Poultry for Pleasure and Profit
Poultry for Pleasure and Profit
The breeding of poultry presents a better opportunity to combine pleasure and profit than can be found in any other safe and sane occupation. It gives the business man something to divert his attention from the cares of large transactions; the shop worker finds in it a source of pleasant recreation, while it adds to the comforts of his home and reduces his expenses; the professional man can get away from his profession and get in touch with nature while caring for his fowls; the old man who has given into younger hands the larger activities of life can find in poultry something to give him an occupation and prevent him from feeling that life is a dull affair after all his years of endeavor in other fields; the boy whose activities need some safe outlet can be given a flock of poultry and thus be bred to habits of profitable industry while finding amusement with a flock of hens, and saving him from seeking other and much worse things through which to manifest his surplus vitality; the invalid who is not capable of hard work, but feels that he would be glad to have some fixed task to help him pass away the dull hours, will find in the care of poultry exactly what he needs.
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