A Just Judge (Farm-Poultry)
A Just Judge (Farm-Poultry)
This is a story about a champion fancy chicken once named as an example of "Real Perfection as distinguished from Ideal Perfection." After starting out as an exclusively Fancy Chicken she starts to decline. Just when it looks as though death is imminent the chicken is sold, moved to a farm, and transformed into a laying hen. She has one last chance as an exhibition bird, however, and a judgment of her championship nature is made again.
Farm-Poultry Publishing Company. Boston, Massachusetts
"…She was bought at a risk by a man that knew his business and intended to give her a fighting chance--which was all she asked. She was carried far, far from shows and the fear of shows, to a settled life and natural conditions. And she amply repaid everything that was done for her, and came straight back to life, and before spring was well advanced was laying precious eggs, though considering her antecedents, they were probably not nearly as precious as herself…."
page 221
page 221
John Henry Robinson, Editor
Farm-Poultry, Volume 14, Number 9, page 221-222
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