From Farm to Consumer
From Farm to Consumer
Charlevoix County Herald (East Jordan, MI)
Vol 19, No. 24, June 12, 1915, page 1
Source of Digital Item
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Library of Congress
If you have farm products to ship by parcel post to city consumers, or if your name already appears on the Produce List and you desire to list new products, secure one of the blanks from Postmaster Potter, fill it out and return same to him. Your name will be then be published in the list now being compiled. There is a big demand in Chicago for home-cured hams and bacons, smoked and fresh meats, poultry, eggs, butter, cheese, nuts, maple syrup, honey, jellies, preserves, fruits, vegetables, and other farm products at reasonable prices. Do not expect prices asked by city growers. Divide your profits with the consumers, and offer inducements to your customers in order to retain them. Information regarding containers, rates, and other matter concerning the 'Farm to Table' plan may be had by consulting your rural carrier or Postmaster Potter.
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