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Research Publications (Food Safety)

This page tracks research articles published in national and international peer-reviewed journals. Recent articles are available ahead of print and searchable by Journal, Article Title, and Category. Research publications are tracked across six categories: Bacterial Pathogens, Chemical Contaminants, Natural Toxins, Parasites, Produce Safety, and Viruses. Articles produced by USDA Grant Funding Agencies (requires login) and FDA Grant Funding Agencies (requires login) are also tracked in Scopus.

Displaying 23976 - 24000 of 42162

  1. Heavy Metal Pollution in the Ganga River Enhances Carbon Storage Relative to Flux

    • Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
    • This study evaluated the relationships between metal pollution and carbon production at six sites along a 285 km length of the Ganga River. Metal contaminated sites did show a significant reduction in microbial biomass, substrate induced respiration, fluorescein diacetate hydrolytic assay (FDAase) and β-d-glucosidase.

  2. The First Detection of Human Bocavirus Species 2 and 3 in Raw Sewage and Mussels in South Africa

    • Food and Environmental Virology
    • Human bocavirus (HBoV) has a global distribution and is associated with respiratory and enteric infections, particularly in the paediatric population. In this study, raw sewage and mussel samples were analysed for the presence of HBoV using nested PCR with primers targeting the VP1/VP2 junction. Amplification and sequencing of the 382 bp region followed by phylogenetic analysis indicated the presence of HBoV 2 in mussel samples and HBoV 3 in sewage samples.

  3. Prevention of Fusarium head blight infection and mycotoxins in wheat with cut-and-carry biofumigation and botanicals

    • Field Crops Research
    • Author(s): Dimitrios Drakopoulos, Andreas Kägi, Alejandro Gimeno, Johan Six, Eveline Jenny, Hans-Rudolf Forrer, Tomke Musa, Giuseppe Meca, Susanne Vogelgsang

      • Natural toxins
      • Mycotoxins
  4. Evaluation of the Unyvero i60 ITI® multiplex PCR for infected chronic leg ulcers diagnosis

    • Journal of Microbiological Methods
    • Author(s): Sophie Reissier, Isabelle Lazareth, Louise Adjiman, Carine Couzigou, Barbara Vidal, Assaf Mizrahi, Jean Claude Nguyen Van, Benoît Pilmis, Alban Le Monnier, Julie Lourtet-Hascoët


      Unyvero i60 ITI multiplex PCR (mPCR) may identify a large panel of bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes. In this study, we compared results obtained by mPCR to standard bacteriology in chronic leg ulcer (CLU) infections.

      • Staphylococcus aureus
      • Bacterial pathogens
  5. Biodegradation of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by the thermophilic bioemulsifier-producing Aeribacillus pallidus strain SL-1

    • Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
    • Author(s): Weiyi Tao, Junzhang Lin, Weidong Wang, He Huang, Shuang Li

      • Chemical contaminants
  6. Fabrication, characterization and practical efficacy of Myristica fragrans essential oil nanoemulsion delivery system against postharvest biodeterioration

    • Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
    • Author(s): Somenath Das, Vipin Kumar Singh, Abhishek Kumar Dwivedy, Anand Kumar Chaudhari, Neha Upadhyay, Akanksha Singh, Deepika, Nawal Kishore Dubey

      • Chemical contaminants
      • Natural toxins
      • Pesticide residues
      • Aflatoxins
  7. Ammonium nutrition mitigates cadmium toxicity in rice (Oryza sativa L.) through improving antioxidase system and the glutathione-ascorbate cycle efficiency

    • Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
    • Author(s): Zhichao Wu, Qi Jiang, Tao Yan, Xin Zhang, Shoujun Xu, Hanzhi Shi, Teng-hao-bo Deng, Furong Li, Yingqiong Du, Ruiying Du, Chengxiao Hu, Xu Wang, Fuhua Wang

      • Chemical contaminants
      • Heavy Metals
  8. Detection of bacteria in bovine ovarian follicular fluid

    • Letters in Applied Microbiology
    • The aim of the present study was to examine the sterility of follicular fluid in large ovarian follicles in dairy cows. Seventeen samples of paired follicular fluids and uterine contents collected from post‐slaughtered dairy cows were cultured to detect aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria. Further, the origin of the bacterial isolates from samples of follicular fluid and the uteri was also investigated using PFGE analysis.

      • Staphylococcus aureus
      • Bacterial pathogens
  9. Isolation and comparative genomics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from cattle and their attendants in South India

    • Scientific Reports
    • The major human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis is rarely reported to cause disease in other animals. Cases in livestock are thought to occur through contact with infected handlers, but previous studies evaluating putative livestock-human transmission used typing techniques with limited resolution.

      • Bacterial pathogens
  10. Molecular characterization and expressional modulation of IRAK1 as downstream signaling adaptor molecule of TLR-signaling pathways in Labeo rohita following PAMPs stimulation and bacterial infections

    • Fish & Shellfish Immunology
    • Author(s): Sushmita Sadangi, Arpita Mohanty, Mahismita Paichha, Suchismita Gouda, Ashis Saha, Surajit Das, Mrinal Samanta

      • Bacterial pathogens
  11. Effects of heat stress on animal physiology, metabolism, and meat quality: A review

    • Meat Science
    • Author(s): Paula A. Gonzalez-Rivas, Surinder S. Chauhan, Minh Ha, Narelle Fegan, Frank R. Dunshea, Robyn D. Warner

  12. Simultaneous determination of twelve paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins in bivalve molluscs by UPLC-MS/MS and its applications to a food poisoning incident

    • Toxicon
    • Author(s): Hong-Nan Huang, Jia-Li Lu, Shou-Er Lin, Ren-Jin Zheng, Jie Lin

      • Shellfish toxins
  13. The 2017 fipronil egg contamination incident: The case of Greece

    • Journal of Food Safety
    • Graphical overview of the monitoring and risk assessment of fipronil in eggs. Abstract In 2017, an outbreak regarding the release to the market of contaminated eggs with fipronil, alerted all EU authorities as to monitor and take relevant measures. In Greece, a total of 40 samples of poultry fat and eggs taken from the primary production (poultry farms) were analyzed, as to investigate the occurrence of fipronil residues.

