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Research Publications (Food Safety)

This page tracks research articles published in national and international peer-reviewed journals. Recent articles are available ahead of print and searchable by Journal, Article Title, and Category. Research publications are tracked across six categories: Bacterial Pathogens, Chemical Contaminants, Natural Toxins, Parasites, Produce Safety, and Viruses. Articles produced by USDA Grant Funding Agencies (requires login) and FDA Grant Funding Agencies (requires login) are also tracked in Scopus.

Displaying 29626 - 29650 of 42135

  1. Effect of Benzalkonium Chloride Adaptation on Sensitivity to Antimicrobial Agents and Tolerance to Environmental Stresses in Listeria monocytogenes

    • Frontiers in Microbiology
    • Tao Yu, Xiaobing Jiang, Yige Zhang, Shengdong Ji, Wujun Gao, Lei Shi

      • Listeria monocytogenes
      • Bacterial pathogens
  2. Mycotoxin co-exposures in infants and young children consuming household- and industrially-processed complementary foods in Nigeria and risk management advice

    • Food Control
    • Available online 27 November 2018

      Author(s): Oluwaseun T. Ojuri, Chibundu N. Ezekiel, Mari K. Eskola, Bojan Šarkanj, Akinola D. Babalola, Michael Sulyok, Jana Hajšlová, Christopher T. Elliott, Rudolf Krska

      • Aflatoxins
      • Mycotoxins
      • Natural toxins
  3. Naked-eyes detection of Shigella flexneri in food samples based on a novel gold nanoparticle-based colorimetric aptasensor

    • Food Control
    • Available online 27 November 2018

      Author(s): Junli Feng, Qing Shen, Jiajia Wu, Zhiyuan Dai, Yi Wang

      • Shigella
      • Bacterial pathogens
  4. A combination process to ensure microbiological safety, extend storage life and reduce anti-nutritional factors in legume sprouts

    • Food Bioscience
    • Publication date: Available online 27 November 2018 Food BioscienceAuthor(s): Sanjeev Kumar, Satyendra GautamAbstractSprouts are consumed worldwide as a highly nutritive food. However, the sprouting process is quite supportive of microbial and pathogenic growth. This makes the sprouts such as mung (Vigna radiata), lucerne (Medicago sativa) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum), potential sources of foodborne infections and intoxications.

      • Staphylococcus aureus
      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Staphylococcus aureus
      • Bacterial pathogens
  5. Antimicrobial Resistance in Fecal Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica from Dairy Calves: A Systematic Review

    • Foodborne Pathogens and Disease
    • , Ahead of Print.

      • Bacterial pathogens
  6. Antibiotic Resistance of Lactobacillus spp. and Streptococcus thermophilus Isolated from Chinese Fermented Milk Products

    • Foodborne Pathogens and Disease
    • , Ahead of Print.

  7. Salmonella Prevalence and Antimicrobial Drug Resistance in Dual-Purpose Cattle Operations in the Eastern Region of Zulia State, Venezuela

    • Foodborne Pathogens and Disease
    • , Ahead of Print.

      • Bacterial pathogens
  8. Wild Boar: A Reservoir of Foodborne Zoonoses

    • Foodborne Pathogens and Disease
    • , Ahead of Print.

  9. Detection and Molecular Characterization of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Bulk Tank Milk of Cows, Sheep, and Goats

    • Foodborne Pathogens and Disease
    • , Ahead of Print.

      • Staphylococcus aureus
      • Bacterial pathogens
  10. Prevalence and Characteristics of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolates in Pigs and Pig Farmers in Korea

    • Foodborne Pathogens and Disease
    • , Ahead of Print.

      • Staphylococcus aureus
      • Bacterial pathogens
  11. Antibody Responses to Salmonella in Pigs from Weaning Up to Marketing and Presence of Salmonella at Slaughter

    • Foodborne Pathogens and Disease
    • , Ahead of Print.

      • Bacterial pathogens
  12. Effects of Bacteriophage P100 at Different Concentrations on the Structural Parameters of Listeria monocytogenes Biofilms

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Journal of Food Protection, Volume 81, Issue 12, Page 2040-2044, December 2018.

