Profits in Poultry Keeping Solved
See Exhibit:
Profits in Poultry Keeping Solved
The A.D. Hosterman Company. Springfield, OH
In the way of introduction to those who have never heard of me or of my new methods, it is perhaps advisable that I should say something about myself. I was born a poultryman ; my father before me bred fancy stock all his life and from a small boy I gathered eggs, took charge of the poultry, exhibited them at the country fairs and had birds of my own. I have bred fancy stock all my life and tried the winter broiler business with fatal results, as hundreds of others have done. This led me to experimenting and also studying nature's methods to see if there was not some way in which they could be raised on a large scale without such great loss. The result is, after fifteen years of careful experimenting, I have solved the problem and am now able to put any poultry plant on a paying-basis, regardless of location or other obstacles. Plants that went out of business on account of using the ordinary methods have started up under my new methods and have had wonderful success. The first edition of my book which was put on the market seven years ago has all been sold, as well as the second edition of 3,000 copies in 1907; and the third edition of 5,000 copies in 1908, and the fourth edition of 10,000 copies in 1910, and now the fifth edition of 10,000 copies becomes necessary.
My great feed, for such it is, at 15 cents or less per bushel, will make any plant pay. After experimenting with processed oats, my main feed for 15 years, I consider I now have as near a perfect feeding system as can be obtained for either a yarded or free-range plant. Follow my methods and my instructions as laid down in this book, and success is certain. Read every line carefully. You cannot go wrong. A fortune awaits everyone who builds one of my free-range plants, as they are bound to pay a handsome profit under my system of care and feeding.
My great feed, for such it is, at 15 cents or less per bushel, will make any plant pay. After experimenting with processed oats, my main feed for 15 years, I consider I now have as near a perfect feeding system as can be obtained for either a yarded or free-range plant. Follow my methods and my instructions as laid down in this book, and success is certain. Read every line carefully. You cannot go wrong. A fortune awaits everyone who builds one of my free-range plants, as they are bound to pay a handsome profit under my system of care and feeding.
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