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Series IX, Container list, USDA History Collection

USDA History Collection

Series IX. Administrative and Biographical Records, ca. 1860-1995.

CONTAINER LIST | Scope and Content Note   ||   Collection Map 

Series IX is in process. Materials have been sorted by subseries and stored in archival boxes. Box inventories are pending.

Series IX, subseries 3. Biographical Sketches. ca. 1940-ca. 1970

There is one folder for each letter of the alphabet. Each person listed is referred to in at least one document in the folder.

Following the alphabetical folders are two folders containing "Biographies of persons in charge of federal agricultural work," and "Personnel in public relations and publicity activities."

Box 9.3/1


Adams, Rufus

Adamson, Elvin A.

Alabama State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Albin, H. C.

Allanson, Henry E.

Allen, J. Taylor

Allen, William H.

Allstetter, William R.

Anderson, A. Ernest, Jr.

Anderson, Clinton Presba

Anderson, Don S.

Anderson, Jack Z.

Andrews, Stanley

Angevine, David W.

Antrim, Joel P.

Aplin, Richard D.

Appleby, Paul H.

Arizona State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Arkansas State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Aslakson, Richard


Bagwell, John C.

Bain, B. W.

Baker, John A.

Baker, Merritt W.

Ballou, Roland F.

Barker, Curtis P.

Barnes, Alfred R.

Barnes, Carl B.

Bayley, Ned D.

Bayol, Eugene W.

Beach, Robert P.

Beall, Forest W.

Beck, Philip G.

Becker, LaVern

Beeson, Kenneth C.

Behrens, E. F.

Belknap, Harold O.

Bell, E. D.

Bell, Edward J.

Bender, Worth

Benidt, Maurice M.

Benjamin, John A.

Benjamin, Kenneth T.

Bennett, Hayden J.

Bennett, Hugh H.

Benson, Ezra Taft

Berger, Walter C.

Bertsch, Howard

Betts, Ernest C., Jr.

Bezemek, Robert J.

Bjorlie, Arnold S.

Black, John D.

Blease, F. Wainwright

Blick, George L.

Booker, E. D.

Borders, Charles M.

Boyd, H. B.

Boyd, L. Frank

Brady, Nyle C.

Brainard, John W.

Brannan, Charles Franklin

Brasfield, K. A.

Braswell, Marcus B.

Breimyer, Harold F.

Bridgforth, Richard B.

Briggs, Milton S.

Brigham, Reuben

Brindley, Tom A.

Brock, Lawrence

Brown, John C., Jr.

Brown, Mallie E.

Brown, Shawnee

Browning, James W.

Brunthaver, Carroll G.

Buff, Major Ambrose, Jr.

Burgess, Emory D.

Burke, F. Richard

Burmeister, Gustav

Burnet, Charles O.

Butz, Earl Lauer

Byerly, Theodore C.

Top of Page


Caldwell, Harry B.

California State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Callander, W. F.

Campbell, J. Phil, Jr.

Cardon, Philip V.

Carter, Clarence E.

Case, Lloyd N.

Caughey, Sidney V.

Chandler, William W.

Chew, Arthur

Churchill, Lattie J.

Clapp, Norman M.

Clark, N. R.

Clarkson, M. R.

Cochrane, Willard W.

Cole, James A.

Collier, George S.

Collins, Copp

Commodity Credit Corporation Advisory Board

Commodity Stabilization Service Staff

Conaway, O. B., Jr.

Condon, Lester P.

Connecticut State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Cooper, John C.

Cooper, Morton O.

Corey, Earl C.

Costello, Wendell M.

Cowden, Thomas K.

Cox, Charles M.

Cran, J. Gordon

Crawley, William B.

Crites, Robert S.

Crow, WilliamC.

Cunningham, Truman J.


Daniels, Frank C.

Daum, Fredrick L.

Davidson, Dave

Davies, Aled P.

Davis, Horace J.

Davis, Howard P.

Davis, John C.

Davis, John H.

Davis, Laurence G.

Davis, Lloyd H.

Dean, John H.

DeFelice, A. Richard

Derby, Roger D.

DeVries, Peter H.

D'Ewart, Wesley A.

Dice, George A.

Dodd, Norris E.

Doggett, Howard J.

Downen, Chester P.

Driggs, Marshall P. (Jack)

Duggan, I. W.

Duggan, William H.

DuMars, M. L.

Duncan, John P., Jr.

Dyess, James B.

Dyke, Hubert E.


Easton, Bruce

Edwards, Alfred L.

