The School Garden Book
The School Garden Book
school gardens
From the point of view of this book the school garden is any garden in which a boy or girl of school age takes an active interest. It may be simply a tiny seedling growing in a little flower-pot in-doors or an extensive series of garden crops growing in a large garden out-doors. So far as crops are concerned, however, the scope of the book is limited to flowers and vegetables, no attempt being made to include the fruits, large or small, the ornamental trees and shrubs, or the agricultural crops.
The gardens to be considered from this point of view may be collective or individual, or both; they maybe in-doors or out-doors, or both; they may be at the school or the home, or both. In all of these cases the plants to be grown are much the same and the methods involved in growing them are similar. Yet, a short preliminary discussion of special plans and methods to be used in connection with these various kinds of gardens may be worth while.
The gardens to be considered from this point of view may be collective or individual, or both; they maybe in-doors or out-doors, or both; they may be at the school or the home, or both. In all of these cases the plants to be grown are much the same and the methods involved in growing them are similar. Yet, a short preliminary discussion of special plans and methods to be used in connection with these various kinds of gardens may be worth while.
Weed, Clarence Moores
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons
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