Drying Foods For Victory Meals


Drying Foods For Victory Meals

Source of Digital Item

National Agricultural Library


victory gardens


VICTORY GARDENS lead directly to victory meals — all the year round — for those who take thought for the morrow and put by a store of fruits and vegetables.

Part of the food from orchard and garden will be canned or pickled, or made into preserves, jam, or jelly. Some foods will go into freezer lockers. Some — such as potatoes, turnips, carrots, parsnips, and late- maturing cabbage — can readily be stored in cellars or outdoor pits and should be taken care of in this way rather than by drying. Other foods, too perishable for storing, will need to be dried at home with simple equipment.


Home drying is especially important in wartime because it does not require sugar — nor the metals, rubber, and other materials used in more common types of food preservation. Drying is not a difficult job. However, it does take time — and constant attention — especially at the beginning and the end of the process.


Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics
U.S. Department of Agriculture




Farmers' Bulletin Number 1918