Achieving a Nationally Integrated Food Safety System: ISO/IEC 17025Accreditation at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES)Project Summary- The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES) Department ofAnalytical Chemistry (DAC) has a 137-year history of food safety research, including 7 years asa member of the FDA Food Emergency Response Network (FERN) Chemistry CooperativeAgreement Program (cCAP). In addition to being the sole laboratory in Connecticut providingchemical testing for the MFRPS program, the CAES DAC conducts a broader surveillance andmonitoring program to ensure the safety of food in the state of CT. The goal of this proposal isto acquire the necessary funding and expertise to enable the CAES DAC to achieve ISO/IEC17025:2005 accreditation through the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation(A2LA). The scope of accreditation will cover the CAES DAC Market Basket program. Thisprogram is conducted in coordination with the CT Department of Consumer Protection (DCP)and includes the FDA MFRPS Program. Up to 250 food samples are collected annually by DCPinspectors and brought to the CAES DAC for chemical analysis. Specifically, the scope willcover the validation and implementation of in-house extraction and digestion procedures for thedetermination of both organic contaminants and elements, including heavy metals, in bothmanufactured and fresh foods. All sample extracts will be analyzed simultaneously by gaschromatography with mass spectrometric detection (GC/MS/MS) and by liquid chromatographywith mass spectrometric detection (LC-MS). The LC analysis will be by either by LC/MS/MS orby a High Resolution LC-MS for exact mass determination. Last, where appropriate, selectmanufactured and fresh food samples will be analyzed by inductively coupled plasma massspectrometry (ICP/MS) for element determination. The food matrices to be analyzed under thescope of this accreditation are those typically encountered in our Market Basket survey, whichincludes juices, ciders, baby food, and other processed fruits/vegetables. The scope will alsocover fresh commodities, many of which are the source material for manufactured foods, such asapples, grapes, pears, select vegetables, and herbs. The CAES DAC has demonstrated the expertise, capability, and adaptability to fully meetthe objectives of this proposal. Receipt of this award will significantly enhance the ability of theCAES DAC to meet the program goals laid out in the RFA, as described by the President's FoodSafety Working Group, and as required by the Food Safety Modernization act.
Achieving A Nationally Integrated Food Safety System: Iso/iec 17025 Accreditati
White, Jason C
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
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