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Research Publications (Food Safety)

This page tracks research articles published in national and international peer-reviewed journals. Recent articles are available ahead of print and searchable by Journal, Article Title, and Category. Research publications are tracked across six categories: Bacterial Pathogens, Chemical Contaminants, Natural Toxins, Parasites, Produce Safety, and Viruses. Articles produced by USDA Grant Funding Agencies (requires login) and FDA Grant Funding Agencies (requires login) are also tracked in Scopus.

Displaying 30251 - 30275 of 42135

  1. Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Genotypes of Toxoplasma gondii in Food Animals and Humans (2000–2017) From China

    • Frontiers in Microbiology
    • Hui Dong, Ruijing Su, Yaoyao Lu, Mengyao Wang, Jing Liu, Fuchun Jian, Yurong Yang

      • Toxoplasma gondii
      • Parasites
  2. The role of media reporting in food safety governance in China: a dairy case study

    • Food Control
    • Available online 10 September 2018

      Author(s): Xinyi Zhu, Iona Yuelu Huang, Louise Manning

  3. Hepatitis A Virus, Hepatitis E Virus, and Rotavirus in Foods of Animal Origin Traded at the Borders of Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay

    • Food and Environmental Virology
    • Abstract

      • Hepatitis
      • Viruses
  4. Alternative food matrices for snack formulations in terms of acrylamide formation and mitigation

    • Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
    • Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, Volume 0, Issue ja, -Not available-.

      • Chemical contaminants
  5. Electrical field-induced contractions on Crotalus durissus terrificus and Bothrops jararaca aortae are caused by endothelium-derived catecholamine

    • PLOS ONE
    • Rafael Campos, Alberto Fernando Oliveira Justo, Fabíola Z. Mónica, José Carlos Cogo, Ronilson Agnaldo Moreno, Valéria Barbosa de Souza, Andre Almeida Schenka, Gilberto De Nucci

      • Natural toxins
  6. Genotoxic, metabolic, and oxidative stresses regulate the RNA repair operon of Salmonella

    • Journal of Bacteriology
    • The 54 regulon in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium includes a predicted RNA repair operon, encoding homologs of the metazoan Ro60 protein (Rsr), Y RNAs (YrlBA), RNA ligase (RtcB), and RNA 3'-phosphate cyclase (RtcA). Transcription from 54-dependent promoters requires that a cognate bacterial enhancer binding protein (bEBP) be activated by a specific environmental or cellular signal; the cognate bEBP for the 54-dependent promoter of the rsr-yrlBA-rtcBA operon is RtcR.

      • Salmonella
      • Bacterial pathogens
  7. Assessment of mycotoxins co‐occurrence in Italian dried figs and in dried figs‐based products

    • Journal of Food Safety
    • Journal of Food Safety, EarlyView.

  8. Prevalence and Molecular Characteristics of Clostridium difficile in Retail Meats, Food-Producing and Companion Animals, and Humans in Minnesota

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Journal of Food Protection, Volume 81, Issue 10, Page 1635-1642, October 2018.

      • Bacterial pathogens
  9. Estimation of the Withdrawal Time of Levamisole in Eggs after Oral Administration to Laying Hens

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Journal of Food Protection, Volume 81, Issue 10, Page 1627-1634, October 2018.

  10. Highly Prevalent Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella From Chicken and Pork Meat at Retail Markets in Guangdong, China

    • Frontiers in Microbiology
    • Lina Zhang, Ying Fu, Zhiying Xiong, Yeben Ma, Yihuan Wei, Xiaoyun Qu, Hongxia Zhang, Jianmin Zhang, Ming Liao

      • Bacterial pathogens
  11. A Requirement for Global Transcription Factor Lrp in Licensing Replication of Vibrio cholerae Chromosome 2

    • Frontiers in Microbiology
    • Peter N. Ciaccia, Revathy Ramachandran, Dhruba K. Chattoraj

      • Vibrio
      • Bacterial pathogens
  12. Toxins, Vol. 10, Pages 366: Correction: Ameliorative Effects of Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract on Growth Performance, Immune Function, Antioxidant Capacity, Biochemical Constituents, Liver Histopathology and Aflatoxin Residues in Broilers Exposed...

