas Jefferson" (book review). 1946
Adams, Henry Cullen (b. 1850). 1906
Adams, T. M., articles (farm prices). 1944
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, National Park Service. 1967
Aerosols. 1991
Affleck, Thomas, copy of letter from Dr. Thaddeus W. Harris on termites (pests). 1849
Africa. 1961-1968
African-Americans (farmers' decline). 1993
Afro-American, 1966-1994, n.d.
Ag in the classroom. 1992
Agrarian movements. 1935-1993. see also individual groups by name
Agribusiness. 1933, 1974
Agricultural Adjustment Act. 1933
Agricultural charts. 1966-1982. see also Graphic summaries; Maps
Agricultural economics. 1922-1970
Agricultural Hall of Fame, Bonner Springs, Kansas. 1959-1991
Agricultural high school, Chicago, Illinois (Chicago High School of Agricultural Sciences). 1994
Agricultural history. 1971-1987, n.d.
Agricultural History Conference, Washington, D.C. 1939
Agricultural Labor Relations Act, California. 1976
Agricultural philosophy. 1992
Agricultural policies. 1956-1992. see also Price policy; Programs
Agricultural politics, "Creating a New Politics: the Evolution...," part one. 1987
Agricultural politics, "Creating a New Politics: the Evolution...," part two. 1987
Agricultural press, see Journalism, agricultural
Agricultural societies. 1820-1964, n.d.
Agriculture, American, history of, bibliographies and chronologies. 1975 and n.d.
Agriculture, general. 1964, 1986
"Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry" (bibliography). 1994
Agriculture, Peace Corps (brochures]. n.d.
Ahrens, T. P., "The Utilization of Aerial Photographs..." (land use). 1936
Airplanes, use in agriculture. 1924-1985
Alaska. 1941-1978. see also Matanuska Valley, Alaska
Alberta Cooperative Wheat Producers Ltd. (The Alberta Wheat Pool), Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 1928
Albrecht, Arthur E., "The Development of the American Rice Industry." 1922
Albrecht, William A., "Why Do Farmers Plow?" (plowing). 1943
Alcoholic beverages. 1977
Alexander, Will W., articles (resettlement). 1936, 1941
Algeria. 1964
Allen, Rutillus H., "The Spanish Land Grant System..." (land policy). 1935
Allen, T. Warren et al., "Highways and Highway Transportation" (roads). 1924
Allin, Bushrod W. 1941
Allin, Bushrod W., articles. 1936-1960
Almack, John C., "The Shibboleth of the Frontier." 1925
Almanacs. 1936
Aloe vera, references. ca. 1993
Alvord, Blen F. et al., "Factors Influencing Alabama Agriculture." 1941
Alvord, Clarence Walworth, articles. 1924-1926
Alvord, Henry E., "Dairy Development in the United States..." (dairying). 1899
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Amana Colonies, Iowa. 1959-1972
Amaranth. 1987
Ambler, C. H., excerpts from A History of West Virginia. 1933
American Agriculture Movement. 1978-1985
American Association of Museums. 1941 and n.d.
American Bibliographical Center, List of Periodicals. 1969
American Council of Learned Societies. 1933-1940
American Documentation Institute. 1937
American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF). 1941-1971
American Forest Products Industry. ca. 1943
American Historical Association Newsletter. 1963
American Indian agriculture. 1989-1991
American Indian food and nutrition. 1901-1990
American Minor Breeds Conservancy. 1977-1979
American Sugar Refining Company, A Century of Sugar Refining... 1916
Amerine, Maynard A., "An Introduction to the Pre-Repeal History of Grapes and Wines..." 1969
Amish. 1959-1993
Ancient agriculture, see Primitive agriculture; Roman agriculture
Anderson, Clinton Presba (b. 1895). 1945
Anderson, Edgar, "The History of the Common Maize Varieties..." (corn). 1952
Anderson, George L., "The Board of Equitable Adjudication, 1846-1930" (land policy). 1955
Anderson, George W., "Agriculture in the Undrained Basin of Asia." 1948
Anderson, Russell H. (b. 1896). 1947
Anderson, Russell H., articles and radio broadcasts. 1929-1950
Andrews, Alfred C., "The Opium Poppy as a Food and Spice..." 1952
Andrews, Charles Mclean, articles (colonial agriculture). 1919, 1935
Anglo-American Historical Committee, report. 1925
Animal health, "100 Years of Animal Health" program. 1984
Antisell, Thomas (1817-1893). 1967-1968
Appalachia. 1967, 1992
Appleby, John Francis (b. 1840). 1902-1931, n.d.
Appleby, Paul Henson (1891-1963). n.d.
Appleman, Roy E., "Timber Empire from the Public Domain." 1920
Apples. 1951-1987
Apples, Marketing research. 1945-1960
Appleton, Francis Henry (b. 1847). 1921
Aquaculture. 1982-1990, n.d.
Arbor Day. 1960, 1964, n.d.
Architecture, see Buildings; Preservation
Archives. 1932-1992. see also History sources; Libraries
Arciniegas, German, "What's Behind Our Revolution?" 1949
Argentina. 1923-1954
Ariza, John Francis, "Dismal Swamp in Legend..." (Virginia). 1932
Arizona. 1958-1970
Armour's Analysis (livestock, meat). 1953-1960
Arnold, C. R., article (credit). 1958
Art, rural. 1937-1972. see also Sculpture
Artichokes. 1969
Artificial insemination of livestock. 1966, 1974
Asakawa, K. I., "...Relation in Japanese History Between Agriculture and Social..." 1925
Associated Country Women of the World. 1953
Associates of the National Agricultural Library (NAL). 1972-1975
Associates of the National Agricultural Library (NAL). 1976-1977
Associates of the National Agricultural Library (NAL). 1978-1979
Associates of the National Agricultural Library (NAL). 1980-1981
Associates of the National Agricultural Library (NAL). 1982, 1989
Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities (ALGCU) (New Deal, World War II). 1932, 1944
Associations, Farm (agrarian movements). 1988
Atherton, George W. (1837-1906). 1906
Atherton, Lewis E. 1960
Atherton, Lewis E., articles. 1935-1945
Atwater, Wilbur D. (1844-1907). 1964-1993
Australia. 1943-1967
Ayres, Frank C., radio broadcasts (history sources). 1931-1933
Top of Page
Babcock, C. Merton, articles (folklife). 1949, n.d.
Babcock, Stephen Moulton. 1931-1943
Bachman, Kenneth L. (d. 1990). 1990
Bachman, Kenneth L. et al., "Appraisal of the Economic Classification of Farms." 1948
Backman, Jules, "Rationing and Price Control in Great Britain." 1943
Badger, William W. V., "Early Dairying in the Old South..." 1953, n.d.
Bahmer, Robert H., "The American Society of Equity." 1940
Bailey, Liberty Hyde. 1939-1941
Bailey, Liberty Hyde, "The Cornell Countryman." 1913
Bailey, Vernon. 1935-1942
Bailey, Warren R., "Adapting Farming to the Great Plains." 1966
Baker, Gladys L. n.d.
Baker, Gladys L., articles. 1954-1963
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Baker, Gladys L., articles. 1964-1966
Baker, Gladys L., articles. 1967-1971
Baker, Gladys L., articles. 1972-1975
Baker, Gladys L., articles. 1976-1977
Baker, Gladys L., articles. 1978-1980, n.d.
Baker, Oliver E. (d. 1949). 1949
Baker, Oliver E., articles A-K. 1915-1939
Baker, Oliver E., articles L-Z. 1915-1941
Ball, Carleton R., articles. 1921, 1936
Balmer, F. E., "The Cooperative Movement in the Minnesota Dairy Industry." 1937
Bamboo. 1944-1945
Bamford, Paul Walden, "French Forest Legislation and Administration, 1660-1789" (France). 1955
Bananas. 1961
Barbed wire. 1946, 1968
Barbeque. 1984
Barley. 1962-1968, 1985
Barnes, James A., "Protection, Politics and Pennsylvania." 1964
Barnes, Will C., "The Story of the Range" (cattle). 1926
Barnett, Claribell R. (1873-1951). 1951
Barnett, Claribell R., articles. 1928-1939
Barns. 1945-1992
Barns, Cajun. 1989
Barns, German, 1945-1989
Barns, William Derrick. n.d.
Barns, William Derrick, articles. 1948-1969
Bartlett, Kenneth Alden (1907-1983). n.d.
Barton, Glen T., "The Commercialization of Southern Agriculture." 1967
Bartram, John (Quaker botanist). 1994
Bartram, William. 1939
Basketry. 1983
Basques, bibliography. 1965
Bassatt, John Spencer, "The Relation Between the Virginia Planter..." 1902
Bathe, Greville and Dorothy, "Oliver Evans-A Chronicle of Early American Engineering." 1935
Bathtubs. 1921-1935, n.d.
Bausman, R. O., articles (Delaware). 1940-1947
Beach, H. L., "The Great Tobacco War:...Kentucky and Tennessee." 1907
Bean, Louis H., articles. 1929-1949
Bean, Walton E., "War and the British Colonial Farmer: A Reevaluation..." 1942
Beard, Charles A., articles. 1927-1939
Beattie, T. Eugene, "Observations on Southern Italy." 1945
Beck, P. G., "...Culture Patterns for Rural Planning Programs" (family farms). 1939
Becker, Carl (b. 1873). n.d.
Becker, Carl, "Frederick Jackson Turner." 1927
Becker, Joseph A. and C. L. Harlan, "Developments in Crop and Livestock Reporting..." 1939
Beef, embalmed (U.S. Army supply scandal, Spanish-American War). 1906-1971
Beekeeping. 1946-1990
Belgium. 1955
Bell, Earl H., "Culture of a Contemporary Rural Community." 1942
Bell, Florence C., "Farm Co-ops in Wisconsin." 1941
Benedict, M. R., "The Problem of Stabilizing the Migrant Farm Laborer of California." 1938
Bennett, Hugh Hammond. 1959
Bennett, Hugh Hammond, articles. 1928-1946
Benson, Ezra Taft (1899-1994). 1953-1994
Benson, Lee, articles (frontier). 1950-1951
Bercaw, Louise O., articles. 1931, 1936
Bergland, Robert S. (b. 1938). 1977
Bertels, Louise (Sister Thomas More). 1966-1990
Bettmann, Otto. 1936, n.d. see also Archives
Betts, Edwin M., "Jefferson's Gardens at Monticello." 1945
Betts, John Rickards, "Agricultural Fairs and Rise of Harness Racing" (horses). 1953
Beyer, Robert Carlyle, articles. 1948-1950
Bible, plants of. 1963, 1977
Box 2/4
Bibliographical file outline. 1981
Bibliographical guides and guidelines. 1960-1968, n.d.
Bibliographies. 1928-1987, n.d.
Bidwell, Percy Wells, articles (New England). 1916-1921
Big Ox (livestock). 1839-1941
Billington, Ray Allen, "The Origin of the Land Speculator as a Frontier Type." 1945
Binder-Johnson, Hildegard, articles. 1941-1962
Biographies, see Men and Milestones, Leaders
Biological control. 1964-1989
Biotechnology, see Genetics
Birds. 1988
Birdseye, Clarence (1886-1956). 1979, n.d.
Bishop, L. L., "Texas National Forests." 1937
Black, John D. (1883-1960). 1960, n.d.
Black, John D. articles. 1925-1945
Blacks in agriculture. 1920-1990
Blacksmiths. 1979
Blair, I. D., "Wartime Problems of English Agriculture" (England). 1941
Blake, M. A., "Old New Jersey Catalogue Proves a Rare Find." 1923
Blegen, Theodore C., "Minnesota in the Days of the Civil War." 1933
Block, John R. (b. 1935). 1981-1986
Bloomfield, Irirangi C., "Public Policy and Agricultural Technology..." 1980
Blum, Jerome, articles (Europe). 1945, 1971
Boehm, Eric H., "Dissemination of Knowledge in the Humanities..." (bibliographies). 1963
Boggs, Samuel W. 1941
Bogue, Allan, articles. 1947-1961
Bogue, Margaret Beattie, "The Swamp Land Act and Wet Land Utilization in Illinois..." (land policy). 1951
Bonnen, C. A. and B. H. Thibodeaux, "A Description of the Agriculture..." (Texas). 1937
Bonnen, James T., "Evaluation of Traditional Roles of Agricultural Institutions." 1966
Bonner, James C., articles. 1943-1957
Booth, George, "Frontier Folk." n.d.
Booth, J. F., articles (Canada). 1928-1944
Borah, Leo A., articles. 1933, 1951
Borchert, John R., "The Agriculture of England and Wales, 1939-1946." 1948
Borg, Walter T. (1904-1988). 1988
Borg, Walter T., articles. 1940-1977
Borland, Hal, "Dudes at Home on the Range." 1940
Borlaug, Norman (b. 1914). 1970
Boss, Andrew, articles. 1940-1941
Boswell Brewery, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada (beers). n.d.
Botany, bibliography and illustrations. 1986, 1993. see also Plant breeders; Genetics; Medicine
Bowers, Douglas E. 1987
Bowers, Douglas E., articles A-L. 1969-1989
Bowers, Douglas E., articles M-P. 1969-1989
Bowers, Douglas E., articles Q-Z. 1969-1989
Bowling, G. A., "The Introduction of Cattle into Colonial North America." 1942
Bowman, Isaiah (1878-1950). 1950
Bowman, John, "Gross Agricultural Output, Value..." (Midwest). n.d.
Braidwood, Robert J., "The Agricultural Revolution." 1960
Brand, Charles J. 1945
Brand, Charles J., articles. 1943-1948
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Brand, Donald D., articles (American Indians; Prehistoric agriculture). 1936-1941
Brandenburg, David J., "Agriculture in the Encyclopedie" (France). 1950
Brandes, E. W. et al., "Sugar." 1923
Brannan Plan. 1949
Branscomb, Lewis M., "Information: The Ultimate Frontier" (computers). 1979
Brayer, Herbert O., "The Western Range Cattle Industry Study, 1865-1895." n.d.
Brazil. 1940-1986
Bread baking. 1968-1988
Breen, T. H., "...From Tobacco to Wheat in Tidewater Virginia, 1760 to 1790." n.d.
Breimyer, Harold F., articles. 1954-1985
Bressman, Earl. 1982, n.d.
Brewster, David E., articles A-E. 1970-1980
Brewster, David E., articles F-N. 1975-1983
Brewster, David E., articles O-S. 1966-1977
Brewster, David E., articles T-Z. 1971-1980
Brewster, John M., articles. 1959-1961
Brewster, John M., articles. 1962-1964
Bridges. 1970
Briggs, Harold E., articles. 1931-1947
Brigham, Albert Perry, "Environment in the History of American Agriculture." 1922
Bromfield, Louis. 1974
Brookens, P. F., articles. 1929-1931
The Brookings Institution, (Social sciences research). 1931
Brooks, Emerson M., articles. 1957-1958, n.d.
Broomcorn. 1933
Brown, Lester R., articles, 1966-1975
Brown, Minnie Miller, "Black Women in American Agriculture." 1976
Browne, Charles A. 1944
Browne, Charles A., articles. 1933-1945
Browne, William P., "...Agrarian Protest in a Modern Agriculture, 1977-1987." 1993
Bruce, Kathleen, "Virginian Agricultural Decline to 1860: A Fallacy." 1932
Brunger, Eric, "Dairying and Urban Development in New York State, 1850-1900." 1955
Brunner, Henry S., "Land-Grant Colleges and Universities, 1862-1962." 1962
Buck, Solon Justus (1884-1962). 1962
Buck, Solon Justus, articles. 1913-1944
Buckwheat. 1933
Budd, J. L., "He Went to Russia for Apples." 1940
Buffaloes. 1940-1960, n.d.
Buie, T. S., "Thank You Farm" (soil erosion). 1946
Buildings. 1977-1979. see also Preservation
Bull, A. D., "Coalgate, Okla., Farm No 'Lucky Streak'." 1944
Bunyard, E. A., "Nurserymen's Catalogues and Their Value." 1926
Burbank, Harold H., "Local Tax Records as Economic Documents." 1927
Burg, Amos, "A Native Son's Rambles in Oregon." 1934
Burmeister, Charles A., articles. 1948, 1956
Burn, W. L., "The Ayrshire Lands of the Campbells of Loudoun..." (Scotland). n.d.
Burnett, Edmund Cody (1864-1949). 1949
Burnett, Edmund Cody, articles. 1946-1949
Burpee Seeds (W. Atlee Burpee & Co.). 1976
Butter prints. 1980
Buttles, Anson W. (b. 1821). n.d.
Buttress, F. A., articles. 1947, 1950
Butz, Earl Lauer (b. 1909). 1971-1976
Top of Page
Cadbury's Cocoa. 1987
Cain, Leonard F., "Land Tenure in Ireland in the Modern Period." 1953
Cairns, Margo (Corn Tassel National Floral Emblem Association). 1964-1965
California. 1918-1964
California. 1965-1990, n.d.
Callender, Guy S., "The Position of American Economic History." 1913
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Camels. 1854-1989, n.d.
Cameron, Merton K., "Slave Labor as a Cause of Backward Economic Conditions in the Ohio Valley..." n.d.
Campbell, J. Phil, "Changes in the Agricultural Economy of the Old South..." 1969
Campbell, Thomas Monroe (1883-1956). 1947-1977
Campbell, Thomas, Monroe, articles. 1928-1976
Canada. 1933-1988
Canadian Society of Technical Agriculturists, "Barley in Canada." 1936
Canals. 1934, 1960
Cance, Alexander E., "The Agricultural Industry and Resources of the United States." 1920.
Candy. 1989, n.d.
Cane (arundo donax). n.d.
Canning. 1939-1992
Capron, Horace (1804-1885). 1845-1951
Capron, Horace (1804-1885). 1960
Capron, Horace (1804-1885). 1964-1971
Capron, Horace (1804-1885). 1978-1984
Carleton, Mark A. (1866-1925). 1973, 1986
Carlson, A. J., "How Can Science Get Support in a Democracy." 1939
Carlson, Oliver, "The Revolution in Cotton." 1935
Carmen, Harry J. (1884-1964). 1964
Carmen, Harry J., articles. 1933-1943
Carpenter, C. T., "King Cotton's Slaves" (sharecroppers). 1935
Carrier, Lyman. 1947
Carrier, Lyman, articles. 1916-1937
Carstensen, Frederick V., notes on frontier. 1967
Carstensen, Vernon, articles. 1954-1980
Carter, Harvey L., "Rural Indiana in Transition, 1850-1860." 1946
Carter, Jane, "Man's Place in the Sun" (land use). 1948
Carver, George Washington (1864-1943). 1943-1988
Carver, George Washington, correspondence. 1923-1960
Carver, Thomas Nixon (b. 1865). n.d.
