Browse Items: 10

Farmhouse: Split-Level Expansible

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This split-level brick house is designed for a sloping site. A family with 2 or 3 small children can live comfortably in the basic unit. As the family grows, another bedroom can be added with only minor changes in the original structure.

The house was constructed at the Agricultural Research Center in Beltsville, Md. Although the structure was…

Farmhouse Plans for Northeastern States

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How These Plans Were Produced

Regional Plan Services are organized in four regions — Northeast, South, West, and North Central.

These Plan Services are conducted cooperatively by the United States Department of Agriculture, the State extension services, and the agricultural engineering departments of the State agricultural colleges.


Your Farmhouse: Cut-Outs to Help in Planning

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Good house planning is a family job. It is best done carefully over a period of time and in easy stages before you engage a builder.

Before planning to remodel or build a new farm- house, let the whole family get together and talk over just what each one wants in a house. For example, the children are older and need more bedrooms or a more…

Your Farmhouse: How to Plan Remodeling

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So you are planning to remodel your old farmhouse! It is half a century at least since Grandfather built it. It was a good house by the standards of those days. It is probably a good house yet. Otherwise you would not want to make it over.

Age can bring out a lot of weaknesses and faults, of course, even in a well-built house. Also, your house…

3-Bedroom Farmhouse with Beltsville Kitchen Design No. 2

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This traditionally accented house with generous living areas should appeal to families with children. The family room with dining space is a continuation of the kitchen area. Sliding glass doors open onto a terrace conveniently located for toddlers' play within sight of both the kitchen and the family room. Proximity to the kitchen makes the…

2-Bedroom Farmhouse with Beltsville Kitchen Design No. 2

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This spacious and attractive farmhouse was planned around the Beltsville Energy-Saving Kitchen Design No. 2. The house is of masonry and frame construction; it has a low-pitched roof, large window areas, a carport, and a basement.

The design lends itself to convenient indoor-outdoor living. Sliding glass doors in the living room lead onto a…

3-Bedroom Farmhouse With Beltsville Energy-Saving Kitchen-Workroom Design No. 1

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"A house should grace its site, not disgrace it," Frank Lloyd Wright once wrote. Whether the site is a flat pasture, a rugged hilly plot, or a small urban lot, this simple rectangular-shaped house will fit well.

Particular attention was paid to circulation in planning this house. The hall provides direct access to all rooms—-including the…

Farmhouse Plans for Minimum Budgets: Expansible, Low in Cost, Convenient

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• These small farmhouses were planned especially for those who want to build in stages.

• The addition of the bedroom wings to the basic houses will provide normal dwellings in every respect.

• Both designs show an interesting arrangement of interior space and many possibilities for pleasant rural living.


Expansible Farmhouse: Masonry

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Two persons can live comfortably in the basic unit of this concrete masonry house. As the family grows, two bedrooms can be added with only minor changes to the original structure.

The house has cinder-block walk, a concrete-slab floor, and a trussed roof which permits flexibility oi interior arrangement. In mild or warm climates the interior…

Expansible Farmhouse: Frame

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This house grows with the family. The basic unit is adequate for 2 persons, and 2 bedrooms can be added as need arises with only minor changes to the original structure.

This house is economical to build. It has wood-framed walls covered on the outside with 4- by 8-foot sheets of cement asbestos board, and on the inside with gypsum board. The…