The A.B.C. of Poultry Culture. A Thoroughly Practical and Original Book by a Practical Breeder. Especially Designed for Beginners
The A.B.C. of Poultry Culture. A Thoroughly Practical and Original Book by a Practical Breeder. Especially Designed for Beginners
The Fancier's Review. Chatham, NY
The author of this work, gives his individual experience here without reference to other works. He says what he has to say plainly, honestly, and with a view to benefit those who read it. He deals in no ambiguous terms or phrases, and does not attempt to be profound, and consequently prosy. This work has the merit of originality, whatever else it may lack. It is especially adapted to beginners. If old " Chicken Cranks " can learn anything from these pages or even be amused, the writer will be satisfied. One man cannot know it all. The knowledge here obtained is not borrowed. It is the result of years of application. You will find no theories in this work. Not even a little unfledged one. It is intensely practical, but not methodical. It abounds in facts from my standpoint, and facts are what you are after. Read it carefully. Experience will prove or disprove its merits.
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