Carver, Thomas Nixon, "Historical Sketch of American Agriculture." 1912
Cary, Max, excerpts from The Legacy of Alexander. 1932
Case, H. C. M., "Types of Farming in Illinois..." 1934
Case, James R., "The 'Provision State' of the Revolution: Connecticut's..." n.d.
Cate, Penelope C., "The United States Department of Agriculture and Its Leaders" (USDA history). 1978
Cates, J. Sidney, "A Revolution in Southern Agriculture." 1941
Cathey, Cornelius O., articles. 1951-1954
Cattle. 1861-1988
Cattle, dairy. 1899-1974
Cattle ranching. 1865-1966
Cattle, range. 1879-1922
Cattle, range. 1923-1929
Cattle, range. 1930-1982
Caughey, John Walton, articles. 1939
Cavin, James P. (b. 1905). 1967
Cavin, James P., articles. 1955-1956
Census. 1973-1976
Cereal crops research (plant exploration). 1972, 1988
Chapman, John (Johnny Appleseed) (1774-1847). 1943-1982, n.d.
Charles, Francis E., "The Press as an Aid to Kansas Agriculture." 1930
Charts, see Agricultural charts
Chase, Agnes (b. ca. 1869). 1956-1960 Chavez, Cesar. 1975-1994
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Cheese. 1939-1988, n.d. see alsoHoard's Dairyman
Chemistry, agricultural. 1967-1988, n.d.
Chemurgy. 1933
Cherry. 1911-1980, n.d.
Cherry trees, Japanese. 1977, 1985
Chestnut blight. n.d.
Chew, Arthur P., articles. 1933-1937
Chickens. 1927-1984
Chicory. n.d.
Chile. 1958
China. 1928-1989, n.d.
Chinard, Gilbert, article (forestry). 1945
Chocolate. 1988, 1992
Christensen, Alice M., "Agricultural Pressure and Governmental Response..." 1937
Christensen, Chris L. 1924, 1942
Christgau, Victor (1894-1991). 1991
Christgau, Victor, "Regional Readjustments in Agricultural Production." 1930
Christmas. 1988-1989
Christmas trees. 1967-1992
Chronologies. 1941-1979
Church, Lillian, articles (machinery). 1924-1939
Churchill, Arthur. 1977
Cider. 1982-1988
Ciriacy-Wantrup, S. V., articles (California). 1947-1948
Citrus. 1971, 1989
Civil War. 1963
Civilian Conservation Corps. 1934-1938
Civilian Conservation Corps. 1953-1992
Clapham, J. H., "Tithe Surveys as a Source of Agrarian History." 1924
Clark, Carl M., "Seasonal Patterns of Tobacco Sales and Prices..." 1947
Clark, Dan E., "History Makes the Community." 1947
Clark, K. G., "World Production and Consumption of Plant Food..." (fertilizer). 1945
Clark, Thomas D., "The Economic Basis of Southern Politics (I)." 1949
Clark, Victor S., "Past Crises in Retrospect and in Contemporary Opinion." 1932
Clark, William Smith. 1968
Clarke, Ernest, "Philip Pusey" (England). 1900
Clawson, Marion. 1939-1965
Clayton-Torrence, William, "A Trial Bibliography of Colonial Virginia (1754-76)." 1910
Cleghorn, James, "On the Depressed State of Agriculture" (Scotland). 1934
Clemson, Thomas Green (1807-1888). 1989
Cleveland Bay Society of America, correspondence (horses). 1906-1907
Clevenger, Homer, "Missouri Becomes a Doubtful State." n.d.
Cleworth, Marc M., articles. 1938-1941
Climate. 1916-1978
Clothing for Farmers. n.d.
Clough, Shepard B., "Clio and Mars: The Study of WWII in America." 1945
Clover. 1988
Coca-Cola. 1983, 1987
Cochran, Thomas C., articles (economic history). 1946-1947
Cochran, Willard W., articles (agricultural economics). 1961, 1974, n.d.
Coconuts. 1963-1964
Coffee. 1954
Cole, Arthur H., "Agricultural Crazes." 1926
Cole, Charles Woolsey, "The Relativity of History." 1933
Cole, Fred, "Research Projects in Southern History." 1938
Coleman, J. Winston, Jr., "Lexington's Slave Dealers and Their Southern Trade." 1938
Coles, Harry L., Jr., "...Slaveownership and Landownership in Louisiana..." 1943
Coletta, Paolo E., "Philip Pusey, English Country Squire." 1944
Colleges, agricultural. 1936-1984. see also Education
Collier, G. A., "Grain Production and Marketing." 1949
Collier, George W., "Soil Conservation During the War." 1946
Collingwood, Herbert Winslow (1857-1927). 1935
Collins, Henry Hill, Jr., "America's Own Refugees" (migration). n.d.
Collisson, Charles F., articles. 1922-1937
Colman, Gould P., "Oral History Project." 1964
Colman, Henry (1785-1847). n.d.
Colman, Norman Jay (1827-1911). n.d.
Colonial agriculture. 1919-1983. see also Kitchen gardens, colonial
Colorado. 1936, 1968
Columbia River Basin. 1937, 1941
Columbus, Christopher, copy of letter to Rafael Sanchez. 1893
Committee on Research in Economic History, "The Role of the Entrepreneur in American Economic Development." 1941
Communal communities, see Cooperative farm communities
Computers in farming. 1981-1988
Cone, Carl B., "Edmund Burke, the Farmer." 1945
Conference of Historical Societies. 1938-1940
Conference on Agricultural Economics, proceedings. 1939
Congressional Record. 1984-1994
Connecticut. 1925-1976, n.d.
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Conservation. 1935-1965. see also Shelter belts; Soil erosion; Lorentz, Pare
Conservation. 1967-1992
Constitution of the United States. 1921-1987
Containers (Coopering). 1985
Contour farming. 1938, 1980
Contract farming, bibliography. 1958
Cookbooks. 1976
Cooke, Morris Llewellyn. 1954
Cooking. 1985-1994
Cooley, Harold Dunbar (d. 1974). 1974
Cooper, Martin R., "Progress of Farm Mechanization" (machinery). 1947
Cooper, Thomas P., "The Cost of Producing Minnesota Dairy Products, 1904-1909." 1911
Cooperative farm communities (resettlement). 1968
Cooperatives, publications. 1918-1936
Cooperatives, publications. 1941-1946
Cooperatives, publications. 1948
Cooperatives, publications. 1949-1955
Cooperatives, publications. 1957
Cooperatives, publications. 1958-1959
Cooperatives, publications. 1960-1965
Cooperatives, publications. 1976-1977
Corgan, James X., "Some Firsts? In Colleges of Tennessee." 1980
Cork. 1961
Corn. 1896-1930
Corn. 1940-1949
Corn. 1952-1977
Corn. 1978-1995, n.d.
Corn. 1979-1984
Corn. 1985-1991, n.d.
Corn belt farming. 1914-1984
Corn Flakes. 1985
Corn husking. 1933-1939
Corn industry research. 1937-1969
Corn, national emblem. 1957, 1964
Corn Palace, Mitchell, South Dakota. 1941
Corn, prehistory. 1928-1966
Corn seed. 1974-1988, n.d.
Corn syrup. 1981
Cornell University Library, Collection of Regional History. 1942-1969, n.d.
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Corporate farms. 1965-1971
Corporate farms, bibliography, "Large scale and corporation farming." 1929
Correll, Ernst. 1935, 1942
Cory, Robert H., Jr., articles. 1936, 1940
Cost of production. 1940, n.d.
Costa Rica. 1953, 1957
Cotton. 1922-1932
Cotton. 1933-1964
Cotton. 1967-1975
Cotton. 1976-1988, n.d.
Cotton boll weevil. 1964
Cotton boll weevil. 1970, 1980
Cotton gins. 1957. see also Machinery, cotton ginning
Cotton, Sea Island. 1939, 1941
Cotton textiles. 1981, n.d.
Couch, James F. (1888-1951). 1964
Coulter, John Lee (1881-1959). 1939
Council for Preservation of Business Archives, "History from Business Records." 1934
The Country Gentleman, articles. 1859, 1911
County agents. 1925
Coville, Frederick Vernon (1867-1937). n.d.
Cowboys. 1976, 1994
Cowden, Howard A. (1893-1972). 1973
Cox, LaWanda Fenlason, articles. 1944, 1948
Cracker Jacks. 1993
Crafts. 1983, 1987
Craig, G. H., "An Economic Study of Land Utilization in Southern Alberta." 1938
Cranberries. 1938-1993
Crandall, Ruth, "Hidden Treasure in Old-time Taxes." 1927
Craven, Avery O., articles. 1922-1930
Credit. 1925-1992, n.d.
Cropping systems. 1950-1981
Cross, Whitney R., articles (conservation). 1948-1953
Croteau, John T., articles. 1950, 1955
Crowe, Grady B., "Advanced Efficient Cotton Production." 1964
Cuba. 1937, 1962
Cummings, Richard Osborn, articles. 1941-1949
Current History. 1954
Curti, Merle, E., articles (frontier). 1930, 1949
Curtis Museum, Aton, Hants, England, annual reports. 1944-1948
Cutler, Hugh C., "Food Sources in the New World." 1954
Cutshall, Alden, "The Manufacture of the Lower Wabash Valley." 1944
Cypress. 1923, 1932
Czibulka, Friedrich Karl, article (soil). 1930
Top of Page
D., G.P., "History in a Nottinghamshire Rural School." 1934
Dabney, Charles William (1855-1945). 1945-1970, n.d.
Dabney, Charles William, articles. 1893-1904
Dairy industry. 1927-1950
Dairy industry. 1957-1994
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Dairying. 1913-1933
Dairying. 1936-1939
Dairying. 1941-1968
Dairying. 1973
Dairying. 1974-1981
Dairying. 1983-1988, n.d.
Dale, Edward Everett, articles. 1919-1928
Dale, Tom and Vernon Gill Carte, "Topsoil and Civilization." n.d.
Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada, Public Affairs. 1939, 1940
Dalrymple, Bud (livestock). 1981
Dalrymple, Dana G., articles A-H. 1962-1971
Dalrymple, Dana G., articles I-Z. 1962-1971
Daly, Rex F., articles. 1957-1972
Dandelions. 1980, 1988
Danes. 1978, n.d.
Danes, Rosemary, "History of Honey Production in the United States" (beekeeping). 1941
Danhof, Clarence H., articles. 1941-1979
Daniel, Robert, "Pioneering Point Four." 1955
Daniels, Josephus. 1941
Dare stones. n.d.
Darg, John J. (d. 1938). 1939
Darling, Jay Norwood ("Ding") (b. 1876). n.d.
Dater, Henry M., "Albert Gallatin-Land Speculator." 1937
Dates. 1976, 1989
Davis, Arthur Powell (1861-1933). n.d.
Davis, Chester C., articles. 1935-1941
Davis, Edwin Adams, "Bennet H. Barrow, Ante-Bellum Planter of the Felicianas." 1939
Davis, Elmer, articles. 1932-1939
Davis, Joseph S., articles. 1942-1943
Day, Emily L., "Bibliography on the Marketing of Agricultural Products." 1925
De Kruif, Paul, review of Hunger Fighters. 1928
De Voto, Bernard, articles. 1928-1946
Deasy, George F., "Agriculture in Luce County, Michigan, 1880 to 1930." 1950
Debien, G., articles A-C. 1938-1945
Debien, G., articles L-P. 1941-1947
Debien, G., article P. 1942
Decker, Frank Norton, "Arts, Skills, and Needs of Ancient and Modern Farming." 1961
Declaration of Independence. 1970
Deere, John (1804-1886). 1949, 1987
Demaree, Albert L., "The Farm Journals, Their Editors, and Their Public, 1830-1860." 1941
Denhardt, Robert M., articles. 1938-1951
Denmark (marketing). 1976
Depressions, see New Deal; Relief
Destler, Chester McArthur, "Agricultural Readjustment and Agrarian Unrest in Illinois." 1947
Dethloff, Henry C., "Rice Revolution in the Southwest, 1880-1910." 1970
DeWees, Anne, articles. 1936-1939
Diamond, William, "Nathaniel A. Ware, National Economist." 1939
Dick, Everett, articles. 1937, 1943
Dickens, Charles. 1940
Dickson, James G., "Agricultural Development in Soviet Russia." 1931
Dickson, Maxcy R., "The Food Administration-Educator." 1942
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Dinerstein, Herbert S., "Leadership in Soviet Agriculture and the Communist Party." 1952
Dinnerstein, Leonard, "The Senate's Rejection of Aubrey Williams..." 1968
Disease. 1974
Dissertation lists. 1976-1983
Dissertation lists. 1984-1989
Dissertation lists. 1990-1994
District of Columbia (canals). 1964
Dobie, J. Frank. 1943
Dobie, J. Frank, articles. 1943-1956
Dodd, Norris E., "The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations." 1949
Dodd, William E. (1868-1940). 1928-1941
Dodge, Jacob Richards. 1899, 1966, n.d.
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge (Lewis Carroll) (1832-1898). 1932
Dorn, Jacob H., "Subsistence Homesteading in Dayton, Ohio, 1933-1935" (settlement). 1969
Dorset, Marion. 1960-1984, n.d.
Dovell, Junius E., "The Everglades, a Florida Frontier." 1948
Dowsing rods. 1984
Drake, Thomas E., articles (Quakers). 1937, 1939
Drought. 1936-1938
Drought. 1939-1991, n.d.
Drummond, W. I., "Another 'Missouri Compromise' Coming Up?" n.d.
Dublin, Louis I., "Longevity of College Athletes." 1928
Duckham, A. N., articles. 1946, 1948
Ducoff, Lewis J., "Migratory Farm Workers in the United States." 1947
Duddy, Edward A., articles (grain). 1935
Duffus, R. L., articles. 1930, 1935
Duke, James Buchanan. 1929
Dunbar, Robert G., articles. 1944-1960
Duncan, Bingham, "Diplomatic Support of the American Trade, 1835-1845." 1949
Duncan, O. D., "Social Implications of Agricultural Adjustment." 1934
Dunham, Harold H., "Some Crucial Years of the General Land Office, 1875-1890." 1937
Duniway, David Cushing, articles. 1936-1946
Durham, G. Homer, "Politics and Administration in Intergovernmental Relations." 1940
Duruz, W. P., "Notes on the Early History of Horticulture in Oregon." n.d.
Dusenberry, William, articles. 1950-1961
Dust Bowl. 1940-1993, n.d.
Dutch settlers (New York). 1933, 1957
Dvoak, Antonin (Iowa). 1939
Dvoskin, Dan, "Mandatory Supply Controls." 1987
Dyer, Brainerd, "Francis Lieber and the American Civil War." 1939
Dykhuizen, George, article (soil conservation). 1938
Dykstra, Robert, "Ellsworth, 1869-1875: The Rise and Fall of a Kansas Cowtown." 1961
Dyson, Lowell K., bibliography. 1989, n.d.
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Early American crafts. 1980-1982
Easter. 1992, n.d.
Easterbrook, L. F., "Achievement in British Farming." n.d.
Eaton, Clement, review of Freedom of Thought in the Old South. 1940
Eberlin, Viggo C., "Julius Moldenhawer: Father of Pasteurization..." 1924
Ebert, Robert R., "American Agriculture and the Effects of Mechanization 1860-1964." 1964
Ebling, Walter H., articles (crop reporting). 1937, 1939
Economic development. 1961-1970
Economic growth. 1963
Economic history, bibliographies. 1987, n.d. see also History, economic
Economic History Association, annual meeting programs and notices. 1941-1949
Economics (general). 1912-1971, n.d.
Eddy, Mary Baker (1821-1910). 1929-1937
Edson, Howard A. 1945
Education. 1928-1938
Education, agricultural. 1930-1988, n.d.
Education, rural. 1943-1975
Education, veterinary (Daniel Elmer Salmon). 1981, 1983
Edwards, A. D., "Influence of Drought and Depression on a Rural Community: Haskell County, Kansas." 1939
Edwards, Everett E., articles A-Q. 1930-1943
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Edwards, Everett E., articles R-Z. 1930-1943, n.d.
Effland, Anne B. W., articles (C. F. Stewart Sharpe). 1992-1993
Eggleston, Edward, "Husbandry in Colony Times." 1884
Eggs. 1984, 1991
Egleston, Nathaniel Hillyer (b. 1822). 1906
Egypt (cotton). 1897, 1904
Ehrlich, Otto H., articles. 1943, n.d.
Eighteenth century agriculture, see Colonial agriculture
Eisenhower, Milton S. 1983
Eisenhower, Milton S., articles (USDA history). 1930-1941
Eisinger, Chester E., articles. 1947
Electrification. 1935-1980
Eliot, Charles W., "The Achievements of the Democratic Party and Its Leader..." 1916
Ellickson, John C., articles. 1947, 1954
Elliott, Foster F., "Types of Farming in the United States." 1933
Ellis, David Maldwyn, articles (land policy). 1944, 1948
Ellison, Joseph W., articles (apples). 1937-1942
Ellsworth, Clayton S., articles. 1947-1968
Ellsworth, Henry Leavitt. 1937, 1977
Elsworth, R. H., articles (cooperatives). 1924-1944
Ely, Richard T. 1914, 1940
Emery, Clark, "The Poet and the Plough." 1942
Encyclopaedia Britannica (9th ed.) (agriculture). n.d.
Energy. 1938-1983
Engerman, Stanley L., articles. 1965, 1967
England. 1892-1967, n.d. see also Great Britain; United Kingdom
Enterprise Farmers Club, Sandy Spring, Maryland. 1926-1944, n.d.
Entomology. 1931, 1957
Epstein, H., "Domestication Features in Animals as Functions of Human Society." 1955
Equipment, farm. 1910-1976, n.d. see also Machinery
Erickson, Arvel B., "Sir James Graham, Agricultural Reformer." 1950
Ernle, Lord (R.E. Prothero), "Landmarks in British Farming." 1892
Erwin, A. T., articles (corn). 1933-1947
ESCOP Centennial Workshop (centennial of Hatch Act on state agricultural experiment stations). 1987, n.d.