Egbert, Gilbert W.

Elkinton, Charles M.

Ellis, Ned R.

Elting, E. C.

Emery, Harlan J.

Englund, Eric

Entermille, Fred D.

Ericksen, Walter E.

Erickson, Selvin M.

Eskildsen, Clarence R.

Top of Page


Farrington, Carl C.

Farrington, R. L.

Felber, Everett H. F.

Fell, Kenneth M.

Ferguson, C. M.

Figy, Charles

Fine, Nathaniel F.

FitzGerald, Dennis A.

Flood, Francis A.

Florida State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Forest, Herbert L.

Foreman, Ralph J.

Fox, Basil S.

Franklin, Isaac D.

Fraser, Gordon O.

Frazier, Charles L.

Freeman, Orville Lothrop

Frick, Kenneth Eugene

Fry, L. Carl

FunderBurk, C. B.


Gage, Charles E.

Galbraith, William Eugene

Gammon, John, Jr.

Gapen, Kenneth M.

Garber, Martin D.

Garnett, Gwynn

Garst, Jonathan

Garthoff, A. A.

Gary, Hollis E.

Geissler, Gus F.

Georgia State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Gibb, Rulon

Gillis, Donald L.

Gilmer, Jesse B.

Gilpin, Cline

Girard, Clarence H.

Godfrey, Horace David

Goe, John A.

Gold, Theodore S.

Gordon, Howard H.

Goresline, Harry E.

Gottschalk, Louis C.

Grandy, William L.

Grange, George R.

Grant, Charles L.

Grant, Kenneth E.

Greene, Claude L.

Greene, Clyde R.

Top of Page


Hadley, John R.

Hall, Robert T.

Hamann, Henry G. F.

Hamil, David A.

Hamilton, Thomas E.

Hancock, Frank

Hansen, George V.

Hansen, Kermit H.

Hanson, Robert A.

Hardin, Clifford Morris

Harding, T. Swann

Hardy, Howard W.

Harrill, Delbert J.

Harris, Glen R.

Harrison, Robert D.

Hart, Robert E.

Hartman, Milton M.

Haspray, Joseph

Hassell, A. Pierson, Jr.

Haughey, John P.

Hawaii State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Hawver, Carl F.

Heaton, Carl M.

Hedlund, Floyd F.

Heisig, Carl P.

Hekman, Edward J.

Herder, Robert W.

Herrell, Henry G.

Herrmann, Omer W.

Hews, Edward D.

Hicks, Harle H.

Higbee, Floyd F.

Highfill, J. Virgil

Hilbert, G. E.

Hill, Harold K.

Hill, Robert L., Jr.

Himebaugh, Keith

Hodges, Claudius B.

Hoffman, Leonard E.

Holden, John B.

Holleman, Harlan H.

Holm, Lionel C.

Homstad, Ole S.

Hoofnagle, James E.

Hoopes, Lorenzo N.

Hoover, John L.

Horst, Miles

Howard, Louis B.

Howard, Robert J.

Hoyt, Avery S.

Hudtloff, Martin J.

Huffman, Gerald H.

Hughes, Earl M.

Hughes, Frederick J.

Hughes, Thomas R.

Hume, David L.

Hummel, Lowell H.

Hurwitz, William W.

Hussey, Frank W.

Hutcheson, John W.

Hutchinson, Knox T.

Hutson, John B.


Idaho State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Illinois State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

ImMasche, F. W.

Indiana State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Ioanes, Raymond A.

Iowa State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Irving, George W., Jr.


Jacobs, Emery E.

Jacobson, Dorothy H.

Jaeger, Raymond F.

Jaenke, Edwin A.

Johnson, Jeff D., Jr.

Johnson, James T.

Johnson, Walter R.

Jones, James P.

Jones, Reuben B.

Joyce, Thomas B.

Juers, Linley Edward

Jump, William A.

Top of Page


Kansas State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Kaplan, Celia

Karpoff, Edward

Kauffman, Rodger R.

Kelly, Albert O.

Kennedy, Claude C., Jr.

Kentucky State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Kenyon, George I., Jr.

Kepner, Paul V.

Kiefer, Charles F.

Kimball, Marden D.

Kinghorne, J. W.

Kilby, Trelia H.

Kitchen, C. W.

Knapp, Seaman A.

Knipling, Edward F.

Koenig, Nathan

Koffsky, Nathan M.

Koger, Paul M.

Kolstad, Leo S.

Krause, J. Charles

Kruse, Elmer F.

Kudo, Albert T.

