Alfalfa Varieties in the United States




Source of Digital Item

National Agricultural Library



THE COMMERCIAL ALFALFAS of the United States may be divided into four somewhat distinct groups, each containing strains or varieties that vary considerably within themselves: (1) The common alfalfa group, (2) the Turkistan group, (3) the variegated group, and (4) the nonhardy group.

In many parts of the United States tests have been going on for some years with alfalfa from various sources, for the purpose of determining the variety or strain that can be most profitably grown in a specific locality or under certain conditions.

As a result of these tests it is now possible to designate with considerable definiteness the part of the country where each of the various commercial strains or varieties may be expected to give the most satisfactory results.

The purchaser of seed is aided materially in obtaining the kind desired by the registration and certification service in many States; the United States Verification Service; and the staining requirements of imported seed.

This bulletin is a revision of and supersedes Farmers' Bulletin 1467, Commercial Varieties of Alfalfa.


Alfalfa Varieties in the United States