  14. Next generation sequencing reveals significant variations in bacterial compositions across the gastrointestinal tracts of the Indian major carps, rohu (Labeo rohita), catla (Catla catla) and mrigal (Cirrhinus cirrhosis)

    • Letters in Applied Microbiology
    • Bacterial communities strongly influence the digestion, health and immune status of fish. This study investigates the microbial distribution of the anterior, middle and distal gut sections of three economically‐important carp species in Bangladesh, rohu, catla and mrigal (commonly known as Indian major carps), using 16S rRNA‐based Illumina sequencing technology.

      • Bacterial pathogens
  15. Multidrug-Resistant and Clinically Relevant Gram-Negative Bacteria Are Present in German Surface Waters

    • Frontiers in Microbiology
    • Water is considered to play a role in the dissemination of antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative bacteria including those encoding Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) and carbapenemases. To investigate the role of water for their spread in more detail, we characterized ESBL/Carbapenemase-producing bacteria from surface water and sediment samples using phenotypic and genotypic approaches. ESBL/Carbapenemase-producing isolates were obtained from water/sediment samples.

      • Bacterial pathogens
  16. Strong Seasonality in Arctic Estuarine Microbial Food Webs

    • Frontiers in Microbiology
    • Microbial communities in the coastal Arctic Ocean experience extreme variability in organic matter and inorganic nutrients driven by seasonal shifts in sea ice extent and freshwater inputs. Lagoons border more than half of the Beaufort Sea coast and provide important habitats for migratory fish and seabirds; yet, little is known about the planktonic food webs supporting these higher trophic levels.

      • Shellfish toxins
  17. Effects of stachyose on intestinal microbiota and immunity in mice infected with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli

    • Journal of Functional Foods
    • Author(s): Menglu Xi, Qi Yao, Wupeng Ge, Ying Chen, Binyun Cao, Zhongfu Wang, Xiuxiu Cui, Qiwu Sun

      • Bacterial pathogens
  18. Assessing the microbiological quality of raw goats’ and ewes’ tank milk samples in Switzerland

    • International Dairy Journal
    • Author(s): Brian Friker, Marina Morach, Sabrina Püntener, Nicole Cernela, Jule Horlbog, Roger Stephan


      In recent years, popularity of raw milk has increased in many industrialised countries.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Salmonella
      • Staphylococcus aureus
  19. Effect of temperature on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus in ready-to-eat cooked rice with pork floss

    • Food Microbiology
    • Author(s): Kuan-Hung Lu, Yi-Jyun Sheen, Tsui-Ping Huang, Shu-Hui Kao, Chun-Lung Cheng, Cheng-An Hwang, Shiowshuh Sheen, Lihan Huang, Lee-Yan Sheen

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Staphylococcus aureus
  20. Detection of subtypes (3a, 4a and 4d) and high prevalence of Hepatitis E virus in Korean wild boar

    • Veterinary Microbiology
    • Author(s): SeEun Choe, Sok Song, Gyu-Nam Park, Jihye Shin, Ki-Sun Kim, Ra MiCha, Bang-Hun Hyun, Bong-Kyun Park, Dong-Jun An

      • Hepatitis
      • Viruses
  21. Efficacy of bacteriophage and organic acids in decreasing STEC O157:H7 populations in beef kept under vacuum and aerobic conditions: A simulated High Event Period scenario

    • Meat Science
    • Author(s): E.L. Shebs, M.J. Lukov, F.M. Giotto, E.S. Torres, A.S. de Mello

      • Bacterial pathogens
  22. Prevalence, virulence, antimicrobial resistance, and molecular characterization of fluoroquinolone resistance of Vibrio parahaemolyticus from different types of food samples in China

    • International Journal of Food Microbiology
    • Author(s): Tao Lei, Fufeng Jiang, Min He, Jumei Zhang, Haiyan Zeng, Moutong Chen, Rui Pang, Shi Wu, Lei Wei, Juan Wang, Yu Ding, Qingping Wu

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Vibrio
  23. Comparative evaluation of loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) vs qPCR for detection of Toxoplasma gondii oocysts DNA in mussels.

    • Experimental Parasitology
    • Author(s): Loïc Durand, Stéphanie La Carbona, Alain Geffard, Alessia Possenti, Jitender P. Dubey, Marco Lalle

      • Toxoplasma gondii
      • Parasites
  24. Dual Mode of the Saponin Aescin in Plant Protection: Antifungal Agent and Plant Defense Elicitor

    • Frontiers in Plant Science
    • Being natural plant antimicrobials, saponins have potential for use as biopesticides. Nevertheless, their activity in plant–pathogen interaction is poorly understood. We performed a comparative study of saponins' antifungal activities on important crop pathogens based on their effective dose (EC50) values. Among those saponins tested, aescin showed itself to be the strongest antifungal agent.

      • Pesticide residues
      • Chemical contaminants
  25. Antimicrobial Efficacy of Indolicidin Against Multi-Drug Resistant Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli in a Galleria mellonella Model

    • Frontiers in Microbiology
    • Antimicrobial resistance against enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC), an emerging food-borne pathogen, has been observed in an increasing trend recently. In the recent wake of antimicrobial resistance, alternate strategies especially, cationic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have attracted considerable attention to source antimicrobial technology solutions.

      • Bacterial pathogens