Browse Items: 3

A First-Year Course in Home Economics for Southern Agricultural Schools

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This bulletin outlines a course of study in home economics for southern high schools. It emphasizes the connection between such instruction and actual home experience and the danger arising from formal methods of presentation. It calls attention to underlying general principles and applies them in a typical course of study, which, while based on…

Home Economics Research in the U.S. Department of Agriculture

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To put science to work for better everyday living is the assignment of the Institute of Home Economics, a small research agency which is a part of the Agricultural Research Service in the U. S. Department of Agriculture. The work is carried out in three Divisions — the Human Nutrition, the Clothing and Housing, and the Household Economics Research…

Domestic Needs of Farm Women:

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The Secretary of Agriculture, on October 1, 1913, addressed a letter to the housewives of 55.000 crop correspondents asking them to suggest ways in which the United States Department of Agriculture could render more direct service to the farm women of the United States. This inquiry was prompted by the following extract from a letter addressed to…