Part-Time Farming


Part-Time Farming

Source of Digital Item

National Agricultural Library


Part-Time Farming


This bulletin undertakes to answer the questions that are asked most frequently by people who plan to take up part-time farming. As you read the bulletin, questions not answered in it will probably come to mind. You may want to know more about farming in a certain area, or more regarding certain farm specialties. If you are actively interested in buying and operating a part-time farm, you will have many questions of a local character that a general bulletin cannot cover. Finally, after you get started on your farm, you will probably run into problems that you would like help in meeting.

You can get reliable help from several sources, some of which you will probably find in your own community. Your own county agricultural agent and home demonstration agent, who have their offices in your county seat, gladly serve all the farm families. If your high school has a vocational agriculture department, the teacher's office is probably in your high school building. Your own State agricultural college has a staff of specialists in all the important fields of agriculture and home economics to help you. In addition to all these local and State sources of information, the facilities of the United States Department of Agriculture are at your service.


Scoville, Orlin J.
Smith, Katherine A.




Farmers' Bulletin Number 1966
