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Research Publications (Food Safety)

This page tracks research articles published in national and international peer-reviewed journals. Recent articles are available ahead of print and searchable by Journal, Article Title, and Category. Research publications are tracked across six categories: Bacterial Pathogens, Chemical Contaminants, Natural Toxins, Parasites, Produce Safety, and Viruses. Articles produced by USDA Grant Funding Agencies (requires login) and FDA Grant Funding Agencies (requires login) are also tracked in Scopus.

Displaying 41726 - 41750 of 42287

  1. In vitro evaluation of the activity of thiosemicarbazone derivatives against mycotoxigenic fungi affecting cereals

    • International Journal of Food Microbiology
    • Publication date: 4 May 2015
      , Volume 200
      Author(s): Francesca Degola , Caterina Morcia , Franco Bisceglie , Francesca Mussi , Giorgio Tumino , Roberta Ghizzoni , Giorgio Pelosi , Valeria Terzi , Annamaria Buschini , Francesco Maria Restivo , Tiziana Lodi

  2. Predominant Campylobacter jejuni Sequence Types Persist in Finnish Chicken Production

    • PLOS ONE
    • Ann-Katrin Llarena, Adeline Huneau, Marjaana Hakkinen, Marja-Liisa Hänninen

  3. Novel sequence types of non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli isolated from cattle

    • Letters in Applied Microbiology
    • The objective of this study was to assess the genetic diversity of non-O157 STEC isolates from cattle. Multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) was used to identify and compare the sequence types (STs) of 43 non-O157 STEC cattle isolates using the EcMLST database curated by the STEC Center at Michigan State University. For the 43 isolates, 19 STs were identified and 10 of those STs were novel compared to those in EcMLST. For the 43 isolates, 19 different serotypes were identified.

  4. The impact of a national routine immunisation programme initiated in 1999 on Hepatitis A incidence in Israel, 1993 to 2012

    • Eurosurveillance
    • Data on long-term impact of universal national vaccination programmes against hepatitis A are lacking. We aimed at evaluating the impact on hepatitis A incidence of the Israeli toddlers-only universal routine two-dose vaccination programme against hepatitis A initiated in 1999. All hepatitis A episodes reported to the national surveillance system from 1993 to 2012 were analysed in relation to the vaccination programme and coverage.

      • Hepatitis
  5. Detoxification of zearalenone by three strains of lactobacillus plantarum from fermented food in vitro

    • Food Control
    • Publication date: August 2015
      , Volume 54
      Author(s): Lin Zhao , Haitao Jin , Jing Lan , Ruiying Zhang , Hongbo Ren , Xiaobo Zhang , Guoping Yu

  6. Development of Pleurocidin-poly(vinyl alcohol) electrospun antimicrobial nanofibers to retain antimicrobial activity in food system application

    • Food Control
    • Publication date: August 2015
      , Volume 54
      Author(s): Xiaoyuan Wang , Tianli Yue , Tung-ching Lee

  7. Decontamination of incoming beef trimmings with hot lactic acid solution to improve microbial safety of resulting dry fermented sausages – A pilot study

    • Food Control
    • Publication date: August 2015
      , Volume 54
      Author(s): Bojan Blagojevic , Dragan Antic , Bojan Adzic , Tatjana Tasic , Predrag Ikonic , Sava Buncic

  8. Needs and expectations regarding risk ranking in the food chain: A pilot survey amongst decision makers and stakeholders

    • Food Control
    • Publication date: August 2015
      , Volume 54
      Author(s): N. Speybroeck , B. Devleesschauwer , P. Depoorter , J. Dewulf , D. Berkvens , X. Van Huffel , C. Saegerman

  9. Confocal three-dimensional micro X-ray scatter imaging for non-destructive detecting foreign bodies with low density and low-Z materials in food products

    • Food Control
    • Publication date: August 2015
      , Volume 54
      Author(s): Fangzuo Li , Zhiguo Liu , Tianxi Sun , Yongzhong Ma , Xunliang Ding

  10. Analysis of the Campylobacter jejuni Genome by SMRT DNA Sequencing Identifies Restriction-Modification Motifs

    • PLOS ONE
    • Jason L. O’Loughlin, Tyson P. Eucker, Juan D. Chavez, Derrick R. Samuelson, Jason Neal-McKinney, Christopher R. Gourley, James E. Bruce, Michael E. Konkel

  11. Assessment of Zoonotic Transmission of Giardia and Cryptosporidium between Cattle and Humans in Rural Villages in Bangladesh

    • PLOS ONE
    • Amimul M. Ehsan, Thomas Geurden, Stijn Casaert, Sonia M. Parvin, Taohidul M. Islam, Uddin M. Ahmed, Bruno Levecke, Jozef Vercruysse, Edwin Claerebout

  12. Stress enhances the sensitivity of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium to bacteriocins

    • Journal of Applied Microbiology
    • Aims
      The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential application of bacteriocins against Gram-negative bacteria when associated with others food preservation methods.

