Browse Items: 6

The American Farm Woman As She Sees Herself

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The Farm Woman's Problems

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In this circular may be found data with interpretations relating to the work and problems of 10,044 farm women in the Northern and Western States, with an indication as to how some of these problems are being met through the aid of home-demonstration agents working in cooperation with groups of farm women.

Before agriculture and rural life can…

The Farm Woman's Dream

A poster by the University of Missouri College of Agriculture, to promote water supply for rural area in Missouri

Social and Labor Needs of Farm Women

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The present report deals only with letters which discuss the social and labor needs of farm women. Under these headings are included references to better roads, telephones, and mail service as important factors in the social life of the country, and to the long hours and methods of women's work, which, on many farms, increase isolation and leave…

The National Influence of a Single Farm Community

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An initial study of migration from farm life is presented in the following pages. Attention is centered minutely upon a single representative farm community, and the story of migration over a series of years is unrolled so that one may plainly see it at work on single farm units as well as in a single community unit.…

The Advantages of Farm Life

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The every day life of the bulk of the people of this country is not news. So there would be no point to any statement of country life at its best if there had not been previously so generally entertained a conception of country life that is woefully one-sided. With the popular conception in mind and a conviction it was misrepresentative, the author…