    • Toxins
    • Toxins, Vol. 10, Pages 366: Correction: Ameliorative Effects of Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract on Growth Performance, Immune Function, Antioxidant Capacity, Biochemical Constituents, Liver Histopathology and Aflatoxin Residues in Broilers Exposed to Aflatoxin B1. Toxins 2017, 9, 371

      Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins10090366

      • Aflatoxins
      • Natural toxins
  13. [ASAP] Magnetic Separation-Based Multiple SELEX for Effectively Selecting Aptamers against Saxitoxin, Domoic Acid, and Tetrodotoxin

    • Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
    • In this study, a novel magnetic separation-based multiple systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) was applied to select aptamers simultaneously against three kinds of marine biotoxins, including domoic acid (DA), saxitoxin (STX), and tetrodotoxin (TTX). Magnetic reduced graphene oxide (MRGO) was prepared to adsorb unbound ssDNAs and simplify the separation step.

      • Shellfish toxins
      • Natural toxins
  14. The transducer-like protein Tlp12 of Campylobacter jejuni is involved in glutamate and pyruvate chemotaxis

    • BMC Microbiology
    • Campylobacter jejuni is one of the most common bacterial causes of food-borne enteritis worldwide. Chemotaxis in C. jejuni is known to be critical for the successful colonization of the host and key for the adapt...

      • Campylobacter
      • Bacterial pathogens
  15. Protective effects of Devosia sp. ANSB714 on growth performance, immunity function, antioxidant capacity and tissue residues in growing-finishing pigs fed with deoxynivalenol contaminated diets

    • Food and Chemical Toxicology
    • Publication date: Available online 8 September 2018

      Food and Chemical Toxicology

      Author(s): Xiaoying Li, Yongpeng Guo, Lihong Zhao, Yu Fan, Cheng Ji, Jianyun Zhang, Qiugang Ma

  16. Suitability of chlorine dioxide as a tertiary treatment for municipal wastewater and use of reclaimed water for overhead irrigation of baby lettuce

    • Food Control
    • Available online 7 September 2018

      Author(s): Luana Tombini Decol, Francisco López-Gálvez, Pilar Truchado, Eduardo César Tondo, Maria I. Gil, Ana Allende

      • Bacterial pathogens
  17. Pre-harvest management is a critical practice for minimizing aflatoxin contamination of maize

    • Food Control
    • Available online 8 September 2018

      Author(s): George Mahuku, Henry Sila Nzioki, Charity Mutegi, Fred Kanampiu, Clare Narrod, Dan Makumbi

      • Aflatoxins
      • Natural toxins
  18. The Characterization of Biofilm Formation and Detection of Biofilm-Related Genes in Salmonella Isolated from Beef Processing Plants

    • Foodborne Pathogens and Disease
    • , Ahead of Print.

      • Bacterial pathogens
  19. EU and US control measures on Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. in certain ready-to-eat meat products: an equivalence study.

    • Food Control
    • Available online 7 September 2018

      Author(s): Diana Neri, Salvatore Antoci, Luigi Iannetti, Anna Beatrice Ciorba, Roberta D’Aurelio, Ilaria Del Matto, Meri Di Leonardo, Armando Giovannini, Vincenza Annunziata Prencipe, Francesco Pomilio, Gino Angelo Santarelli, Giacomo Migliorati

      • Listeria monocytogenes
      • Salmonella
      • Bacterial pathogens
  20. Antibacterial effects of Schisandra chinensis extract on Staphylococcus aureus and its application in food

    • Journal of Food Safety
    • Journal of Food Safety, EarlyView.

      • Staphylococcus aureus
      • Bacterial pathogens
  21. RFLP analysis of flagellin (Fla) gene of Campylobacter jejuni from ovines of Kashmir, India

    • Journal of Food Safety
    • Journal of Food Safety, EarlyView.

      • Campylobacter
      • Bacterial pathogens
  22. Food safety knowledge, attitude, and food handling practices of household women in Lahore

    • Journal of Food Safety
    • Journal of Food Safety, EarlyView.

  23. Production of safer food by understanding risk factors for L. monocytogenes occurrence and persistence in food processing environments

    • Journal of Food Safety
    • Journal of Food Safety, EarlyView.

      • Listeria monocytogenes
      • Bacterial pathogens
  24. Determination of quality parameters of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) fillets coated with electrospun nanofibers

    • Journal of Food Safety
    • Journal of Food Safety, EarlyView.

  25. Serosurveillance of First-Year Military Personnel for Hepatitis A and B

    • American Journal of Public Health
    • The US military utilizes a number of vaccines as strategic medical countermeasures, mandating immunizations in personnel against common infectious diseases, as well as special immunizations against rare and weaponized agents.1 Important among the former are the vaccines against hepatitis A and B, which the military requires of all military accessions into service.

      • Hepatitis
      • Viruses