How to Make Poultry Pay: Trustworthy Money-Making Information Covering the Experience of Many Recognized
Authorities and Successful Breeders
How to Make Poultry Pay: Trustworthy Money-Making Information Covering the Experience of Many Recognized
Authorities and Successful Breeders
Authorities and Successful Breeders
Inland Poultry Journal Company. Indianapolis, IN
The breeding of domestic poultry has reached a point in this country where the most down-to- date methods must be applied if the results sought for are to be attained. Every year there are thousands of new recruits added to the rank of poultry enthusiasts. They come from all walks of life and are interested alike in making a success of their venture and are looking for the most reliable poultry information that can be found that will teach them how to start right.
Realizing the needs of this great army of amateurs for reliable poultry information we have compiled what we believe to be the most authentic work on how to make poultry pay that has ever been issued. In this book we have tried to give the cold, plain facts in reference to poultry culture — facts that can be depended upon. We have not attempted to paint rosy pictures of the great imaginary possibilities of the business, but have given the experiences of men who have made a success of poultry culture, and by following this advice we feel that we can teach others how to succeed and make money out of the business.
In our brief history of the many popular breeds we have attempted in as few words as possible to give a concise and authentic report of their origin, with such facts about each breed and variety as will enable the beginner to make the best selection for his foundation stock.
In fact, we have tried to give to the readers what the title of the book indicates — the information necessary to make poultry pay. If we succeed in doing this we shall feel that our time and labor have been well spent.
Realizing the needs of this great army of amateurs for reliable poultry information we have compiled what we believe to be the most authentic work on how to make poultry pay that has ever been issued. In this book we have tried to give the cold, plain facts in reference to poultry culture — facts that can be depended upon. We have not attempted to paint rosy pictures of the great imaginary possibilities of the business, but have given the experiences of men who have made a success of poultry culture, and by following this advice we feel that we can teach others how to succeed and make money out of the business.
In our brief history of the many popular breeds we have attempted in as few words as possible to give a concise and authentic report of their origin, with such facts about each breed and variety as will enable the beginner to make the best selection for his foundation stock.
In fact, we have tried to give to the readers what the title of the book indicates — the information necessary to make poultry pay. If we succeed in doing this we shall feel that our time and labor have been well spent.
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