Sun Suits for Children
Sun Suits for Children
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Leaflet Number 24
SUN BATHS should be given to all well children to keep them well and to many sick children to help make them well. When the weather permits and the sun is not too hot, arrange for the youngster to be out doors in the sunshine as much as possible. Sick children should take their sun baths stripped or clad merely in very short pants. In many places this can be done only in front of an open window. The health-giving ultra-violet rays of the sun do not pass through ordinary glass. A physician should advise how long the exposure should be and carefully watch the condition of the child so that no ill effects will result from too long treatments. The suits shown in this leaflet are intended for well children who are taking their sun baths as part of their usual playtime. If the child has not been accustomed to playing in the direct sun, it is best to begin with short periods of time and expose only a small portion of the body at first. Gradually increase both the time and the amount exposed until a coat of tan has been acquired. In order to do this, suits similar to the one shown on page three may be used at first and later the more transparent and abbreviated types. A lightweight brimmed hat should be worn to protect the eyes. ((Almost any well-fitting romper pattern can be modified for use in cutting sun suits. As a beginning it is well to select a pattern conforming as closely as possible to the suit desired. Dutch romper patterns arc more useful in some cases, and in others a choice must be made between a pattern for a romper with a shaped crotch and one in which the crotch is cut on a fold of the material.
U.S. Department of Agriculture
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