Espy, Mike (b. 1953). 1993-1994
Estabrook, Leon M. (1869-1937). 1937
Estabrook, Leon M., "Agricultural Survey of South America..." 1926
Ethics group, general. 1938
Europe. 1912-1977
Evans, Robert B., "Trends in the Consumption of Fibers in the United States." 1941
Ever-normal granary, 1934, 1946
Everitt, James A., "The New Farmers' Movement." 1907
Ewan, Joseph, "A Short History of Botany in the United States." 1969
Exotic foods. n.d.
Experiment stations. 1982-1986, n.d.
Exports, agricultural. 1949-1981. see also Trade
Extension Service, Wisconsin. 1962
Ezekiel, Mordecai (1899-1974). 1958-1989, n.d.
Ezekiel, Mordecai, articles. 1926-1964
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Fairchild, David. 1914, 1963
Fairchild, David, articles (botany). 1906, 1938, n.d.
Fairs. 1935, 1987, n.d.
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Fairway Farms experiment, Minnesota (Christgau bill). 1975
Family farm, see Farms, family
Famines. 1987, n.d.
Farm bloc. 1921-1941
Farm buildings. 1941-1988, n.d.
Farm Bureau movement. 1914
Farm Credit Administration. 1968-1988, n.d.
Farm Crisis, legal questions. 1985-1987
Farm economy and programs. 1983. see also Agricultural policies
The Farm Foundation. 1943-1984
Farm groups, see Agrarian movements
Farm health insurance. 1983
Farm income, see Income
Farm Journal. 1982
Farm management. 1940-1976
Farm markets. 1960, 1990
Farm ponds. 1980-1988
Farm population estimates. 1973
Farm products, storage of. 1980-1988
Farm rescue squads (disabled farmers). 1981-1984
Farm research, organizational charts. 1959
Farm safety. 1992-1993
Farm size. 1971-1980. see also Farms, small; Farms, large scale
Farm vacations. 1964-1970
Farm vacations. 1971-1976
Farm vacations. 1977-1993, n.d.
Farmer, Hallie, "The Economic Background of Southern Populism." 1930
Farming, corporate. 1983
Farmland preservation. 1982
Farms. 1884-1976
Farms, family. 1957-1990
Farms, large scale. 1929-1980
Farms, small. 1971-1982. see also Small farms
Farrand, Max. 1940
Farrand, Max, articles. 1938-1941
Fast food. 1984
Faucher, Daniel, "Geographie Agraire: Types de Cultures." 1935
Fauquet, Georges, "Agricultural Co-operation and the Agrarian Question in Catalonia." 1938
Fay, Bernard, "An Invitation to American Historians." 1932
Fay, C. R, "The Contrast Between British and American Agriculture." 1928
Federal history programs, n.d.
Federalist. 1980-1989
Feed manufacturing. 1985
Feller, Irwin, "Inventive Activity in Agriculture, 1837-1890." 1962
Fences. 1916-1990, n.d.
Fera, Darla, bibliography, "Women in American Agriculture." 1977
Ferger, Wirth F., article (Agricultural Adjustment Act). 1937
Ferguson, William Scott. 1939
Fertilizer. 1926-1986. see also Guano; Nitrates
Finance. 1967
Finland. 1966
Finns. 1936, 1978
Fish and seafood. 1962-1988
Fiske, John. 1940
Fite, Gilbert C., articles. 1943-1964
Fitzgerald, Dennis A. 1942
Fitzpatrick, Brian, "The Big Man's Frontier and Australian Farming." 1947
Five and dime store. 1994
Flaningam, Miletus L., articles (France). 1949-1950
Flaxseed. 1947-1976
Fletcher, Robert S., articles. 1926-1938
Fletcher, Robert S., correspondence. 1926
Fletcher, Robert S., county maps. 1870-1926
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Fletcher, Robert S., "Eastern Montana Cattle Range Industry," manuscript, copy 1, ch. 1-2. 1926-1927
Fletcher, Robert S., "Eastern Montana Cattle Range Industry," manuscript, copy 1, ch. 3. 1926-1927
Fletcher, Robert S., "Eastern Montana Cattle Range Industry," manuscript, copy 2. 1926-1927
Fletcher, Robert S., Egyptian cotton reports. 1922-1926
Fletcher, Robert S., maps. 1910, n.d.
Fletcher, Robert S., Montana Stock Growers' Association. 1889-1900
Fletcher, Robert S., North Dakota project. 1926, n.d.
Fletcher, Robert S., Northern Great Plains. 1923, n.d.
Fletcher, Robert S., notes, excerpts, etc. 1879-1926, n.d.
Fletcher, Robert S., "Organization of the Range Cattle Business in Eastern Montana," (manuscripts). 1930
Fletcher, Robert S., railroad propaganda. 1924-1926, n.d.
Fletcher, Robert S., "Rubber in Malaya and Ceylon." 1926
Fletcher, Robert S., tables and graphs. 1880-1925
Fletcher, Robert S., weather data. 1922-1925
Flick, Hugh M., articles (Elkanah Watson). 1940, 1946
Flint, Charles L. 1974
Flint, Charles L., article. 1875
Floods. 1988. see also Mississippi River, floods
Floriculture. 1953-1987
Florida. 1856-1981
Flowers. 1966, 1976
Flynn, John T., articles. 1930-1945
Flynn, Ted P. 1964
Fogel, Robert William, articles. 1963
Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington D.C.. 1930
Folklife Center News. 1977-1980, n.d.
Folksongs. 1934, 1939. see also National Folk Festival
Folsom, Josiah C., articles. 1931-1953
Food, colonial. n.d.
Food, The Digest. 1977-1979
Food, The Digest. 1981-1983
Food, dry grocery warehouses. 1982
Food, general. 1933-1993, n.d.
Food, natural. 1983
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). 1950-1964
Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 1941-1992
Food industry. 1965-1982
Food marketing (World War I, Prohibition, Korean War). 1965
Food policy. 1939-1976
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Food preservation. 1943-1979
Food processing. 1954-1991
Food safety. 1981-1984
Food stamps. 1962-1988
Food statistics. 1961
Food technology, see Food policy; Food processing; Frozen foods
Foods--Hospital Commissary. 1988
Foote, Richard J., articles. 1952-1964
Footnotes. 1932
Forage. 1924
Forbes, Gerald, article. 1941
Ford Collection, see McGuffey, William Holmes
Ford, Guy Stanton and Lauren Ford, articles. 1933-1938
Ford, Henry. 1908, 1963
Foreign agriculture. 1922-1975. see also individual countries by name; USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service
Foreign aid, see Technical assistance
Forest History Foundation/Forest History Society. 1957-1978
Forest products. 1976
Forest Products History Foundation. 1947-1949, n.d.
Forestry. 1933-1948
Forestry. 1950-1986
Forsyth, George H., article. 1941
Fortier, Samuel, article. 1930
Foster, Ellery A., article. 1941
Foster, Stephen. 1943
4-H. 1951-1982
Fowke, V. C., articles. 1942, 1945
Fox, Dixon Ryan. article. 1937
France. 1925-1971, n.d.
Francis, E. K., articles. 1946, 1948
Frankfurter, Felix. 1941
Franklin, Harry Lee, article. 1941
Franklin, John Hope, articles. 1948, 1957
Freeman, Douglas Southall, article. 1940
Freeman, Orville L. (b.1918). 1961-1968, n.d.
French, Daniel Chester (sculptor). 1942
Freund, Rudolf, articles. 1945-1949
Friis, Herman R., article. 1940
Froker, Rudolph K. (1901-1965). 1965
Frontier. 1893, 1939. see also Curti, Merle E.; Turner, Frederick Jackson
Frost, Arthur Burdett (artist). 1939
Frozen foods. 1932-1948
Frozen foods. 1949-1956
Frozen foods. 1963-1985, n.d.
Fruit sorbets. 1990
Fruits. 1937-1988, n.d.
Fruits, orchard. 1983
Fruits and gardens (seed catalogs). 1931. see also Gardens
Fruits and vegetables. 1957-1981, n.d.
Fuel from farms. 1980
Fuess, Wilhelm, article (potatoes). 1938
Fuller, Varden, article. 1941
Fulton, Tom, articles A-P. 1974-1979
Fulton, Tom, articles P. 1974
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Fulton, Tom, articles P-Z. 1974-1979
Funk, W. C., article. 1914
Fur farming. 1940
Furry, Margaret S., article. 1934
Fussell, G. E., articles A (England). 1924-1939
Fussell, G. E., articles B (England). 1922-1967
Fussell, G. E., articles C-D (England). 1927-1948
Fussell, G. E., articles E (England). 1926-1929
Fussell, G. E., articles E (England). 1926-1937
Fussell, G. E., articles F (England). 1932-1967
Fussell, G. E., articles G-K (England). 1925-1964
Fussell, G. E., articles L-O (England). 1925-1966
Fussell, G. E., articles P-R (England). 1922-1943
Fussell, G. E., articles S (England). 1925-1970
Fussell, G. E., articles T (England). 1929-1963
Fussell, G. E., articles U-Z (England). 1932-1938
Futures trading. n.d.
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Gage, Charles E., articles (tobacco). 1933-1959
Gagliardo, Domenico, article. 1931
Galbraith, John Kenneth, article. 1939
Gale, Zona, article. 1931
Galloway, Beverly Thomas. n.d.
Galloway, Beverly Thomas, article. 1928
Galpin, Charles Josiah. 1934, n.d.
Galpin, Charles Josiah, articles. 1914-1938
Galpin, W. Freeman, article. 1929
Ganoe, John T., articles. 1937
Garcia-Mata, Carlos, article. 1934
Gardener's Chronicle (seed catalogs). 1924
Gardens. 1941, 1979-1994. see also Fruits and gardens; Kitchen gardens, colonial
Gardens, Victory. 1941-1945
Gardner, Flora Clark, article. 1945
Gardner, John W., article. 1968
Garey, L. F., article. 1934
Garner, John Nance. 1932, 1940
Garraghan, Gilbert J., article. n.d.
Garst, Roswell (Bob). 1947-1979
Gasohol. 1939-1981. see also Fuel from farms
Gates, Charles M., article. 1940
Gates, Paul Wallace. 1987
Gates, Paul Wallace, articles A-F. 1931-1980
Gates, Paul Wallace, articles G-L. 1931-1980
Gates, Paul Wallace, articles M-Z. 1931-1980
Gay, Edwin F. (b. 1867). 1935-1936
Gay, Edwin F., articles. 1904-1942
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Geddes, Patrick (botanist). 1944
Gee, Wilson, articles. 1930-1939
Gehrke, William H., articles. 1934-1937
Geiger, Louis G., article. 1962
Geiser, Samuel Wood, articles. 1929-1944
Genetics. 1950, 1986-1988. see also Plant and animal introductions
Genung, A. B., articles. 1931, 1941
Geographical Journal (Thomas Jefferson). 1943
Geopolitical Institute (Germany). 1941
George Washington's Grist Mill Historical State Park, Alexandria, Virginia. ca. 1980
Georgia. 1962-1980, n.d.
Geranium. 1932
Germany. 1940-1955. see also Naziism
Germany. 1966-1984
Ghana. 1969
Giddens, Paul H., articles. 1933-1946
Gifford, John C. (architect). 1968
Gifts (to U.S. Presidents). 1944
Gillette, John M., article. 1919
Gilman, Samuel. 1936
Gilmore, W. E., article (land policy). 1905
Ginn & Co. 1922
Ginseng. 1976-1991
Ginzberg, Eli, article. 1936
Glass, Powell, article. 1944
Glassmaking. n.d.
Glazer, Sidney, articles. 1944, 1949
Glover, Wilbur H., article. 1948
Gluck, Connie S., article. 1962
Goats. 1976-1984
Going, Charles Buxton, article. 1935
Goldin, H. H., articles. 1947-1948
Gomez-Ibanez, Daniel, article. 1965
Gong, Lue Gim. 1911-1988, n.d.
Goodale, Hubert D. (geneticist). 1938
Goodman, Nathan G., article. 1937
Goodman, Robert B., article. 1933
Goodrich, Carter, articles. 1928, 1936
Goodsell, Orval E., articles. 1943, 1961
Goodsell, Wylie D., article. 1960
Goodwin, Dorothy C., article. 1941
Gosselin, A., article. 1944
Gould, Kenneth M., article. 1938
Grady, Henry F., article. 1936
Graff, Henry F., article. 1949
Graham, A. B., article. 1941
Graham, Gerald S., articles. 1938-1940
Grain. 1946-1982
Grain elevators. 1981-1982
Grange. 1934
Granger Movement. 1967. see also Agrarian movements
Grapes. 1859-1984
Graphic summaries. 1916-1943. see also Agricultural charts
Gras, N. S. B., articles. 1925-1930
Grass. 1947-1986
Grasshoppers. 1934-1986
Grattan, C. Hartley, articles. 1935-1943
Graubard, Mark, articles. 1944, n.d.
Gray, Amos, accounts. 1836-1837
Gray, Lewis Cecil (1881-1952), biographical sketches. 1944-1963
Gray, Lewis Cecil, articles A-E. 1913-1939
Gray, Lewis Cecil, articles F-K. 1913-1941
Gray, Lewis Cecil, articles L. 1917-1940
Gray, Lewis Cecil, articles M-N. 1917-1940
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Gray, Lewis Cecil, articles O-Q. 1913-1941
Gray, Lewis Cecil, articles R. 1919-1941
Gray, Lewis Cecil, articles S-Z. 1919-1941
Gray, Lewis Cecil, American Land and Problems, manuscript, copy 2. 1950
Gray, Lewis Cecil, American Land and Problems, manuscript, copy 3. 1950
Gray, Lewis Cecil, bibliography of works. n.d.
Gray, Lewis Cecil, clippings and press releases. 1919-1937, n.d.
Gray, Lewis Cecil, correspondence with Richard T. Ely. 192-1923
Gray, Lewis Cecil, correspondence with Richard T. Ely. 1924-1939
Gray, Lewis Cecil, correspondence with Henry W. Farnam. 1923-1929
Gray, Lewis Cecil, correspondence with Henry W. Farnam. 1930-1933
Gray, Lewis Cecil, correspondence about History of Agriculture in the Southern... 1931-1933
Gray, Lewis Cecil, correspondence about History of Agriculture in the Southern... 1933
Gray, Lewis Cecil, correspondence about History of Agriculture in the Southern... 1933-1934
Gray, Lewis Cecil, correspondence with MacMillan Company. 1921-1939
Gray, Lewis Cecil, programs and reports. 1919-1922
Great Britain. 1966-1967, n.d. see also England; United Kingdom
Great Britain, "Food program in Great Britain during World War II." ca. 1946
Great Lakes, St. Lawrence Seaway. 1957
Great Plains. 1936-1944
Great Plains. 1957-1959
Great Plains. 1960-1970
Great Plains. n.d.
Greathouse, Charles H., article. 1907
Greece. 1971
Greely, A. W., article. n.d.
Greenhouse. 1987
Greenhouse effect. n.d.
Greever, William, article. 1951
Gregg, Willis. n.d.
Gregory, Clifford V. (1885-1942). 1941-942.
Gressley, Gene M., articles. 1963, n.d.
Griffiths, David (1867-1935). 1935, n.d.
Grinnell, Joseph, article. 1938
Ground Hog's Day. 1991
Grove, Ernest W., articles. 1963-1967
Gruber, Jacob W., article. 1948
Guano. 1925-1984. see also Fertilizer; Nitrates
Guayule. 1982-1991
Guellow, C. N., article. 1962
Gulati, A. N., article. 1928
Gurney, H. C., article. 1932
Guthrie, Chester L., articles. 1938, 1941
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Guthrie, John D., article. 1944
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Haas, G. C., article. 1926
Haas, William H., article. 1936
Hacker, Louis Morton, articles. 1934-1943
Hadwiger, Don F., articles. 1970-1971, n.d.
Hadwiger, Don F., articles. 1971, 1975
Haecker, Theophilus Levi (1846-1938). 1895-1938
Haecker, Theophilus Levi, articles. 1901-1914
Hagley Foundation, Hagley Fellows, University of Delaware. 1966
Hainsworth, R. G., articles. 1938, 1942
Haiti. ca. 1969
Haley, Evetts, Jr., articles (Texas). 1944
Halich, Wasyl, article. 1936
Hall, Arthur R., articles. 1937-1949
Hall, Daniel (d. 1942). 1942
Hall, Hubert, article. 1931.
Hall, J. O., "Survey of Sociological Theory." n.d.
Halloween. 1950-1994
Ham, William T., articles. 1936-1937
Hambidge, Gove, articles. 1938, 1940
Hamburgers. 1985, 1989
Hamilton, Alexander, quotations. 1921, 1929
Hamilton, David E., articles. 1980, 1989
Hamilton, Earl J., articles. 1928-1945
Hamilton, Fred L., article. 1951
Hamilton, J. G. de Roulhac, articles. 1927-1928
Hamilton, Laura M., article. 1939
Hamilton, Raphael N., article. 1939
Hamilton, W. B., article. 1939
Hamlin, Arthur T., article. 1938
Hammar, Conrad H., article. 1938
Hammond, George P., article. 1940
Handicrafts. 1932-1968, n.d.
Hanke, Lewis, articles. 1937, 1941
Hansing, Frank D., article. 1955
Hanson, Herbert C., article. 1948
Hardin, Clifford M. (b. 1915). 1969
Harding, T. Swann, articles A-I. 1940-1962
Harding, T. Swann, articles J-O. 1946-1952
Harding, T. Swann, articles O-Z. 1939-1962
Hardy, Osgood, article. 1929
Hargreaves, Mary Wilma Massey, article. 1948
Harms, Ernst, articles. 1937-1939
Harassment, see USDA, Discrimination and harassment in
Harrington, A. H., article. 1968-1969
Harris, A. W., article. 1892
Harris, Abram L., article. 1937
Harris, Marshall, article. 1936
Harrison, Fairfax. 1938
Harrison, John P., articles. 1952-1953
Harrison, Robert W., article. 1846
Hart, Albert Bushnell, article. 1931
Hart, Edwin Bret. 1953-1955
Hartley, Harold, article. 1937
Hartman, W. A., articles. 1931, 1933
Harvard Alumni Bulletin. 1936-1938
Harvard University. 1930-1966
Harvey, Cecil, articles. 1975-1984
Harvey, Nigel, article. 1949
Haskell, Douglas, articles. 1934
Haskins, Charles H., article. 1925
Haskins, Ralph W., article. 1955
Hathaway, Sibyl (La Dame de Serk), article (Isle of Sark). 1932
Hatheway, Franklin, article. 1837
Hawaii. 1981, 1984
Hawks, Emma B., article. 1928
Hawley, Norman R., article. 1949
Hay and pasture. 1971-1985
Hayes Memorial Library, Fremont, Ohio. 1937-1942
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Haynes, Fred E., article. n.d.
