Gardening Instructions for Club Members



Source of Digital Item

National Agricultural Library



The growing of a tenth-acre garden is a part of the regular four-year program of work of enrolled members of Girls' Gardening and Canning Clubs of the Southern States, and 87,705 such gardens were grown in 1918. In addition, 26,249 twentieth-acre garden plots were grown by junior club members and 221,925 home gardens by women and girls.

Since many of these girls have had no previous experience in gardening, they ask for definite instruction in caring for their gardens. This circular has been prepared to meet this need and is the first of the instruction letters sent to all club members to be used by them during their entire year's work. It contains information on selecting the location of the garden plot, and instructions in growing tomatoes, beans, and okra in the tenth-acre garden.

Farmers' Bulletin 934, Home Gardening in the South, gives further information on gardening.

To Gardening and Canning Club Members:

This circular contains rules for beginning work, instructions for selecting the tenth-acre garden plot and preparation of the soil, setting the plants, and cultivating the garden. Later you will be sent a circular on tomato diseases and insect pests.

Please keep these circulars; read the instructions carefully and refer to them often. You will thus be sure that you are following directions.

Your county agent will give you a daily record book and teach you how to keep it. Begin writing in this book as soon as you do your first work and continue making notes each time you do any work. Write to your county home-demonstration agent if you need further information.


Gardening Instructions for Club Members