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Research Publications (Food Safety)

This page tracks research articles published in national and international peer-reviewed journals. Recent articles are available ahead of print and searchable by Journal, Article Title, and Category. Research publications are tracked across six categories: Bacterial Pathogens, Chemical Contaminants, Natural Toxins, Parasites, Produce Safety, and Viruses. Articles produced by USDA Grant Funding Agencies (requires login) and FDA Grant Funding Agencies (requires login) are also tracked in Scopus.

Displaying 101 - 125 of 479

  1. Thermal death kinetics of Salmonella Enteritidis PT30 in peanut butter as influenced by water activity

    • Food Research International
    • It has been a challenge in developing effective thermal pasteurization processes for foods with high-fat and low-moisture contents like peanut butter, due to a general lack of reliable data on thermal resistance of pathogens in those food matrices.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Salmonella
  2. Conjugative transfer of mcr-1-bearing plasmid from Salmonella to Escherichia coli in vitro on chicken meat and in mouse gut

    • Food Research International
    • Since mcr-1 was first discovered in 2015, this gene has shown excellent transmission ability and evolutionary characteristics worldwide, leading to major public health and food safety concerns.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Salmonella
  3. Integrated metabolomics and transcriptomics reveal the adaptive responses of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium to thyme and cinnamon oils

    • Food Research International
    • Essential oils (EOs), such as thyme (Thy) and cinnamon (Cin) oils, present promising antibacterial properties against foodborne pathogens (e.g., Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium). However, the food matrix might result in sublethal EO stress, and little information about direct and/or cross-resistance development after sublethal EO exposure is available.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Salmonella
  4. Didecyldimethylammonium bromide: application to control biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa alone and in combination with slightly acidic electrolyzed water

    • Food Research International
    • This project explored the antibacterial mechanism of didecyldimethylammonium bromide (DDAB) toward Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and its removal effect on biofilms. Furthermore, we explored the effect of treatment by DDAB combined with slightly acidic electrolyzed water (SAEW) on biofilms of S. aureus or P. aeruginosa. First, DDAB has bacteriostatic and biofilm removal effects.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Staphylococcus aureus
  5. Use of a silver-based sanitizer to accelerate Escherichia coli die-off on fresh-cut lettuce and maintain produce quality during cold storage: Laboratory and pilot-plant scale tests

    • Food Research International
    • Outbreaks involving romaine and iceberg lettuce are frequently reported in the United States. Novel technologies are needed to inactivate pathogens without compromising product quality and shelf life. In this study, the effects of a process aid composed of silver dihydrogen citrate, glycerin, and lactic acid (SGL) on Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes concentrations on lettuce immediately after washing and during cold storage were evaluated.

      • Produce Safety
      • Fresh Cut
  6. Serum and urine metabolomics analysis reveals the role of altered metabolites in patulin-induced nephrotoxicity

    • Food Research International
    • Various studies have identified the kidney as a target organ for patulin (PAT)-induced toxicity. However, detailed mechanistic insights into PAT-induced nephrotoxicity had not yet been done.

      • Natural toxins
      • Mycotoxins
  7. Antibiofilm efficacy of Leuconostoc mesenteroides J.27-derived postbiotic and food-grade essential oils against Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli alone and in combination, and their a

    • Food Research International
    • Foodborne pathogen-mediated biofilms in food processing environments are severe threats to human lives. In the interest of human and environmental safety, natural substances with antimicrobial properties and generally regarded as safe (GRAS) status are the futuristic disinfectants of the food industry. In this study, the efficacy of bioactive, soluble products (metabolic by-products) from lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and plant-derived essential oils (EO) were investigated as biocidal agents.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Vibrio
  8. Studying the effect of oxygen availability and matrix structure on population density and inter-strain interactions of Listeria monocytogenes in different dairy model systems

