Irrigation, or water management, is the process of determining and controlling the volume, frequency and application rate of irrigation water in a planned, efficient manner.
On this page, find publications, data, research, tools, and other resources for farmers and researchers.
Selected Resources
Agricultural Production: Agricultural Irrigation [unl.edu]
A collection of articles, publications and tools about irrigation systems, crop water use and management practices to help optimize water use efficiency and protect the quality of water resources.
Irrigation and Water Use [ers.usda.gov]
Facts and figures about irrigation in the United States.
Irrigation in North Dakota [ndsu.edu]
Information about irrigation and chemigation workshops and research; crop water use maps and tables; irrigation and crop production; and the irrigation newsletter, Water Spouts.
Smart Water Use on Your Farm or Ranch [sare.org]
Research on conservation options that address irrigation including soil management, plant management, and water management strategies.
Trends in Irrigated Agriculture Reveal Sector’s Ability to Adapt to Evolving Climatic, Resource, and Market Conditions
USDA's Amber Waves article on irrigation and water use .
Irrigation Water Management Conservation Standard Practice [nrcs.usda.gov]
Conservation Standard Practices are used in determining and controlling the volume, frequency, and application rate of irrigation water. They are applicable to all irrigated lands.
Microirrigation [epa.gov]
Access guides and videos about low-pressure, low-flow-rate type of irrigation that can reduce the likelihood of overwatering a landscape.
Microirrigation [nrcs.usda.gov, PDF 6.3MB]
National Engineering Handbook chapter on microirrigation and design procedures for the major types of MI systems.