Some Ornamental Plants of Macon County, Alabama



Source of Digital Item

National Agricultural Library



There is probably no section of our country that furnishes more really beautiful and useful ornamental plants than this section of Alabama; indeed the landscape gardener and florist, alike can find flowers of rare beauty and fragrance, foliage unsurpassed in richness, and fruits, berries and other forms of seed capsules possessing a richness of color and gracefulness of form, which well nigh approaches the ideal in beauty and grace.

And the plants yield readily to the fastidious tastes of the master of form and design, also from the simplest to the most elaborate color schemes as fancy dictates.

It is a source of regret that we do not recognize and appreciate what Nature has so lavishly provided for us.

Every park and dooryard should contain just as many of these lovely native trees, vines, shrubs, etc., as fancy and good taste suggest.


Some Ornamental Plants of Macon County, Alabama