    • Food Research International
    • Due to the ubiquitous character of Listeria monocytogenes, multiple strains of the pathogen may end up co-existing in/on the same final products and could potentially cause infection during consumption. Such multiple strain contamination may occur in different stages of the food supply chain. The present study evaluated the effect of oxygen availability and matrix structure on inter-strain interactions of L.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Listeria monocytogenes
  9. Machine learning approach for predicting single cell lag time of Salmonella Enteritidis after heat and chlorine treatment

    • Food Research International
    • The importance of single-cell variability is increasingly prominent with the developments in foodborne pathogens modeling. Traditional predictive microbiology model cannot accurately describe the growth behavior of small numbers of cells due to individual cell heterogeneity. The objective of the present study was to develop predictive models for single cell lag times of Salmonella Enteritidis after heat and chlorine treatment.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Salmonella
  10. Photodynamic inactivation of Staphylococcus aureus in the system of titanium dioxide nanoparticles sensitized by hypocrellin B and its application in food preservation

    • Food Research International
    • Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is a foodborne pathogen that endangers human health worldwide. Antimicrobial photodynamic inactivation (aPDI), mediated by titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2NP), was recently used to control the growth of S. aureus, however, UV illumination had to be offered to initiate the photodynamic reaction.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Staphylococcus aureus
  11. Modeling the effect of protein and fat on the thermal resistance of Salmonella enterica Enteritidis PT 30 in egg powders

    • Food Research International
    • Microorganisms in low-moisture foods (LMFs) exhibit prolonged survivability and high heat resistance. Various external factors (water, food texture, nutritional compounds, etc.) influence the microbial heat resistance in LMFs; yet, the influential degree of each factor is not fully understood. In this study, the thermal resistance parameters (D and z values) of Salmonella enterica Enteritidis PT 30 (S.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Salmonella
  12. Factors affecting the thermal resistance of Salmonella Typhimurium in tahini

    • Food Research International
    • Salmonella enterica is a leading human pathogen responsible for foodborne outbreaks worldwide. In the last decade, foods with low water activity (aw) and high-fat content have been involved in an increased occurrence of foodborne outbreaks. This research focuses on the foodstuff tahini, which is often linked to Salmonella infection outbreaks and recalls.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Salmonella
  13. Characterization and comparison of the bacterial community on environmental surfaces through a fresh-cut vegetables processing line in China

    • Food Research International
    • Zoning is typically adopted by food manufacturers and classified into three different zones including Zone 1 (food contact surface), Zone 2 (proximity to food and food contact surfaces) and Zone 3 (remote surfaces from processing). In this study, environmental surfaces belonging to these three Zones were sampled during food processing in a FVs processing facility located in Beijing, China.

      • Produce Safety
      • Fresh Cut
  14. Whole-genome sequencing analysis reveals pig as the main reservoir for persistent evolution of Salmonella enterica serovar Rissen causing human salmonellosis

    • Food Research International
    • Salmonella enterica serovar Rissen is recognized as one of the most common serotypes in pigs and pig products in many countries and can be transmitted to human through the consumption of contaminated food. To reveal the genetic characteristics of S. Rissen, 39 isolates from human and animal food were subjected to whole-genome sequencing analysis combined with 337 genome sequences downloaded from the NCBI Assembly database.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Salmonella
  15. Rice grain arsenic and nutritional content during post harvesting to cooking: a review on arsenic bioavailability and bioaccessibility in humans

    • Food Research International
    • Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is considered as the staple food for 50% of the world's population. Humans are exposed to arsenic (As) through rice consumption, which is a global health issue that requires attention. The present review reflects the scenario of rice grown in As endemic regions of Asia that has a significant portion of inorganic As (iAs) compared to other rice grown areas around the world.

