Facts About Hattiesburg Homesteads Project
Facts About Hattiesburg Homesteads Project
subsistence homesteads
Hattiesburg Homesteads were initiated by the Subsistence Homesteads Division of the Department of the Interior, January 13, 1934. On May 15, 1935 the project was transferred to the Resettlement Administration by Executive Order, and it is now under the jurisdiction of the Farm Security Administration.
Purpose of the Project: The project was established to afford 24 families whose wage-earners are employed in the trades and industries of Hattiesburg more adequate housing and an opportunity to raise their standard of living by producing the major portion of food requirements on subsistence homesteads.
Purpose of the Project: The project was established to afford 24 families whose wage-earners are employed in the trades and industries of Hattiesburg more adequate housing and an opportunity to raise their standard of living by producing the major portion of food requirements on subsistence homesteads.
Farm Security Administration
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