Farm Slaughtering and Use of Lamb and Mutton




Source of Digital Item

National Agricultural Library


THE PRODUCTION of sheep for wool alone is rapidly on the wane in the United States. More and more emphasis is being placed on the production of lamb and mutton for the table. The future success of this industry will depend upon a strong, steady market, based upon an increasing consumption.

Less than 4 per cent of the meat consumed by the average American for the last five years was lamb or mutton. This proportion should be much larger, as mutton and lamb are among the most healthful, nutritious, and palatable of meats.

The ease with which sheep and lambs are slaughtered on the farm and the comparatively small size of the carcass make them a most convenient form of fresh meat for family use and for summer killing. The meat can also be cured for future use.

This bulletin contains a discussion of the methods employed in slaughtering the animal, cutting up the carcass, and curing the flesh; also recipes for cooking the meat.


Farm Slaughtering and Use of Lamb and Mutton