Facts About Greenwood Homesteads
Facts About Greenwood Homesteads
subsistence homesteads
Initiated by the Division of Subsistence Homesteads, of the Department of the Interior, Greenwood Homesteads was transferred to the Resettlement Administration by Executive Order, May 15, 1935. Construction was started in January, 1S36.
This subsistence homestead community project was undertaken to help low-income families, dependent upon part-time or full-time employment in the industrial areas surrounding Birmingham, to increase their real income by raising food needs at home. Better housing and an opportunity to improve their living standards is being given 83 selected families.
This subsistence homestead community project was undertaken to help low-income families, dependent upon part-time or full-time employment in the industrial areas surrounding Birmingham, to increase their real income by raising food needs at home. Better housing and an opportunity to improve their living standards is being given 83 selected families.
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Farm Security Administration
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