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Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

Antimicrobial resistance occurs when bacteria, fungi and other germs become too strong to be treated by antibiotics and continue to grow.

On this page, find links to reports, publications, journal article citations and more that focus on antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and alternatives to antibiotics (ATA) activities including surveillance, research and development, education, extension and outreach. These activities help determine patterns of antibiotic use in food-producing animals; monitor antibiotic drug susceptibilities in food, animals, meat, poultry; and develop mitigations to reduce AMR-associated risks.

Research Projects: Antimicrobial Resistance

The Food Safety Research Projects Database (RPD) contains information about research projects related to the study of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR).

Research Publications (Food Safety): Antibiotic Residues

The Food Safety Research Publications resource contains links to recent peer-reviewed scientific articles.

AMR and ATA Research at the USDA Agricultural Research Service

USDA ARS scientists conduct research to promote the resilience of agriculture to AMR.

Meet the Experts

USDA-ARS Scientists Present Overviews of their Research

Cold Plasma as a Novel Antimicrobial Intervention (Introductory Video)

Investigator: Brendan Niemira, PhD

Date: 2018

View full-length video of Dr. Niemira speaking about cold plasma as a novel antimicrobial intervention []

How Does Salmonella become Antibiotic Resistant? (Introductory video)

Investigator: Jonathan Frye, PhD

Date: 2019

View full-length video of Dr. Frye discussing how does salmonella become antibiotic resistant? []

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