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Research Publications (Food Safety)

This page tracks research articles published in national and international peer-reviewed journals. Recent articles are available ahead of print and searchable by Journal, Article Title, and Category. Research publications are tracked across six categories: Bacterial Pathogens, Chemical Contaminants, Natural Toxins, Parasites, Produce Safety, and Viruses. Articles produced by USDA Grant Funding Agencies (requires login) and FDA Grant Funding Agencies (requires login) are also tracked in Scopus.

Displaying 1 - 25 of 1778

  1. Evaluation of methods for identifying poultry wing rinses with Salmonella concentrations greater than or equal to 10 CFU/mL

    • Journal of Food Protection
      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Salmonella
  2. Droplet digital PCR for precise quantification of human norovirus in shellfish associated with gastroenteritis illness

    • Journal of Food Protection
      • Viruses
      • Norovirus
  3. An Outbreak Investigation of Salmonella Weltevreden Illnesses in the United States Linked to Frozen Precooked Shrimp Imported from India – 2021

    • Journal of Food Protection
      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Salmonella
  4. Effect of Nitrite-Embedded Packaging Film on Growth of Listeria monocytogenes in Nitrite-free and Conventionally-Cured Bologna Sausage

    • Journal of Food Protection
      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Listeria monocytogenes
  5. Sanitizer resistance and persistence of Listeria monocytogenes isolates in tree fruit packing facilities

    • Journal of Food Protection
      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Listeria monocytogenes
  6. Salmonella Biomapping of a Commercial Broiler Hatchery

    • Journal of Food Protection
      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Salmonella
  7. Antibacterial mechanism of garviecin LG34 against S. aureus and L. monocytogenes and its application in milk preservation

    • Journal of Food Protection
      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Listeria monocytogenes
      • Staphylococcus aureus
  8. Lettuce Genotype-Dependent Effects of Temperature on Escherichia coli O157:H7 Persistence and Plant Head Growth

    • Journal of Food Protection
      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
  9. Fitness Differences between Listeria monocytogenes Serotypes 1/2a, 4b, and 4bv-1 in Competition for Growth on Lettuce Leaf Sections

    • Journal of Food Protection
      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Listeria monocytogenes
  10. Effect of bacterial endophytes isolated from tropical fruits against Listeria monocytogenes and Cronobacter sakazakii in model food products

    • Journal of Food Protection
      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Cronobacter
      • Listeria monocytogenes
  11. An approach to describe Salmonella serotypes of concern for outbreaks: Using burden and trajectory of outbreak-related illnesses associated with meat and poultry

    • Journal of Food Protection
      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Salmonella
  12. Salmonella prevalence in raw cocoa beans and a microbiological risk assessment to evaluate the impact of cocoa liquor processing on the reduction of Salmonella

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Salmonella in raw cocoa beans (n= 870) from main sourcing areas over nine months was analyzed. It was detected in 71 (ca. 8.2%) samples, with a contamination level of 0.3-46 MPN/g except for one sample (4.1×104 CFU/g).

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Salmonella
  13. High-resolution serotyping reveals Salmonella surveillance challenges in the turkey industry

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Despite extensive Salmonella controls used at processing, 5.5% of salmonellosis cases are linked to turkey. This study had two objectives: i) to summarize USDA-FSIS turkey Salmonella verification program data and ii) to evaluate Salmonella through turkey production and processing of 22 flocks.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Salmonella
  14. Inhibition of Clostridium perfringens and Bacillus cereus by dry vinegar and cultured sugar vinegar during extended cooling of uncured beef and poultry products

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • The 2021 FSIS Stabilization Guidelines for Meat and Poultry Products (Appendix B) Option 1.2 limits Phase 1 cooling from 48.8-26.7°C in uncured meats to 1 hour. However, this time restriction is impractical to achieve in large diameter whole muscle products.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Bacillus cereus
      • Clostridium perfringens
  15. An Experimental Infection Model in Sheep and Goats to Evaluate Salmonella Colonization in Deep Tissue Lymph Nodes and after Carcass Vascular Rinsing with Bacteriophages in Goats

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • An animal infection model was evaluated on sheep and goats to confirm which species infected with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis C StR (SE13) would provide a consistent and high frequency of Salmonella colonization in lymph nodes (LNs) without causing undue animal morbidity. Sheep and goats (n=5) were intradermally inoculated with Salmonella, post-incubated for 7 days, and euthanized.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Salmonella
  16. Behavior of Salmonella during preparation of a fermented cashew cheese analog