Hays, Willet M., article. 1906
Hayter, Earl H., articles. 1934-1955
Hayward, Harry (b. 1869). n.d.
Heady, Earl O. (d. 1987). 1987
Health. 1960-1988
Heartman, Charles F., article. 1945
Heaton, Herbert, articles. 1934-1949
Hedrick, Ulysses Prentiss (1870-1951). 1951
Hedrick, Ulysses Prentiss, article. n.d.
Heichelheim, F. H., article. 1952
Heid, Walter G., Jr., article. 1980
Heindel, Richard Heathcote, article. 1938
Heinz, H. J. 1989
Heise, Dorothy A., article. 1983
Heisig, Carl P., article. n.d.
Hellman, Florence S., article. n.d.
Helton, Roy, article. 1932
Hemp and marijuana. 1939-1992
Henderson, Archibald, article. n.d.
Hendrix, William E., article. 1960
Hendry, George W., articles. 1930-1934
Henlein, Paul C., article. 1954
Hennefrund, Helen E., article. 1944
Henry, Robert S., article. 1945
Hepburn, Andrew H., article. 1981
Heppel, Monica L., article. 1981
Herbert, Paul A., articles. 1941-1942
Herbicides. 1971-1976
Herbs. 1962-1988
Herring, E. Pendleton, bibliography. n.d.
Hershey Chocolate Company. 1987-1994
Hewes, Leslie, article. 1952
Hibbard, Benjamin Horace, articles. 1904-1965
Hicks, John D., articles. 1931-1955
Higgins, Benjamin, articles. 1939-1940
High, Stanley, articles. 1937
Highet, Gilbert, article. 1943
Hildebrand, J. R., articles. 1932
Hilgard, Eugene W. 1974
Hilgard, Eugene W., article. 1882
Hill, F. F., article. 1943
Hill, Howard L., article. 1959
Hill, James J. 1906, 1913
Hill, Robert W., article. 1934
Hillman, Jimmye S., article. 1985
Hills, J. L. (b. 1861). 1942
Hirsch, Arthur H., article. 1930
Hispanic Americans. 1983
Historians in District of Columbia, list. 1977
Historical Methods Newsletter. 1969-1971
Historical Methods Newsletter. 1971-1993
Historical Records Survey, proceedings, regional conference. 1936
Historiography. 1976-1977
History, agricultural. 1910-1935
History, agricultural. 1937-1977, n.d.
History, colonial. n.d.
History, economic. 1905-1940, n.d.
History, general. 1942
History, local. 1910-1942
History, 19th century "1845: A Year of High Promise." [1945 ]
History offices, government. 1977-1988
History sources. 1919-1967. see also Archives; Libraries
Hoag, Emily F., article. 1921
Hoard, William Dempster (b. 1897). 1940
Hoard's Dairyman. 1916, 1960
Hobson, Asher, article. 1929
Hobson, Howard, articles. 1932
Hoest, William W., article. 1978
Hoffman, George W., article. 1964
Hofstadter, Richard, articles. 1941, 1944
Hogs. 1917-1946
Hogs. 1962
Hogs. 1964-1995
Holcomb, Ernest J, article. 1940
Hole, Erling, article. 1946
HolidayMagazine (article on USDA). 1962
Holidays. 1992, n.d.
Holland, James W., article. 1938
Hollandale, Minnesota. 1924
Holliday, Carl, article. 1930
Holly. n.d.
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Holmes, Bea, article. n.d.
Holmes, Clarence L. (d. 1938). 1939
Holmes, Clarence L., articles. 1927-1938
Holmes, George K. (b. 1856). 1925
Holmes, George K., articles. 1899, 1912
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1841-1935). 1930-1931
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1841-1935), articles. 1930-1931, n.d.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1902-1981) (historian/archivist), article. 1931
Holt, Rush Dew. 1935
Holt, W. Stull, article. 1948
Homestead Act Centennial. 1944-1962, n.d.
Honeywell, Roy J., article. 1931
Honigsheim, Paul, articles. 1949-1952
Hoos, S., article. 1942
Hoover, Ethel D., article. 1960
Hoover, Herbert. 1925-1978, n.d.
Hope, Clifford. n.d.
Hopkins, Frederick M., article. 1941
Hops. 1912-1940
Horine, M. C., article. 1924
Horses and mules. 1863-1938
Horses and mules. 1939-1979
Horses and mules. 1980-1991, n.d.
Horsfall, James G., article. n.d.
Horticulture. 1824, 1953-1993, n.d.
Horton, Donald C., articles. 1945, 1949
Hosack, David. 1933
Hoskins, W. G., article. 1951
Houck, Ulysses Grant. n.d.
Hough, Franklin B. 1976-1977
Houghton Farm, Mountainville, New York. 1924
House, Albert V., Jr. 1938-1971
Houses (log cabins). 1966. see also Buildings
Houses, farm. 1981. see also Buildings
Houston, David F. (1866-1940). 1920
Howard, Leland O. (1857-1950). 1931-ca. 1950
Howard, Leland O., article. 1929
Howard, W. L., article. 1945
Howe, Frederic Clemson (d. 1940). 1940
Howe, Frederic Clemson, article. 1933
Hower, Ralph M., article. 1935
Hoxie, S, article. n.d.
Hoyt, William D., Jr., article. 1947
Hrdlicka, Ales, article. 1942
Hudson, W. H. (b. 1841). 1941
Hughes, Charles E., articles. 1953-1954
Hughes, Thomas R. 1966
Hulbert, Archer Butler, article. 1930
Humor. 1929-1987
Humphrey, Hubert H. 1965
Humphries, W. R., article. 1944
Hunger. 1973-ca. 1985
Hunt, Bryan (d. 1973). 1974
Hunt, K. E., articles. 1957, 1960
Husman, George C. (1861-1935). 1932-1935, n.d.
Huth, Hans, articles. 1941-1942
Hutter, Jean Paul, article. 1936
Huxley, Julian. 1940
Huxley, Julian, article. 1942
Hyde, Agnes Rogers, article. 1930
Hyde, Arthur Mastick (1877-1947). 1930
Hyde, Arthur Mastick, articles. 1932
Hydroponics. 1965-1979
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Ibach, Donald B., article. 1941
Ice. 1927-1967, n.d. see also Refrigeration
Ice cream. 1990, n.d.
Iceland. 1928
Ickes, Harold L., article. 1940
Idaho. 1918-1985
Illinois. 1931-1938
Illinois. 1959-1968
Immigrants. 1854, 1976
Imperial Valley, California. 1942
Implements, see Machinery
Income. 1963-1966
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India. 1957-1958
Indiana. 1923-1986, n.d.
Indians, American. 1901-1938
Indians, American. 1939-1974
Indians, American. 1982-1990, n.d.
Indigo. 1971
Indonesia. 1967
Industrial History Society. n.d.
Inman, Buis T., article. 1949
Insecticide. 1988
Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia. 1957-1968, n.d.
Insurance. 1952-1965
Integrated farming. 1963
International--American relations. 1939
International Harvester Company, Chicago, Illinois. 1933, n.d.
International Institute of Agriculture at Rome. 1924, 1936
Iowa. 1860-1931. see alsoThe Palimpsest
Iowa. 1936-1947
Iowa. 1948-1962
Iowa. 1969-1971, n.d.
Ireland. 1927-1983, n.d.
Irrigation. 1938-1952
Irrigation. 1956-1988, n.d.
Irving, Washington. 1940
Irwin, H. S., article. 1957
Italy. 1962
Top of Page
Jack, Phil R., article. 1957
Jacks, L. P., article. 1931
Jackson, Andrew. 1928, n.d.
Jackson, Donald, article. 1937
Jackson, W. Turrentine, articles. 1947-1970
Jackson, William H. (b. 1843). 1940
Jacobs, Wilbur R., article. 1970
Jacobstein, Meyer, article. 1907
Jagger, Ivan C. (1889-1939). 1939
Jameson, J. Franklin, article. 1918
Jansen, Mary L., article. n.d.
Japan. 1949-1989
Japanese-Americans. 1989
Jarchow, Merrill E., article. n.d.
Jardine, James T. (1881-1954). 1954
Jarvis, William. n.d.
Jasny, Marie Philippi, article. 1937
Jasny, Naum (1883-1967). 1967
Jasny, Naum, articles. 1944-1947
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Jefferson, Thomas, articles about, by date. 1829-1942
Jefferson, Thomas, articles about, by date. 1943-1974
Jefferson, Thomas, articles about, by author A-B. 1869-1959
Jefferson, Thomas, articles about, by author C. 1869-1959
Jefferson, Thomas, articles about, by author D-H. 1869-1959
Jefferson, Thomas, articles about, by author L-M. 1869-1959
Jefferson, Thomas, articles about, by author M-Z. 1869-1959
Jefferson, Thomas, articles by. 1774-1776, n.d.
Jefferson, Thomas, correspondence (transcriptions). 1761-1778
Jefferson, Thomas, correspondence (transcriptions). 1800-1883
Jefferson, Thomas, excerpts from Jefferson's autobiography. 1821, 1892
Jefferson, Thomas, excerpts from Jefferson's Farm Book. n.d.
Jefferson, Thomas, excerpts from Jefferson's Garden Book. n.d.
Jefferson, Thomas, excerpts from Notes on Virginia. 1781
Jefferson, Thomas, gardens. 1983, n.d.
Jefferson, Thomas, Jefferson Memorial. 1947
Jefferson, Thomas, manuscripts (transcriptions). 1786-1819, 1943
Jefferson, Thomas, Monticello. 1926-1973
Jefferson, Thomas, Monticello Pilgrimage. 1944-1945
Jefferson, Thomas, plow mold-board. 1943, n.d.
Jefferson, Thomas, quotations. n.d.
Jefferson, Thomas, Thomas Jefferson Bicentennial. 1943, n.d.
Jefferson, Thomas, photographs (notes). 1943, n.d.
Jehlik, Paul J., article. 1951
Jensen, Merrill, articles (land policy). 1936, 1939
Jewish Agricultural Society. 1954-1966
Jews in agriculture. 1912-1976, n.d.
Joerg, W. L. G., article (land use). 1935
Johnson, A. N., article. 1950
Johnson, E. A. J., article (government). 1962
Johnson, Edward C., article. 1940
Johnson, Eldon L., article. 1944
Johnson, George Fiske, articles. 1930-1937
Johnson, Gerald W., articles. 1929-1938
Johnson, Glenn L., article. 1996
Johnson, H. T., article. 1966
Johnson, James Weldon, article. 1928
Johnson, Neil W., article. 1934
Johnson, Sherman E. (b. 1896). 1941
Johnson, Sherman E., articles. 1939-1963
Johnson, Sherman E., "Reflections of a Bureaucrat," part one. n.d.
Johnson, Sherman E., "Reflections of a Bureaucrat," part two. n.d.
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Johnson, Sherman E., "Reflections of a Bureaucrat," part three. n.d.
Johnson, Sherman E., "Reflections of a Bureaucrat," part four. n.d.
Johnson, Walter, articles. 1947
Johnstone, Paul H., articles A-O. 1937-1942
Johnstone, Paul H., articles P-Z. 1937-1942
Jonas, Salo, article. 1952
Jones, C. Clyde, article. 1957
Jones, Donald F. 1976
Jones, Donald F., article. 1938
Jones, Howard Mumford, articles. 1937-1938
Jones, J. B. (Civil War). 1930
Jones, Philip E., article. 1941
Jones, Robert Leslie, articles. 1942-1955
Jones, Tom B., articles (primitive agriculture). 1951-1954
Jones, William O., article. 1957
Jordan, Philip D., article. 1935
Jordan, Weymouth T., articles. 1944-1951
Jordre, Roy J., article. 1944
Jorgenson, Lloyd P., article. 1949
Journal of NAL Associates. 1985
Journalism, agricultural. 1846, 1945
Julian, Percy Lavon (b. 1899) (blacks in agriculture). n.d.
Jump, William A. 1924, 1954, n.d.
Jute. 1945, n.d.
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Kaempffert, Waldemar, article. 1931
Kahn, Herman, article. 1946
Kahn, Richard A., article. 1940
Kane, Lucile, article. 1949
Kangaroos. 1987
Kansas. 1957-1985
Kaplan, Louis, article. 1939
Karpovich, Michael, article. 1938
Kell, Walter V., article. 1937
Kellar, Herbert Anthony (d. 1955). 1955
Kellar, Herbert Anthony, articles. 1937-1955
Kelley, Darwin N., article. 1940
Kelley, Oliver Hudson (National Grange). 1913, 1962
Kellogg, Charles E. (1902-1980). 1980
Kellogg, Charles E., articles. 1935-1944
Kellogg, Martin (d. 1862), diaries. 1811-1828
Kelsey, Harlan P., article. 1944
Kemmerer, Donald L., articles. 1944, 1949
Kenaf. 1964
Kendall, Edward C., articles. 1959
Kendrick, Benjamin B., article. n.d.
Kennedy, Edward E., article. 1934
Kennedy, John F., article. 1964
Kentucky. 1941, 1988
Kerbey, McFall, article. 1932
Kerr, Norwood Allen, article. 1982
Kershner, Frederick D., Jr, article. 1953
Kifer, R. S., articles. 1938, 1941
Kimball, Marie, article. 1939
King, I. F., article. 1908
King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929-1968). n.d.
Kinney, J. P., article. 1916
Kirkendall, Richard S., articles. 1962, n.d.
Kirkpatrick, E. L. n.d.
Kirkpatrick, E. L., articles. 1933-1934
Kitchen, Clarence William (b. 1893). 1950-1951
Kitchen gardens, colonial. 1969. see also Gardens, victory
Kiwi fruit. 1975-1991
Klassen, Waldemar, article. 1989
Kleberg, Robert, Jr. (d. 1974). 1974
Klein, John W., article. 1948
Kling, William, article. 1942
Klose, Nelson, article. 1950
Knabenshue, S. S., article. n.d.
Knapp, Joseph G., articles. 1945-1970
Knapp, Seaman Asahel (1833-1911). 1938-1964
Knight, Howard Lawton, article. 1940
Kolehmainen, John Ilmari, articles. 1941-1950, n.d.
Kollmorgen, Walter Martin (b. 1907). n.d.
Kollmorgen, Walter Martin, articles. 1942-1951
Korea. 1953, 1960
Kraenzel, Carl F., article. 1943
Kraft Foods Company. 1946
Kramer, Dale, articles. 1942, n.d.
Krey, A. C., article. 1935
Kroeber, A. L., article. 1928
Kuhlman, A. F., article. n.d.
Kulsrud, Carl, article. 1948
Top of Page
Labels. 1988
Labor, agricultural. 1846-1933
Labor, agricultural. 1940-1941
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Labor, agricultural. 1942-1993, n.d.
Labor, farm. 1956-1959
Labor, migrant. 1949-1975
Lacy, Mary G., articles. 1922-1934
Ladejinsky, W. I., articles. 1934-1941
LaFollette, Philip. 1928-1931, n.d.
LaFollette, Robert M., Sr. (1855-1925). 1924-1932, n.d.
LaFollette, Robert M., Sr., articles. 1922-1924
LaFollette, Robert M., Jr. 1929-1934, n.d.
LaFollette Civil Liberties Committee. 1940
Lamb, George A., article. 1932
Lamb, Harold, article. 1933
Lambert, Audrey M., article. 1955
Land. ca. 1975. see also Public land records, United States General Land Office
Land conservation. 1990
Land economics. 1919-1939
Land, federal. 1951-1976
Land grant colleges. 1902, 1940-1961
Land grant colleges. 1962-1994, n.d.
Land policy. 1841-1958
Land policy. 1959-1986, n.d.
Land resources. 1955-1982, n.d.
Land use. 1918-1953
Land use. 1959
Land use. 1976-1981
Land use, Britain. 1931-1936
Landerholm, Edwin F., article. 1936
Landis, James M., article. 1938
Landis, Paul H., article. 1938
Landmarks. 1965-1994
Landon, Fred, articles. 1933-1937
Lange, Dorothea, article. 1939
Langsford, E. L., article. 1950
Languages. 1928-1940, n.d.
Lanham, Ben T., Jr., article. 1953
Lanning, John Tate, article. 1944
Larsen, Esther Louise, articles. 1935-1954, n.d.
Larson, Olaf F., article. n.d.
Laski, Harold J., articles. 1928-1941, n.d.
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Latin America. 1920-1960. see also South America
Latin America. 1961-1981
Lattimer, J. E., articles. 1930-1940
Lauer, Ernest, articles. 1925-1935, n.d.
Law, Ernest M., article. 1951
Leaders. 1929-1976, n.d. see also Men and Milestones
Leather (tanning). 1975
Leavitt, Charles, articles. 1931-1933
Le Duc, Thomas, articles. 1950-1964, n.d.
Le Duc, William Gates (1823-1917). 1909-1991
Lee, Annabel B., article. 1937
Lee, Brendan, article. 1928
Lee, Daniel. 1843-1936, n.d.
Lee, Deane, article. 1964
Lee, Guy A., article. 1945
Lee, John E., Jr., article. 1965, 1993
Lee, Shu-Ching, article. 1947
Leech, Margaret. 1941-1942
Legal aid. 1975
Legge, Katherine B., article. 1931
Leighton, George R., article. 1934
Leighty, Clyde Evert (1882-1966). 1966
Leland, John (1775-1841). 1860-1933, n.d.
