The Chick Book. From the Breeding Pen to the Shell to Maturity: Contains All the Experience of the World's Leading Poultrymen and All the Latest and Most Trustworthy Information About Hatching, Rearing, Fattening and Marketing Chickens......
The Chick Book. From the Breeding Pen to the Shell to Maturity: Contains All the Experience of the World's Leading Poultrymen and All the Latest and Most Trustworthy Information About Hatching, Rearing, Fattening and Marketing Chickens......
Reliable Poultry Publishing Company. Quincy, IL
The poultryman's profit depends in a great measure upon his success in rearing the chicks. Success is attained only by intelligent use of correct methods. If the incubation, growth and development of the chick are not attended by such conditions as produce and maintain the good health necessary for building a vigorous body and strong constitution, the grown bird does not have the power to produce, or earn, more than a nominal profit for its owner, however well it is housed and cared for. Nor does the negative effect stop at the profit of the first year; the progeny of such birds is not only weak and unremunerative, but if raised under like conditions will be less valuable than the parents and such rapid deterioration will render the flock absolutely unprofitable in two generations. On the other hand, chicks well hatched, from good eggs, if given intelligent care and surrounded with the essentials required for proper growth and robust development, will mature into fowls which are capable of returning to their owner the last cent in payment for the food and accommodations provided. Such methods increase the productive efficiency of succeeding generations and the road to a competence is auspiciously opened.
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