Browse Items: 8

Homemade Poultry Appliances For Poultry Club Members

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THE EXHIBITION or show coop illustrated on the front page can be easily made and is for the use of poultry club members in exhibiting fowls at county and school fairs or other exhibitions. It should not be used for shipping poultry but may be used to take the birds to the show if carried by wagon or other vehicle. It can be made from a dry goods…

Poultry Experiments

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This bulletin contains an account of the brooder houses, houses for hens, and the methods of feeding used at the Station; the Maine Station trap nest; and a feeding experiment with whole vs. cracked corn.

Poultry Management

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This bulletin contains an account of the methods of poultry management in use at this Station, including methods of incubation, treatment and housing of young chicks, a description of the warmed and curtained front houses, the trap nests, and methods of feeding laying hens.

Poultry House Construction

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This article explains the essential principles of poultry-house construction, showing pictures of houses and fixtures which have given satisfaction in various sections of the country, with their plans and specifications; and contains hints on construction which will assist the poultryman in planning and erecting his…

A Simple Trap Nest for Poultry

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A trap nest is a laying nest so arranged that after a hen enters it she is confined until released by the attendant. The trap nest shown in the accompanying illustrations is used with good results on the Government poultry farm and is quite similar to the nest used at the Connecticut State experiment station. It is very simple and may be built at a…

A Simple Trap Nest for Poultry

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A TRAP NEST is a laying nest so arranged that after a hen enters it she is confined until released by the attendant. The trap nest shown in the accompanying illustrations is used with good results on the Government poultry farm, and is quite similar to the nest used at the Connecticut State Experiment Station. It is very…

Methods of Poultry Management at the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station

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Many years' practical experience in raising and keeping poultry and investigations in poultry breeding at the Maine Experiment Station have resulted in the accumulation of a considerable fund of information on poultry management. It is the purpose of the following pages to outline this experience for the benefit of poultry keepers and thereby to…

Poultry Houses: Coops & Equipment

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It is easier and less expensive to build a poultry house on the most advantageous location and to construct it properly than it is to change it after it is built, to meet the requirements. The matter of location is an important one. Permanent poultry buildings should never be located upon heavy soil if it can be avoided. Such soil is better adapted…