  13. Influence of roasting conditions on health-related compounds in different nuts

    • Food Chemistry
    • Publication date: 1 August 2015
      , Volume 180
      Author(s): W. Schlörmann , M. Birringer , V. Böhm , K. Löber , G. Jahreis , S. Lorkowski , A.K. Müller , F. Schöne , M. Glei

  14. Coordinated zinc homeostasis is essential for the wild-type virulence of Brucella abortus

    • Journal of Bacteriology
    • Metal homeostasis in bacterial cells is a highly regulated process requiring intricately coordinated import and export, as well as precise sensing of intracellular metal concentrations. The uptake of zinc (Zn) has been linked to the virulence of Brucella abortus; however, the capacity of Brucella strains to sense Zn levels and subsequently coordinate Zn homeostasis has not been described.

  15. Analysis of the Activity and Regulon of the Two-component Regulatory System Composed by Cjj1484 and Cjj1483 of Campylobacter jejuni

    • Journal of Bacteriology
    • Campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of bacterial diarrheal disease and a frequent commensal of the intestinal tract of poultry and other animals. For optimal growth and colonization of hosts, C. jejuni employs two-component regulatory systems (TCSs) to monitor environmental conditions and promote proper expression of specific genes. We analyzed the potential of C.

  16. A single serine residue determines selectivity to monovalent metal ions in metalloregulators of the MerR family

    • Journal of Bacteriology
    • MerR metalloregulators alleviate toxicity caused by the excess of metal ions such copper, zinc, mercury, lead, cadmium, silver or gold by triggering the expression of specific efflux or detoxification systems upon metal detection. The sensor protein binds the inducer metal ion using two conserved cysteine residues at the C-terminal metal-binding loop (MBL).

  17. Interaction with EIIBMpo and phosphorylation by P~EIIBMpo exert antagonistic effects on the transcription activator ManR of Listeria monocytogenes

    • Journal of Bacteriology
    • Listeriae take up glucose and mannose predominantly through a mannose-class PEP:carbohydrate phosphotransferase system (PTSMan), whose three components are encoded by the manLMN genes. Expression of these genes is controlled by ManR, a LevR-type transcription activator containing two PTS regulation domains (PRDs) and two PTS-like domains (EIIAMan- and EIIBGat-like). We demonstrate here that in L.

  18. Impact of deoxynivalenol (DON) contaminated feed on intestinal integrity and immune response in swine

    • Food and Chemical Toxicology
    • Publication date: Available online 17 February 2015
      Food and Chemical Toxicology
      Author(s): Martin Lessard , Christian Savard , Karine Deschene , Karoline Lauzon , Vicente A. Pinilla , Carl A.Gagnon , Jérôme Lapointe , Frédéric Guay , Younès Chorfi

  19. Benzene as a Chemical Hazard in Processed Foods

    • International Journal of Food Science
    • This paper presents a literature review on benzene in foods, including toxicological aspects, occurrence, formation mechanisms, and mitigation measures and analyzes data reporting benzene levels in foods.

  20. Occurrence and estimative of aflatoxin M1 intake in UHT cow milk in Paraná State, Brazil

    • Food Control
    • Publication date: July 2015
      , Volume 53
      Author(s): Milena Veronezi Silva , Vanderly Janeiro , Erika Bando , Miguel Machinski Jr

  21. Bacteriocin-producing Enterococcus faecalis KT2W2G isolated from mangrove forests in southern Thailand: Purification, characterization and safety evaluation

    • Food Control
    • Publication date: August 2015
      , Volume 54
      Author(s): Aran H-Kittikun , Vanessa Biscola , Shady El-Ghaish , Emmanuel Jaffrès , Xavier Dousset , Guillaume Pillot , Thomas Haertlé , Jean-Marc Chobert , Noraphat Hwanhlem

  22. Essential oils as antimicrobials in food systems – A review

    • Food Control
    • Publication date: August 2015
      , Volume 54
      Author(s): Juliany Rivera Calo , Philip G. Crandall , Corliss A. O'Bryan , Steven C. Ricke

  23. Identification of botanical and geographical origin of distillers dried grains with solubles by near infrared microscopy

    • Food Control
    • Publication date: August 2015
      , Volume 54
      Author(s): Noelia Tena , Ana Boix , Christoph von Holst

  24. High Occurrence of Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase-Producing Salmonella in Broiler Carcasses from Poultry Slaughterhouses in South Korea

    • Foodborne Pathogens and Disease
    • Foodborne Pathogens and Disease , Vol. 0, No. 0.

  25. Inhibition of Adhesion of Intestinal Pathogens (Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, Campylobacter jejuni, and Salmonella Typhimurium) by Common Oligosaccharides

    • Foodborne Pathogens and Disease
    • Foodborne Pathogens and Disease , Vol. 0, No. 0.