Browse Items: 2

Peanuts: Culture and Uses

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The peanut (Arachis hypogwa), known also in different localities as the earthnut, groundnut, ground pea, goober, and pindar, is a trailing straggling annual, growing from 1 to 2 feet high, with thick, angular, pale-green, hairy stems, and spreading branches, and has the peculiar habit of maturing its fruit underground. (Strictly speaking it is not…

Study of the Soils of Macon County, Alabama, and Their Adaptability to Certain Crops

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Macon County, “the garden-spot of Alabama,” lies near the eastern boundary of the State, about 135 miles north of the Florida-Alabama line. It has an area of 621 square miles, embodying 397,440 acres. It is 34 miles in extent from east to west, and 24 3/4 miles from north to south. The northern and western boundary lines…