Preservation of Vegetables by Fermentation and Salting



Source of Digital Item

National Agricultural Library



AMONG the practical methods of conserving surplus food, especially worthy of consideration at this time, are those based on preservation by fermentation and salting or brining.

Owing to the enormous development of canning in this country during the last generation and the ease with which fresh vegetables may be obtained from some part of the country at almost any time of year, relatively little use has been made .of these methods of preserving, which were used by our fore- fathers and which are still used in Europe to a considerable extent. In this country the only substances commonly prepared by fermentation are sauerkraut and salt cucumber pickles, and, as a domestic product in some regions, "salted beans." Many other vegetables, however, lend themselves very readily to this method of preservation and furnish products quite different from the original substances, but which are none the less whole- some and appetizing and are greatly liked by many people. They also offer variety in the diet, which is an important consideration.

The object of this bulletin is to describe and explain methods of preservation by fermenting and salting, to indicate the purposes to which they are especially applicable, and to tell how the preserved products can best be prepared for table use.

The methods are not given with the view that they will be substituted for canning or drying, but simply for the purpose of making housekeepers more familiar with additional methods of preserving foods which they may use if they so desire.


Preservation of Vegetables by Fermentation and Salting