Lemmer, George F., article. 1947, 1953
Lemmon, Sarah McCulloch, article. 1954
Lennard, Reginald, article. 1922
Lerner, Max, articles. 1939-1940
Lettuce. 1925-1989
Levin, Bernard S., article. 1940
Levy, H., article. 1939
Lewis, A. B., article. 1933
Lewis, Michael E., article. 1989
Lewisohn, Sam A., article. 1938
Lewton, F. L., articles. 1937-1943
Liberia. 1952
Libraries. 1970. see also Archives; History sources; USDA, Law Library
Library of Congress. 1929-1941
Libya. 1952
Liebau, Reinhold, article. 1914
Likert, Rensis (1903-1981). 1941-1990
Likert, Rensis, article. 1941
Lincoln, Abraham. 1859-1965
Lindbergh, Charles A., Sr. (1859-1924). ca. 1934
Lindley, Ernest K., article. 1944
Lininger, F. F., article. 1934
Link, Arthur S., article. 1946
Lippincott, Isaac, article. 1910
Lippmann, Walter, article. 1936
Liss, Samuel, articles. 1950-1953
Literature, American. 1928-1940
Lively, C. E., article. 1932
Livestock. 1926-1942
Livestock. 1958-1972
Livestock. 1973-1987, n.d.
Living historical farms. 1966-1972. see also Museums, agricultural; Old Sturbridge Village; Rural preservation
Living historical farms. 1973-1976
Living historical farms. 1976-1979
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Living historical farms. 1980-1981
Living historical farms. 1982-1991, n.d.
Living Historical Farms Bulletin. 1970-1976
Living Historical Farms Bulletin. 1977-1978
Living Historical Farms Bulletin. 1979-1981
Living Historical Farms Bulletin. 1981-1983
Living Historical Farms Bulletin. 1984-1986
Living Historical Farms Bulletin. 1986-1989
Living Historical Farms Bulletin. 1989-1992
Living Historical Farms and Agricultural Museums, Association for, Proceedings. 1974-1977
Living Historical Farms and Agricultural Museums, Association for, Proceedings. 1978-1981
Living Historical Farms and Agricultural Museums, Association for, Proceedings. 1982-1986
Living Historical Farms and Agricultural Museums, Association for, Proceedings. 1987-1988
Living History. 1992-1994
Lloyd, W. A. 1919
Lobeck, A. K. n.d.
Loehr, Rodney O. n.d.
Loehr, Rodney O., articles. 1937-1952
Loewenberg, Bert James, articles. 1941-1947
Log cabins. 1963-1985
Logan, Frenise A., articles. 1956
Logging/Lumbering. 1963-1983. see also Forest products
Lokke, Carl Ludwig, articles. 1936-1940
Long, Huey. 1935
Loomis, Charles P., articles. 1935-1940
Loomis, Charles P., article. 1945
Lord, Russell, articles. 1933-1982
Lorentz, Pare, articles. 1938-1992, n.d.
Lorimer, Frank, article. 1940
Loring, George Bailey (1817-1891). n.d.
Loucks, Edward A., article. 1980
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Louisiana. 1930-1981
Lovvorn, Roy L. 1988
Lovvorn, Roy L., article. 1990
Low, W. A., article. 1951
Lowdermilk, Walter Clay. 1984
Lowdermilk, Walter Clay, articles. 1940-1953
Lowenthal, Marvin, article. 1940
Lu, Yao-Chi, article. 1979
Lubin, David. 1926
Luchsinger, John. 1845-1878
Ludwig, Emil. 1931
Lum, Ray. 1992
Lundberg, Ferdinand, article. 1938
Lundberg, George A., article. 1943
Lundberg, Isabel, article. 1941
Lundeen, Ernest. 1936
Luthin, Reinhard H., article. 1951
Luton Museum, England, "The Romance of the Straw Hat" (rural industies). 1933
Lymington, Viscount (Portsmouth, Gerard Vernon Wallop, Earl of, b. 1898). 1931
Lynch, Russell Wilford, article. 1942
Lyng, Richard Edmund (b. 1918). 1986, n.d.
Top of Page
MacDonald, Ramsay. 1931
Machinery and labor. 1931-1947, n.d.
Machinery, combines. 1928-1983, n.d.
Machinery, companies (tractors). 1921-1974
Machinery, companies (tractors). 1975-1984, n.d.
Machinery, corn pickers and planters. 1918-1935
Machinery, cotton ginning. 1938-1956
Machinery, cotton pickers. 1935-1980
Machinery, garden tractors (rototillers). 1980-1983
Machinery, general. 1909-1939. see also Technology
Machinery, general. 1940-1944
Machinery, general. 1953-1959
Machinery, general. 1959-1971
Machinery, general. 1972-1973
Machinery, general. 1974-1977
Machinery, general. 1980-1983
Machinery, general. 1984-1993, n.d.
Machinery, harvesting. 1834-1949
Machinery, harvesting. 1950-1976
Machinery, harvesting (grain). 1931-1983
Machinery, harvesting (grapes-California). 1974-1982, n.d.
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Machinery, harvesting (Knox, Hugh W., article). 1964
Machinery, harvesting (reaper, thresher). 1930-1974, n.d.
Machinery, harvesting (tomatoes). 1968-1983
Machinery, hay and forage. 1880-1983, n.d.
Machinery, implements. 1941-1972
Machinery, planters. 1935-1939
Machinery, plows. 1870-1980, n.d.
Machinery, rice milling (processing). 1959
Machinery, round baler. 1982, n.d.
Machinery, threshers. 1936?
Machinery, tillage. 1935-1985
Machinery, tractors. 1910-1920
Machinery, tractors. 1921-1924
Machinery, tractors. 1926-1933
Machinery, tractors. 1938-1942
Machinery, tractors. 1951-1957
Machinery, tractors. 1958-1961
Machinery, tractors. 1963-1964
Machinery, tractors. 1965-1972
Machinery, tractors. 1974-1994
MacKay-Smith, Alexander, article. 1948
MacKaye, Benton, article. 1931
MacLeish, Archibald. 1941
MacLeish, Archibald, article. 1940
MacMillan, Howard G., article. 1942
Maddalena, Aldo de, article. 1949
Maddox, James G., articles. 1939-1945
Madigan, Edward R. (1936-1994). 1991-1992
Magruder, Arthur. 1939
Maine. 1949
Malin, James C. 1947-1953, n.d.
Malin, James C., articles. 1936-1944
Mallory, L. D., article. 1937
Malone, Dumas. 1970
Malone, Dumas, article. n.d.
Malott, E. O., article. 1942
Management, farm. 1940-1946
Management, farm. 1948
Management, farm. 1948-1972, n.d.
Mann, Thomas. n.d.
Manny, T. B., article. 1934
Manuscripts. 1933
Mapes, James Jay (1806-1866). 1893, n.d.
Maple sugar. 1915-1954
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Maps--Europe. 1925
Maps--Minnesota. 1920-1933, n.d.
Maps--New York. 1915
Maps--United Kingdom. n.d.
Maps--United States. 1932-1941
Maps--United States. n.d.
Maps--World. 1931
Marbut, Curtis Fletcher (1862-1935). 1936
Marbut, Curtis Fletcher, article (wheat). 1931
Margarine. 1988
Marijuana, see Hemp and marijuana
Mark, Irving, articles. 1942-1945
Marketing. 1920-1992, n.d. see also Food marketing; Orderly marketing
Marketing orders. 1979-1981
Marriott [Corporation]'s "Allie's" (restaurant prototype). 1988
Marschner, Francis J., article. 1940
Marsh, Richard R., article. 1949
Marshall, Robert (1901-1939). 1939
Martin, J. Lynton (Ross Farm Museum, Nova Scotia, Canada). 1974-1989
Martin, Thomas P., articles. 1928-1944
Martin, Xavier, article. 1853
Marvin, Charles F. n.d.
Maryland. 1927-1934
Maryland. 1952-1958
Maryland (poultry). 1959-1963
Maryland. 1966-1987
Maryland. 1988, n.d.
Mason, Arthur John (1857-1933). 1941, n.d.
Mason, Gregory, article. 1936
Mason, John E., article. 1940
Massachusetts. 1923-1980, n.d.
Master Farmer Movement. 1928-1930, n.d.
Matanuska Valley, Alaska. 1950-1955. see also Alaska
Mather, Cotton (Quakers). 1862
Mather, William G., Jr., article. 1935
Matterson, C. H., article. 1941
Mauri, Angelo, article. 1927-1947
Maverick, Lewis A., articles. 1938-1942
Maxton, John P., article. 1939
May, D. W., article. 1930
Mayock, Thomas J., articles. 1943, n.d.
Mazversits, J., article. 1931
McCain, William D., article. 1938
McConnell, Samuel P., article. 1934
McCormick, Cyrus H. (1809-1884). 1909-1968, n.d.
McCormick, Harold (1872-1941). 1941
McCormick, Willoughby. 1984
McCune, Wesley, article. 1942
McDonald, Angus, articles. 1938-1941
McDonald, Forrest, article. 1951
McDougall, John L., article. 1929
McDowell, J. C. 1939
McDowell, J. C., article. 1918
McFarland, George Max, article. 1942
McFarland, John I., article. 1935
McGuffey, William Holmes (1800-1873). 1934-1941
McKee, Irving, article. 1948
McKelvie, Sam R., article. 1935
McKernan, Louis W., article. 1938
McMaster, John Bach. 1943
McMillen, James A., article. 1933
McMillen, Wheeler, articles. 1927-1991, n.d.
McMurry, Donald L., article. 1936
McMurtrie, Douglas Crawford. 1938-1939
McNall, Neil Adams, article. 1945
McNary, Charles L. 1940
McNary-Haugen movement. 1925
McNeill, John M., article. 1940
McWilliams, Carey, article. 1942
Mead, Elwood, article. 1929
Meany, Edmond S., Jr., articles. 1931-1939
Meat. 1971-1983, n.d.
Meat inspection. 1956-1991
Meat packing. 1955-1977
Medicine. 1928-1990
Meiklejohn, Alexander, article. 1930
Meier, Fred C. 1938-1939
Melvin, Alonzo D. (1862-1917). 1917-1988
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Men and milestones. 1966-1976, n.d. see also Leaders
Mencken, H. L., article. 1936
Mendenhall, Marjorie Stratford, article. 1937
Mennonites. 1993
Mercantilism. 1967
Mercer, W. B., article. 1935
Merk, Frederick, articles. 1934-1949, n.d.
Merrill, Melvin C. (1884-1953). 1953
Merritt, Dixon., article. n.d.
Merritt, Eugene, articles. 1915-1928
Merton, Robert K., article. 1935
Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. n.d.
Metric system. 1974-1976
Metzger, J. E., article. 1926
Mexican jumping beans. 1968
Mexico. 1928-1972, n.d.
Meyer, Ernest L., article. 1934
Meyer, Frank N. 1951-1994
Meyers, Georg N., article (Alaska). 1944
Meynen, Emil, articles (Pennsylvania Germans). 1939, n.d.
Michael, Louis G., "Agricultural Survey of Europe." 1924-1928
Michael, Louis G., "Agricultural Survey of Europe." 1925-1930
Michigan. 1926-1939
Mickey, Karl B., articles. 1945-1946
Middle Border Bulletin. 1943-1950
Midwest. 1964
Migrant Agricultural Workers Archives (Cornell University Library). ca. 1970
Migration. 1965-1967. see also Okies
Miller, Arthur W. 1943
Miller, August C., Jr., article. 1942
Miller, James W., article. 1941
Miller, Thomas L., article. 1954
Milling. 1919-1988, n.d.
Milo. 1981. see also Sorghum
Mining. 1933-1976
Minneapolis Tribune. 1927
Minnesota. 1911-1928
Minnesota. 1929-1939
Minnesota. 1940-1961
Minnesota. 1969-1989, n.d.
Minnesota clippings. 1930-1972
Mississippi. 1937-1963, n.d.
Mississippi Delta (region). 1941-1948
Mississippi River, floods. 1961
Missouri. 1849-1960, n.d.
Missouri River. 1928-1947
Mistletoe. 1974-1992
Mitchell, J., article (journalism, agricultural). 1939
Mitchell, Jonathon, article (education). 1934
Mitchell, Wesley C., article. 1944
Mock, James R., article. 1942
Moe, Edward O., article. 1942
Mohler, John R. 1920-1949, n.d.
Mohrhardt, Foster E. (1907-1992). 1992
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Molasses making. 1988
Molina Campos, Florencio. 1938
Monroe, James. 1931
Montana. 1936-1968
Monuments. 1925-1950
Mood, Fulmer, articles. 1934-1943
Mood, Fulmer, articles. 1944-1949
Moody, V. Alton, articles. 1933-1948
Moore, W. Robert, article. 1934
Morehouse, Frances, article. 1928
Morison, Samuel Eliot. 1942
Morison, Samuel Eliot, articles. 1936-1938
Morley, Sylvanus Griswold, article. 1925
Mormons. 1930-1966, n.d.
Morrill, Justin Smith (1810-1898). 1962-1963, n.d.
Morris, Edmund, article. 1944
Morris, Fred C. 1949
Morris, F. Grave, articles. 1937
Morris, Richard B., article. 1933
Morrisey, Richard J., articles. 1951
Morrison, Denton E., article. 1970
Morse, William Joseph (1884-1959). 1946-1971
Mortenson, W. P., article. 1933
Morton, Julius Sterling (1832-1902). 1896-1983, n.d.
Morton, W. L., articles. 1946-1951
Mosbaek, Ludvig, article (Danes, Minnesota). 1936
Mosk, Sanford A., articles. 1939-1943
Moth, gypsy (biological control). 1982-1983
Mott, Frank Luther, article. 1923
Moulton, Herbert G., article. 1933
Mountaineers. 1930-1940, 1988
Mowat, Charles L., article. 1940
Mules. 1938-1987, n.d. see also Horses and mules
Mules, Missouri. 1988-1989, n.d.
Mule trader. 1992
Mullett, Charles F., articles. 1944-1946
Mumford, Frederick B., article. 1940
Munro, William Bennett, articles. 1928-1938
Murchie, R. W., article. 1936
Murphy, Paul L., articles. 1953-1955
Murray, Gilbert, article. 1930
Murray, K. A. H., articles. 1934-1935
Murray, William H. "Alfalfa Bill." 1931
Murrell, William, article. 1935
Museums. 1927-1974, n.d.
Museums, agricultural. 1921-1989, n.d. see also Living historical farms
Museums, Bishop Hill (Swedish colony in Illinois, 1846-). 1969, n.d.
Museums, The Farmer's Museum, Cooperstown, New York. 1948-1956, n.d.
Mushrooms. 1980-1983
Music. 1922-1928, n.d.
Top of Page
Nabisco. 1986
Nadal, Dolores Mendez, article. 1947
Names. 1940, n.d.
Nash, James Linn, article. 1907
Nast, Thomas. 1940
The Nation. 1940
National Archives and Records Administration. 1968-1992
National Colonial Farm. 1967-1982. see also Accokeek Foundation
National Farmers Organization. 1958-1965, n.d.
National Farmers Union. n.d.
National Fire Protection Association. 1948
National Flower (rose). 1986
National Folk Festival. 1939
National Historical Publications Commission. 1951-1954
National Historical Publications Commission. 1963-1965
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National Park Service. 1937-1968, n.d.
National Planning Association. 1966
National Portrait Gallery, see Smithsonian Institution, National Portrait Gallery
National Trust for Historic Preservation. 1966
Nationalistic groups, general. 1941. see also Immigrants
Natural fibers. 1952
Naval stores. 1966, n.d.
Naziism. 1938-1941
Nebraska. 1934-1969
Nectarines. 1988
Negroes. 1929-1976, n.d.
Nelson, Elnathan Kemper (1871-1940). 1940
Nelson, Lowry, articles. 1936, n.d.
Nesbitt, William A., article. 1946
Netherlands. 1962-1963
Netherlands. 1963
Nettels, Curtis, articles. 1934-1938
Neuberger, Richard L. 1938
Neuberger, Richard L., article. 1942
Nevada. 1932
Nevins, Allan, articles. 1929-1939
New Deal. 1940-1991, n.d. see also Relief
New England. n.d.
New Hampshire. 1971-1977, n.d.
New Jersey. 1932-1954
New Mexico. 1967-1968
New Orleans. n.d.
The New Republic. 1939
New River, North Carolina. 1975-1976, n.d.
New Salem, Illinois. 1939
New York. 1905-1910
New York. 1911-1916
New York. 1920-1928
New York. 1928-1938
New York. 1947-1980
Newfoundland, Canada. 1941
Newton, Isaac (1800-1867). 1867-1990
Nichols, Madaline W., articles. 1943-1944
Nichols, Osgood. 1935
Nickerson, Hoffman, article. 1929
Nicol, Hugh, article. 1936
Nikolitch, Radoje, article. 1965
Nimmo, Joseph (1830-1909). 1961, n.d.
Nitrates. 1917
Nixon, Herman Clarence, article. 1929
Nolan, Louis Clinton. 1937
Nordin, Dennis S. 1966-1967
Normano, J. F. n.d.
Normano, J. F., article. 1939
Norris, George W. 1928-1941, n.d.
Norris, P. K., article. 1934
North Carolina. 1929-1956
North Carolina. 1968-1985, n.d.
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North Dakota. 1928-1960
North Dakota. 1962-1965, n.d.
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. 1924, n.d.
Norton, L. J., article. 1942
Norwegians. 1930-1981, n.d.
Nourse, E. G., article. 1928
Nunn, Alexander, article. 1964
Nurseries. 1988
Nussbaum, F. L., article. 1941
Nutrition. 1939-1974
Nutrition. 1976-1989, n.d.
Nuts. 1958-1971
Top of Page
Oats. 1919-1988
O'Callaghan, Jerry A., article. 1954
Odell, Spurgeon, article. 1940
Oertel, E., article. 1945
Ogburn, William F., article. 1938
Ogden, Gerald R., articles. 1974-1980
Ogden, Gerald R., articles. 1982-1984, n.d.
Ohio. 1961-1973
Oil. 1974
Okies. 1939-1941
Oklahoma. 1939, 1986
Oklahoma Experiment Station, "A Historical Study...." part 1. 1967
Oklahoma Experiment Station, "A Historical Study...." part 2. 1967
Oklahoma Experiment Station, "A Historical Study...." part 3. 1967
Old Oregon Trail Centennial. 1943
Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts. 1964-1974, n.d.