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Between 2013 and 2021 there were three reported salmonellosis outbreaks in North America linked to consumption of cashew cheese analogs that were prepared from soaked and fermented cashews. The behavior of Salmonella was evaluated during fermentation of cashews to better understand the risks associated with plant-based fermentations.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Salmonella
  17. Short variable regions flaA gene (SVR-flaA) diversity and virulence profile of multidrug resistant Campylobacter from poultry and poultry meat in India

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Human gastrointestinal infections caused by Campylobacter species is the second most important foodborne illness after salmonellosis worldwide. Poultry represent one of the main sources of Campylobacter organisms.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Campylobacter
  18. Risk assessment predicts most of the salmonellosis risk in raw chicken parts is concentrated in those few products with high-levels of high-virulence serotypes of Salmonella

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Salmonella prevalence declined in U.S. raw poultry products since adopting prevalence-based Salmonella performance standards, but human illnesses did not reduce proportionally. We used Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) to evaluate public health risks of raw chicken parts contaminated with different levels of all Salmonella and specific high- and low-virulence serotypes.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Salmonella
  19. Staphylococcus aureus isolated from traditional artisanal raw milk cheese from southern Brazil: diversity, virulence, and antimicrobial resistance profile

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Staphylococcus aureus is one of the primary pathogenic agents found in cheeses produced with raw milk. Some strains of S. aureus are enterotoxigenic, possessing the ability to produce toxins responsible for staphylococcal food poisoning when present in contaminated foods. This study aimed to genotypically characterize, assess the antimicrobial resistance profile, and examine the enterotoxigenic potential of strains of S.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Staphylococcus aureus
  20. Comparison of three air sampling methods for the quantification of Salmonella, Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC), coliforms, and generic E. coli from bioaerosols of cattle and poultry farms

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Recent fresh produce outbreaks potentially associated with bioaerosol contamination from animal operations in adjacent land highlighted the need for further study to better understand the associated risk. The purpose of this research was to evaluate three sampling methods for quantifying target bacterial bioaerosols from animal operations. A dairy cattle and poultry farm located in Georgia, U.S. were visited six times each.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Salmonella
  21. Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes and Clostridium botulinum in Uncured Shredded Pork and Turkey Packaged under Reduced Oxygen Conditions

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Cooked, uncured meat products packaged under reduced oxygen packaging conditions require the control of anaerobic and facultative anaerobic pathogens if they are held at temperatures greater than 3°C at retail or consumer level. The objective of this study was to determine the inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes and Clostridium botulinum in cooked, uncured shredded turkey and pork formulated with synthetic or clean label antimicrobials.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Clostridium botulinum
      • Listeria monocytogenes
  22. Evaluating the Safety of Sous-Vide Cooking for Beef Products Inoculated with Single Strains of Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli O157

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Sous-vide cooking is a growing trend among retailers and consumers. Foodborne pathogens may survive the cooking if non-validated parameters are used or if pathogens have enhanced thermal resistance. Pathogen inactivation from sous-vide cooking was determined when introduced directly to beef products or via contaminated spices, and with or without a finishing step.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
      • Salmonella

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • This study aimed to compare AFM1 occurrence in different cheese types produced by organic and conventional systems; and to evaluate the risk of food exposure to AFM1. A total of 176 commercial cheeses of 17 types were analyzed, 84 of organic and 92 of conventional production.

      • Natural toxins
      • Aflatoxins
      • Mycotoxins
  24. Dynamics of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella enterica on Cooked Vegetables during Storage

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Fresh vegetables have been linked to multiple foodborne outbreaks in the U.S., with Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella enterica identified as leading causes. Beyond raw vegetables, cooked vegetables can also pose food safety concerns due to improper cooking temperature and time combinations or post-cooking contamination.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Listeria monocytogenes
      • Salmonella
  25. Detection and Distribution of Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) in Campylobacter jejuni Isolates from Chicken Livers

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Campylobacter jejuni is the leading foodborne bacterial pathogen that causes human gastroenteritis worldwide linked to consumption of undercooked broiler livers. Application of bacteriophages during poultry production has been used as an alternative approach to reduce contamination of poultry meat by Campylobacter. To make this approach effective, understanding the presence of the bacteriophage sequences in the CRISPR spacers in C.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Campylobacter