      • Chemical contaminants
      • Heavy Metals
  16. Efficacy of 405-nm LED illumination and citral used alone and in combination for the inactivation of Cronobacter sakazakii in reconstituted powdered infant formula

    • Food Research International
    • Cronobacter sakazakii, a foodborne opportunistic pathogen, mainly affects neonates and infants, with mortality rates of 26.9%. Most outbreaks arise from powdered infant formula (PIF). The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy and mechanism of 405-nm light-emitting diode (LED) and citral treatment used in combination against C. sakazakii in reconstituted PIF.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Cronobacter
  17. Antibacterial mechanism of sucrose laurate against Bacillus cereus by attacking multiple targets and its application in milk beverage

    • Food Research International
    • Sucrose laurate (SL) is a promising dual-functional additive due to its emulsification and antibacterial activity. However, the knowledge on the antibacterial action of SL against Bacillus cereus was lacking, and thus it was investigated from multiple targets. The antibacterial results demonstrated that the minimum inhibitory concentration of SL was 0.3125 mg/mL, and the time-killing curve confirmed the strong antibacterial activity of SL.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Bacillus cereus
  18. Effective UV wavelength range for increasing aflatoxins reduction and decreasing oil deterioration in contaminated peanuts

    • Food Research International
    • Many studies have demonstrated that UV radiation can degrade aflatoxins (AF) in contaminated foods. However, the effective wavelength ranges for AF decomposition and their impacts on the quality of foods have not been elucidated. This study investigated the AF reduction and oil quality change in peanuts subjected to three types of 17 W low-pressure (LP) UV lamps covering UV-A (Max. emission: 365 nm), UV-B (Max. emission: 310 nm), and UV-C (Max.

      • Natural toxins
      • Aflatoxins
      • Mycotoxins
  19. Low-shear modeled microgravity affects metabolic networks of Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933: further insights into space-microbiology consequences

    • Food Research International
    • Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933 exposed to low-shear modeled microgravity (LSMMG) and normal gravity (NG) was used for a transcriptomic analysis. The modified Gompertz model (R2 = 0.81-0.99) showed an increased growth rate of E. coli O157:H7 under LSMMG. The mechanism of this active growth was associated with highly upregulated genes in nutrient and energy metabolism, including the TCA cycle, glycolysis, and pyruvate metabolism.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
  20. An integrated kinetic and polymer science approach to investigate the textural stability of red kidney beans during post-harvest storage and subsequent cooking

    • Food Research International
    • Evaluation of food quality and stability during storage and processing necessitates understanding the kinetics of food functional property changes and the underlying reactions. In this study, textural stability of beans during storage and subsequent cooking was evaluated through an integrated kinetic approach.

      • Produce Safety
      • Post Harvest
  21. Casein-derived peptides from the dairy product kashk exhibit wound healing properties and antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus: structural and functional characterization

    • Food Research International
    • Kashk is a fermented dairy product typical of the Middle East, traditionally produced with sour milk and/or dairy waste. The kashk water-soluble peptide fraction was characterized at the molecular level by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry and its antibacterial and skin healing activity was evaluated. Antibacterial assays showed a significant antibacterial activity against clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus (S.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Staphylococcus aureus
  22. Growth and No-Growth boundary of Listeria monocytogenes in beef – A logistic modeling

    • Food Research International
      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Listeria monocytogenes
  23. Comparative genomics and antibiotic resistance of Yersinia enterocolitica obtained from a pork production chain and human clinical cases in Brazil

    • Food Research International
      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Yersinia
  24. Biofilm formation and resistance to sanitizers by Salmonella spp. Isolated from the peanut supply chain

    • Food Research International
    • Pathogens such as Salmonella can be difficult to control in low-moisture food (LMF) processing plants and because of this its presence especially in biofilm mode should be prevented in such an environment. This study evaluated the capacity of Salmonella strains isolated from the peanut supply chain (S. Muenster, S. Miami, S. Glostrup, S. Javiana, S. Oranienburg and S.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Salmonella
  25. Alginate oligosaccharides protect against fumonisin B1-induced intestinal damage via promoting gut microbiota homeostasis

    • Food Research International
      • Natural toxins
      • Mycotoxins