Oleomargarine. 1936-1981
Oliphant, J. Orin, articles. 1932-1950
Olive oil. 1957-1989
Oliver, George Sheffield. 1941
Oliver, John W., articles. 1927-1943
Olmadilla y Puig, Joaquin, article. 1921
Olmstead, Alan L., articles. 1976-1981
Olmstead, Albert Ten Eyck, articles. 1917-1930
Olmstead, Frederick Law. 1930-1966
Olsen, Nils A. (1886-1940). 1925-1971
Olsen, Nils A., articles. 1927-1931
Olson, Albert Laverne, article. 1935
Olson, Floyd B. 1933-1935
Olson, Lois, articles. 1939-1945, n.d.
Onions. 1983
Oral history. 1963-1989, n.d.
Orderly marketing. 1957-1960
Oregon. 1940-1982
Organic farming and gardening. 1971-1990, n.d.
Organization of American Historians. 1965-1973
Ormsby, Margaret A., articles. 1935-1945
Orton, William (1826-1878). 1964
Orwin, C. S., article. 1941
Osborn, George C., articles. 1941-1955
Ostriches. 1994
Ostrolenk, Bernhard, article. 1933
Otto, John Solomon, articles. 1986-1989
Owen, Eugene D., article. 1938
Owen, Robert. n.d.
Owsley, Clifford (1918-1975). 1975
Owsley, Frank Lawrence, articles. 1929-1945
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Oxen. 1936-1962, n.d.
Ozark Mountaineers. 1931-1935, n.d.
Top of Page
P.L. 480, see Public Law 480; Technical assistance
Packard, Walter E., article. 1948
Padover, Saul K. 1944
Pageants. 1931-1938
Pageants. n.d.
Paine, Clarence S., article. 1948
Palestine. 1940, n.d.
The Palimpsest. 1930
The Palimpsest. 1966-1968
The Palimpsest. 1968-1971
Pals, Clarence H. n.d.
Pals, Clarence H., articles. 1984-1991
Pan American Union. 1951-1953
Papadakis, Juan, article. 1975
Pardee, John Stone, articles. 1926-1928
Pargellis, Stanley, article. 1944
Parish, John Carl, articles. 1926-1930
Parity. 1967
Parker, Edward A., article. 1948
Parker, Garland G., article. 1952
Parker, William N. 1971
Parker, William N., articles. 1966-1977
Parkman, Francis. 1943
Parrington, Vernon Louis. 1929
Parsons, James J., article. 1940
Parton, James. 1872
Passano, William M. 1940
Passenger pigeon. 1967
Patents. 1983
Patrick, Austin L. (1889-1974). 1974
Paxson, Frederic L. 1930
Paxson, Frederic L., articles. 1916-1930, n.d.
Payment-in-kind. 1983
Peaches. 1917, 1970
Peanut butter. 1961-1993
Peanut Farmer. 1972-1993
Peanuts. 1954-1980, n.d.
Pearson, Drew, articles. 1934-1935
Pearson, Raymond Allen (1874-1939). 1939
Pecans. 1987
Peckham, Howard H., article. 1942
Peek, George N., articles. 1933-1935
Peffer, E. Louise, articles. 1949-1956
Pelzer, Louis, articles. 1926-1930
Pendleton Farmers Club, Pendleton, South Carolina. 1916
Penicillin. 1945-1980
Pennsylvania. 1929-1936
Pennsylvania. 1944-1988
Pennsylvania Federation of Historical Societies. 1933-1938
Pennsylvania Folklife. 1958
Pepper sauce. 1983
Percy, William Alexander. 1941
Periodicals, agricultural. 1930-1939. see also Journalism, agricultural
Perkins, Milo, article. 1941
Perrine, Henry (1797-1840). 1840-1982, n.d.
Perry, James R., article. n.d.
Person, H. S., article. 1950, n.d.
Persons supplied farm products by one farmworker. 1986
Pesticides. 1959-1983
Pesticides. 1984-1993
Pests. 1976-1988, n.d.
Peters, Richard. 1935
Peterson, Arthur G. 1946-1948, n.d.
Peterson, Arthur G., articles. 1929-1932
Peterson, Arthur G., articles. 1933-1940
Peterson, Arthur G., articles. 1941-1948, n.d.
Peterson, Martin Severin, article. 1929
Peterson, Roger Tory. 1976
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Petino, Antonio, articles. 1942-1943
Phelps, William Lyon, article (literature). 1934
Philadelphia. 1934, n.d.
Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture. 1935-1942, n.d.
Philippines. 1980
Phillips, Deane, article. 1922
Phillips, Edward Hake, articles. 1951-1952
Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell (1877-1934). 1934-1951
Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell, articles. 1903
Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell, articles. January-October 1904
Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell, articles. November-December 1904
Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell, articles. 1905
Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell, articles. 1906-1908
Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell, articles. 1909
Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell, articles. 1910-1911
Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell, articles. 1911-1928
Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell, articles. 1930-1945
Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell, bibliographies. n.d.
Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell, book reviews. n.d.
Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell, "The Course of the South to Secession," I-II. 1936-1937
Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell, "The Course of the South to Secession," III-IV. 1937-1938
Photographs, see Series VII.1
Phytochrome. 1987
Pickens, T. Boone. 1988
Pickett, Victor G., article. 1933
The Piedmont Magazine. 1915
Pierson, George Wilson, articles. 1941-1947
Pieters, A. J. n.d.
Pigs. 1981-1982
Pilgrims. 1929-1930, n.d.
Pinchot, Gifford (1865-1946). 1945-1978, n.d.
Pinchot, Gifford, articles. 1937
Pinkett, Harold T., articles. 1947-1970
Pirenne, Henri, article. n.d.
Pistachios. 1984
Pittier, Henri (1857-1950). 1946-1950
Plant and animal introductions. 1964-1994. see also Genetics; Botany
Plant breeders and explorers. 1932-1986, n.d. see also Genetics
Plant exploration. 1854-1991, n.d. see also Horticulture
Plant patents. 1931, n.d.
Plant quarantine. 1962
Plantations. 1924-1938
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Plantations. 1941-1992
Plew, Grover Merton (1889-1974). 1974
Plowing, deep. 1965
Plows. 1848
Plumb, Charles Sumner (1861-1939). 1939
Plumb, Charles Sumner, articles. 1924-1939
Plunkett, Horace Curzon, Sir (1854-1932). 1902-1981
Poinsettia. 1988-1994, n.d.
Policy. 1960-1967. see also Agricultural policies
Political parties. 1928-1958
Politics. 1971
Pollard, A. F., article. 1927
Pomeroy, Earl S., articles. 1943
Poore, Ben Perley, article. n.d.
Popcorn. 1928-1983
Popenoe, Wilson (1892-1975). 1977
Population. 1962-1966
Population. 1966-1970
Pork festival, Salley, South Carolina. 1982
Porter, Horace G., see Taylor, Henry C.
Porter, Jane M., articles. 1966-1972
Porter, Jane M., articles. 1974-1975
Porter, Jane M., articles. 1976-1978
Porter, Jane M., articles. 1979-1987, n.d.
Porter, Jane M., articles. n.d.
Post Office, see Rural post offices
Posters. 1943
Potash. 1916-1940
Potatoes. 1846-1994, n.d.
Potter, David M., article. 1947
Pottery. 1968
Poultry. 1939-1958. see also Chickens, Turkeys
Poultry. 1960-1990
Poultry, American Poultry Historical Society. 1980, n.d.
Poundstone, Bruce, article. 1935
Poverty. 1964-1970
Poverty. 1970-1986
Powell, Jane Swift, article. 1943
Power, Eileen, article (England). 1934
Power, Richard Lyle, articles. 1939-1945
Prairie fires. 1940
Prehistory. 1960-1987. see also Primitive agriculture
Prentice, E. Parmalee, articles. 1931-1950
Preservation. 1991. see also Buildings; Historical Records Survey; National Park Service
Presidential inaugurations. 1985
Presidents. 1934, n.d.
Presidents' visits to USDA. n.d.
Price, Clair, articles. 1934-1935
Price policy. 1926. see also Agricultural policies
Price policy. 1939
Price policy. 1955-1969
Prices. 1930-1977
Prices, farm. 1932
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Primitive agriculture. 1988-1995, n.d. see also Prehistory
Prisland, Marie, article. 1950
Proctor, J. C., article. 1944
Programs. 1961-1963. see also Agricultural policies
The Progressive Farmer. [1986]
Progressives. 1929-1931, n.d.
Prohibition. 1928-1930
Projections. 1994
Public land records. 1959
Public Law 480. 1948-1963
Public Law 480. 1967-1991
Public Law 480, Thomason's file. 1947-1956
Puerto Rico. 1936-1956
Pugsley, Charles (1878-1940). 1928, n.d.
Pulaski, Edward G. 1964
Punctuation marks. 1956
Purcell, Richard J. 1950?
Pursell, Carroll W., Jr., article. 1969
Puryear, Vernon J., article (Russia). 1934
Top of Page
Quakers. 1941
Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. 1941
Quilts. 1989?
Quince. 1985
Quotes. 1936-1994
Rabbits. 1980-1982, n.d.
Radio. 1926-1976
Rafinesque, C. S. (1783-1840). 1944
Railroads. 1923-1971
Railroads. 1975-1992, n.d.
Rain, acid. 1981
Rainmaking. 1979
Raisins. 1972-1974
Ramser, Charles E., 1944
Randall, E. O., articles. 1910-1941
Range, Willard, article. 1952
Ransome, John Crowe, article. 1932
Rasmussen, Wayne D. (b. 1915). 1950-1988, n.d.
Rasmussen, Wayne D. (b. 1915), AAEA Fellow. 1983 (2 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., writings guide. 1941-1986
Rasmussen, Wayne D., writings guide. 1988-1992
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1992-1993
Rasmussen, Wayne D., article. 1992
Rasmussen, Wayne D., article. 1991
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1990 (2 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1988 (2 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1987 (8 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1986 (5 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1985 (14 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1984 (14 folders)
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Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1983 (9 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1982 (8 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1981 (8 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1980 (19 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1979 (14 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1978 (16 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1977 (15 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1976 (27 folders)
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Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1975 (6 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1974 (10 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1973 (2 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1972 (8 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., article. 1971
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1970 (6 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1969 (4 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1968 (5 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1967 (13 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1966 (10 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1965 (7 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1964 (8 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1963 (6 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1962 (6 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1961 (5 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1960 (7 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., article. 1959
Rasmussen, Wayne D., article. 1958
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1956 (3 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1955 (7 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1954 (3 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., article. 1953
Rasmussen, Wayne D., article. 1952
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1951 (2 folders)
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Rasmussen, Wayne D., article. 1950
Rasmussen, Wayne D., article. 1947
Rasmussen, Wayne D., article. 1946
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1943 (4 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., articles. 1942 (2 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., article. 1941
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book review. 1990
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book review. 1989
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book review. 1987
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book review. 1985
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book review. 1983
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book reviews. 1982 (2 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book reviews. 1981 (2 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book review. 1980
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book review. 1978
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book reviews. 1976 (2 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book reviews. 1975 (2 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book review. 1974
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book review. 1973
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book reviews. 1972 (2 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book reviews. 1971 (2 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book reviews. 1970 (2 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book review. 1969
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book reviews. 1968
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book reviews. 1967
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book reviews. 1966
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book reviews. 1965
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book reviews. 1964
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book review. 1963
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book review. 1962
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book review. 1961
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book review. 1960
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book review. 1959
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book review. 1953
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book review. 1949
Rasmussen, Wayne D., book reviews. n.d. (2 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., chart, "The Evolution of Agriculture." 1985
Rasmussen, Wayne D., clipping. 1986
Rasmussen, Wayne D., clipping. 1985
Rasmussen, Wayne D., clipping. 1967
Rasmussen, Wayne D., clippings. 1963 (2 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., commentary. 1987
Rasmussen, Wayne D., commentary. 1983 (2 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., commentary. 1982
Rasmussen, Wayne D., commentary. 1981
Rasmussen, Wayne D., commentary. 1980
Rasmussen, Wayne D., commentary. 1978
Rasmussen, Wayne D., commentary. 1977
Rasmussen, Wayne D., commentary. 1969
Rasmussen, Wayne D., commentary. 1966
Rasmussen, Wayne D., commentary. 1955
Rasmussen, Wayne D., interview in Federalist. 1982
Rasmussen, Wayne D., interview by Layne Beaty (family farm). 1972
Rasmussen, Wayne D., notes on predictions. 1972
Rasmussen, Wayne D., notes on people in agriculture. 1968
Rasmussen, Wayne D., notes (farmer revolts) and Axe Handle letter referred from White House. 1967
Rasmussen, Wayne D., program, "Visions: Land and Community..." 1983
Rasmussen, Wayne D., program, Centennial Forum Series. 1981
Rasmussen, Wayne D., program, George Cooke Landon's Ph. D. oral exam. 1964
Rasmussen, Wayne D., program, "Is the Family Farm..." 1962
Rasmussen, Wayne D., quotation. 1986 (2 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., quotation. 1985 (5 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., quotation. 1984 (6 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., quotation. 1983 (3 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., quotation. 1982 (9 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., quotation. 1981 (2 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., quotation. 1980 (3 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., quotation. 1979
Rasmussen, Wayne D., quotation. 1977 (folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., quotation. 1976
Rasmussen, Wayne D., radio scripts. 1972-1974
Rasmussen, Wayne D., references. 1949-1970
Rasmussen, Wayne D., references (agricultural history). 1985
Rasmussen, Wayne D., references (Luther Burbank). 1969
Rasmussen, Wayne D., references (farm security). 1966
Rasmussen, Wayne D., references (impact of agriculture). 1962
Rasmussen, Wayne D., references (farm organizations). 1952-1962
Rasmussen, Wayne D., list of research publications. 1961
Rasmussen, Wayne D., references (agricultural policy). 1961
Rasmussen, Wayne D., references (agricultural education). 1960-1961
Rasmussen, Wayne D., references (farm tractors). 1953
Rasmussen, Wayne D., references (agricultural history). 1943
Rasmussen, Wayne D., references (Brazil). 1943
Rasmussen, Wayne D., references (settlement). 1943
Rasmussen, Wayne D., references (agricultural history). 1941
Rasmussen, Wayne D., references (dry farming). 1941
Rasmussen, Wayne D., references (Michigan agricultural history). 1941
Rasmussen, Wayne D., review of Agriculture in the United Sates... 1977
Rasmussen, Wayne D., review of Agriculture in the United Sates... 1976
Rasmussen, Wayne D., review of Readings in the History of American Agriculture. 1960-1962
Rasmussen, Wayne D., talk. 1984
Rasmussen, Wayne D., talk. 1981 (2 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., talk. 1980 (2 folders)
Rasmussen, Wayne D., talk. 1979
Rasmussen, Wayne D., talk. 1976
Rasmussen, Wayne D., talk. 1971
Rasmussen, Wayne D., talk. 1968
Rasmussen, Wayne D., television production schedules. 1977-1980
Rasmussen, Wayne D., television production schedules. 1974-1976
Rasmussen, Wayne D., "Across the Fence" (Johnny Appleseed TV script). 1974
Rasmussen, Wayne D., views on strikes. 1977
Rasmussen, Wayne D., USDA historical notes. 1976-1989, n.d.
Rasmussen, Wayne D., salaries for state governors. 1970
Rasmussen, Wayne D., major changes in USDA. 1970
Rasmussen, Wayne D., memo, goals for department. 1969
Rasmussen, Wayne D., to Obert for Freeman. 1968
Rasmussen, Wayne D., memo, Food and Agriculture Act. 1965
Rasmussen, Wayne D., poster for lecture. 1963
Rasmussen, Wayne D., Henry C. Taylor. n.d.
Rasmussen, Wayne D., "Farm Credit: Historical Notes." n.d.
Ratner, Sidney, article. 1941
Raup, H. F., article. 1947
Read, Allen Walker, article. 1933
Reck, Franklin M., article. 1945
Reclamation. 1983, n.d.
Recreation. 1962-1965
Rector, William G., article. 1949
Red River Valley (North Dakota and Minnesota). 1933, n.d.
Rede, Wylis, article. 1929
Redfield, Robert, article. 1941
Reed, Howard S., article. 1945
Reed, O. E., article. 1944
Refrigeration. 1953-1977, n.d. see also Ice
Regional Poultry Project History. 1986
Reich, Edvard, article (Czechoslovakia). 1937
Reichelderfer, F. W., article. 1941
Reid, James L. (1844-1910). 1923-1932, n.d.
Relief. 1972
Religions. 1927-1933, n.d.
Religious issues in politics. 1928-1930, n.d.
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Remarque, Erich Maria. 1929
Rempel, Sharon. 1993
Remsberg, Frank G. n.d.
Renne, Ronald R., article. 1933
Renner, George T., article. n.d.
Reno, Milo, article. 1934
Research. 1939-1951
Research. 1958-1962
Research. 1969-1992
Reuss, L. A., article. 1948
Revolutionary War. n.d.
Reynolds, Arthur R., articles. 1948-1949
Reynolds, Bruce, article (cooperatives). 1980
Reynolds, Philip, article (bananas). 1951
Reynoldson, L. A., article (harvesting machinery). 1928
Rhode Island. 1936-1986
Rice. 1922-1991, n.d.
Richards, Preston, article. 1941
Richardson, A. E. V., article (Australia). n.d.
Richardson, H. G., article. 1922
Richardson, T. C., article (range cattle). 1937
Richter-Altschaffer, J. H., article (World War II). 1940
Riddleberger, Patrick, article (land policy). n.d.
Riley, Charles Valentine (1843-1895). 1978-1990
Rippy, Merrill, article (Mexico). 1953
Roads. 1954-1988.
Robbins, Roy M., articles. 1933-1939
Robert, Joseph Clarke, articles. 1933-1941
Roberts, Michael, article. n.d.
Roberts, W., article (seeds). 1922
Robinson, Geroid T., article (Russia). 1953
Robinson, Howard, article (United Nations). n.d.
Robock, Stefan H., article (rural arms development). 1952
Robots. 1986
Rock, Joseph F. (1889-1962) (botanist). 1980
Rockey, Howard, article (textiles). 1924
Rodale, Robert (1930-1990) (organic gardener). 1990
Roe, Frank Gilbert, articles. 1952-1954
Roerich, Nicholas. 1936
Rogers, Ben F., Jr., article (USDA history). 1953
Rogers, Earl, articles. 1973-1974
Rogers, Earl, bibliographies and citations. 1972
Rohrbough, Katherine, article (cookbooks). 1943
Rollins, Irwin, diary. 1857
Rolvaag, O. E. 1933
Roman agriculture. 1965-1976. see also Primitive agriculture
Romania. 1971
Ronk, S. E., article (farm prices). 1936
Roosevelt, Eleanor. 1933-1935
Roosevelt, Franklin D., campaign literature. 1936
Roosevelt, Franklin D., clippings. 1928-1941, n.d.
