Use of Artificial Light to Increase Winter Egg Production
See Exhibit:
Use of Artificial Light to Increase Winter Egg Production
Reliable Poultry Journal Publishing Company. Quincy, IL
After the average person gets used to the idea of the use of artificial light to increase egg production, the first or main prejudice commonly met with is that it is a forcing process; that it means overworking the hens and therefore must result, sooner or later, in an injury to them, or in their physical breakdown. The welcome fact is that this fear is groundless, or practically so. Like almost anything else this plan can be overdone, but very seldom has been, so far as our investigations have gone and it is indeed surprising with what uniform success it has been used to date by all classes of poultry keepers, from the small plant back-lotter to the big commercial egg farms of the Pacific Coast and in half a dozen or more eastern states, all of which information will be found set forth in reliable form in the following pages.
Dr. and Mrs. Kent, O. B., Maps
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