Kunkel, Charles F.


Ladejinsky, Wolf

Laidlaw, Charles S.

Lambert, W. V.

Larson, Carl A.

LeCompte, George C.

Lee, Milo

Leigh, Lester E.

Lennartson, Roy W.

LeRoux, Frank M.

Levin, Sherman L.

Lewis, Harold R.

Lewis, Robert G.

Lincoln, Murray D.

Livens, Warren H.

Livingston, Robert D.

Lodwick, Seeley G.

Lodwick, William G.

Louisiana State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Loveland, Albert J.

Lovvorn, Roy Lee

Lowe, Aylmer Lynn

Lowenstein, Frank

Lyng, Richard Edmund

Lyon, Homer G., Jr.

Lyons, James R.

Top of Page


Maberry, Max P.

Macy, John W., Jr.

Mahaffey, Clyde P.

Maine State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Magruder, Roy

Mair, Andrew J.

Manchester, Allen W.

Manwaring, H. Laurence

Marshall, James H.

Maryland State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Matthews, Donald Ray

Matthews, W. E.

Matzen, E. H.

Mayer, Arnold

Mays, Charley

McArthur, William

McCartney, Frank N.

McColloch, C. L.

McConnell, James A.

McCormack, Alvin V.

McCormick, Clarence J.

McGregor, Frank R.

McLachlan, Alexander P.

McLain, Marvin L.

McLeaish, Robert B.

McMillen, Robert D.

McPherson, George R.

McTarnaghan, John A.

Mehren, George L.

Mercker, Albert E.

Merrill, M. C.

Merriman, Clyde E.

Meyer, Dwight W.

Meyer, E. A.

Meyers, John Keith

Meyers, Sylvester J.

Meyers, Trienah

Michigan State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Millar, Arvil

Miller, Clarence L.

Miller, Hermon I.

Milnor, John Purvis

Minneapolis Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee Commodity Office

Minnesota State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Minor, William A., Jr.

Mintling, Merle D.

Mississippi State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Missouri State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Mohrhardt, Foster E.

Monk, Marion S., Jr.

Montana State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Montoya, Joe D.

Moran, Eugene D.

Morrison, Milton S.

Moseley, C. H.

Moseman, Albert H.

Moss, Joseph A.

Mostow, Elmer

Murphy, Charles S.

Murphy, Tom O.

Murphy, Warren T.

Murray, Robert P.

Myer, Gordon L.

Myers, Lawrence

Myers, Max


Nebel, Oscar M.

Nebraska State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Neff, Lawrence P.

Nelsen, Ancher

Nelson, J. Adrian

Nelson, Philip E.

Newell, S. R.

New Mexico State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

New York State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Nichols, Harold O.

Norman, Jim Tom

North Carolina State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

North Dakota State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Northrup, F. B.

Norton, E. M.

Noyes, LaRoy

Nuernberger, Gordon L.

Nyhus, Paul O.

Top of Page


O'Brien, William E.

Odom, Thomas D.

Ohio State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Ommodt, Bennett J.

Orcutt, John P.

Oregon State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Orr, John Boyd

Overby, Edward J.


Paarlberg, Don

Pace, Stephen

Palmby, Clarence D.

Palmer, Arden J.

Patton, Elvie R.

Patton, James G.

Payne, Alvin B.

Payne, W. K., Jr.

Pearson, Ellen

Peck, Francis W.

Pendleton, Edmund E., Jr.

Person, Elvin J.

Peters, Harry A.

Peterson, Ervin L.

Pettus, David M.

Phillips, Victor B.

Pitchell, Robert J.

Pollock, Raymond J.

Popham, W. L.

Potts, Lawrence A.

Prichard, George L.

Prichard, Waldemar L.

Pulvermacher, Clifford G.

Puppo, Joseph L.


Quisenberry, Karl S.


Ralph, James T.

Ralston, Noel P.

Randall, Glenn S.

Randolph, Lottie

Rank, Everett G., Jr.

Raper, Ralph H.

Ratcliff, Zeno O., Jr.

Rawlings, Thomas Robert

Redalen, Elton R.

Reed, Harry J.

Reed, Ollie E.

Reed, W. G.

Reese, Elmer A.

Reid, Edwy B.

Reid, T. Roy

Reidinger, Joseph

Reiser, George B.

Renne, Roland R.

Rhode Island State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Rhodes, F. Marion

Richards, Preston

Richardson, Barry L.

Risser, Ralph G.

Ritchie, Fred G.

