Browse Items: 3

Peanut Growing for Profit

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PEANUTS have become one of the best money crops for use in rotation with cotton and other farm crops in the fight against the boll weevil. Until recently peanuts were grown in the greater part of the Gulf coast region primarily for stock feeding, but now they are of commercial importance in no less than 12 Southern States.

Good seed, proper…

Peanut Butter

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The growing popularity of peanut butter as a food has led to many inquiries regarding the methods employed in its manufacture. Peanut butter is in reality a very simple preparation, consisting merely of fresh-roasted peanuts ground finely and salted to suit the taste. Several large factories and a large number of smaller ones are now devoted to the…

The Peanut

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It is not definitely known when and where the peanut was first cultivated. Several allied species of plants are natives of Brazil, and there is every indication that the common peanut originally came from tropical America. Peanuts were introduced into the United States during the earlier days of colonization, but did not become of commercial…