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Research Publications (Food Safety)

This page tracks research articles published in national and international peer-reviewed journals. Recent articles are available ahead of print and searchable by Journal, Article Title, and Category. Research publications are tracked across six categories: Bacterial Pathogens, Chemical Contaminants, Natural Toxins, Parasites, Produce Safety, and Viruses. Articles produced by USDA Grant Funding Agencies (requires login) and FDA Grant Funding Agencies (requires login) are also tracked in Scopus.

Displaying 27476 - 27500 of 42146

  1. A comparative study on chemical composition of organic versus conventional fresh and frozen tomatoes

    • Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
      • Pesticide residues
      • Chemical contaminants
  2. Decontamination of Microorganisms and Pesticides from Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: A Comprehensive Review from Common Household Processes to Modern Techniques

    • Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety
    • Abstract

      • Listeria monocytogenes
      • Pesticide residues
      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Chemical contaminants
  3. Comparison of Three Modelling Approaches to Predict the Risk of Campylobacteriosis in New Zealand

    • Microbial Risk Analysis
    • Publication date: Available online 3 June 2019

      Source: Microbial Risk Analysis

      Author(s): Ali Al-Sakkaf

      • Campylobacter
      • Bacterial pathogens
  4. Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 318: In Vitro Mutagenic and Genotoxic Assessment of a Mixture of the Cyanotoxins Microcystin-LR and Cylindrospermopsin

    • Toxins
    • Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 318: In Vitro Mutagenic and Genotoxic Assessment of a Mixture of the Cyanotoxins Microcystin-LR and Cylindrospermopsin

      Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins11060318

      Leticia Díez-Quijada
      Ana I. Prieto
      María Puerto
      Ángeles Jos
      Ana M. Cameán

      • Bacterial pathogens
  5. Antimicrobial Resistance and Distribution of Staphylococcus spp. Pulsotypes Isolated from Goat and Sheep Bulk Tank Milk in Southern Spain

    • Foodborne Pathogens and Disease
    • , Ahead of Print.

      • Staphylococcus aureus
      • Bacterial pathogens
  6. Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 315: Mitigating Aflatoxin Contamination in Groundnut through A Combination of Genetic Resistance and Post-Harvest Management Practices

    • Toxins
    • Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 315: Mitigating Aflatoxin Contamination in Groundnut through A Combination of Genetic Resistance and Post-Harvest Management Practices

      Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins11060315

      • Aflatoxins
      • Natural toxins
  7. Genetic characteristics and virulence of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from fresh vegetables in China

    • BMC Microbiology
    • Ready-to-eat (RTE) vegetables have become increasingly popular along with the trend of moving towards a healthy lifestyle. However, RTE vegetables are at a higher risk of containing pathogens, maybe owing to l...

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Listeria monocytogenes
  8. High frequency of toxigenic Clostridium difficile and Clostridium perfringens coinfection among diarrheic patients at health care facility-onset (HCFO) and community-onset (CO) centers in Bogotá, Colombia

    • Gut Pathogens
    • The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of toxigenic C. difficile and C. perfringens infections at health care facility-onset (HCFO) and community-onset (CO), in two health care centers (HCC) in Bogot...

      • Clostridium perfringens
      • Bacterial pathogens
  9. Metataxonomic analysis of the bacterial diversity in table olive dressing components

    • Food Control
    • Available online 31 May 2019

      Author(s): Antonio Benítez-Cabello, Verónica Romero-Gil, Eduardo Medina, Borja Sánchez, Beatriz Calero-Delgado, Joaquín Bautista-Gallego, Rufino Jiménez-Díaz, Francisco Noé Arroyo-López

      • Vibrio
      • Bacterial pathogens
  10. Food quality and safety risk assessment using a novel HMM method based on GRA

    • Food Control
    • Available online 1 June 2019

      Author(s): Yongming Han, Shiying Cui, Zhiqiang Geng, Chong Chu, Kai Chen, Yajie Wang

  11. Glucose oxidase as a control agent against the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea in postharvest strawberry

    • Food Control
    • Available online 1 June 2019

      Author(s): Xiaojing Li, Xinfang Xie, Fuguo Xing, Ling Xu, Jie Zhang, Zhidong Wang

  12. Radio frequency inactivation kinetics of Bacillus cereus spores in red pepper powder with different initial water activity

    • Food Control
    • Available online 1 June 2019

      Author(s): Shunshan Jiao, Hangjin Zhang, Sizhuo Hu, Yanyun Zhao

      • Bacillus cereus
  13. Trends and disparities in urinary BPA concentrations among U.S. emerging adults