Roosevelt, Franklin D., pictures. 1933-1990
Roosevelt, Theodore. 1930-1934, n.d.
Rose, John Kerr, article (corn). 1936
Rosenberg, Charles, articles. 1977, n.d.
Rosenthal, Fritz, article (utilization). 1941
Ross, Earle D., articles. 1933-1934
Ross, Earle D., articles. 1936-1963
Ross, Jane, article (colonial agriculture). 1976
Ross, Joseph B., articles. 1909-1910
Rossiter, Margaret, article (science). 1980
Roth, Dennis, bibliography. 1978-1988
Roueche, Berton, article (horses). 1946
Rourke, Constance (d. 1941). 1942
Rourke, Constance, article. 1935
Rowell, Chester H., articles. 1923, n.d.
Rubber. 1926
Ruffin, Edmund. 1933-1938
Ruggles, Clyde, article (agrarian movements). 1912
Rundell, Walter, article (government history offices). 1970
Rural development. 1966-1971
Rural development. 1974-1987
Rural Heritage Bibliography. n.d.
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Rural life. 1916-1990
Rural post offices. 1970
Rural preservation. 1961-1982, n.d. see also Living historical farms
Rural-urban balance, see Urban-rural relations
Rusk, Jeremiah McClain (1830-1893). 1925-1989, n.d.
Rusk, Jeremiah McClain, article. 1893
Russel, Robert, articles. 1941-1960
Russell, Bertrand, article. 1930
Russell, E. John, articles. 1923-1942
Russell, George William (1867-1935). 1932-1955
Russell, George William (A. E. ), articles. 1912-1940
Russell, Harry L. 1954-1966
Russell, Horace Hart, article. 1937
Russell, Howard S., articles. 1969-1971
Russell, Ralph, article (American Farm Bureau Federation). 1937
Russell, Richard Joel, article. 1941
Russia. 1930-1982
Russia. 1930-1988
Ruston, A. G., article (England). 1937
Rutledge, Aaron, article (Auguste Comte). 1950.
Rye (weights and measures). 1959
Ryerson, Knowles A. 1933
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Saint-Hilaire, Auguste de (1779-1853). 1946
Sakolski, A. M. 1932
Salads. 1981
Salinger, Pierre (John F. Kennedy agricultural policy). 1961
Salmon, Daniel Elmer (1850-1914). 1983
Saloutos, Theodore, articles. 1940-1948
Salter, Leonard, article (land use). 1938
Sandburg, Carl. 1939-1942
Sanders, Alvin Howard, article (cattle). 1925
Sanders, Irwin, article (Alabama). 1940
Sanderson, Dwight, articles. 1928-1935
Sandoz, Mari. 1935
Sanford, Asa, article (frontier). 1940
Sant, Paul T., articles. 1946-1947
Sapiro, Aaron (b. 1884). 1962
Sardines. 1986
Sardinia. 1923
Sarle, Charles, article (weather). 1939
Sarnoff, David, article (television). 1939
Saudi Arabia. 1963
Sauer, Carl D., article (settlement). 1941
Saunders, F. B., article (rural area development). 1961
Saunders, William. 1967, n.d.
Sausage. 1982
Sawyer, William, article (land grant colleges). 1948
Scarecrows. 1955-1980
Schafer, Joseph, articles. 1921-1941
Scharrer, Karl, article (agricultural chemistry). 1948
Scheiber, Harry N., articles (Civil War). 1959-1965
Schell, Herbert S., articles. 1936-1940
Schertz, Lyle P., article. 1979
Schlebecker, John T., articles. 1960-1977
Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, articles. 1924-1928
Schlubatis, Gordon. 1964
Schmidt, Hubert, article (Illinois). 1955
Schmidt, Louis Bernard. 1945, n.d.
Schmidt, Louis Bernard, articles. 1916-1937
Schmidt, Louis Bernard, articles. 1939-1945
Schmidt, Louis Bernard, articles. 1946-1962
Schmidt, Louis Bernard, articles. 1961-1962
Schmitt, Bernadotte E. 1942
Schmitt, Richard G., Jr., article (telephones). 1950
School lunch program. 1961-1968
Schor, Joel A. (b. 1937). n.d.
Schor, Joel A., articles. 1983
Schramm, J. R., article (agricultural journalism). 1938
Schuler, Edgar, articles. 1944
Schultz, Bernice, article (New York colonial agriculture). 1940
Schultz, Gerard, article (Missouri). 1946
Schultz, Theodore W. 1976
Schwab, John Christopher, article (Civil War). 1913
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Science. 1939-1980
Science and technology, bibliography. 1989
Scientific societies. n.d.
Scientists' Cliffs, Maryland. 1989
Scofield, William, article (agribusiness). 1969
Scotland. 1936. see also Great Britain
Scott, R. C., article (wheat). 1932
Scott, Thomas, article (cattle). 1931
Scott, William A., articles. n.d.
Scoville, Orlin J. 1958-1981
Scruggs, Otey M., articles. 1962-1963
Scully, Thomas A. 1941
Sculpture. 1928. see also Art, rural
Seal, Albert, article (agricultural reform). 1938
Seals, R., Grant, article. 1987
Sears, Alfred, article (soil erosion). 1941
Sectionalism. 1932-1933, n.d.
Seebohm, M. E., article (England). 1927
Seed growing. 1994
Seedling newsletter, Genetics Resources Action International. 1994
Seeds. 1931-1995. see also Burpee Seeds
Seeds for planting. 1986
Seiler, William, article (land policy). 1949
Sellers, Walter, article (agricultural labor). 1970
Semple, Ellen Churchill, articles. 1928-1932
Seton, Ernest Thompson. 1940
Settlement. 1960-1961
Shakers. 1945, 1985
Shakertown, Kentucky. 1942-1974, n.d.
Shannon, Fred A., articles. 1939
Shannon, Fred A., articles. 1939-1945
Sharecroppers. 1937-1974
Sharp, Paul F., articles. 1947-1950
Sharrer, G. Terry, articles. 1971-1980
Shealy, A. L., article (livestock). n.d.
Sheep. 1918-1983, n.d.
Sheep ranching. 1930-1967
Sheets, E. W., article (cattle). 1921
Shelter belts. 1934-1953. see also Conservation
Shenk, Hiram, article (Revolutionary War). 1927
Sherman, Caroline B., articles. 1920-1947, n.d.
Sherman, Wells A., article (trade). 1937
Shideler, James H., article (agricultural policy). 1958
Shiras, George, article (wildlife). 1921
Shover, John, articles (agrarian movements). 1962-1964
Shpall, Leo, article (Jews in agriculture). 1950
Shryock, Richard H., articles. 1939-1943
Sibley Estate, Burr Oak Farm, Sullivant, Illinois. 1923
Silcox, F. A. 1940
Silk. 1939-1964
Sillers, Malcolm D., article (Henry A. Wallace). 1952
Silos. 1875-1984
Silver, Gray (1870-1935). 1924, n.d.
Silver, James, article. 1943
Simms, Bennett T. 1945-1955
Simpich, Frederick, articles. 1927-1932
Sinclair, George A., article (France). 1930
Sinclair, John, Sir (1754-1835). 1896
Sinclair, Upton. 1985
Sisk, Glenn N., article (cropping systems). 1952
Sister Thomas More, see Bertels, Louise
Sitterson, J. Carlyle, articles. 1937-1943
Size of farms. 1854-1971. see also Farm size
Skinner, John Stewart (1781-1851). 1851-1976
Skogvold, F. J., article. 1956
Slaughterhouses. 1983
Slavery. 1946-1979
Slentz, Helen I., article (cropping systems). 1937
Small farms. 1981. see also Farms, small
Smalley, Harold Ryland (1887-1945). n.d.
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Smith, Alfred E., campaign literature. 1928
Smith, Alfred E., clippings. 1928
Smith, C. B., articles (extension service). 1924-1938
Smith, Charles Emory, article (land policy). n.d.
Smith, G. Hubert, article. 1949
Smith, Grandmother (plantations). 1938
Smith, Herbert A. (d. 1944). 1944
Smith, Herbert A., articles. 1930-1944
Smith, Howard F., article (Japan). 1949
Smith, John W. (1853-1940) (meteorologist). 1940
Smith, Lloyd. 1975
Smith, Maryanna S., articles. 1974-1982
Smith, Maryanna S., "Chronological Landmarks in American Agriculture." 1979
Smith, Ralph A., article (Texas). 1947
Smith, Theobald (1859-1934). 1935-1969, n.d.
Smith, Thurman A., article (Nebraska). 1938
Smithsonian Institution, National Portrait Gallery. 1966-1968
Smoke jumpers (Forest Service). 1973-1985
Smokey Bear. 1992-1994
Snedecor, George W., article (social science). 1939
Social Science Research Council. 1928-1947l
Social Security. 1965, 1985
Societies, agricultural. 1920-1960
Society for History of Technology. 1960
Society of American Archivists. 1946-1948
Soft drinks. 1985
Soil. 1938-1985
Soil. 1979-1985
Soil erosion. 1937-1983. see also Conservation
Soil survey. 1951-1952
Solar energy. 1978
Sorghum. 1961-1980
Soule, George, articles. 1935-1939
Sourdough. n.d.
Soursop. 1993
South. 1928-1986
South Africa. 1935-1936
South America. 1928-1979. see also Latin America
South Carolina. 1935-1972
South Dakota. 1918-1987
Southern Historical Association. 1964-1967
Southern Planter. 1930-1940
Southwick, A. F., article (Pennsylvania). 1923
Soviet Information Bureau, "Falsificators of History." 1948
Soviet Union, see Russia
Soybeans. 1901-1979
Soybeans. 1982-1995, n.d.
Sparhawk, W. N., article (forestry). 1935
Spearman, Frank, article (Great Plains). n.d.
Spices. 1948-1983
Spiegel, H. W., articles (Germany). 1939
Spillman, William Jasper (1863-1931). 1925-1931
Spillman, William Jasper (1863-1931). 1939
Spillman, William Jasper, articles. 1918-1930
Sprague, H. B., article (land resources). 1938
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Spring, David, article (England). 1955
Staley, Eugene (soybean pioneer). 1940
Stamps. 1986
Standards of living. 1955-1963
Stanley, Louise (1883-1954). 1949
Stanley, Richard J., article (politics). 1940
Stansbury, Dale L., article. 1986
Starch, Elmer A., articles. 1933-1975
Starch, Elmer A., manuscript. 1981
Stark, Paul C. (1891-1974). 1974
Starr, Merritt (d. 1931). n.d.
State agricultural experiment stations. 1986
State departments of agriculture. 1961-1973, n.d.
Stations, cooperating institutions (agricultural experiment stations). 1985
Statistics. 1866-1993
Stauffer, Alvin, article (preservation). 1943
Stealey, John Edmund III. 1966-1968
Stearns, Raymond, article (England). 1932
Steffens, Lincoln. 1931
Stefferud, Alfred. 1957
Stene, Edwin O., article (Kansas). 1948
Stephens, Oren, article (Farm Security Administration). 1943
Stephens, P. H., article (mechanization). 1930
Stephenson, Wendell H., articles. 1945
Stetson, Sarah, articles (plant exploration). 1946-1949
Stevens, Neil E. (plant pathology). 1933
Stevens, William K., articles (primitive agriculture). 1991
Stevenson, John A., articles. 1954
Steward, T. E., article (grain). 1933
Stewart, Charles L., article (tenancy). 1925
Stewart, Clyde E., article (irrigation). 1954
Stewart, Guy R., articles. 1940-1943
Stewart, J. G., article. 1929
Stiebeling, Hazel K. 1982-1994
Stine, O. C. n.d.
Stine, O. C., articles. 1922-1941
Stirling, A. M. W., article (England). 1908
Stokes, William S., articles (Latin America). 1945-1947
Stolper, Gustav, article (depression). 1934
Stone, Alfred Holt, article (cotton). 1915
Storage, see Farm products, storage of; Grain elevators
Storer, Morris B., article (United Nations). 1945
Strachey, Lytton (1880-1932). 1932
Stratford Hall, Westmoreland County, Virginia. 1937-1941
Strauss, Frederick, article (Germany). 1941
Strawberries. 1917-1982
Strobridge, Truman R., articles. 1960-1962
Strong, Anna Louise, article (China). 1941
Strong, Helen M., article (industry). 1937
Strunsky, Rose, article (Civil War). 1914
Stryker, Roy Emerson. 1983
Strzelecki, Paul Edmund de (b. 1797). 1940
Stuart, Leland E., article. 1981
Stuntz, Stephan Conrad, article (agricultural journalism). 1941
Sturm, Paul (corn). 1940
Sudan. 1958
Sugar. 1932-1971
Sugar. 1980-1984, n.d.
Sugar beets. 1965-1984
Sugar maples. ca. 1987
Sumac. 1878-1957
Sunflowers. 1941-1992, n.d.
Supermarket industry. 1989
Superstitions, farm. 1965
Surface, Frank M., article (World War I). 1925
Swanson, Joseph A., articles. 1964-1966
Sweden. 1933
Swedes. 1926-1980
Swedes in America. 1938-1980, n.d.
Swedes on the Delaware. 1937
Swedes on the Delaware. 1938-1968
Sweet potatoes. 1937-1988
Sweeteners. 1985
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Swem, Earl G., articles. 1918
Swingle, Charles F., article (Africa). 1929
Swingle, Walter T. (1871-1952). 1967-1970, n.d.
Swingle, Walter T., articles. 1942-1943
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Taeuber, Conrad, articles. 1936-1941
Taeusch, Carl F., articles. 1940-1941
Taft, Robert A. 1940
Tannenbaum, Frank, article (economic history). 1946
Tannin. 1983
Tar. 1965
Tariff. 1925-1955
Taro chips. 1986
Tate, Leland B., article (Virginia). 1943
Tate, William Edward, articles. 1930-1942
Tate, William Edward, articles. 1943-1945
Tate, William Edward, articles. 1946-1949, n.d.
Tatter, Henry, article (land policy). 1933
Taxation. 1930-1976
Tayloe, B.T. 1837
Taylor, Alonzo Englebert, article (Russia). 1922
Taylor, Carl Cleveland, articles. 1930-1962
Taylor, George Rogers, articles. 1930-1932
Taylor, Henry C. (1873-1969). 1924-1992
Taylor, Henry C., articles. 1904-1929
Taylor, Henry C., articles. 1930-1955, n.d.
Taylor, Henry C., photographs. n.d.
Taylor, Henry Osborn, article. 1928
Taylor, Norman, article (medicine, quinine). 1943
Taylor, Paul Schuster, articles. 1930-1934
Taylor, Paul Schuster, articles. 1936-1974
Taylor, Raymond G., articles. 1917-1920
Taylor, Rosser H., articles. 1943-1945
Tea. 1970
Technical assistance. 1963-1968
Technological revolution. 1960-1976, n.d.
Technology. 1940-1989. see also Machinery, general
Technology assessment. 1964-1976, n.d.
Tenancy. 1916-1965, n.d.
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). 1933-1936
Texas. 1928-1958
Texas. 1959-1981
Texas (cotton). n.d.
Texas (flax). 1976
Textiles. 1952-1987
Thanet, Octave, articles. 1891
Thanksgiving. 1944-1992, n.d.
Thirty-eight (pacifism; Northwestern University). 1924
Thomas, Edgar, article (England). 1936
Thomas, H. M., article (Canada). 1935
Thompson, D. O., articles. 1944-1948
Thompson, Edgar T., articles. 1935-1940
Thompson, James Westfall, articles. 1916-1942
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Thomson, Claudia, article (Norway). 1940
Thone, Frank, article (Thomas Jefferson). 1943
Thornthwaite, C. Warren, articles. 1941
Throne, Mildred, articles. 1949-1951
Timoshenko, Vladimir P., article (Russia). 1943
Timothy (grass). n.d.
Tobacco. 1927-1938
Tobacco. 1939-1955
Tobacco. 1959-1970
Tobacco. 1971-1977
Tobacco. 1978-1992, n.d.
Tobacco, Connecticut. 1992
Tolles, Frederick B., article (Revolutionary War). 1951
Tolles, N. A., article (migrant labor). 1937
Tolley, H. R., articles. 1924-1945, n.d.
Tomatoes. 1987
Tontz, Robert L., articles. 1948-1976
Tractors. 1990-1992
Trade. 1939-1971
Trade policy. 1971
Trade, world. 1960-1970
Trading post, American Indian (Oklahoma). 1985
Transportation. 1941-1988. see also Roads; Railroads; Canals; Trucking; Wagons, farm
Treadgold, Donald W., article (frontier). 1952
Treat, Payson Jackson, articles. 1910
Tree rings. 1940
Trees, historic. 1993
Trimble, William J., articles. 1914-1921
Tropical agriculture. 1958, 1963
Trucking, agricultural and cooperative. 1977
Trucks, produce. 1989
True, Alfred Charles (1853-1929). 1929-1930, n.d.
True, Rodney H. (1866-1940). 1919-1940, n.d.
True, Rodney H., articles. 1916-1928
True, Rodney H., articles. 1929-1940
Truitt, Reginald V., article (tobacco). 1980
Truog, Emil, article (plows). 1944
Tucker, Rufus S., article (England). 1936
Tucker, William P., articles. 1946-1947
Tugwell, Rexford Guy (1891-1979). 1933-1974
Tugwell, Rexford Guy, articles. 1934-1937
Tuna. 1988
Tung. 1956
Tunis, John R., articles. 1928-1933
Turkeys. 1866-1985
Turner, Charles W., articles. 1948-1954
Turner, Frederick Jackson (1861-1932). 1914-1933
Turner, Frederick Jackson (1861-1932). 1934-1987, n.d.
Turner, Frederick Jackson, articles. 1883-1894
Turner, Frederick Jackson, articles. 1894-1908
Turner, Frederick Jackson, articles. 1910-1922, n.d.