Rizley, Ross

Robb, Francis G.

Robbins, Carl B.

Roberts, Louis N. (Jack)

Roberts, Ralph S.

Roberts, Richard H.

Robertson, Joseph M.

Robinson, Carl H.

Rock, Lewis B., Jr.

Rodenhiser, Herman A.

Rossiter, Fred J.

Rouse, Sam E.

Rowan, Waldo S.

Rowell, E. J. (Mike)

Russell, Donald A.

Russell, H. K.

Top of Page


Salter, Robert M.

Satterfield, J. Alton

Schafer, MacHenry G.

Schmidt, Homer O.

Schneider, Vernon E.

Schnittker, John A.

Schuhart, Eldon G.

Scott, Kenneth L.

Seabron, William M.

Senechal, Victor A.

Senti, Frederic R.

Shackleton, Jack S., Jr.

Shambarger, H. F.

Shands, Ruebush G.

Shanklin, George S., Jr.

Shaw, Byron T.

Sheely, Joe A.

Sherman, Caroline B.

Shields, Robert H.

Shimel, H. Foster

Shofner, William O.

Short, Romeo E.

Shuman, Charles B.

Shurtleff, Miller F.

Sides, John C., Jr.

Silvia, William M.

Simms, Bennett T.

Simms, D. Harper

Sjolander, Floyd E.

Smith, C. Wilder

Smith, Donald E.

Smith, Harvey H.

Smith, James V.

Smith, Leroy K.

Smith, Marvin C.

Smith, Milan D.

Smith, R. Douglas

Smith, Sylvester R. (Si)

Snure, Frank H., Jr.

Snyder, Raub

Soleau, Bertrand S.

Solomon, Harry J.

Somers, James J.

Sorkin, Martin

Soule, Harris W.

South Dakota State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Spencer, Frank H.

Spitzer, Robert R.

Spoor, E. H.

Spradley, Berniece H.

Stambaugh, John H.

Stark, Paul C.

Starkey, James H.

Stelzer, Roland O.

Stephens, Carl J.

Stephens, Edmund

Stiebeling, Hazel K.

Stockberger, Warner W.

Stoops, Don

Stratton, Emile C.

Straub, Walter F.

Sundquist, James L.


Tator, Samuel W.

Taylor, Carl

Taylor, Leon B.

Taylor, Porter R.

Tennessee State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Termohlen, W. D.

Tetro, Robert C.

Texas State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Thigpen, James E.

Thompson, Arthur T.

Thompson, J. Murray

Thompson, John D.

Thompson, John I.

Thomsen, Frederick L.

Tichenor, Gerald E.

Timmons, Newell S.

Todd, Joseph J.

Tollefson, Bert N.

Tolley, Howard R.

Tootell, Robert B.

Trainer, Leonard R.

Trelogan, Harry C.

Trick, Alan W.

Trigg, Ralph S.

Tripp, John E.

Trinchard, George A., Jr.

Troyer, A. F.

Trullinger, Robert W.

Tucker Wilson C.

Turecek, Joseph K.

Turner, Claude G.

Top of Page


Umhau, Richard T.

Underhill, Wingate E.

Upchurch, M. L.

Utah State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)


Vance, John B.

Varnum, Rex L.

Vaughan, John W.

Vermont State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Vickery, Raymond E.

Vickery, Travis H.

Virginia State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)


Wadleigh, Cecil H.

Walker, Clovis D.

Walker, Rudger H.

Walsh, Robert M.

Walton, Woodrow R.

Warlick, Hulon O., Jr.

Washington State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Waters, Howard

Watson, Drexel D.

Waugh, Frederick V.

Webster, R. L.

Weir, Glenn A.

Weitzell, Everett C.

Welch, Frank J.

Wells, J. E., Jr.

Wells, Oris V.

Wene, Elmer H.

Wenn, John, Jr.

Werner, Leon

Whalen, John T.

Wheeler, Clyde A., Jr.

Wheeler, Norman C.

Wheeler, Leslie A.

Wheeler, William A.

Whipple, Clayton E.

White, Latham

Whitlock, Bert W.

Wickham, C. Ely

Wilcox, F. R.

Williams, Dale C.

Williams, Donald A.

Williams, Joseph R.

Wilson, Earl B.

Wilson, R. O.

Wisconsin State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Womer, Emmet

Woolley, Frank K.

Wyoming State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee (ASCC)


York, E. T., Jr.

Biographies of persons in charge of federal agricultural work. 1953

Personnel in public relations and publicity activities. 1947

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