    • Environmental Research
    • Publication date: Available online 30 May 2019

      Environmental Research

      Author(s): Irene van Woerden, Meg Bruening, Jessica Montresor-López, Devon C. Payne-Sturges

      • Chemical contaminants
  14. Exposure to arsenic through breast milk from mothers exposed to high levels of arsenic in drinking water: infant risk assessment

    • Food Control
    • Available online 31 May 2019

      Author(s): Fateme Samiee, Mostafa Leili, Javad Faradmal, Zahra Torkshavand, Gholamreza Asadi

      • Heavy Metals
      • Chemical contaminants
  15. Evaluation of methods for elution of HEV particles in naturally contaminated sausage, figatellu and pig liver

    • Food Microbiology
    • Available online 30 May 2019

      Author(s): Catherine Hennechart-Collette, Audrey Fraisse, Laurent Guillier, Sylvie Perelle, Sandra Martin-Latil

  16. Concentration of hepatitis A virus in milk using protamine-coated iron oxide (Fe3O4) magnetic nanoparticles

    • Food Microbiology
    • Available online 30 May 2019

      Author(s): Ruiqin Wu, Xiaohui Xing, Milena Corredig, Baozhong Meng, Mansel W. Griffiths

      • Viruses
      • Hepatitis
  17. Application of digital PCR and next generation sequencing in the etiology investigation of a foodborne disease outbreak caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus

    • Food Microbiology
    • Available online 31 May 2019

      Author(s): Ying Li, Shuang Zhang, Jie Li, Meiling Chen, Mu He, Yuanyuan Wang, Yanchun Zhang, Hongbo Jing, Hongmei Ma, Yindong Li, Lin Zhao, Hongqun Zhao, Biao Kan, Bo Pang

      • Vibrio
      • Bacterial pathogens
  18. Sand as a solid support in ultrasound-assisted MSPD: a simple, green and low-cost method for multiresidue pesticide determination in fruits and vegetables

    • Food Chemistry
    • Available online 31 May 2019

      Author(s): Elisane O. dos Santos, Julia O. Gonzales, Joana C. Ores, Liziane C. Marube, Sergiane S. Caldas, Eliana B. Furlong, Ednei G. Primel

      • Pesticide residues
      • Chemical contaminants
  19. Determination of genotoxic potencies of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in HepaRG cells using the γH2AX assay

    • Food and Chemical Toxicology
    • Publication date: Available online 30 May 2019

      Food and Chemical Toxicology

      Author(s): Jochem Louisse, Deborah Rijkers, Geert Stoopen, Wendy Jansen Holleboom, Mona Delagrange, Elise Molthof, Patrick P.J. Mulder, Ron L.A.P. Hoogenboom, Marc Audebert, Ad A.C.M. Peijnenburg

      • Natural toxins
  20. Bee pollen as a natural antioxidant source to prevent lipid oxidation in black pudding

    • LWT
    • Publication date: August 2019

      Source: LWT, Volume 111

      Author(s): Ofélia Anjos, Rodrigo Fernandes, Susana M. Cardoso, Teresa Delgado, Nelson Farinha, Vanessa Paula, Letícia M. Estevinho, Solange T. Carpes

      • Listeria monocytogenes
      • Bacterial pathogens
  21. Commentary: Advancing completeness and transparency of reporting

    • Journal of Dairy Science
    • Reporting guidelines are increasingly used by journals to remind authors about important criteria needed to evaluate scientific papers. The Reporting Guidelines for Randomized Controlled Trials for Livestock and Food Safety (REFLECT;; O'Connor et al., 2010) was published in 2010 to provide guidance to authors on minimum reporting standards in designed experimental studies using livestock.

  22. Interpretive Summaries, June 2019

    • Journal of Dairy Science
    • Invited review: Completeness of reporting of experiments: REFLECTing on a year of animal trials in the . By Winder et al., page 4759. Reproducibility in science requires comprehensive and accurate reporting of study design, conduct, and analysis. This observational study examined the prevalence of reporting of the 18 objective items in the Reporting Guidelines for Randomized Control Trials in Livestock and Food Safety (REFLECT) in trials published in the in 2017.

  23. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry: Application of New Findings in Analyzing Organochlorine Contaminants in a Candidate Food Reference Material

    • Food Analytical Methods
  24. Front-Face Fluorescence Combined with Second-Order Multiway Classification, Based on Polyphenol and Chlorophyll Compounds, for Virgin Olive Oil Monitoring Under Different Photo- and Thermal-Oxidation Procedures

    • Food Analytical Methods
  25. The application of response surface methodology for development of sensory acceptable, low-salt, shelf-stable frankfurters using high-pressure processing and a mix of organic acids

    • European Food Research and Technology
    • Abstract