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To Achieve and Maintain Full Conformance With The Manufactured Food Regulatory Pr


The state of Missouri has a long history of working cooperatively with the Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) on food safety issues. The Department of Health and Senior Services(DHSS) has performed inspections of manufactured food firms under contract to FDA for manyyears. DHSS applauds FDA¿s leadership position and dedication to developing an integratedfood safety system. Each level of government¿federal, state, and local, have very importantroles and responsibilities in assuring that the food offered to the public is safety and wholesome.The system can only work at its best when all levels of government work together cooperatively.The Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007, Food Safety Modernization Act,and the Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards (MFRPS) have established aframework that will achieve this cooperation.DHSS¿ manufactured foods regulatory program is small, consisting of three inspectors and aprogram manager. While this ¿compactness¿ does have some advantages it has madecompliance with some of the MFRPS difficult. Missouri was a pilot state with the MFRPS andas such has been involved with the program standards since 2007. While DHSS has since madeappreciable progress on a number of standards, compliance has been limited in areas that requireadditional staff. In order to achieve full compliance with the MFRPS, additional inspection andadministrative staff are necessary. The funding available through this partnership agreement willenable DHSS to achieve compliance with these standards much quicker than would ever bepossible without them. These funds will help DHSS to implement a high quality program thatwill serve the citizens of Missouri well and those throughout the country and world who eat foodmanufactured in Missouri.DHSS is requesting $300,000 annually to be invested into additional staff. This includes twofield inspectors, a lead inspector who will perform inspections and have administrativeresponsibilities and a health program representative who will perform a number of administrativefunctions. The specific functions of these staff and how they will impact DHSS¿ ability toconform to the program standards is further expounded upon in the research proposal. With thepossible exception of standard one (DHSS has a limited ability to impact the state legislature),the proposed funding will result in full conformance with each of the ten standards by the end ofthe five-year partnership agreement period. DHSS further projects to have systems in place tosustain the progress made during this time.

Hueste, Eric
Missouri Department of Health Senior Services
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