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Turner, Jonathan Baldwin (b. 1805). 1962-1967
Turner, Terrence R. 1964
Turtles, snapper. 1985
Tusser, Thomas (1525-1580). 1937
Tyler, Moses Coit. 1933
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United Fruit Company. ca. 1950
United Kingdom. 1765-1971. see also England; Great Britain
United Nations (U.N.), see Food and Agriculture Organization
United States Agricultural Society. 1935
United States Army. 1851
United States Chamber of Commerce. 1931
USDA, Advisory Committees. 1988
USDA agency histories (by agency), see individual agencies by name
USDA, Agricultural History Branch. 1966, 1986, n.d.
USDA, Agricultural History Branch, list of references. 1971-1974
USDA, Agricultural History Branch, list of references. 1975-1976
USDA, Agricultural History Series, numbers 1-3. 1941-1942
USDA, Agricultural History Series, number 4. 1942
USDA, Agricultural History Series, number 5. 1942
USDA, Agricultural History Series, numbers 6-7. 1943
USDA, Agricultural Marketing Service. 1913-1968
USDA, Agricultural Research Service (ARS). 1976-1990
USDA, Agricultural and Rural History Section. 1988
USDA, Alternative Agricultural Research and Commercialization Center. 1994, n.d.
USDA, appropriations. 1875-1980
USDA awards. 1961-1993, n.d.
USDA awards ceremony. 1947-1954
USDA awards ceremony. 1955-1961
USDA awards ceremony. 1962-1969
USDA awards ceremony. 1970-1976
USDA awards ceremony. 1977-1983
USDA awards ceremony. 1984-1991
USDA, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center. 1958
USDA, bibliographies. 1947-1970
USDA, biographies of Commissioners and Secretaries of Agriculture. 1862-1933
USDA, biographies of Commissioners and Secretaries of Agriculture. 1935-1959
USDA, budget. 1960-1989
USDA buildings. 1929-1975, n.d.
USDA, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 1936-1990
USDA, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Division of Land Economics. 1945-1980
USDA, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Rural life studies. 1941-1942
USDA, Bureau of Animal Industry, centennial book. 1883-1948, n.d.
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USDA, Bureau of Animal Industry, centennial book, contracts. 1983-1987
USDA, Bureau of Animal Industry, centennial book, correspondence. 1982-1986
USDA, Bureau of Animal Industry, centennial book, task force minutes. 1982-1984
USDA, Bureau of Dairy Industry. 1946-1970, n.d.
USDA, Bureau of Markets. 1913-1988
USDA, Bureau of Plant Industry. 1913-1954
USDA, Centennial. 1862-1962
USDA, Centennial. 1963
USDA, Century of Service, reviews. 1963-1964
USDA, Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC). 1933-1982
USDA, crop and livestock estimates. 1933
USDA, crop reporting. 1862-1938
USDA, Discrimination and harassment in. 1984-1986, n.d.
USDA, Economic Research Service (ERS). 1962-1977
USDA, Economic Research Service (ERS). 1983, 1991
USDA, efforts in the South. 1865-1875, 1921
USDA, Equal Opportunity, Office of. 1973-1979
USDA, Extension Service. 1935-1989
USDA, Farm Security Administration. 1941-1964
USDA, Farmers Home Administration. 1968
USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS). 1960
USDA, Forest Service (FS). 1915-1991, n.d.
USDA, Forest Service. Fulton, Ralph T. "Preliminary guide to records and manuscripts relating to the United States Forest Service." 1974
USDA, Forest Service History Line. 1971-1983
USDA, general agriculture. 1955
USDA, Graduate School. 1936-1982
USDA, Historical sketches of ten bureaus of USDA. 1939-1947
USDA, history of. 1856-1950
USDA, history of. 1951-1991, n.d.
USDA, Home Economics Branch. 1939-1962
USDA, Information, Office of. 1988
USDA, Law Library. 1982-1983
USDA, major changes. 1970
USDA, memorials (World War I memorial). 1932
USDA, migration. 1938-1962, n.d.
USDA, Migration and Settlement series. 1941
USDA, Migration and Settlement series. 1942
USDA, miscellaneous clippings. 1859-1974
USDA, National Agricultural Library (NAL). 1933-1994
USDA, Organization. 1953
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USDA, Outlook and Situation Board. 1906-1968
USDA, "Outlook Work: the First 20 Years." 1942-1972
USDA, Police. 1988
USDA, Policy Research Notes. 1979-1980
USDA, productivity. 1954-1958
USDA records. 1941-1963
USDA, research program. 1958
USDA, Resettlement Administration. 1935
USDA, Rural Electrification Administration (REA), see Electrification
USDA seal, history. 1888-1994, n.d.
USDA, Secretaries of Agriculture. 1985-1990, n.d. see also individual Secretaries by name
USDA, seed distribution. 1963-1975
USDA, seventy-fifth anniversary. 1937
USDA, Soil Conservation Service (SCS). 1953-1993, n.d.
USDA, War Records Monographs. 1941-1942
USDA, War Records Monographs. 1946-1947
USDA, War Records Monographs. 1948-1950
USDA, War Records Monographs. 1951
United States Department of Interior. 1963-1964
United States Department of Labor. 1963
United States General Land Office. 1937
United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission (first Thanksgiving). 1930
United States Government Printing Office. 1934
United States House of Representatives, Committee on Agriculture. 1970
United States National Arboretum. 1934-1990, n.d.
United States Senate. 1923-1929
Upchurch, M. L., articles (range cattle). 1954
Urban-rural relations. 1976-1977
Useem, John, article. 1942
Usher, Albert Payson, article (agricultural economics). 1938
Utah. 1936-1979
Top of Page
Vaile, Roald, article (Depression). 1933
Van der Poel, J. M. G., articles. 1952
Van der Wee, Herman, article (Netherlands). n.d.
Van Doren, Carl. 1941
Van Wagenen, Jared, article. 1927
Vance, Rupert B., article (frontier). 1931
Veblen, Thorstein. 1931-1934
Vegetables. 1937-1988
Venezuela. 1985
Verdoorn, Franz, articles. 1944-1948
Vermont. 1933-1964
Vetoes (of Congressional bills by President). 1958
Vial, E. E., articles. 1933-1940
Vickery, Hubert Bradford (1893-1973). 1985
Vieg, John A., article (politics). 1941
Vikings. 1963
Villar Cordova, Pedro E., article (Peru). 1924
Villard, Oswald Garrison, articles. 1928-1942
Viner, Jacob, article. 1933
Virginia. 1920-1949
Virginia. 1957
Virginia. 1957-1962, n.d.
Visher, Stephen S., articles. 1928-1939
Voelker, Stanley W., article (irrigation). 1951
Vogel, Harold A., article (Idaho). 1934
Volcanic ash. 1980
Volin, Lazar, articles. 1933-1953
Von Dietze, C., article (land tenure). 1938
Vornholt, Dan E., article (folk music). 1943
Vrooman, Carl (1873-1966). 1966
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Wade, J. S., article (entomology, Thomas Jefferson). 1943
Wagons, farm. 1956-1962, n.d.
Waite, Morton B. n.d.
Walker, Arda, article (Andrew Jackson). 1944
Walker, Charles R., article (resettlement). 1939
Walker, C. S., article (agrarian movements). 1894
Walker-Gordon Dairy Farm, Plainsboro, New Jersey. 1940
Wall, Bennett H., article (marketing). 1953
Wall, M. D., article (tobacco). 1941
Wallace family. 1924-1994
Wallace, Henry Agard (1888-1965). 1933-1956
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Wallace, Henry Agard (1888-1965). 1960-1985, n.d.
Wallace, Henry Agard, articles. 1934-1936
Wallace, Henry Agard, articles. 1937-1942, n.d.
Wallace, Henry Cantwell (1866-1924). 1924-1966
Wallace, Henry Cantwell, article (wheat). 1923
Wallace, Henry ("Uncle" Henry), article. 1912
Wallace, Joan S. 1977
Wallace's Farmer. 1913-1939
Waller, Adolph E. (1892-1975). n.d.
Walpole, Frederick (botanical art). 1978
Walster, H. L., articles. 1938-1955
Walton, C. L., article (geography). 1918
Wanlass, William L., article. 1920
Ward, Ralph E., article (land economics). 1944
Ward, Robert De Courcy, articles. 1925
Ware, Caroline, article (history). 1940
Ware, Harold M. (1890-1935). 1978
Ware, Harold M., article (poverty). 1935
Warner, Donald F., article (agrarian movements). 1949
Warner, Marjorie F., articles. 1947-1952
Warren, George. 1983
Warren, Helen Ann, article (Louis Agassiz). 1934
Warwick, Adam, article (China). n.d.
Washington, George (1732-1799). 1922-1932
Washington, George (1732-1799). 1937-1990
Washington, George and Mt. Vernon, clippings. 1934-1939, n.d.
Washington, George and Mt. Vernon, pictures. 1931-1935, n.d.
Washington, George and Mt. Vernon, excerpts and references. 1927-1981, n.d.
Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Agriculture. 1937
Washington Post, articles. 1933-1940
Washington state. 1935-1985
Water. 1965-1988
Water dowsing. 1955, 1977
Watercress. 1987
Watermelons. 1990
Waterwheel. 1979-1980
Watson, James A. S., article (Great Britain). 1943
Watson, John, article (flowers). 1924
Watson, Tom. 1929-1963
Watts, Frederick (1801-1889). 1989
Waugh, Frederick Vail (1898-1974). 1941-1990, n.d.
Waugh, Frederick Vail, article (tobacco). n.d.
Weather. 1925-1982
Weather Bureau. 1967-1972, n.d.
Weather forecasting. 1965-1983
Weather vanes. 1982-1984
Webb, Elizabeth Yates, article (radio). 1934
Webb, Sidney and Beatrice. 1932-1933
Webb, Walter Prescott, articles. 1931-1951
Webster, Noah. 1928
Weeds. 1987-1988
Weems, Mason Locke. 1929-1931
Weights and measures. 1965-1979
Weinryb, Bernard D., article (Middle East). 1952
Wells, Oris Vernon (d. 1986). 1986
Wells, Oris Vernon, articles. 1933-1942
Wentworth, Edward N., articles. 1951-956
Wesorts (American Indians, Maryland). 1940
Wessel, Thomas R. 1978-1983
West Virginia. 1945-1965, n.d.
Westermann, W. L., articles. 1912-1924
Western History Association. 1963-1964
Western History Research Center, University of Wyoming. ca. 1965
Westerner's Brand Book. 1944-1945
Westerner's Brand Book. 1946-1949
Westerner's Brand Book. 1950-1951, 1970
Wheat. 1917-1921
Wheat. 1922-1930
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Wheat. 1931-1934
Wheat. 1935
Wheat. 1936-1960
Wheat. 1961-1973
Wheat. 1974-1984, n.d.
Whetzel, H. H., article. 1945
White, Andrew Dickson (1832-1918). 1918
White, Gerald T., article. 1939
White, John C., article. 1960
White, Kenneth D., article. 1956
White, William Allen. 1931-1941
White, William C., article (Japanese Americans). 1935
Whitehead, Vivian B., articles. 1974-1977
Whitehead, Vivian B., articles. 1978-1984, n.d.
Whitney, Eli (1847-1924). 1986, n.d.
Whitney, Milton, article (soil). 1925
Whitten, Jamie L. 1994
Wickard, Claude R. (1893-1967). 1941-1942
Wik, Reynold M., articles. 1951-1961
Wilcox, Benton H., article. n.d.
Wilcox, E. V., article. 1923
Wilcox, Walter W. 1930-1967, n.d.
Wild rice. 1965
Wilderness areas. 1978
Wildlife. 1970, n.d.
Wiley, Bell I., articles (southern U.S.). 1937-1939
Wiley, Harvey Washington (1844-1930). 1930-1964
Will, George Francis (1884-1955). n.d.
Will, George Francis, article (American Indians). 1924
Willamette University, Salem, Oregon. n.d.
Williams, Eric, article (sugar, slavery). 1943
Williams, Judge, article (deep plowing). 1939
Williams, Martha McCulloch, article (tobacco). n.d.
Williamsburg, Virginia. 1928-1954, n.d.
Williamson, Glenn York, article (western U.S.). 1944
Willkie, Wendell L. 1940
Willoughby, C. H., article (livestock). 1936
Wilson, Charles Morrow, articles. 1941-1943
Wilson, Harold F., article. 1935
Wilson, James Parker, article. 1939
Wilson, James (Tama Jim) (1835-1920). 1906-1991
Wilson, James (Tama Jim) (1835-1920). 1964
Wilson, James (Tama Jim) (1835-1920). 1967-1991, n.d.
Wilson, James (Tama Jim), articles. 1897-1904
Wilson, Milburn L. (1885-1969). 1966-1969, n.d.
Wilson, Milburn L., articles. 1919-1942
Wilson, Milburn L., articles. 1943-1962
Wilson, P. W., article. 1930
Wilson, Woodrow. 1922-1956, n.d.
Wilson, Woodrow, articles. 1908-1913
Wilstach, Paul, articles. 1928-1929
Windmills. 1963-1993
Wines. 1846-1991, n.d.
Winters, Robert K., article (forestry). 1980
Winther, Oscar Osburn, article (California). 1953
Wirt, F. A., article (Thomas Jefferson). 1944
Wisconsin. 1922-1933
Wisconsin. 1934-1964
Box 2/54
Wisconsin. 1965, n.d.
Wise, M. J., article (England). 1953
Wiser, Vivian. 1977-1994
Wiser, Vivian, articles. 1958-1964
Wiser, Vivian, articles. 1964-1965
Wiser, Vivian, articles. 1965-1966
Wiser, Vivian, articles. 1966-1969
Wiser, Vivian, articles. 1967
Wiser, Vivian, articles. 1970-1976
Wiser, Vivian, articles. 1978-1979
Wiser, Vivian, articles. 1981-1983
Wiser, Vivian, articles. 1985-1994, n.d.
Wissler, Clark, article (corn). 1916
Women. 1943-1993
Women in American agriculture. 1945-1988, n.d.
Women in farming. 1927-1975
Wood. 1897-1983
Woodman, Harold D., article (cotton). 1966
Woodruff, F. Taylor, article (vegetables). 1944
Woods, Albert (d. 1948). 1948
Woodward, Carl R., articles. 1925-1957
Woodworth, Harry C., article (land use, New Hampshire). 1937
Wool. 1895
Wooten, H. H., articles. 1949-1965
Works Projects Administration (WPA). 1940
World agricultural history. 1966-1970
World War II. 1939-1944, n.d.
Wright, Albert Hazen, articles. 1941-1943
Wright, Almon Robert. 1934-1942, n.d.
Wright, Benjamin F., article (Thomas Jefferson). 1938
Wright, Chester Whitney, articles. 1905-1925
Wright, John K., article (sectionalism). 1932
Wright, Richardson, article (history sources). 1934
Wuorinen, John H., article (Finland). 1938
Wyman, William I., article (Thomas Jefferson). 1918
Wynne, Waller, article (Georgia). 1943
Wyoming. 1958
Top of Page
Yanovsky, Elias, article (American Indians). 1936
Yarnell, Sidney H. 1978
Yearbooks of Agriculture. 1970-1993
Yeutter, Clayton K. (b. 1930). 1988-1991, n.d.
Yook, Dong Baek, article (forestry, Korea). 1962
Young, Arthur. 1943-1969
Young, Arthur, articles. 1893-1941
Young, Gladwin E., article (land use). 1940
Young, Owen D. 1941
Young, Stanley P., article (American Indians). 1943
Youngblood, B., article (cattle ranching). 1922
Yugoslavia. 1953
Zaglits, Oscar, article (Austria). 1940
Zapoleon, L. B., article (wheat). 1918
Zebras. 1924-1991, n.d.
Zeichner, Oscar, articles. 1939-1940
Zimmerman, Carle C., articles. 1928-1930
Zlotnick, Martin, article (energy). 1978
Top of Page
Box OS 2/1
Easterbrook, L. F. n.d.
Food, natural. 1983
Gray, Lewis Cecil. 1919
Jefferson, Thomas, "N." 1926
Kansas. 1964
La Follette, Robert M., Sr. (1855-1925). 1924-1925
Louisiana. 1930-1981
Lymington, Viscount (Portsmouth, Gerard Vernon Wallop, Earl of, b. 1898). 1931
Machinery, garden tractors (rototillers). 1980-1983
Machinery, harvesting. 1834
Madigan, Edward R. 1991-1992
Maryland. 1988, n.d.
Massachusetts. 1923-1980, n.d.
National Farmers Organization. 1958-1965, n.d.
National Folk Festival. 1939
New York. 1911-1916
Old Sturbridge Village. 1967
Photos-past indexes. 1942-1967, n.d. [ VII.1 ]
Photos-USDA-Official of the Chorus. 1964 [ VII.1 ]
Rasmussen, "Agriculture y Desarrollo Economico." n.d.
Rasmussen, "Speakers Highlight Annual...." 1981
Rasmussen, poster announcing lecture. 1963
Rasmussen, (quotation), "Sizing Up rural..." in Rural America. 1979-1980
Red River Valley (North Dakota and Minnesota). 1933, n.d.
Remsberg, Frank G. n.d.
Southern Planter. 1930, 1940
Washington, George. 1922-1932
Wine. 1976
Box OS 2/2
Collisson, Charles F. 1923
Corn Palace. 1941
Edwards, Everett E. 1938
Enterprise Farmers Club, Sandy Springs, Maryland. 1941
Fletcher, Robert S., county maps. 1870-1926
Fletcher, Robert S., tables. 1908-1925, n.d.
Illinois. 1931-1933
Iowa. 1954
Living Historical Farms. 1973-1992, n.d.
Machinery, harvesting (reaper/thresher). 1930-1974, n.d.
Maps. 1922-1931, n.d.
Minnesota. 1931
Montana. 1939
Photographs, E. E. Edwards. 1937, n.d. [ VII.1]
Photos-National Geographic clippings. 1928-1929, n.d. [ VII.1 ]
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 1933-1937
Washington Post. 1937, 1940
Mapcase Folder 2
Maps. 1901-1941, n.d.
Men and Milestones. 1970
Mountaineers. 1930, 1933
New York. 1910-1928
Mapcase Folder 3
Bausman, R. O., Delaware County Maps. 1939-1941
Canals. 1960
Chronologies. 1941-1970
Fletcher, Robert S., maps. 1910, n.d.
Fletcher, Robert S., railroad propaganda. 1926
Mapcase Folder 4
Land Use. 1959
Machinery, plow. 1971
Nevada. 1929, n.d.
Political Parties. 1928
Posters. 1943
Rasmussen, Wayne D., "Evolution of Agriculture." 1985