Browse Items: 137

Vegetables Into the Pressure Canner

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Fruits Preparation

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Vegetables Preparation

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Tomatoes Sealing

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Fruits In and Out of Boiling Water Bath

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Tomatoes In and Out of the Bath

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Vegetables: Selection and Preparation

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Fruits: Selection and Preparation

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Fruits: Packing and Sealing

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Food Conservation Train

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We Can

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Am I Proud!

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New Notes on Tin Cans

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Our Department of Agriculture correspondent seems to have "been spending considerable time in the kitchens of the Bureau of Home Economics lately, finding out the latest home canning methods.

She writes: "Maybe you wouldn't "believe that there's a lot of news in a tin can. I wouldn't have guessed it, if I hadn't been finding out so much lately…

Home Canning Methods

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The reason that I am "back so soon to the subject of home canning is a request from one of my listeners. After our last canning talk, this listener called me and said:

"Won't you please explain the various ways of canning and tell me which is which and when to use which?"

I hesitated for a minute over that rather complicated question, and…

Good Eats

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Dry! Can! Pickle! Preserve!

Tips for Soup Canners

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Our correspondent in Washington, D.C., has been back for another visit to the canning kitchens of the Bureau of Home Economics. Every time she goes there, she comes away chock-full of new ideas for home-canners. This time she's been finding out about homemade soup in cans.

She says: "You might suppose that canning soup would be an easy job for…

Planning the Canning Campaign

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Save the surplus is as important in the farm home as in the farming industry. Just now, when garden and orchard are getting ready to furnish such a variety of foods, we need to plan ahead to save succulent vegetables and flavorful fruits for winter use. A plan for the canning campaign distributes the work, and provides the family with a…

Canning Vegetables

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Today I'm bringing you a few suggestions from the Federal Bureau of Home

Economics about canning vegetables. I've a tip or two about the equipment you should have for the peas and beans and beets that you may be putting up now.

And I've some general pointers on canning methods.

Since my suggestions cover a wide variety of points, I'm…

Question Box: Answers From Canning Specialists of the U.S. Department of Agriculture

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Canning questions have the floor today and the canning specialists of the
U. S. Department of Agriculture are ready with the answers. If you have still other canning problems, write to the Department for information before you run the chance of making mistakes and losing some of those good vegetables from your Victory Garden. Or get in touch with…

Safety in Canning

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One day last January at a dinner party in a town in North Dakota, a vegetable salad was served. The salad was made of home-canned string beans, peas and diced carrots. Twelve people who ate that salad died of fatal botulism poisoning.

During the month of May of this year another similar outbreak occurred in another state. Several people who ate…

Scalding, Precooking, and Chilling as Prreliminary Canning Operations

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Experience in the canning of certain food products has indicated that scalding the freshly prepared raw-food materials in boiling water, or exposing them to the action of live steam for a short time, has distinct advantages. This procedure, which is commonly but erroneously termed "blanching," is widely practiced among both home and commercial…

Canning Tomatoes

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Tomatoes are the easiest of all vegetables to can at home.
But you need good fresh tomatoes for good canned tomatoes. Choose the finest and best — picked from your Victory Garden or brought to the market fresh from nearby farms.

Come next winter, home-canned tomatoes will save you
points in your ration book . . . and give you vitamin C and…

Community Canning Centers

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Community canning centers have found a definite place in the life of many communities. That they fill a need is shown by the fact that there has been a continual increase in their number and an expansion of the facilities of those already established. These centers serve many useful purposes. They prevent waste of locally abundant foods and improve…


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It won't he long now -- until we'll he right in the middle of one of the "busiest seasons of the year" -- the summer canning season. And there isn't any too much time left to he getting all your canning equipment in good shape.

For one of the first rules of canning success is this -- "work as fast as you can." And you're going to he slowed down…