      • Listeria monocytogenes
      • Bacterial pathogens
  13. Advancing Retail Food Policy Debates: Estimating the Risk of Contaminated Servings of Food Attributed to Employee Food Handling Practices in Retail Food Establishments

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Journal of Food Protection, Volume 81, Issue 12, Page 2034-2039, December 2018.

  14. Survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella on Bruised and Unbruised Tomatoes from Three Ripeness Stages at Two Temperatures

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Journal of Food Protection, Volume 81, Issue 12, Page 2028-2033, December 2018.

      • Escherichia coli O157:H7
      • Bacterial pathogens
  15. Changes in Transcriptome of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis IP32953 Grown at 3 and 28°C Detected by RNA Sequencing Shed Light on Cold Adaptation

    • Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
    • Jussa-Pekka Virtanen, Riikka Keto-Timonen, Kaisa Jaakkola, Noora Salin, Hannu Korkeala Yersinia pseudotuberculosis is a bacterium that not only survives, but also thrives, proliferates, and remains infective at cold-storage temperatures, making it an adept foodborne pathogen. We analyzed the differences in gene expression between Y. pseudotuberculosis IP32953 grown at 3 and 28°C to investigate which genes were significantly more expressed at low temperature at different phases of growth.

      • Yersinia
      • Bacterial pathogens
  16. In Salmonella enterica, OatA (Formerly YjgM) Uses O-Acetyl-Serine and Acetyl-CoA to Synthesize N,O-Diacetylserine, Which Upregulates Cysteine Biosynthesis

    • Frontiers in Microbiology
    • Chelsey M. VanDrisse, Jorge C. Escalante-Semerena

      • Bacterial pathogens
  17. Mycotoxins in poultry feed and feed ingredients in Nigeria

    • Mycotoxin Research
    • Abstract

      • Aflatoxins
      • Natural toxins
  18. The RNA helicase DDX3X is an essential mediator of innate antimicrobial immunity

    • PLOS Pathogens
    • Daniel Szappanos, Roland Tschismarov, Thomas Perlot, Sandra Westermayer, Katrin Fischer, Ekaterini Platanitis, Fabian Kallinger, Maria Novatchkova, Caroline Lassnig, Mathias Müller, Veronika Sexl, Keiryn L. Bennett, Michelle Foong-Sobis, Josef M. Penninger, Thomas Decker

      • Listeria monocytogenes
      • Bacterial pathogens
  19. Assessing the microbiological safety status of most commonly consumed food items sold at local and branded restaurants of Faisalabad, Pakistan

    • Journal of Food Safety
    • Journal of Food Safety, EarlyView.

  20. Contamination and Prevalence of Histamine in Canned Tuna from Iran: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Health Risk Assessment

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Journal of Food Protection, Volume 81, Issue 12, Page 2019-2027, December 2018.

  21. Similar Levels of Antimicrobial Resistance in U.S. Food Service Ground Beef Products with and without a “Raised without Antibiotics” Claim

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Journal of Food Protection, Volume 81, Issue 12, Page 2007-2018, December 2018.

  22. Thermal Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes in Crab Meat

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Journal of Food Protection, Volume 81, Issue 12, Page 2003-2006, December 2018.

      • Listeria monocytogenes
      • Bacterial pathogens
  23. Application of Concanavalin A–Linked Magnetic Beads for the Detection of Hepatitis A Virus

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Journal of Food Protection, Volume 81, Issue 12, Page 1997-2002, December 2018.

      • Hepatitis
      • Viruses
  24. Decrease of microbial community diversity, biogenic amines formation, and lipid oxidation by phloretin in Atlantic salmon fillets

    • LWT
    • Publication date: March 2019

      Source: LWT, Volume 101

      Author(s): Jing Wang, Jie Fang, Lina Wei, Ying Zhang, Hong Deng, Yurong Guo, Chingyuan Hu, Yonghong Meng

      • Listeria monocytogenes
      • Staphylococcus aureus
      • Bacterial pathogens
  25. Components and antibacterial activity of a novel essential oil from the nutrient broth of Eremothecium ashbyii H4565

    • LWT
    • Publication date: March 2019

      Source: LWT, Volume 101

      Author(s): Feng He, Ke Li, Xiaohong Zhang, Ying Yang, Yuanping Fang, Fu Xiang

      • Bacillus cereus
      • Listeria monocytogenes
      • Staphylococcus aureus
      • Bacterial pathogens