To apply new solvent systems and develop analytical methodology for the analysis/cleanup of food samples containing antibiotics, pesticides, and associated lipid materials; utilizing agents that are environmentally benign and contribute to laboratory safety.
The role of compressed fluids and liquids under pressure will be expanded to use binary gas mixtures, compressed water, and similar solvents for the extraction, cleanup of samples and reaction of food matrices for chemical residue analysis. Binary fluid mixtures, consisting of compressed carbon dioxide and other fluids, will be utilized to selectively extract pesticides devoid of interfering coextractives which require cleanup of the resultant extract. Similarly, heated water under compression will be used to extract more polar target analytes, such as antibiotic residues of interest to the Food Safety & Inspection Service. The above media will be coupled with enzyme immunoassay, plate bioassay methods, and solid phase extraction (including disk and microfibre formats) to develop definitive methods for the detection and quantitation of drug and pesticide moieties in meats and related food matrices. Reaction chemistries, where appropriate, will be specifically used with the above media for improving detection.