The Organization of Boys' and Girls' Poultry Clubs
The Organization of Boys' and Girls' Poultry Clubs
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Statistics show that the loss due to the improper handling of eggs throughout the country is enormous, extending into many millions of dollars annually. It is an equally established fact that strictly fresh eggs command a higher price than those commonly designated as store eggs, and if the farmer, who is the largest producer of this well-known perishable commodity, would take more care in selecting, grading, and marketing this product he would receive a price higher than the average market one for his eggs. On many farms throughout the country the money derived from the sale of poultry and eggs buys the groceries and clothing for the entire family. The money from this source may be substantially increased by establishing a private trade in eggs of good quality with hotels, restaurants, etc., in towns and cities.
The object of forming boys' and girls' poultry clubs is to give a better knowledge of the value and importance of the poultry industry and the marketing of a first-class, uniform product, to teach better methods of caring for the poultry and eggs, and to show the increased revenue to be derived from well-bred poultry where proper methods of management are pursued.
The object of forming boys' and girls' poultry clubs is to give a better knowledge of the value and importance of the poultry industry and the marketing of a first-class, uniform product, to teach better methods of caring for the poultry and eggs, and to show the increased revenue to be derived from well-bred poultry where proper methods of management are pursued.
Farmers' Bulletin
Number 562
The Organization of Boys and Girls Poultry Clubs.jpg