Facts About New Mexico Farms
Facts About New Mexico Farms
subsistence homesteads
PURPOSE OF PROJECT: To provide subsistence farm land to families who were living on unproductive land. Families will have a chance to become self-supporting and better their standards of living.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This infiltration project of 3,162 acres will give farms to 23 families. Farms will average 22 acres on which alfalfa, com, sweet potatoes, and oats will be grown as the principal crops. Livestock will include horses, dairy cows, hogs, and poultry.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This infiltration project of 3,162 acres will give farms to 23 families. Farms will average 22 acres on which alfalfa, com, sweet potatoes, and oats will be grown as the principal crops. Livestock will include horses, dairy cows, hogs, and poultry.
Farm Security Administration
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