Facts About Mount Olive Homesteads
Facts About Mount Olive Homesteads
subsistence homesteads
DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: Initiated by the Division of Subsistence Homesteads of the Department of Interior. Transferred to the Resettlement Administration by Executive Order, Kay 15, 1935. Construction started in January, 1936.
PURPOSE OF PROJECT: To provide subsistence homesteads for low-income families dependent upon part-time or full-time employment in the industries and trades of Birmingham and vicinity. The project will give the families an opportunity to supplement their real income by raising most of their food supplies.
PURPOSE OF PROJECT: To provide subsistence homesteads for low-income families dependent upon part-time or full-time employment in the industries and trades of Birmingham and vicinity. The project will give the families an opportunity to supplement their real income by raising most of their food supplies.
Farm Security Administration
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