Browse Items: 4

Insect Enemies and Diseases of the Tomato

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CLUB MEMBERS need and have asked for simple, reliable instructions for controlling the insect pests and diseases which come to the plants in their club gardens. These instructions are written to aid the club girls of the Southern States in preventing or controlling the damage done by these enemies of their gardens.Since the different types of…

Pruning and Training Tomatoes in the South

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In many parts of the United States tomatoes are pruned and trained. The amount of pruning and the methods of training vary, but the commonest practice is to prune the plant to a single stem and tie it to a stake. There seems to be no general agreement as to the value of the practice.

Arguments for and…

Attractive Ways of Using Tomatoes

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The following have been selected from the many possible recipes for using tomatoes as adapted particularly to the utilization of the tomato pulp left after extracting the seed. It is intended to accompany circular letter XS-36, on "Method of Saving Wilt Resistant Tomato Seed".

How to Grow the Tomato and 115 Ways to Prepare it for the Table

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But few people realize what an important vegetable the tomato is. While it is true that chemical analysis does not place it very high in the nutritive scale, if viewed from this angle alone its real value will be greatly underestimated.

For the reasons which follow, every normal person should make the tomato a very prominent part of the weekly…