Browse Items: 4

Biosecurity Guide for Poultry and Bird Owners

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This guide was designed to provide useful information on biosecurity for poultry and bird owners. The United States works very hard to prevent infectious poultry diseases such as highly pathogenic avian influenza and exotic Newcastle disease from being introduced into the country. To accomplish this, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)…

Chickens and Eggs: 2013 Summary

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This file contains the monthly estimates of the number of layers on hand, rate of lay and egg production, potential layers by geographic regions, and chicken inventories and values by states.
United States Average Number of Layers Up 2 Percent: Layer numbers during 2013 averaged 346 million, up 2 percent from the year earlier. The…

Technology, Organization, and Financial Performance in U.S. Broiler Production

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Between 1960 and 1995, U.S. broiler production grew by 5.6 percent per year, but a lack of growth since 2008 has placed new financial pressures on contract growers. This report uses USDA survey data to delineate the key features of the industry’s organization and to analyze its recent financial and productive performance.

Working the Land With 10 Acres: Small Acreage Farming in the United States

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This report focuses on Small Acreage farms, especially those grossing $10,000 or more in a given year, and examines such characteristics as production strategies, types of products, sales, household income, and financial performance.